Averaging roughly $5K/day* last January, 2022 is off to a slow start for Bryce. With a lack of momentum and follow through, he's sticking to his trading goals... Trading less and sticking to A+ setups. Tune in for his trades and thoughts on the current market. (Tickers: $IMMX, $RELI, $ISUN, $AACG).
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I use this as a hair tie. Welcome back to small cap recap: everybody traded bryce in the house, monaco's still sick. Send him a get better soon comment in the youtube chat. Um.

Actually, i think, he's starting to get a little better, but i hear i could be wrong, but i hear the more comments that say get better. The faster he'll get better, so i don't know i'll test it out um another slowish day today. I think i locked in around 1600 bucks - i know that's messed up called slow, but it's january, and you know this time. Last year i was averaging like 5k a day right, yeah, 5k a day um.

Yesterday, i wasn't in the office yesterday i got caught up in a meeting um, but i locked in a little over 2 000. Yesterday, unfortunately, i was up like 7 000 at one point and i got totally faked out on rely uh and then gave now. That was unrealized, seven grand and uh ntrb failed breakout. I was, i was up like eight grand on that or no six grand on that and i locked in like 4 500.

took some losses on rely, tough, but whatever it is, what it is um sorry. I got ta keep adjusting this for my hair. You know i hate, i hate when people say green is green, but i'm trading as i'm trading less i'm trading for the most part pretty well. I took a stupid loss today.

Today could have been a much better day um, but you know the mark. The momentum just sucks the follow through we're gon na go through some charts. The follow through is just non-existent. Let's start off, though, actually looking at the spy, the s p 500 took a dump today down almost two percent.

Basically, all intraday too. I mean this is one of the larger red candles we've seen in a while. You know it's been a few weeks back in uh early december. We took quite a dump there as well, but that that killed a lot of momentum.

I'm sure intraday was mostly at the end of the day too, held up really well and then just faded off um. So it's gon na i supposedly i don't know. I wasn't even really looking um, you know around as to why it was dropping so hard, but people in small cap were saying the real estate market took quite a hit today. Uh, you know, omnicron is spreading.

They found a new variant of the virus, called a ihu, um kind of almost sounds. Like i hate you, i hate you omnicron. I hate you covid um. Who knows what all this means? I don't even know.

It's probably just another dip that will keep going to new highs, but that's why i day trade i suck at swing trading, because the overall market has so much to do with swings and right now we're just wildly overextended um. So let's go over some charts from today, though uh i made a decent amount of my day on immx uh, first bit right here at 680, sold up into the 720 push uh, then again here i actually got it live for those of you in uh. The steady trade team will see this today, small cap rockets, we'll see it uh for my next strategy session, this pre-recorded level, two based uh confirmation again just really more of a level like when i was looking at the level two through the confirmation area. I got a 735 average sold most in the 770s uh and unfortunately, it's tough because, like i really would have wanted to hold that for that breakout.
But this momentum just isn't there. The momentum is like non-existent, and i noticed that yesterday on ntrb and today again on rely very so the 10 breakout was pretty key uh we broke out or no we tested the breakout here came all the way back down to lowe's broke out. Then, basically, all the way back down to lowe's um brutal, brutal trading day. I mean, like just brutal momentum.

I should say like there are opportunities. Don't get me wrong, it's just like as a trader when i'm looking for that follow through and it's non-existent. It's really tough, i i am doing a much better job at scalping. The moves i'm scoping like 70 to 80 percent of my position on the first move that i like rely.

I actually took it 944 right here in this area i had a 944 average wrote it all the way up through here sold half my position right here after that 950 breakout failed and the other half at like 10 20. um, and fortunately i'm glad i did That uh, but again that momentum just dry most of the reason i actually only quote unquote only locked. In 1600 days, i lost three times in a row on this ticker uh, i son it had a wild spike. I don't even know why um announced 29 million dollar contract is a solar eevee thing i was hoping that could like could bring back some kind of momentum that had a wild spike and literally one.

Oh. I was way too close to the mic. Sorry in like one minute from six dollars to nine dollars, came all the way back down consolidating here i lost on it here i or i lost on it here. Then i bought here and took a small loss there, and then i bought this view.

Op break. It's 702 and i filled the bottom of that candle, so i just lost like three times in a row on. It was all um. It is what it is.

I i liked the potential, because if this rant it probably would instantly swipe to like eight, but it didn't so uh. Let's see, i think, that's like. Basically, all i traded, i missed aacg um day two here ran yesterday. I was actually i was um looking at this yesterday at 150 right here, because of this spike earlier in the day, and i was like nah nah, i got ta stop being a degenerate, went up a hundred percent within ten minutes cool uh day two move here That v wap hold - i wasn't even looking at it, i mean i was like checking it out over right here and i was like nah nah, and this would've been a really hard one to catch for the halt.

Uh. The only spot i wish i'd hit was right there, the 230 break 231, whatever it is, but even then it only who's called me from raleigh north carolina tell them tell them if you know their phone number to stop. Calling me um. Even that would have just been a really quick scalp, like 30 cents at the best.
So i can't be that mad that i missed it. I probably only locked in 10 cents again after it came all the way back down uh, and that was really i didn't trade a whole lot today. I just like you know, traded the morning a little bit um. What did i do in the afternoon? Oh, i just did some other uh working on some other projects, just kind of relaxed and then came in here did a little more trading recorded that webinar for those of you again who are in the state straight team or small cap rockets.

You'll both have access to that and yeah just got to try to avoid over trading, only focus on the best setups, and if you can do that, you know you're, probably you're, probably doing quite all right, because again, there are opportunities. It's just a little bit tougher to catch. That's all. I've got for today again make sure that you uh comment and tell matt to get better soon, uh andrew.

What else do people have to do? Besides comment, yeah, dude like and subscribe to the channel? Yes, all right guys, thank you for tuning in see you back here tomorrow, sayonara. We hope you guys enjoyed that last video thanks so much for watching and being a part of the stocks trade community - we wouldn't be here without you guys be sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel. If you haven't already, our goal is to get 100 000 subscribers by the end of the year, but we can't do it without your help. So if you enjoy what we're putting out and want to hear more, be sure to hit that subscribe, button i'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

10 thoughts on “Small cap recap: $1.6k bryce’s thoughts on market momentum”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elisa Rosenlund says:

    Thanks Bryce! And get better soon Matt.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Jordan says:

    Get better Matt!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Pakuts says:

    Get well Matt M. see you guys in Small Cap Rockets room.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShariB says:

    great info. I thought ISUN had alot of potential too!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max K. says:

    I heard there were people calling it Omnicron, I didnโ€™t believe it. It is true ๐Ÿ˜‚ thanks for the recap bro and feel better Matt, Iโ€™m just getting over it myself ๐Ÿ‘Š

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Mizell says:

    Thanks Bryce! Hope you Get Better Matt!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dee Fetz says:

    Get better Matt๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete frislid says:

    Wheres Monaco!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vir Go says:

    Get better faster Mono.. sending you prayers

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Carver says:

    Love the energy and recap. Keep it up fellas. ๐Ÿค˜

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