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$DATS ended the day down ~30% — Are you surprised? As a sketchy pump and dump, Bryce isn't and he's got some solid tips about stocks like this. Check out the chart breakdown on $JSPR, his trade on $HX, and find out why $SGOC is worth keeping an eye on.
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#StockMarket #Stocks #DATS
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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Welcome back to small cap recap: everybody trader bryce, here um without matt monaco, why you might ask because he goes keep it interesting, make it only one person. I have too many meetings. I saw matt play ping pong like four times today, though, so he can't be that busy. I think, he's just lazy um, like literally he told me, i'm too busy and then five minutes later just playing became a ping pong andrew's nodding and said yeah.

He saw that i'm glad i wasn't the only one that saw that he literally said. I literally thought the same thing yeah, because you heard that right, you heard me ask him he's like. Oh i've got too many meetings. I'm too busy got up.

Maybe five minutes later right: yeah, yeah, okay, me and andrew on the same page. That means you cannot you, you can't say anything matt monaco, because you got two witnesses here. Um, everyone tell them that in the comments down below he's lazy speaking of down below, we have another link, the same link in the description um for tim, bowen's, um, the market prophecy and again, that's tonight at eight p.m. Eight p.m.

Tonight, for free guys, all you have to do is go and click the link below it is going to be so awesome because tim bowen he's a g right. You already know that i saw some of you commenting down in the video below it's like. Oh, oh tim. I like i, don't know if i i really like tim, because the way he talks what what? What who cares, how someone talks? I don't i don't care they they if they don't talk at all and they give amazing like insight and knowledge and depth to my trading and help me grow my knowledge.

I don't care how they talk. I don't care if they don't talk and only type so seriously, click that link below it's free, the market, prophecy, click the link below and with that being said, without further ado, let's get into some charts. We had some pretty wild stuff going on today, albeit not necessarily the hottest day by any means, but that's start off with that. Let's start off with bats: let's go to a two-year chart, um ipo or whatever crushed cremated down 30 percent after gapping up and opening up plus like 10, whatever it was.

No, maybe more than 10 20 started the day up, like 20, ended the day down 30. crazy. What happened? Oh, i don't know. So what happens when you people sell a pump and dump it's a pump and dump say with me pump and dump pump and dump stay with me andrew pump pump and dump yeah pump and dump, i say pump, you say, dump no um guys.

We talked about this, we talked was it yesterday that we were talking? We were talking about dats yesterday too right, yes, yeah, yeah and remember what matt and i both said like this chart isn't normal: it's not normal, because it's a pump and dump - and this happens - don't be long - a pump and dump for multiple days. Like i mean do what you want, if you want to lose money, sure go for it like that's on you, that's on you, but like these are so risky, and this is why you have a stop set if you're in this kind of trade matt, and i Personally, both did not take this um because again it was it. Just look at that candle said everything right there uh that probably had been a great short entry into a pop. Then you can risk high a day.
I didn't want to short it. It sketches me out with so many twitter followers behind it, but it looked way too sketchy for us to actually be and sure enough. It absolutely got. I mean like, like 16 down to what uh 14 in like two minutes and halt down and open back up or opened and hit a low of 1270s.

Like that's a big big, big move, that's like a four dollar share. Move three dollar share moving the matter of four candles. I know we had a halt there, but guys i don't really. I don't really know what else you want me to tell you other than don't chase pump and dumps.

Don't i don't even like i don't even like to long them from lowes, because you never know how they could get halted by the sec news pending. They could literally anything anything is possible in a bad way, anything's possible good too, like sure they they they call it a pumping now because they have to pump it first. But, like you see this, especially on the daily chart, it's like what are you. Why would why again we talked about the other day, how you don't normally see bounces lead to breakouts there you go there, you go you don't! Okay, let's go speaking of bounces to breakouts jspr.

You actually did see one um. This is a weird one, because it was it was in one of those ipo uh like spac, whatever. I think it was a spec actually - and this is back when, like irnt pad all those kinds of stocks for running and so yeah you had this weird volume, like you really didn't actually have much. This is a really choppy one.

This is more or less a fresh chart than is a breakout. I almost nailed this bounce day here. Missed it by like seconds, was upset again the late great jake. He did once say: i'm upset um.

I missed it here, it's a little sad, but then it had this gap up today and i was, i don't know, didn't really that that chart didn't speak to me um. So apparently i just don't like to play stocks that run 150 percent. No i'm kidding, though um, let's see, let's get view up up, nope, not not scope, not that if you want vw, um okay, here we go so it opened up under view op, i'm normally not a fan of that, and that was the only real entry there. Uh, you could have gotten this this dip off the halt, which a little more of a risky play.

You'd have to keep risk really wide, keep it low a day, you're risking two dollars a share. Yeah, i don't know. I don't like that. Actually um, this dip was decent dipped right down to view up but again even word best case you're, risking a dollar share like old whoop, dee.

There's no way to know this is going to run to 18 and be 150 runner, but it ended up working so yeah. The risk would have been worth it, but it was a really really really sketchy. One um just ended up being an intraday short squeeze and yeah closed the day, pretty strong, overall uh hx. This is when i was trading this morning, really interesting, one for sure where it offered some good opportunity very choppy um.
So i oh by the way i personally i ended the day up, uh twelve hundred dollars today, unfortunately um i was actually up at one point and realized: uh. 26. 2700 on hx closed that trade out negative 200., so i had 10 000 shares from 427.. I liked this setup quite a bit where we had this on the multi-day chart.

It's like just a it almost looks like cei. What i liked about it is we had the gap up and i think shorts were going. Shorts were kind of attacking this, like it was this first red day, but it wasn't it wasn't yet um it was holding up support, so it actually the entire time it held over the red, the red to green, um or green to red. I should say the green to red line the entire day.

It did that, so what was interesting about that is that it was finding the support, after just breaking low a day, forming a new one that was making higher lows. I was like you know what we're probably going to get a re-test to high a day here, um, it was kind of close. I got off 4 000 by 10 000 up in this area and then ended up selling the other 6 000. I think i actually added another thousand right here too um, so i ended up selling my additional seven thousand got a lot of slippage down at 412..

420 was my risk instantly skipped down. I got like a 411, something phil so went from again. I went from being up unrealized a total of twenty six hundred dollars, twenty seven hundred dollars to two hundred dollar loss on it, but goes to show that even like this could have been a winning trade uh. You know almost a three to one risk reward on a failed trade just about finding the right spots.

Finding the right entries, i'm very, i was very comfortable taking a lot of size here uh through these areas. I was adding in on the dips and broke through that breakout, so i think at a 427.2 average five average i mean um with the ten thousand shares. I was happy with it anyways sgoc. This is an interesting one that i'm keeping on watch for the next coming days: uh small cab rockets knows i've been watching this for a while we're basically just getting this consolidation um, really nice, consolidation of that former runner holding lows uh well above lows, i should Say consulting in the 540s definitely could be a cool watch but sketchy one, it's a chinese company, so they have different kinds of filings and honestly, those have all been really sketchy.

Companies they've all been the those been all the pump and dumps. Lately are these these, like sketchy foreign companies um not to be like? Oh i'm only buying american companies, but like honestly, though they are a lot more sketchy, these foreign ones, because they report different types of filings, different types of earnings and or not earnings. Different types of filings harder to read not as regulated in my opinion but anyways that is all i've got. I don't want to be running us too long on time here so um, oh, what else was i? I think i had something else.
I'm supposed to talk about it's the uh, the drinks, the drinks, okay, perfect, timing. Actually, then, um guys, you know what to get matt back for being a lazy, bastard um, i'm actually not gon na be here. On friday, i will not be joining cocktail friday. I'm gon na be back in new york, so we have a instagram story right now of of drinks, they'll literally just swipe up or message us the drinks of choice that you want us to us us to drink, um and then matt and i get to pick Two and we'll put that in a twitter poll tomorrow, yeah yeah tomorrow, tomorrow, thursday yeah thursday, well perfect.

So just to give you an idea of what i'm going to put on there for my cocktail of the week, everclear 100 alcohol or whatever it is. So you guys, in order to punish matt, for not wanting to join here, because he's got too many meetings, give him the most highly um high like highest alcohol percentage drink. You can think of again. My vote is ever clear, so that is one of the options that will be on the twitter poll.

Let's see if we can get matt having a lot of fun on friday, um but yeah. So that's that is currently on our instagram story. Swipe up, let us know what drink. If you want to be a nice person, that's fine, i'm just not going to be so.

Let us know your choices, we'll pick the most popular ones. I'm glad that andrew is also here. That saw what happened so, maybe because andrew also has a little say on the ones that you know he can that we can, when he's looking through them, when i'm looking through them. We all have a say - and i think me and andrew are going to pick some fun ones anyways guys again.

That's on the instagram story tomorrow will be on the twitter poll. So don't forget to miss that i don't know if i'll be here on tomorrow's small cap recap because i might be flying home thursday afternoon might be flying home friday morning. We'll see so maybe i'll see you back here tomorrow. Maybe i won't.

Who knows? It's a surprise, it's a mystery, but at least i have a genuine excuse. Thank you for watching this far into the day. Oh wait. Wait! Wait before i'm.

I think i'm gon na start doing some quotes at the very end to close us out. Um ain't. No man can change me ain't. No man can save me, or did i just say that um ain't, no man, a man that can change the way.

My soul is in ain't. Nobody here that can change my way or change my fears, because i've got only love to spare the avid brothers until next time. I will see you back here on small cap recap. Thank you for joining happy wednesday and we'll see you here soon.
We hope you guys enjoyed that last video thanks so much for watching and being a part of the stocks trade community - we wouldn't be here without you guys be sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel. If you haven't already, our goal is to get 100 000 subscribers by the end of the year, but we can't do it without your help. So if you enjoy what we're putting out and want to hear more, be sure to hit that subscribe, button i'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Small cap recap: +$1.2k | dats stock got crushed”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hector Techera says:

    Opening song please

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy The Ape says:

    Can you make a video on aqst sometime? Buy or sell? All analysts have given buys and strong buy upgrades and they have an fda in December could be a nice swing opportunity. Also a very low float! Would really appreciate it.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars klaxonstools m'a fait gagner de l'argent says:

    Check these guys out 🖕🖕, they are just too good

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laura Collins says:

    Last Word: 1oz gin, 1oz luxardo maraschino liqueur, 1oz lime juice, 1oz green chartreuse 😉 – you'll love it! You can substitute mezcal for the gin for a smoky tequila type flavor!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okie Tradez says:

    just like you on HX ive been taking some splippage as well makes me wonder if everyone using the same stops now..

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okie Tradez says:

    bro i went to your last webinar and didnt reveal anything .. hate that crap

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A. Suarez says:

    Saw that dump coming from a mile away

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars New Investor says:

    Ouch!! I bet that hurt, enjoyed the review.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J M says:

    Bryce please don’t ever stop doing these. Very helpful

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maurice419 says:

    Jungle juice made with everclear.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Miller says:

    Plot twist: Monaco has depression & imposter syndrome

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Molek Polvarkis says:

    Tim Bohen its not good, hes freakin awesome guy, wake up ppl. Thanks to all of you for all you do, also thanks Andrew

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tra nodneh says:

    What state you in? Weed legal? Don’t be bishis and smoke some jays fool. Or you a bish?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AlexandertheGreat says:

    If you don’t like one of the top bad asses in the stock market game because the way he “talks” then you got huge issues and you will never be successful in this game or even just life in general. Tim Bowen is a bad ass and he talks like a grown man and awesome mentor and role model. Whoever doesn’t like Tim, go fly a kite on the freeway. — pS Tim, I just signed up and pulled the trigger on your market prophecies so let’s get rich my brother!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Young Money22 says:

    Bryce, if you are going to close with a quote, maybe just write it down before the show. Or not. Cheers mate.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Young Money22 says:

    Knob Creek Whiskey 90proof

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clint Fedler says:

    Your quotes are ridiculous…keep them coming. Kind of like Dad jokes.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars its BUSEY says:

    A double shot of fireball on the rocks🤙🏼

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clint Fedler says:

    F*n love how Tim Bohen talks! Straight BA!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JK says:

    pump & dump 😂😂😂😂

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fr21 says:

    Canadian mist with 1 or 2 drops of water (separates oils & makes it stronger) since he acting like a hungover short seller hehehe

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fr21 says:

    Tim aint no simple G, he an OG! he been doing this since you where in yo daddy's sack lol

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rachel Smith says:

    Lol I love Tim!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Jovenitti says:

    I think Tim talks amazing but I’m Italian so

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Putnam says:

    like how you said not a good trade at time even tho huge 18$ a share win in hindsight

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B J says:

    Thanks for the recap!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Robert says:

    My life totally changed since I started with $7000 and I now make $17500 every 14 days

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eroll Potter says:

    TRY A CITRIS WHISKEY • 1/3 squirt
    1/3 sprite
    1/3 Crown Royal
    2 limes, shaken

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed S says:

    I think Tim is an excellent teacher!!

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