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Welcome to small cap recap everyone. I know we were a little hot and cold this week and last week we've just been like sick and ill and we're surviving though there we are i'd like to blame our recent little drought and profits on our illnesses so like if we're healthy next week, we Will be making focus uh for me personally, um i've just got a couple of fun announcements for everyone and then we're gon na. Let tui own this one, because i really i did not place a single trade today. I have learned the hard way and i'm sure some of you people can relate don't trade when you're sick.

It doesn't matter if you're, sick, you're, just not feeling right. You got other stuff going on in your life, just don't trade. I learned the hard way. Uh.

Two three months ago, like roughly when we first started small cap, i was sick, lost a bunch of money. Uh this time around. I was sick, lost some money, the first couple days of this week and then i was like nope we're not doing that anymore. So i took today completely off, which was refreshing.

There were some good plays, tui's gon na go over them. Um yeah, i'm just gon na share the screen, because i got to talk about something cool bone's. Doing bowen's got like this beta test going on. There's a link below make sure you click it uh.

He posted a cool video on his twitter about um the software he's using for it on crvs uh how he saw it pre-market, anyways, free sign up beta test. Um click it check it out might be right for you. It's pretty cool tool, link in the description and we're gon na pass it off to tui. Did you trade crvs today i actually did, and i i only made a couple hundred bucks on it.

So i traded it like uh, basically like a dip and rip right out, not right out of the gates, um that curl right up there. So i started in in, like i think i had a 385 average no like before that big spike in massive pullback go back right there and i sold half up at like 408 slammed back down and sold the other half at like 375 right around there give Or take it's only made a couple hundred bucks on it that was after that candle. I was actually way too scared to trade. That again i mean that was a lot of volume.

It held up. It held every level, just fine, but i mean i was. I always say this: i i made this a lesson kind of in small cap rockets today, when a stock can do that and does do it, you should expect that it can do it again at any other time throughout the day, um that ended up working really. Well, i mean it would be grinding, don't get me wrong and just grind it all day, but had you used that low a day risk you never already gotten stopped out um.

I simply was too scared to get back in. It was a choppy one up till the very end of the day where it started having a nice little parabolic um, but yeah. I only traded that out of the gates, so nothing too crazy and you know same way with matt. I'm i'm sick too, and you know it's been a definitely a rough week, i'm still kind of in my draw down phase, but you know working on sizing down building that consistency.
So as we go to the next ticker here, let's head over to ipha traded, it very scalpy and it ended up working a lot better than i had anticipated, but played that dip and rip. I got a 789 average um sold into like 8 30. yeah. No very scalable i mean it.

I uh. I was honestly it sucks, but you know that's part of the part of the game. I was just kind of taking the quick pop and especially after indp the other day, just really got crushed. It's it's scary.

I didn't know if that was going to dry up the momentum in the market and clearly it didn't hlbc. Obviously you know ripped pre-market from nine up to like 18 and then throughout the day got like 20. I think 25 26, but uh i was just. I was trying to play it very cautiously.

The action really hasn't been like clear and defined to me. So that's why i played iphy, as i did happy with the way i played it locked in like 1700 there and then spir um got the secondary pop on it. If you pull up v, wap real quick, not that one, oh wow, that popped that popped in the other day there so right there yeah that consolidation right under view up, i had a 1270 average. I think 1275 right through that break, sold up into the 1350s and again that seemed like a backside balance to me, so i was trying to just play it for what it was um respect.

I mean it held the risk levels. Again, though, it was just a really relatively thin one, it will pump that daily chart. Look how ugly that is. You want to see an ugly ipo, that's just a nasty chart.

Yeah! That's just it's like reverse consolidation. Now it's like going out this way. So those were my cbs. I didn't know it wasn't a big one but ipha spir those my two main wins today locked in 3 500 on relatively small size too, which was nice um.

You know so that's yeah, slow and consistent is what wins the race! That's! What's going to build me out of this, and ideally by the time i'm built out of this worked out of this drawdown, like that's kind of when the market will start getting heated up again, learn the good habits and then be able to use some size. That's kind of the goal but, like i said right now, i'm just this market is choppy like there are a ton of opportunities. Don't get me wrong, but you have to be very precise with your spots like if you chased crvs, you know uh even really above four, it's gon na be tough, like you weren't in the money until after 1pm. You know what i mean like you really.

I mean you were a couple times, but not even to a full if you're risking low a day. That's that's a tough one. You really got to pick the right spots because you will get chopped up. If you don't really respect your risk level and let's be real like a lot of these choppy ones, the risk level has been kind of wrong too um it'll break through that risk level.
Before confirming a new one and yeah, you really got to pick your right spots here and that's what i'm trying to learn in this market just to really really less trades, more uh or more precise executions. That's well said i i didn't even look at a chart today and it was. It was tough out there, especially crvs um. I mean all of them, they're just choppy very, very choppy, and that makes it tough.

So i know uh what was it ipha like you, scalped it sold too early, but, like that's the the market, we're in is so choppy. It's tough, you really got ta be quick and entries are very important right now, but also exits too, like we get the one-off, random runners, which i think makes everyone think like. Oh, this is the next home run, but like for every one stock that runs there's literally, probably 50, that just pop drop and die um. So it's very very difficult out there right and the reason i personally said you know like entries, it's really important because i'm right and if you're playing this market relatively scalpy, you're going to sell industry.

So but you can't sell the strength if you bought the strength. You know what i mean, so it totally does depend on your style and that's right, though, if you're going for like oh, if you're, if you're more of you know matt, i know especially the way you trade, especially that afternoon, like if you're buying dips selling into That afternoon, strength that pop might not last as long as it does you know as long as it would have used to totally so it really is important. If you're i mean you know the way, i trade lock into strength every time. Um.

Absolutely, i think, that's a good tip for everyone out there, and even if, like that's, not your style and you're. More of like, like crbs, did trend nicely, but it was very choppy in between and you just got focused on in those cases. The real key levels bryce mentioned that very briefly, like low a day um and it's still possible to trade that way um. But you have to use like very, very significant levels, otherwise you're just going to get chopped out.

It's a tough market out there, so i'm just going to tell everyone to keep their heads up uh typically september september was my sellest month last year. I think i mentioned that, if not i've been talking about it, i only made two thousand dollars in september. In 2020, it was like 20 to 800 bucks and i still managed to make like 600 000 that year or whatever so like when the market's hot you tune it up. When it's not, you focus, you bryce is doing it great and i'm trying to do the same exact thing.

Get back to the basics. Um just install those good habits and you'll be in a very, very good place if you're studying and doing all those things and putting in the work when it's slow, because when it heats up, as it usually does, every winter uh we're gon na have some fun. Yeah and one last thing i'll say here for those that are struggling right now, one thing that's been like really important for me is i i got off of you know when i was like really doing it really hot this summer. I wasn't really journaling nearly as much as i used to and i started doing that again and i i found the one play that makes me money.
It's got like 73 win rate right now, so it's like well, if i can even just get a one to one on that, i'm profitable um. So it's like find that play that you're, making money on and really work on, cutting out the rest, and so i did today and it worked and it felt really good. It was never stressful and you know do if tr try it out can't hurt the journal. It can't hurt to learn a little bit more about yourself.

Right well, said, um, all right, so check out that beta test like subscribe. If you're new, we appreciate all of you, it is friday, so enjoy your weekend. Um get away from the screens a little bit have some time with family, but don't forget to study and prepare because monday they call it money monday for a reason. So make sure you have your plans, your watch list and can't wait to see everybody monday.

So we'll just check, we will see you guys back here on monday, don't you worry we'll be in the office, i'm determined so cheers everyone have a good one peace out. I hope you all enjoyed that video thanks for watching the whole thing and being part of the stocks trade community. We wouldn't be here without all of you, so if you have not already make sure you hit that like button and subscribe to this channel, our goal at stockstraight is to reach 100 000 youtube subscribers by the end of the year. So if you like the content, we're putting out - and you want to hear more - please please hit the subscribe button and i will see you in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “Small cap recap : +3,500 | consistency wins the race”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Matt and Bryce

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john hill says:

    Im making a sticky note for my desk that says " you can't sell into strength if you bought the strength" – Bryce Tuohey

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Surich says:

    awesome webbie fellas!!! "GRINGO"

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Kaufman says:

    Love watching 2 guys. I hear both of you refer to adjusting your risk level of the fly or setting a new risk off of… Could you please explain with a little more detail what exactly your talking about and looking at? Thank, Ken

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Jennings says:

    Love the video as always! Question, do you have to have STT to be in small cap rockets? Thanks!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David DeFea says:

    all it takes is 1 good set up and a lot of patience!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David DeFea says:

    Way to go on the journaling Bryce!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike S says:

    How many years experience do you each have trading and what education did u two receive? You two are some of the most inconsistent traders I've ever seen, especially with your losses. Sure you hit some big trades but most of those are OTC trades that new traders shouldn't even be trading. I've seen you lose 25K, 13K, 8K, 3500K, etc. If you two really were PROFESSIONAL traders and not momentum chasers, your loses would be consistent, all around the same dollar range cause you would be risking a set amount per trade whether that be 2K or 10K. All of your wins would be more than your loses instead your all over the place which leads me to believe that u didn't receive any education at all and haven't been trading more than 4 or 5 years, maybe a few more. How old can you be, mid 20s, so u have to be 18 to open ur own account unless mom n dad signed off on an account for u. Maybe you've been trading 5 to 7 years, received no education and yet your online posting videos and giving advice to people thats wrong some of the times. Worst part is, half the people watching u two don't even know ur giving out wrong info. All they see are your wins and losses and if they knew anything about trading, they'd see your losses all over the place n know u have no education. New traders should be using a tier system to protect their losses, buy 25% of their position size until what they think they see is confirmed and then buy either another 50% more or the full 75% once what they think they see is confirmed and then take profits on the way up at set price levels also at 25%, 50% and 25%. Buying 25% of your position size until ubhavr confirmation protects your loss size so that when u do hit the next trade the win covers the last loss or close to it. Personally I don't think u two should be giving any trading advice until u receive a proper education cause u two are definitely the type to blow up ur account

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. M says:

    What are you guys thinking when you put a price on your discord of 200 plus!!! Do you really think you’re the only day traders out there! You guys are crazy, you’re just using the dumb people who follow you!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electro: Thinkin' says:

    that's scalping and Sykes deserve JAIL for his bullshit challenge shit

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AP says:

    Is it a case of those super rare breakthrough cases or we talking you basic cold?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oceancaldera207 says:

    Also, with SPIR was this that that first pre-merger wave that comes when the spac announces its target? I'm really trying to get a handle on spac plays like this and the actual ticker change play. SPACs are weird animals for sure.. I will say I've noticed that these target announcement price moves almost always come back to the 10-11 range unless it's something really tasty..

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oceancaldera207 says:

    Great stuff in this video today! I've really just started to get serious about intraday since beginning of August and I'm green but it's been hard.. Seems like the market has been getting progressively tighter and more unforgiving since that first week I started. In listening to what you guys are saying though, I think maybe this market environment is a great way to come up. I have had to have surgical precision, risk level respect and extremely tight scalpy profit taking just to make a little every day. It's been a little discouraging some days but you guys saying 'keep your head up in this market' really does hit home. Thanks as always!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob McCall says:

    You talked but didnt drop much value. ( nothing personal ) just an observation. Also, when you recap a few stocks than ran, try to include what you think the catylst was for that stock causing the run. That would help your peeps.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry says:

    ayy you are staying profitable right thats all that matters drink vitamin C!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russelll says:

    These breakdowns really help new traders like myself 👍🏽

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Humes says:

    As always, thanks for the words of wisdom boys.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WzkD says:

    “Don’t trade if you’re sick”…unless your Jack Kellogg

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john says:

    I hope you can show us live here in your channel your trading strategy, so we can learn slowly but surely.
    Thanks guys for your trading tips all the time.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian m says:

    You guys do excellent job, just after getting some flowers don't be that guy who asks money for everything.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2RipChic says:

    Green $136 CRVS one trade. Green is good. Up $760 in last two weeks. 80% accuracy this week.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TH23 says:

    CRVS chopped me out. Flat top and whole dollar break of 4, hits 4.07, flushed to 3.85 then bounces to 4.44 before the next p/b.. 😫

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Faulk Smash says:

    Congrats to Bryce! Hope you dudes feel better soon.

    Important side note: McDonald's now has Pumpin Spice Lattes and due to Matt a couple of weeks ago grabbing one from Starbucks and hyping it up, I decided to get one… It tasted like regular coffee with a bit of cream and I hate the taste of coffee lol. I feel like they made it wrong or something lol.

    Will look into Starbucks and get to the bottom of this once and for all!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Chilling says:

    I learned it's ok to sit on cash.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Pakuts says:

    I've been sick too, I've had all the gainers on my watchlist though and keeping up with the best. Let do this! Thanks for posting.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Onate says:

    OTC has been hot. Crazy day today. Keep an eye out for $GVSI $CYDY $ILUS $TGGI $ISWH

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GO Tigers! says:

    Alternative to choppy small caps has been timing the multi day fades on large caps. $NUE and $MMM today. shorting with the downward momentum in the market.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Got Milk says:

    Hell yeah. Sick. Stupid Covid. Was in $ILUS with lots of shares @ .1040 then got Covid so sold all the following Monday @ .11! Stupid Covid! $ILUS hit .22! Yes would’ve rode it to here cause my risk was intact! Stupid Covid!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading Without Fear says:

    I trade the pattern probability, there still is opportunities for 30% gains. I post my trades I'm my channel.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nicholas morello says:

    Do you guys have the wuhan special? Either way feel better soon fellas and thanks for the content I love pulling up the charts to analyze your entry’s and exits

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TH23 says:

    Da boooooys

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cryptechology says:

    whats up fella,s thanks for the videos. love small cap recpas.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Finton says:

    Been missing y’all watchlists in scr. Helps me learn

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