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Join Tim Bohen on the topic of analyst predictions and price targets for stocks. Bohen breaks down the intricacies of understanding analyst ratings and how they impact trading, especially in the context of lower-priced stocks. He explains the role of analysts in evaluating a company's financials and prospects to make projections about its stock price. Bohen highlights that for established companies like Apple or Google, these targets are usually reliable due to reputable analysts, but the game is different in the world of penny stocks, where things get murkier. He sheds light on sketchy analyst firms that manipulate low-float penny stocks with inflated price targets to allow insiders to sell their shares at a profit, emphasizing the importance of being fast, using tools like breaking news, and understanding the repetitive nature of these manipulative tactics. Tim shares valuable insights to help traders avoid becoming bagholders and make informed decisions in this volatile market. Don't miss this!
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#StockMarket #StockAnalysis #stockprediction
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All right, welcome back everyone! Today we're going to be talking about analyst predictions and price targets. You I get asked this question a lot and it's There's a lot of kind of intricacies to this question because um, you know W with with analyst price targets, especially in the lower price stocks that we trade, they do have influence like when you think of and let me start at the top. Okay so so what is an analyst price Target, what is it, etc etc etc. So the idea is that you know as an analyst your job is to review the financials and the prospects of the company, dig into it and and and make a projection on where you think the stock price is going.

Okay so often you'll see whether it be in stocks to trade, we have analyst ratings by a tip ranks or another platform or another data provider. You'll see something that says buy or sell or uh, strong, buy or strong, sell or hold and you might be like okay what does that mean Those terms and those indicators are based on the consensus of of the analyst covering that stock. Now with like a real stock like an Apple or a Google or an Amazon those are usually pretty quote unquote, legitimate and usable Because these are people like Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs I mean these guys got six Mbas and they're they're they been do analyzing uh uh, balance sheets and businesses prospects and so you can kind of like look at an analyst price Target and believe it. Like recently actually Morgan Stanley came out with a a $500 price Target on Tesla You know Tesla's in the mid 200s right now I Because of and the reason they upgraded it was because of the the dojo AI that Tesla has coming and I saw that I'm like thumbs up.

Makes sense, you know and but you know odds are Tesla's going to take months, possibly years to hit that price Target So it's not necessarily usable as a day Trader A swing Trader Small retail Trader I mean it's one thing to see this big price Target But if the stock takes months or even years to get there, it's not really actionable. So that's what price targets are. they are. They are educated, hopefully smart people, hopefully that are digging deep into the company and and and basing a projection on where they stock.

Think the stock price is going whether up, down or sideways. You know the sideways is like the whole. So the idea is if if if you think the stock is going consistent considerably higher, they're going to issue a buy rating because hey, the Stock's going higher, you buy it and then you hit the price Target Now it gets murkier as pretty much everything does in penny stocks. Uh, over here in the gutter.

but I mean listen, we love Penny Stacks We love low price stocks. Why? Because they move I mean like again, you? You heard me right I mean as much as I agreed and believed with that big price Target on Tesla I mean I think it could take a year or more to get there depending on one Dojo kind of gets released Etc So you know what do you do with that with a small account? you you you buy 10 shares of Tesla and wait a year and a half. not really viable on growing your account. So in penny stocks we love penny stocks because they move fast, up and down.
we can long them, we can short them. The volatility is how we make money, but it gets way murkier so you have. and I won't name their names. There's a lot of uh, very very sketchy analyst firms that we talk about in inside the Daily Income Trader system which uh, check out the link below.

The Daily Income Trader system is a daily program where we go over, you know, trading every single day. live. But um, I won't name their names because it's kind of like C Anyone remember the Candyman movie? Like if you say these analysts ratings like five times, say their names like five times like a demon appears in your trading office. but they're sketch Man, there's a lot of sketchy names out there and once you have a database of those names, you know kind of how to react to them.

So what am I referencing? You'll see like absolute disaster. Penny Stock. Biotechs like some 50 Cent stock. Where sketchy analyst firm will come out like an 8 price Target and it's never going to happen Now now they have zero liability they they just say hey it's my opinion.

My opinion is this, My opinion is that so they have no downside. But what these are in this day and age is it's kind of the modern evolution of the pumping. Dum So if you've been around low price stocks for a while you know that the traditional pump and dump doesn't really exist like the boiler rooms. you think of the fax machine marketing, the email marketing like that is all kind of been regulated out.

but the modern day pump and Dump is actually these analyst firms that whether they get directly paid or they get granted shares or they get bags of cocaine and like gift certificates for prostitutes. However they get paid. They put out these ridiculous price Targets on these stocks so that then the company that that knows that that that is working with them, the executives, the Insiders that have really cheap shares can sell into that runup because people believe that this 50 cent penny stock biotech is going to eight which it never will and I know it sounds illegal and I know it sounds bad, but welcome to the world of the stock market and welcome doubly to the world of Penny Soxs It's just the way the game is played. Okay, so how do you tra? you know, how do you not become the True Believer How do you not become the bag holder that buys all of the sketchy executive stock I Mean you want to buy their stock so that they can buy a yacht and then you become a bag older I Hope not.

Okay, no, but what we can do is we can use tools like Breaking News you might be familiar with breaking News chat. It's actually built in to stocks to trade in the daily income Trader system. It's two 25y year Veterans of Wall Street that filter out the news for actionable News And one of the things they do is they are very fast and the best at posting these price Targets on these low price stocks. Now the reason fast is important is if you're learning from this video and you're learning from what I've seen in the past 17 years, you know that what happens 90% of the time is when those price targets come out.
there's a big initial Spike and then stock Fades back and you know the pump is over. So if you can be fast and you can and you know which ones are playing this game again I I I'm not joking about not saying the names like I Don't want these guys coming after me. They're sketch okay but we have a database of these names that we know that are manipulating these stocks. So if you see that name one of those names, there's about half a dozen of them.

And you see a low float stock. that's kind of the key. You know the float. they.

they love to pump these low floaters. You see a past chart of history and of running and a past chart or past history of dilution. Remember that's the game. The modern day Pumping Up my Friends is a is a low priced sketchy stock that needs money that uses analyst to pump the stock up and the Insiders are selling into that runup.

Then they do a dilution to raise more cash. so they get to cash in twice, executives are selling the worth insiders and Executives selling their worthless stock to you the True Believer the pipe. You know that believes this price Target Then by running the stock up from a dollar to five bucks, they're able to dilute it. say three bucks.

which if you think about it before the pump, the stock was trading at one. So they sh sell shares. On the way up they dilute at three bucks which is still you know 200% higher than what the trade stock was trading at. Now they got cash both personal cash and corporate cash because they rung the register on their shares and they diluted corporate on the corporate side.

Now they can continue to operate, stay in business until like 6 months later and they repeat the game again. Now I Know it sounds sketchy and it is. but if you can be fast and use breaking news and see you know again, these stocks that have done it in the past, they do it again. That's why we care about former Runners And it's the same cast of characters.

So that check list you're looking for is you look at breaking news, they're always the fastest. They're going to get you the information the fastest. Hey sketchy firm crazy P Starting they'll say that they'll lay that out for you. You jump over to your chart, you're like, well, this is a 5 million float stock volume's coming in 6 months ago they did this exact same thing.

Here's the runup. Here's the drop. Here's the offering. Hey I can trade this stock because I know that the True Believers are going to Pile in and they're going to push this stock higher and it's actually one of the most.
I I Don't want to say most, but it is top 70 per percentile. Uh, consistently repeatable setup. Now sometimes these big targets come out on a low floater. never moves.

CU People been burned too much. I Mean that's basically the only time the stock doesn't have a quick run. A predictable spike is when they've just come to the well too many times. Like maybe they did the same thing a month ago.

You know, like like literally, they did this. You know, three weeks ago and people are like no way. fool me once. Shame on me or shame on you Fool me twice.

Shame on me. That's about the only time they don't work. Now if they're smart about it, they do it once or twice a year. You will have a predictable trade opportunity and I love them.

Love them if they check those boxes. Remember in review past history of running low float stock. ideally some sort of press release to fuel the move big Target from one of these sketchy firms and a past of a his past history of repeating this cycle. That's how they stay in business.

You know, a lot of people are always surprised. They're like, how do these penny stocks stay in business when they don't have any revenues and they don't have any profits? This is how okay that's how the game is played and the sooner you realize that like that's a powerful thing for a lot out of Traders is the sooner you recognize how the sausage gets made, how the game gets played, the better off you are like I'll trade these things all day. but I ain't swinging them I ain't holding them overnight. That's what a lot of people get stuck.

You know they they become believers, They overnight them, they swing them, and they get wrecked. So that being said, my friends want to learn how the sausage gets made. Want to learn how the penny stock game gets played. Check out the daily Income Trader system That link below will take you to a registration page that is just a reg ation page for a free webinar.

Giving you a tour of the system, you'll see breaking news. You'll see our Oracle algorithm. You'll see the scans, You'll see the charts. You'll see the analyst ratings.

All of this live multiple times a day. 100% free including on weekends. So if you're looking to understand more of what I went over today, check out the Daily Income Trader system and I know I Said it twice, but 100% free 100% live.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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