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The shorts had a secret plan to try and take control of AMC, by pushing AMC into bankruptcy they could've wiped out the shareholders and taken control of AMC just like they did with Cineworld, that way they could've escaped their synthetic mess for free without a squeeze. It was a good attempt, but it failed.
However, the shorts are still trying to do all they can and pay off whoever necessary to push AMC downwards.
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#AMC #AMCStock #ShortSqueeze

Today I Want to talk about the short secret plan to take control of AMC I Also want to expose the hidden identities Behind These short Sellers And also talk about the U.S credit rating downgrade and how that impacts AMC So stay tuned and let's make some money. And now that I've straight in with the key information, So such good. Twitter Saying look at Cineworld This was their plan for us too destroy shareholders and have a bank owned media Outlet Free to push its corporate agenda on the unsuspecting public. This was their legal version of corporate Espionage and hostile takeover by institutions effectively bankrupting companies and allowing the lenders to take control.

So this article says, as part of the financial restructuring of Cineworld, shareholders of Cineworld lost their ownership and the company is now controlled by a new Incorporated entity controlled by the lenders. This was effectively the shortest hidden planned to try and take control of. AMC If they manage to push AMC into bankruptcy, they could have taken control, wiped out Us retail investors, wiped out the shareholders escaped their short positions by issuing billions and trillions of new shares and allowing the company to do whatever they wanted it to for Cineworld. It says: this restructuring allowed the movie theater chain and its various parts to reduce their overall debt burden by approximately 4.5 billion dollars.

How coincidental that AMC has the exact same debt burden, but Cineworld's debt is magically wiped out as soon as the lenders are happy to take control. However, in terms of AMC, the lenders of AMC's debt turned around after trying to short us through a tantrum and said fine, you bail out AMC's 4.8 billion dollars of debt. Well, that's exactly what apes are doing by attending movie theaters and helping AMC to become more profitable and those short sellers cannot stand it. Everything they bet against us will eventually turn them upside down and lead to massive margin calls, giant liquidations, bankruptcies, and obviously a squeeze.

And interestingly, Juju has found the reason as to why these shorts continue to try and delay the AMC lawsuit and the AMC conversion and split. If you didn't already know Rosizo the exact same Rose Izzo that is currently part of those plaintiffs trying to sue AMC and trying to stop the conversion and reverse split. It's now taking her house bid seriously. It says Rose Izzo is running for Delaware's at large Congressional C on the Republican ticket and as Juju added saying well, well, well, would you look at that Juju is wondering who exactly is paying her to delay the reverse split adding asking if she's the only one that thinks this whole thing is starting to sound pretty fishy so it seems even potential Republican members of Congress are the ones trying to delay the reverse split.

as Juju says I wonder on whose behalf she's trying to delay this split for especially as the plantiffs Allegheny only hold a few thousand dollars of shares and even if they bought at the very tippy top would only be 64 000 worth. but I've already spent half a million dollars on legal fees. Clearly somebody is paying her and not just her, but all of the other plantifs in supporting this case to try and have the reverse split delayed and exactly as copy paste. As added, saying the inviting in the Mmtop community isn't simply because of differing opinions, it's because some members of one side are being paid to cause drama and distractions while the other side is seeking actual resolutions.
This is obviously very similar, if not the exact same as AMC as well. One group of people the apes are inspired by The Squeeze and are hoping to try and cause a squeeze as soon as possible. The other side seems hell-bent on trying to delay the reverse split, delay the conversion, attacking Adam Aaron and doing anything they possibly can to cause AMC to fail, saying that you've been fed a false narrative to keep docile and that's exactly what short sellers in AMC are trying to do as well. trying to feed you false narratives, trying to make you hate Everything to do with Adam Aaron AMC and everything else.

to try and convince you to sell your shares. you can currently get a guaranteed free share of Tesla, a 50 cash reward, and up to 15 free shares which you could always use to buy more shares of AMC GameStop or a vape. All you have to do is sign up to MooMoo using the link in the description below and make a required temporary deposit. Rumor is free, It just requires that temporary deposit and it's a really great way to help support me and to help support the channel.

And on top of that, MooMoo is also very easy to use. They've got tons of technical indicators and advanced charting tools and even their own options trading platform. and this is also happening at very interesting times. as Chris Ramsey tweet is saying talked with the CEO of a publicly Trade Bank He told me that him and other bank CEOs family believe we are headed for a crash and that he's seeing similarities between now and 2000.

That saying this bank's CEO and other major Bank CEOs are substantially tightening up on loans and preparing for the worst, which as I said, is really interestingly timed as yesterday or overnight Fitch has just downgraded the US credit rating from AAA to just double A Plus Now you might say Tom that sounds like a fairly small downgrade, but it actually pulls the Us out of that list of top tier countries which could Inspire many other nations primarily China and Russia to sell tons of U.S treasuries. Hundreds of billions, maybe even trillions of dollars worth, Flooding the market with hundreds of billions of dollars of treasuries would almost certainly crash the bond market and likely crash the stock market too. Finance Lancelot actually has an excellent theory on this. But first, let's go through that article.
So it says the US government's credit rating has been downgraded following concerns over the state of the country's finances and its debt burden. Investors use credit ratings as a benchmark for judging how risky it is to lend money to a government. The US is usually considered a highly secure investment because of its size and relative stability of the economy. However, this year has obviously seen debts spiraling out of control due to interest rates and therefore interest debt payments, and Fitch has also said it expects the US to slip into a mild recession later this year.

I Guess we'll have to see if the other ratings agencies stand and pause and movies follow suit and if this time round will be similar to what happened back in 2011. But let's also talk about Finance Lancelot's Theory and how the AMC squeeze fits in. So he said Step One is credit downgrade. so Nations dump U.S treasuries That obviously causes a massive panic in the bond market, leading to rapidly Rising rates that therefore leads to restricting swap lines and obviously further tightening of loans which we're already seeing by some of these major Bank CEOs causing a dollar short which obviously if people can't get access to credit, if people can't get access to Dollars it's going to cause mass panic in the markets.

Step number four is to Stage some kind of incident, some kind of credit event, some kind of Black Swan event that I can only imagine what it might be. Step number five is after that incident and after that mass panic, the dollar skyrockets causing further Panic to spread to their financial system, leading to the ability for the US to print trillions of dollars to buy back its cheap debt, ending with a great reset. This would obviously be a massive master plan, potentially as part of that great reset Theory potentially including the AMC squeeze as well. Obviously, if we do see mass panic in a stock market, it is likely to lead to an AMC squeeze as many hedge funds will end up failing in that Panic process.

And obviously when a hedge fund fails, it not only has to sell off its long positions, but also close out of its short as well. And this is all happening at very interesting times when AMC is setting new all-time Revenue records not just post pandemic records, not during pandemic records, but all time 100 year long records. AMC Last weekend set a new all-time high Revenue record with the release of Barbie and Oppenheimer which obviously is going to show that movies are not dead. the movies are very much coming back and the AMC will soon be profitable and doing better than it was in 2018, 2019 and before and obviously when AMC becomes profitable, that therefore destroys that short thesis and AMC will end up moving up as more and more institutions buy it until we end up at a point when the shorts are so financially stressed that they are forced to give up while being liquidated.
But guys, be sure to let me know what you think down in the comments below. And as always, guys, be sure to ding that notification Bell because that way you'll be alerted went up in a new video. Cheers!.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “shorts secret plan to control amc revealed! – amc stock short squeeze update”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jibril Bacchus says:

    You’re doing the lords work

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Direccion aduanas says:

    This is a great video ,I learn a lot watching your videos and it has been helpful to me. Building a steady income is quite difficult for newbies…Thanks to Mrs.Gilbert carlos for improving my portfolio. Keep up with the good videos.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doris Grant says:

    I feel incredibly fortunate for having made wise financial choices that have had a life-altering impact. As a single mother residing in Toronto, Canada, I successfully purchased my second home in September. If everything continues to progress positively, my aspiration is to retire next year at the age of 50.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rager_Fox says:

    You don't understand, a reverse split will take away all the money Invested in AMC. I have said it once, I'll say it again. 500 shares will turn into 50 shares. The idea was to buy as many lotto tickets as possible to squeeze the SHF, so what now? My invested money will be less. Let's say the squeeze happens, I will only have 50 tickets, and what if it doesn't happen? I will only have 50 shares for a lower price. So who the f is in the right here? All the people that call me shill aren't certain them selves that this will cause the squeeze. I'm an idiot for thinking AMC was a good play, I should have listened when they said to put my money on GME………..

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars acid847 says:

    I can't agree that AMC will squeeze once the reverse split and further dilution continues. Dilutions have always led to lower prices and we have seen these trends over the past couple years. But whatever, we will see who's right in all this son enough. One side or the other will be eating their words.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MB Cab says:

    Some of us might know what the β€œincident” may be πŸ›Έ

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Babcock says:

    Wait a min…that already happened before…twice in 2000 and 2008 ..from AAA to AA+.. all bs lies

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex A says:

    We need to delay split and wait for earnings since we are doing good. We may not need to dilute if the company is doing good. You can't just run a business by asking retail to bail you out every year, while you sell your shares and invest company money on other companies that are not making money and playing for expensive commercials.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John C says:

    Same crap different day.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Feng Chuang says:

    Market trends hint at lower prices, but this could also open doors for smart investments. Despite a possible short-term slump, remember the market's long-term potential. Downturns can be entry points for portfolio expansion. Success lies in informed decisions and strategic planning. Special thanks to Kerrie Farrell , whose expertise helped grow my portfolio to 27Btc in 9 weeks. I highly recommend her for investment growth…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg. S says:

    I don’t think being profitable is going to change anything. The shorts are in so deep that they can’t stop shorting or they will be liquidated. They will continue with their paid shills and bad headlines until they go bankrupt, then they will have no means to buy back the shares they need

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jam Maho says:

    Making a pump video a day doesn’t increase the odds, geeze. This is like the 600th pump video

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kpop says:

    firstt you say the reverse split will cause the squeeze, now you say the great reset will cause the squeeze. how about you stop reading what everybody else is writing and come up with your own thesis, and stick with it.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fight4Right says:

    Appears to me the US will use AMC as the excuse as to why the market failed!
    They just taking small steps towards this black swan event!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fight4Right says:

    Going to buy more shares!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars judith painter says:

    Rose Izzo is a true APE and our Lady Justice! Lady Justice is going to lead the APES to victory! Thats ALL I want is JUSTICE ! Please do better be better! Please RETRACT! (She is my FRIEND!)!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Themixmasterz says:

    If AMC has a reverse split there is no squeeze. AMC could make money because they would then have the stock. Retail is left with pennies. Yes the money πŸ’° amount shorted will be the same but all the "synthetics" will be gone causing the corruption to continue. Gamestop paid it's debts and nothing has happened. So the story of paying off debt is not a guarantee it will squeeze. Reducing the float with a reverse split helps AMC but does nothing for stock holders because AMC can just sell their shares with deals just like Antara. No split is the only way with AMC staying out of bankruptcy
    because shorts have to pay Retail not AMC

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Relco Machinery says:

    I’m holding up the reverse split too, I voted no to dilution. AA Came back with ape for one purpose, take the vote from retail. Period. AA needs to run the business on revenue, not dilution. Q2 will reveal we are going in the right direction. Restraining AA on spending and streamlining the current operation will show shorts BK is off the table. But this is not what is really happening, no . Pure greed at the retail expense is what’s happening. theft from all sides is what’s happening. I my self have move 90% of my holdings away from banks. The crypto age , utility block chain !!! wreck the fat banker imo

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew V says:

    A conversion and/or a R/S is NOT bullish… i am hoping it gets blocked.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerseys Finest says:

    All bs…..blah blah blah

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry Moore says:

    We don't need a reverse split for those people that play the option chain if you do a reverse split you're going to lose a lot of contract power in other words if you have 1,000 shares you have 10 contracts after the reverse split your lucky if you have one therefore eliminating your ability to generate Revenue through contracts so as you can see this reverse split takes away our power to generate money through option contracts we don't need a damn reverse split we need to hold these bastards accountable for all the synthetic mockery they've done😊

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Doe says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phill Young says:

    Sometimes we add 2+2 and get 22. We’re so far off the mark, but is it possible that Amazon wants a theatre chain, fumbled getting AMC, so is now taking Cineworld via β€œlenders”

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve All_Right_2020 says:

    Spread the word, anyone in Delaware, do not vote for Rose Izzo!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan says:

    Looks like the shorts are in deeper than they know, with a original shareholder hero running for office.

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