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We finally saw the Chinese EV stock bubble selling off. Stocks like XPEV, NIO, LI were leading the EV sector hype. My trades were shorting the small cap EV stocks like BLNK, SPI, and other sympathy stocks like NKLA etc. Some other stocks I traded were NKLA, SPI, ANPC, MTC.
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Humbled Trader FAM count: 511,300

So electric vehicle sector really turned quickly yesterday pre-market on tuesday. You can see on this stock um expev um the stock. You know you can see on the 15-minute chart um yesterday pre-market made new highs and then just tanked really quickly from 77. All the way down to uh 64., that's more than 10 on the downside um.

I really hate it when these kind of moves happen pre-market. So, even though i'm aware that there's gon na be a sell-off coming, you know with this sector hype bubble. However, you wan na call it um. I wasn't trying to pick the tops, but at the same time, when the sell-off happens, pre-market it's hard to chase, and i don't wan na chase on the short side, especially on these large cap stocks.

They can squeeze really quickly. So i didn't catch expev on the short side, but yesterday i did short a lot of the smaller cap. The electric vehicle sympathy place on the short side, so the first place was blink again. I didn't chase it on the way down too short um.

I waited for the top, which is around this 30 dollars, 31 dollars rejection right here, you know i was waiting to scale in slowly, but it kind of ssr was also triggered. So when ssr is on it's hard to short, you kind of have to um front, run your shorts on a breakout and it makes it really hard to add into it. You can see you know, i showed it here, only field starter, you know and then we after the 30 50s entry, it spiked to 32 for a hot second, and it just rejected really quickly. So i couldn't even try to scale in and it did feel like.

I was if i were to scale here i'll be chasing, so you know, while it i didn't want to just scalp it. It did turn out to be a scalp just because i only have you know: starter size, 31 shorter, pretty much to 29.. So you know taking small wins here and there, but still adds up nicely, and i did it again near the end of the day over here you know just shorting small ssr is still on um. Was it kind of difficult, but at the same time, this kind of play is also very stress-free instead of trying to short um the last couple of days um today on a red day.

You know the trend is to the downside and it tends to hold up as resistance. So, that's why i showed it here: no small scalps, they still added up really nicely next stock neo was actually a very nice overnight long for me, uh we held from you know the closed previous day closed, which was around 55 30s the on monday, and then We sold into the pre-market gap up into 5750s and we did the same for li as well. So if you look at the chart on li, we pretty much swung it from 43 dollars and then sold into a pre-market gap up and 47 and then 49. I didn't get to sell at 49, but 47 has four dollars a share overnight.

That's still very nice um, but for the day trades on neo i took you know tiny paper cuts it didn't work. Um! You can see. I tried to along the consolidation here. Small starter size didn't work, stopped out and tried it again.

You know didn't work out again. You can see every time my stops got taken out the stock. Just you know squeezed to previously closed. That was a move i was looking for, but unfortunately i just didn't get it.
I think i set the stops a little bit too tight on these, but i was also trying to be cautious because the stock is technically red on the day. I just want to be cautious that if i'm going long on a red day uh, i don't outstay. My welcome and kind of you know let the stops a little bit too loose down to you know 53. 52S.

So the next stock nkla is also mostly on short side. I did try to go along for some small scallops on the back side here, uh and then you know soda for some small wins, but the bigger trade was on the short side um around 37. You can see 37 starting to get a little bit toppy here, sellers were stepping in and then we got this nice wick kendo to almost 38. um.

Ideally, i wanted to see a touch 38 and actually push and reject uh, but i think we got as high as 37 90s but um. So you know starter size, no, nothing big, but still added up quickly from 37 um shorted down to you, know 36 50s and covered um everything around here: 35 50s and then we i have like another small scalp here and then the and then along here over Here so small scalps did add up, and especially on stocks like nkla, it was also up with the electric vehicle hype, except there were maybe uh like two days late to this uh party, so uh, but still nice trades added up next stock spi. So this one really surprised me, so you know it actually gapped up all the way to almost 19 18 19 pre-market. Again they just put electric vehicles in the title, and this is a very low float stock.

You can see you know at one point: it was trading at around 46's in september. I remember that day was crazy. It went from four dollars to 46. um, but today we gapped up to 30 uh, sorry uh 19 and i was cautious, but i was more short, biased on this stock um.

I traded the same on this day and i think this day as well so spi shorted small starters, 1750s covered most of it pre-market and i waited for the bounce to re-add it back into my shorts. As you can see, added some pre-market and at the open, it was heavy immediately. This thing literally could not even bounce and get an uptick um. So you know i just joined a trend: um sold it all the way from 15 down to 13 20s and then the lowest i got was 12.50 and then over here i did re-add back um trim some position, but re-add it back once.

You know the prior support proves to be resistance around 14 and then shorted on the way down and re-add into it and then cover the rest of it around 1180s. At the close, so this one was also a very stress-free day. So, as you can see, the play yesterday were mostly on the short side on the small cap ev stocks and they tried to go long and scalped a little bit on the larger cap stocks. But some worked out and some didn't.
But the bigger gains were from the short side once this entire um ev sector started selling off, and that's where we got a lot of downside, because you have to look at it this way. The leader of the pack basically rang up from 40 all the way to you know 70s in three days, so it's very extended. It was like this for the entire sector. So a lot of times we get this these kind of parabolic extension to the upside.

It's usually followed by the downside move as well, and today you can see we continue the trend to the downside. So today i was mostly waiting for the main watches like the expeve and neo. It just never showed up and never was a setup for me. So no, i just scalped some of the small caps on the side, but they were just small positions: um small shear sizes, um trade, the mtc a little bit short and then try to long and then re-add it up here a little bit too high um.

You know stopped out all day long, so you know small gains on the shorts and then a long tried again didn't work stopped out. So just very small profits and base hits today on mtc. The other one that i took a loss on is ampc. So, actually long the stock, i didn't - have shares to borrow um, but here i was thinking okay, they're doing the consolidation trap.

Here you can see you know higher lows forming no trapping around the 750s area. That's why i went long thinking that it can do this kind of move right and then at the end they actually did it. But after i got stopped out um around the you know they started squeezing from you know, seven dollars and held higher lows and squeezed it out to eight dollars. Unfortunately, i was already stopped out on the long side, so this would have been a nice short too, but i didn't have locates on the stock, so just small wins here and there today definitely not as exciting as yesterday um the best trade on the day.

For me was actually mrna, so in the past mrna it was always more comfortable on the short side uh. But today you know you can see we. It wasn't on my radar at all pre-market um. You know, but the stock ran from 99 all the way to uh 103..

I wasn't watching the stock at all um, but it wasn't until somebody in my chat room brought it up like you know, take take a look at it or i was like wow. It's breaking out above you can see on the daily chart breaking out above this 103 area right. If you draw a line across 103., it's breaking out above that. So you know i had a small scalp, just small scalp um thinking.

Okay, if 103 holds up as resistance and cannot break through it, then we will get some nice downside, but the stock did have some positive news, so i'm cautious, uh and cautiously aware that this thing can actually go a lot further because, technically speaking, a large cap Stock, that's breaking out to new all-time highs. You don't want to fight the trend and try to short it um. So that's why i was out of my um scalp short, and this way i'm watching okay they're trying to hold this 102. 80S area.
106 threes. So this range, if this range gets bought back up and they're supporting this range, the stock actually has has room to near all-time highs to 105 and 106s. So i actually started building a long position. Uh started in around here, uh one low three twenties.

You know the stock dropped back up. Um, you can see, you know we got a little wick down here to 102 80s. You know touching that 102 support i was talking about and you can see it just gets slowly bought back up and you, if you look at the volume here very low volume, so the selling wasn't as aggressive as the buying right. So this is a very simple volume analysis.

Just look at the volume there's no need for any of those fancy indicators, rsi macd and all that stuff right. If you focus on those things, you're going to miss a good buying opportunity. So, that's why that's the reason i don't have any fancy indicators i use. I use vwop as a guide, but i don't use it as a as a signal to enter or um sell so basic.

You know volume and technical analysis here once it starts. Holding this all-time highs, prior all-time highs, one or three thirties. I went long not adding to my position sold into the first target 105s, but i was thinking. Oh, this could potentially go higher to 106s.

I did get a nice ad, but unfortunately i didn't know i was a little bit too patient on this. You know it should have sold into you know we got 106 tens. I didn't sell into it uh, because i was thinking okay, if we break out here it should go to 107.. It didn't so.

You know i held it. You know this is turning into a swing trade. At this point, i'm usually a very impatient person uh, as you can tell, but uh, and just because i'm not as comfortable on the long side, i'm mrna generally speaking, but at the same time i'm not just going to short every time. It's up right.

I trade. The setups, if the setup is here telling me that's a long, then i go along the stock. So, that's why you don't want to be overly bullish or bearish right, there's always two sides of the play, so i held it um thinking that okay, this is actually really bullish. We got another test, didn't get it and once this lower whole lower high sets in.

I sold everything around 105 80s and then rest of it run 105. 50S and you know there's a short play here like you can see um you know previous high failed. This could be technically a triple top right. You can short it from no 105's, risking one or sixes, and you got a nice downside to one or threes, so there's a play on both sides.

But today i only caught the long side, which is very unusual of me and i agree um. But the stock is back at new heights again, so we'll see what happens um, but you know small base hits definitely added up nicely today, um, it's a very slow, but also very stress-free day for me. So let's go over some q and a times shall we uh first question is from hugh hi hd. I know you always scale out, but do you always scale in when going full size? Yes, i do.
I never go in just full size right away for entries. So mrna is a good example right. You know, i started in starter and only it's only once the price action confirms my thesis that the stock is holding the prior highs and it's going higher than i added into it. So you know always.

You know. I do scale you can see, i started in here and added the full size salt into it, and i'm just working around my core position and that's how i re-added here for that push over here. You know how i scale is, if, let's say you know, full size is a thousand shares, then i'll scale with like 250 250 and do that four times or, if i'm being a little bit more aggressive and more um. Convinced of my thesis in this case on mrna, then i'll.

Do you know 500 500.? So it depends on the setup, but i never go in just one thousand shares right away. So i would expect the rest of today and friday volume to be kind of slow and choppy because of the american thanksgiving on thursday when markets closed so to my american friends, hope you guys have a happy thanksgiving and enjoy the holidays. If you enjoyed the video, please remember to drop a like at the bottom of the video, and you can also leave any questions you have for me in the comment section. Thank you guys for watching i'll see you guys next time.

Hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoy the video and the bad jokes if you want to see more day trading content, make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll.

See you guys next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

28 thoughts on “Shorting ev stocks bubble? nio, blnk, anpc, mtc, nkla, spi trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Qin C. Xue says:

    Can you tell me what is the name of the indicator with the up and down arrow on the chart?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig Fraser says:

    Can someone be a daytrader with only long positions?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 道天顶 says:

    你一个人太孤单啦,你愿不愿意采访我,一个股市专职生存16年,道天顶理论创办者,在美股也是可以吹牛人,中国巴菲特崇拜的人, 中国金融大卫请问讲过两次,每三年多伦多请我去多伦多金融讲座。

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mrs Invest says:

    We are on the complete opposite end of the spectrum with me being a long term buy and hold investor (long in EVs) and you being a day trader, but I love that we are both women and Canadians here on yt. Respect!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Watson says:

    Nice i liked your way of trading. Im very similar in style. The pulse of the 2min time frame or 3 can be very use full in determining what way strength is about to turn especially if its more clear with 30 rsi on 2 min for a bounce or even bellow depending how bullish or week it was before the pull back.. sweet!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al B says:

    HT!..big fan, long time watcher, first time posting a question. I am super curious about your mindset of adopting a thesis when looking at an individual stock in the pre-market. Meaning, deciding if you are long or short. It seems as if it breaks pre-market support or resistance might influence you, or perhaps some key levels from prior day. Can you add some of your thoughts as to deciding on direction at the open. Thanks! Love your channel.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KMartha22 says:

    I love your channel. I only recently started trading. Had some decent wins on stocks already such as nio and especially xpeng. Its defenitly addictive. What's your opinion on Tesla?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Treelife says:

    Humbled Trader, have you ever considered day trading Marijuana stocks? They're getting quite volatile now!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars debi briggs says:

    I just love the way you explain your trades, win or lose…I love your positive attitude and your up beat subtle humor… so many online lack these qualities…🙂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicolas Cage says:

    Nobody will ever convince me the thing you doing is any profitable. But I'm sure you get some gambling money from your youtube proceeds. 🙂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electronic QLD says:

    I want to ask that Das trade got momentum scanner? I m using IB at moment but software is really sucks and want to switch to another one to use their one click order entry and fast speed. Trade idea, DAS trade and trade zero which one you would recommend please

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gilbert Martinez says:

    So what percentage range do you like to set for your stop loss? This confuses me …is it the percentage of profit or the percentage of the over all stock price? And are all broker software percentages the same or universal? I have had a couple of good days trading options but had bad days too as I missed the profits from CCL and Pfizer which were there at one point. Please reply I need …"Lamborghini Money"!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars coyZ says:

    How do you pick stock you want to trade in the day or the next day? Is there any specification of stock, and where or what method do you use to find it? I heard that you use some kind of scanner from your videos about trading desk(?) setup.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ANDRÉS MUÑOZ SALGADO says:

    A couple months ago I bought 6 shares of MRNA for 58 USD and now wach share is worthy almost 130 USD. I am so happy

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars quill color says:

    yep, this move made me serious cash!! thank you, I never short, only buy on upticks, but you showed me how!!!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Intergalactic Missionary Position says:

    ARYO what a complete !! Going to have to hold as I brought as 10.04, far too high. Meh.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Percy The Labrador says:

    Hi Humbled Trader, do you ever have problems selling stock at the price you want.
    I have had problems where ask to sell a share at a price and the price is pending then it is sold lower than I wanted.
    Do you have this problem ever?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rostam Shams says:

    Do you guys really believe a trader that doesn’t show their verified track record? This market is full of crap 💩 don’t believe her.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S1nteZ says:

    Walter ProfitCoin EN. Eаrn in this Tе-lеg-ram chan-nel.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Delfin Ijo says:

    Hi HT, I’m thinking about quitting my job to start day trading. I’ve been studying penny stocks for a few months now and can see the potential. I’ve also been trading in IB demo account and am profitable quite consistently.

    But I also know that penny stocks only became really popular after coronavirus happened. So can you tell me what the world of penny stocks was like prior to Covid-19? Were there always hot stocks to trade (i.e. 50M+ volume) on a daily basis? I’m just afraid that once the virus is over, people who are currently day trading will go back to their day jobs making it too difficult to day trade penny stocks as liquidity will drop significantly which means spreads will be wider etc. etc.

    I appreciate any input that you can give. Thanks.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TrinityLinkq says:

    Why do you have lights on the monitors to illuminate

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hidden Crypto Gems says:

    Congrats on your wins, tough market to trade at the moment with thanksgiving. After bull, I think market is going to sideways trend for a few days.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anime Lover says:

    Do you really use IB's trading platform or Das platform to trade? Cause to me their platform really suck and super slow to work with specially chart.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Arroyo says:

    I have like 700 into xpev I lost like 12 bucks by the close . I wonder what’s gonna happen in the morning I have another 150 into plantr has me up 26

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeltaProMaster Lauj says:

    HumbledTrader, Can’t wait till TradersFest 2020 to hear you talk!!!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny M says:

    Hi HT, question, I noticed that you switch from a 2 minute time frame to a 3 minute time frame. Why do you do that? Thanks.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khalinda duape says:

    Do you only day trade or do you also invest long term?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InvestorTFSA says:

    Great video again Humble Trader, I try to throw educational content as well Canadian based. When I traded NIO, I traded option contracts. This channel is very good when demonstrating technical analysis and trader discipline. Amazing in managing trades and keep positive attitude, I always refer this channel to people who are very into technical trading. Thanks for inspiring me to keep going myself.

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