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It was a very red week so far with the overall stock market gapping down and continuing the sell off. However as day traders we are trading the short term volatility. We are not investing in stocks. Today I traded $TSLA stock short, $CEI stock short and $ALF $SNOA.
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Humbled Trader FAM count: 779,200

Well, this week so far has been kind of nasty in the market. What a big sell-off - and today is definitely one of those days where it feels like the only way to make money is just short every single bounce um i mean don't do that but um. I did short a lot of stocks today from the large caps like tesla and moderna to the small caps. The good news is, if you're able to survive and make money or just stay solvent in this kind of market condition, then you are on your way to become a great trader in the future, because anybody and their grandparents can make money when the market just goes Straight up, but it's those who really know how to trade and manage your risk, who can survive in this kind of really red market so and that's what we're seeing right now.

So, let's talk about the first stock i traded today is tesla short. If you look at the way this thing traded yesterday, once it broke above the 760 770s level for tesla, this thing rallied almost to 800 yesterday, on the way up yesterday, you can see this thing went straight from 770, all the way to 7.99, and that's where It kind of like sold off with the market at the end of the day. So today, when you see a huge gap down on this there, i guess there were two way to play this. Are they either long? The bounce after the gap down which i didn't do it because i was kind of waiting to see what the market's going to do and at the open market stays very weak but tesla.

On the other hand, it was actually spiking from 780s all the way to red to green 790s, and if you see this area 794 795s, that's the area. I was interested in shorting over here. You can see that's kind of the area once it broke down from yesterday's support it flushed into the close and for a stock like tesla, to go red to green in a market condition where everything's selling off um. I think that's um.

That's a short-term bounce on shorts, covering after yesterday's rally. So that's the reason i started shorting here 792's. I was a little bit too early, so i trimmed a bit but after seeing that on the five minutes, the stock is rejecting these levels that we just talked about from yesterday. That's what went in short, so i had a very decent average up here, even after the small loss.

Here i had an average about seven. Ninety fours, my regret, is not adding into the shorts um, because once this thing tanked, you can see on the five minutes, there was barely any bounces to add into the position and i understand like tesla: it's not something. I'm comfortable, uh shorting the weakness. I always like to wait for the bounces same as a lot of the other stocks that you'll see later on, and you can see once it cracked previous days closed right to green.

This thing just barely even retested the 790., so it sold off. So i was covering on the way down. I did have a nice little ad here, 785s and uh shorted into over here 780s. I covered most of it.

I have a small position left and i was waiting for the bounce to short into it. This is what i mean by i'm, not comfortable shorting the weakness, because, if i add it on the way down, let's say at the 782s and 780s, yes, it did tank to 777s, but the big bounce from there. It's like uh, like a 20 point, bounce well, 10.. I can't really do math 10 point bounds from 777 all the way to um 784.
So that's that's a pretty big bounce. So, that's why i don't want to get caught um if the stock does bounce huge um. So that's where i waited for the bounce to add into it added some 781s and 784s and i shorted it all the way back down to the covers at 780 and i'm all out of the stock. So this is a decent short um and i'm sorry kathy.

Just just cover your eyes, so that's the whole trade on the tesla shorts and it's still the biggest trade for me today. Even though i did trade a couple other stocks and i didn't get to size more into the stock, but the range on tesla when this thing panics um, especially in a really weak market, it drops a lot um. So this is like a 790 all the way down to 780. A 10 point drop a little bit more, but i didn't quite catch the top and i didn't quite catch the bottom.

But the whole point of day trading is to just catch the meat of the move, but snoa was still decent short, even with a small size. The location on this was very expensive. I believe they were about um 20 cents for four eight dollar stock. That's pretty expensive um.

I still got some. I was waiting for the stock to retest nine dollars, at least on the daily. You can see a lot of spikes, failed, uh spikes and failed breakouts around nine dollars, nine fifties or even tens. So i was kind of waiting for that pre-market.

I didn't short it. I waited for the open and see if we're gon na get a big spike didn't happen. It just kind of stayed really weak um and that's why i kind of showed it here. 870.

I'm slowly adding into it. Even if i didn't have a full size locate, i still want to make sure i'm kind of using those locates wisely. So i shorted 780. 7.

Sorry, 870, 860s added on this breakdown, 820s um covered something to it and also out of it at 750, so decent size, decent shorts. You can see, i still didn't quite catch the bottom, but that's fine. That's not the point. Um 750 tanked all the way to seven dollars so missed about 50 cents, but that's okay! I'm all done with this.

Now, let's talk about the next stock alf this one i was short and i took a loss on it. This is my red trade. On the day - and i was more short, biased on the stock because of the long term downtrend on the daily and the daily chart is very similar to what we saw on snoa right. But i made the mistake of being way too early or instead of waiting for the stock, to show me the resistance, so i was short way too early here, even with like starting to scalding in small size, it's still not fun, to lose uh.

This is like what 20 cents 20 cents um. I did have a small, somewhat re-shorter, i'm just end up covering not worth it. So all these trades here and here this is a loss um pretty much before 10 o'clock. I tried it twice lost twice on it.
I did make back some later on around 8 down to 7 80's and then right here, small little scallops and small little scalps here. So i didn't go back three more times to make back some small losses, but at the end of the day it wasn't worth it. I think i should have just left it alone, pretty much um, so overall, a net loss on this short trade and you can see the stock is very difficult. Um, two shorts.

You know after that, reject from 860s down to eight eight dollars. It should have died, but instead it's reclaiming view op and it's probably gon na test the high of the day in the afternoon. So you got ta pick your battles uh, especially in a market like today, there's a lot of more straightforward, uh short selling, uh potential um in the market. So that's why i just admitted my defeat and decided to leave this um alf alone now the next stock.

I traded is cei on the short side. I know this. One has gotten a lot of retail traders and especially on social media, very excited. For the last, like two or three weeks, you can see this stock on a daily went pretty much from 50 cents to a dollar, and then today it went as high as three dollars and 340s.

I usually don't trade, these kind of stocks um, that's really really low price that came from uh like 50 cents or below one dollar um. It's been many years since i traded anything um, that's like closer to an actual penny stock, but for me to trade it today is because i saw the really really extended daily chart. I mean this thing went parabolic from 150 all the way to three dollars, and you know i you can see. I didn't trade, the stock at all.

Until i see a parabolic move from 280s all the way to 340s - and i see this huge drop all the way you can see this v-shape um drop right. It went up to 340 and came back to where it came from and a lot of times even like if you ignore the price of the stock. This is the setup we see in a lot of the the higher price names on the either the large caps or even some of the small caps that trade from two dollars to ten dollars. So this is a kind of setup where the stock has been extended for multiple days and the first day has a harsh sell-off like this.

That's a short setup that i normally would play. So that's the reason i started looking at the stock and started looking getting interested in the stock short. You can say i wasn't involved in this thing until all the way after the drop from 3 40 down to 280s, and over here i started seeing a lot of selling around three dollars area and technically, on the five minute chart um the three dollars below v Web first of all, and also um lower highs, it's the first time that you see any sort of true weakness, um for the last couple of days. If you go to the intraday chart from all these stocks, you'll see that the chart is for the first time different.
Oh then, all the prior dates you can see in all the prior days. It stays very strong and it never really um held below v-lab until like, except for this day below v-lap on the five minutes. But for today today was different like three dollars. It had a lot of a lot of trouble trying to break out above the web and trying to reclaim that three dollars.

So that's the reason i assured it and the stock is trading very, very high volume. If you look at today, traded over 500 million shares volume um. So that's why it's pretty easy to fill on this thing. So i shorted this three dollars down here and covered into 284s and i was out on this flush to 260s um.

I did give back some here. You can see. I give back some here. I try to re-short a little bit seeing if we're gon na test um the prior day's close again, we'll potentially go red on the day to 240s, but it didn't get there.

So i got out of my remaining short position and gave back some profits on the secondary shorts. I think if this thing does reclaim three dollars which looks like it's going to, you might see another day on cei another one or two days, um, depending on whether you close above three dollars or not so right now, obviously still early, there's three more hours. Three more hours left so we'll see what happens, but for now three dollars. If you, if you look at how the stock is trading near the end of the day, three dollars, that's going to be an important level to determine whether you're gon na reclaim that and see another leg up tomorrow.

If this thing does, we can claim three dollars. It's very possible that it goes all the way to five dollars, so we'll see what happens, but under three dollars. If it closes below three, then this thing have downside all the way to almost two dollars in near term. So i'm all out of this.

I'm just kind of trying to analyze it and prepare for what it could do tomorrow and before we go just a friendly reminder that i do not and will never trade or invest your money for you. I do not do that for anyone else. I only trade. My own money and i've made multiple reminders and warnings about this on my youtube channel and including a lot of posting and instagram stories and other social media platforms as well, and it just makes me really sad to see when sometimes people do fall.

For that, and unfortunately, this lady fell for that, and you know, spent two thousand dollars and deposited her money on the trading platform and now she can't access that platform anymore, and it just makes me really sad to see this. So please be careful on the internet. I do not trade for anyone else. I will not ask you to deposit your money in bitcoin or send it to me on wechat or whatsapp or any other social media platforms.
Again, all the real youtube replies on social media will have a highlight over my name. My only instagram is humboldt trader. My only twitter is humboldt trader 1. 8.

My only facebook is humble trader, that's it. My official website is humboldt and that's the only place where you can enroll in my trading community and education programs and i'm. So i'm really sad and sorry to hear about this loss that this person is talking about and if you're watching this, please contact your local authorities and just understand that there's a lot of people online impersonating me with my photos trying to scam your money. So please stay safe on the internet and stay safe, especially in this kind of market conditions.

Thank you guys for watching and i'll see you guys next time, hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes. If you want to see more day, trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources.

Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “Short selling the market crash $cei $tsla $snoa $alf trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kimberly Sauly says:

    The Best trader with the best strategies and Indicator ever!
    Good job to Scott Huffman, he’s an excellent trader

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muhammad Rakhshan says:

    Sir I just cannot tell you how much I admire your trading style. So simple yet so elegant. Always keeping risk management at the top. Have been trading with Scott Huffman for 8 months and yet no losses, when you’re good you’re good! God bless you sir

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thetravelling Ginger says:

    I love how open minded you are on investing, I found an article of investors investing in growth stocks that made up to $500,000 within 2months from shorting, so please I'd really love more tips and clues on how to outperform the market and make such profit using options.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mahmoud Nasser says:

    Confidence IN & consistency WITH your strategy is the UNLOCK to success in trading. Invest with Scott Hoffman, he’s the sole winner of my trades

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dmobile2go says:

    I love your teachings. And not too hard on the eyes either. LOL!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bobby Purvis says:

    You mentioned previously you took an expensive course early on your day trading career. It seems everyone has courses and Discords that cost more than I make trading in a month. Would you recommend a formal training program or something similar to what you are offering. I work full time and use all my spare time learning about the profession.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Wilson says:

    I have been looking for a good broker to trade with!
    Please how do I find one??

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kim Tran says:

    What is your broker
    fee per trade, is this fixed or percentage based on your position? Thanks 🙂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 123CREATIONS says:

    Is there anyway to invest with you? I don't want to personally be a trader. I would just invest with one

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jkdmmabox says:

    Great video Shay, just wish you'd share some numbers in regards to how much you made and lost on each particular trade. Otherwise GREAT!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Miller says:

    How many fees come with shorting? Locate fee, margin rate, borrow rate, commissions? 4 separate fees?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Crawford says:

    I was lucky and got in on CEI early at .49 a share. Sold half of it at 4.40. Then later sold the rest at 3.10. Now I put a good bit of those into PROG & FAMI. I believe I'm in a good position to make some great gains. Hopefully my small account grows significantly.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian M. says:

    Is the market bad, is it the problem I have too?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ervitas says:

    i am trying to learn but i just lost 2k usd, i am heartbroken now ; ;

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anatoly Tolosa says:

    Simple Technical set up I think happens most of the time

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anatoly Tolosa says:

    Accessorize as your bankroll grow. definitely need benzinga trade ideas and a new computer desk

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anatoly Tolosa says:

    Trade like Humbled trader you inspire me. maybe i should learn from you

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Myint Win says:

    Lamboghini didn't send you a car yet for mentioning the brand name a million time in your Youtube videos. Is that why you didn't mention the Lamboghini in this video? Am I becoming a bad joker like you by watching too many of your video.?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helder Neves says:

    You ended quite sad because of that viewer… most of the good ppl in this world will face reality on a very strange manner

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vegas DM says:

    Great now a video of you shorting a company that is literally trying to improve the quality of air you breath!
    (CEI – Carbon Capture)

    You live in a smog filled major metro American city. You should know all about air quality.

    What's next? Making money by selling shots of tequila to a surgeon that is about to operate on you?

    Quite playing your trading desk like a video game and think about the real world consequences of tickers you make money on.

    You can do better

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Q says:

    Couldn't stop laughing when I seen CEI.. I hate shorts and have no respect for those that destroy stocks for personal gains.. there's really no reason to do this

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavin Giles says:

    What does everyone think about BOTY, lots of movement in the last few days. Think is is going to pop up.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vade1313 says:

    You're so sexy! A woman with a brain. I didn't know if there were any left lol

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NIO says:

    Humbled Trader did you shoot this video from heaven? That brilliant bright light in back ground sure looks like heavens gate. 😉 wink

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Hass says:

    Notice how none of these so called youtube traders show their actual portfolios? They're losers and only making money from ads, endorsements etc… You're 99% more likely to beat the market by S&P 500 passive investing. Statistics and facts don't lie!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jc says:

    How did you search for these stocks you shorted today

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Bennett says:

    Many thanks for the upload. I managed to stay above50% regarding the shorts. Panicked but prevailed.. Still in the green.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stephen brower says:

    Shay…you mention the power hour….when, and why do you call it that…Thanks

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lorgnetteify says:

    😢 I managed to recover my losses with CEI today until the greedy social media buyers cashed out and it tanked. I’m praying at least to cash out more than 5 dollars per share at least. I think stocks recover after massive pull outs when I see the numbers recover a little after.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Money says:

    Ur my inspiration. How long before you became profitable?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars whereisedd says:

    Wow you called today's CEI move perfectly. Once I saw it was getting good support at 3 I jumped in. Why did you think that would happen?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KALEB BERMUDEZ says:

    C'mon Shay let's get some live day trading recap!!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry says:

    Hello Shay, thanx for providing education on yt for free, it really helped me on my trading journey. How does a high or low institutional / insider ownership affect a stock when trading it? No one can give me a decent answer to that question 🙁

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mosconi Oni says:

    We know your short bias 80% of the time regardless of market conditions.

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