Join me this week in the life of a high producing mortgage loan officer as I show you what I do and what it takes to be in the top 1%. From focusing on clients to managing a team, gain valuable insights into the daily routines and strategies that drive success in the world of mortgage lending. Enjoy!
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00:00 Introduction to X2 Ventures ep004
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Thursday Morning 8 16 A.M Gas prices are pretty insane right now and I have to put premium in my car. Premium price of gas is like five dollars and like, but diesel on the other hand is like five bucks. So I'm saving money driving the truck morning. Rebecca The repairs are going to be done outside of close after close after close.

Sorry, but we are going to document that they happened before close for us that paid invoice for the repairs and the repairs cost twenty three hundred dollars. contract. Nothing else changes. So those repairs took place here is on the CD That's how it's going to balance.

The sellers paid for this plumbing repair. It's 2300. Here's the invoice done. I Don't think underwriting is going to call it out because it has nothing to do with loan approval and it's a repair that the seller paid for inside closing.

I Don't think it's an issue and also is your appraisal requiring the impaired? Oh I haven't got the appraisal back yet but but it definitely wouldn't come up on. but you don't really need to show it's been already done. It's okay to just give an invoice and the work will be completed after close. It's just most people don't pay for work to be done that's not done yet right? But it doesn't need to be like done.

Do it all the time. Okay, but really right. The reality is is the work costs 4 600 right? But the sellers are going to split it with the buyers. The sellers are going to pay the their proceeds that way and then at the end right the plumber will collect after close anything were to come up and come up in closing.

but it's not going to be an issue like it's almost like there's a lien on the property that's being paid off. It doesn't impact your buyer at all, right? It has nothing to do with loan approval. Okay I'm just I wanna I just want to make sure it was gonna work all right brother appreciate it. Oh yeah, Home Buyer consultation first one: I've had in like a zoom meeting.

first one: I've had in probably a year. you know what? Shawn maybe if you were a decent lender you know you know. hey I will hey hey how's it going? Good to see you Andrew it's been a while man. let's get in a qualifying number and then we'll backtrack and do a uh, kind of like where you're going to be monthly payments I have like a thousand dollar medical bills that came upon my collection.

Either that real quick on the medical collection. Most of the time when a medical collection goes to your credit and goes into a collection nine out of 10 times it's a HIPAA violation. so typically you can just get it removed without paying for it. It'll do two things.

one it'll save you, you know, a thousand bucks which is important, but two, it'll also delete it from your report and shoot your credit score up. There's this little software online they'll mail like the proper medical uh, collection deletion letter to the Creditor and then typically within 30 days it'll be removed. With it being on your credit, it hurts your credit score, but in terms of your qualification, it doesn't really impact anything. So because it's so small I'm super excited because we have something in the works to make us the only mortgage Brokerage in the country to offer something special.
Now this has never been done before. We're testing the waters with it I Can't give too much details right now as it's still in the works, but we have a meeting this morning that is super pivotal into seeing if we can make it work. So hopefully by the next video you'll see that we have some progress on it that we either implemented it and I can tell you about it or that it failed and then I can still tell you about it. But I'm really excited for that meeting.

It's in an hour and a half I Asked all of our loan officers to be in attendance for that meeting and one we'll see who actually shows up, but two, we'll see what time they actually show up at and like I Get it? because loan officers are fully commissioned so they want to be spending their time on something that's going to generate them some income. But we do Mega pivotal things to help them generate business. but then the rest of the day we've got our normal work day going on and then this evening we're at actually having a company parte since most people work from home and they're not always in the office at the same time or able to really build a connection with a lot of people with the company we're putting on a company. Topgolf Event we rented out a couple Bays should be pretty fun I'm excited to see everyone together in one place because we literally have not had that yet.

and of course when it's something fun and not business or work related, everyone is going to participate. But I'm excited for that. and then after that I'm gonna be at Topgolf even longer because there's a national mortgage broker Association that just happened to be at the same exact Topgolf literally 30 minutes after we're done with our company party. so it worked out pretty perfectly.

I figured I'd just hit up both Jay Barber and um, well. the meeting went well, pretty much locked it in this morning, but it's not 100 solidified yet. but it's 325. I Got about 30 minutes until we got the company Topgolf event tonight I'm actually dropping off a lot of those real estate Riders I've told like four or five people about them and agents have absolutely loved them.

so I'm really excited. We've got a couple things that no one in the country is doing right now. the real estate Riders are one of them offering that kind of incentive. so I'm really excited about that.

but the agents I did talk to were Mega stoked about it and they're like yes, go drop them off at my listings or some of them use like services to do their listings for them I'm dropping off a couple right now at one of those kind of services I Cannot wait to start seeing these things just out and about in the wild. and I have no idea if they're going to work or not yet, but we're gonna find out. Thank you! Can't forget about my boys in Texas either! I'm going to UPS to ship some out. It's like the nicest UPS I've ever seen in my opinion.
if I'm walking or I'm going to look at a house and I see a real estate sign that literally says there's a zero dollar buyer incentive for financing I'm scanning that QR code and I'm calling. They just don't really see why someone wouldn't do that I Love Howard So everyone like don't be late and then I'm definitely gonna be like Rebecca should be there on time she usually is on time 4 18 I'm only 20 minutes late. Honestly, not that bad for me. We're all here Hey I've been up since 5 30.

that's on you. What a day! I'm zonked 6 30 a.m I'm super tired I woke up probably 10 minutes ago but I'm going golfing with my buddy Jevin. He's referred over a couple clients lately so I figured I'd take him golfing but it's real early. We got a 6 48 tee time awake.

Boom I golf like crap. Man, it was fun. You know that? hello Since yesterday was a little bit of a whirlwind I need to go to the office and finish some items and I also left a couple things. There is something about coming in on the weekend.

it's just so quiet I just like it foreign and then um I'll help you put your boat back. it's already 10 a.m Been sitting working on my computer since like 6 30. but I really want to go dirt bike riding today I told myself I'd get up early and go riding and then I sat down on my computer I just started getting busy so now I need to run my errands today to hopefully be available so my buddy Hayden can go dirt bike riding with me in this afternoon. We're gonna finish that up quickly because then I'm gonna go hang out with my other buddy Carson we're gonna go check out Theo Von This should be a pretty good show Aaron's on the day.

Step one: we need to get some food. Scarf it all down. Error number two: We need to get a little bit of a gym session because if I'm being honest I slacked a little bit this week and then Aaron Number three: we need to actually take a selfie on one of our real estate Riders so we could work it into our email marketing this week and then we're gonna have some fun. Damn it is gonna be a hot one today.

We're all loaded up though. Let's get it. I'm also Mega surprised that we're actually on schedule right now. You're gonna learn that I like to pack in my days as much as possible.

If I have an hour of downtime? Well, I'm doing something 20 minutes doing something 20 seconds doing something. No. but I actually don't get a whole lot of free time. so when I do have a little bit of time I really do want to do as much as I can.

We had a pretty eventful day so far I'm gonna try to squeeze in two to three hours of dirt bike riding even though it's like 30 minutes away to actually get to where we're gonna go. But I need to make sure that I'm back here by 4 30. So I have enough time. so I have enough time to shower, head over to my buddy's house and make it for Theo box.
I'm already calling her right now that I am definitely gonna be late, but the question is by how much I Still can't believe these gas prices. This is what five bucks get you these days. Five bucks on real. Let's see if Hayden's ready to go since we're on a mega tight time crunch.

Garage is shut, he's not even outside Tisk Tisk. It's a 106 out and it's not even May yet I Literally got like the same pants. you didn't grab it, you didn't find it. We got this to take my coals.

Thank you! I've come out here in like August and I don't know it was way hotter than that and I'm dying right now Monday morning. Today is a big day our very own. Haley Becoming a homeowner today. Are you excited? Foreign I don't know.

Well Haley I'm gonna go back to working. What was the hardest part during the financing process for your love. Well I guess the hardest part was not 100 having confidence that it would happen. People overestimate and underestimate what it takes to actually buy a house.

and there were a lot of times where I was like, you know, can I do this am I wasting my time am I wasting everybody else's time Have I walked into a situation that I'm not going to be able to get out of. There's some self-doubt and I think you just have to kind of push through I think having a lender that really knows what he's doing is helpful. Obviously I'm a little bit biased, but that was super helpful to know have somebody on my side who knew exactly what they were doing and could answer any questions that I had. I Had this cute idea of just like kind of dancing around in my house being like Oh my God this is mine I own this now.

Nice little Full House Vibes Yeah, exactly doing. kind of like a celebratory um celebratory chant and celebratory cheer in my new place. Well congrats, thank you I couldn't have done it without you start of a new month Mondays are always a complete Whirlwind I Always have so much planned on a Monday you know the weekend's over I'm ready to attack the new week I've got so many great ideas to implement and then I'm just like Mega busy playing catch up all day, but we're implementing a lot of new things this week so I'm excited to see how they take out foreign. Are you ready yet? Are you ready anymore? Fire In case you're wondering.

still haven't unloaded these I will eventually before I head to the office I need to leave that right there, snag a little pixky of it and send that to my buddy Pete to replace that because I really don't want to do it again I'm trying to focus on income producing activities which usually means mortgages. Thank you! That's what I like to see right here. So we call grade A Service: Unload my bike so I don't have to my kickstand broke I lost the the foot. that's why you wanted to unload it because you missed out on the bike.
All about took usually two days to get these bikes we're way too tired on Sunday to do it and then Hayden are both very extremely. Mega Busy people. Eight Orange Short Car dealership so he works like quite a bit too. So like last night when we did have time to do it, it was just way too late.

man. I'm really thinking about getting rid of this beard I'm just not digging the look anymore I Kind of want to go back to the clean shaving I'm gonna have to sleep on that. oh.

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2 thoughts on “She bought her first house at 25! x2 ventures 004”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OG_Nallum 🗸 says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NoMansFlyer says:

    How did you get started with this job?

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