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Second Stimulus Check Update : The Truth.
Many people want to report on good news. I do too. You give people good news, you get more likes. Viewers will associate good promising news with more likes..
As I do more research and spend hours upon hours hearing from different senators an the perspective of our nation I realize that the REALITY of the situation on a second stimulus check is not something many people will want to discuss.
The most important thing right now. Is getting people back to work.
We know this.
For some this has been a paid vacation at home for the past 2 months because of the high unemployment benefit we received from the government.
We had the PPP - Which covered the payroll for many small businesses and free money like the EIDL business grant as well.
Here are the facts:
Within the first four packages of our Cares act only about half of that money has been disbursed.
The government has no real good handle on how to spend or disburse the money from our first CARES act.
The unemployment boost which ends in July keeps an incentive for people to not return to work.
This is why they are trying to flip the script from giving unemployment benefits to back to work bonuses.
The situation from a few months ago is drastically different.
States are reopening, the pandemic is hitting a plateau for many areas including the state that I live in
Heres what I believe NEEDS to happen in order for second stimulus checks to come out.
1. We need a second wave.
2. They disperse all the money for the first 4 phases of the Cares Act.
1. PPP 25% still leftover
3. We riot.
So we know we need to help people during this time who have lost their jobs. Not everyone is ready to go back to work and not all businesses are looking to reopen.
Do you guys believe that a second stimulus check is still needed?
Do you believe we will see a second one?
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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
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Yo, what is going on? You guys welcome back to another video, so there are many content creators on this platform that really want to promote good news. Now this isn't just subjected to youtube alone. You're gon na see different news articles, forbes magazine, publications and even news channels like cnn or fox5, talking about good promising hopeful news that sometimes may not be realistic. Here's the reality of the situation.

You give people good news, you get more likes on your video. You give people good news, they tend to click on that article or that video. Even more, you give people news, you get more engagement, likes and watch time, because it's good promising hopeful things that people want to hear. As i spend hours upon hours of research every single day, it seems like the outcome of the situation is constantly evolving.

What started out originally with first stimulus check videos and now we're on our second one hopeful of getting another one. Many people want this so bad that i feel like they're. Creating this illusion, and people are giving into this illusion to the viewers that this may actually happen when in reality, that may not be the truth. So, in one perspective, the past few months have been the worst thing ever to happen to many people we're going through a global pandemic.

People's lives are on the line, people are losing jobs and people are unsure. If whether or not they will actually be able to live in the house, they live in pay their rent, pay their mortgage or even have food on the table. Now. On another perspective, this could possibly have been the best two months of your life.

You may have been someone who hated your job and now you're, making more money off the unemployment boosted benefits that you're getting from the government you're getting free money like stimulus checks or even if you're, self-employed and you have your payroll services set up. You have probably been getting free money from the government that will be forgived with that thing, like the ppp loan or things like the e-i-d-l grant, which is a free one thousand dollars now, if we look at that perspective and we realize, on the other ladder of Things like hey, we're, essentially just getting free money from the government while being at home right now. There are people definitely struggling at this moment, but for the ones that possibly aren't. This probably has been some of the best times of your life you're spending more time with your family at home, you're able to do things or do other hobbies that you probably never have been able to do before, because you never had the time for and really This is giving the perspective to our senators on really the reality of the situation as well.

So here are the facts within the first four phases that we got for the cares act. We actually haven't even used half of that money. Yet it's actually been quoted multiple times from different senators that we actually have no real good idea on how to disperse this money. I think because we all have this idea that we've gotten our first 1200 stimulus check that okay, we need another one.
We need something else passed, but we often forget how many other aspects of the bill within the cares act was actually passed and introduced. It seems like one of the biggest struggles that the government is having right now is really getting this out in the deep roots of our nation. So i'm saying we have our cares act. Okay, we have our funding.

Our businesses are getting the money. Sometimes it will get eaten up by bigger corporations and now we're trying to get this money into other smaller entities. Maybe it's non-profits, or maybe it's even just local and state counties within different states and jurisdictions, they're trying to figure out different ways for them to efficiently and effectively get this money out to the people now. Another thing that you guys really need to be mindful about is that unemployment boost that you're getting from the government so generally, if you're getting unemployment benefits from the state, sometimes it'll be a couple hundred dollars and i have buddies who are getting unemployment checks right now Of a thousand dollars per week - and i was always thinking how is this even possible when we realized okay? Well, if the state is giving you 400 and then the unemployment boost is giving you an additional 600 a thousand dollars a week is not that bad at all, especially when you're making less money than that.

Now. What the reality situation is we're not exactly where we were about a few months ago, when we were all ordered on lockdown. Everyone was terrified to leave their place, and it seems like especially over this past memorial day weekend. People are just completely forgetting that this pandemic is still going around holiday, led the scenes like this one in galveston texas, where the beach was crowded and masks were far now u.s.

Senator rob portman actually discussed the need to incentivize other people to return to work now within this new proposal. This means that if you do decide to go back to work, if something like this actually passed, you would be getting an additional 450 bonus on top of whatever wage you're originally making so states are reopening. It looks like the pandemic is hitting a plateau in many different parts of our country, including the one i live in state of maryland, maryland gang dmv boys all right. That was obnoxious, we're not doing that ever here's.

What i believe actually needs to happen in order for people to see an additional stimulus check, because this seems to be the biggest question. The thing that gets views on this channel. What about our second stimulus check so i'll? Give you guys pretty much my perspective and theory on what needs to happen? What needs to line up in order for us to actually see these shacks? First of all, if we really want to see another stimulus track, i believe we need to see a second wave of the pandemic. Now i don't want this to happen.
I don't, i don't think anyone really wants this to happen. Maybe some people do because you know you're allowed to chill at home. If we see a second wave, i can almost guarantee that another stimulus check would actually go through, because this would incentivize the government to repeat the same things that have happened in the past. Whether it's another cares act, whether it's other additional unemployment benefits, which is highly unlikely, because what they're doing now seems to be pretty good at the moment, but the biggest x factor that we've seen work in the past.

Are these stimulus checks people get it. People have been spending it, people have been using this towards rent and food, and it's something that people are demanding highly of now. Another factor in order for us to see another stimulus check is that they would actually need to use up all of the money from the first cares act during the time of this recording. We still have 25 left of that ppp loan and people often thought okay, pvp is all gone.

Eidl's all gone stimulus is all gone. No they're still dispersing the first stimulus check to many americans out here, so we still have many different aspects to the kaizak that we just haven't used of now. If those two different things happen pretty much like hand sanitizer, i would say that 99.99 chance that a lot of this would actually go through in us, seeing second stimulus checks. Now the third thing is third thing: is we riot it's another thing? I don't know why.

I got a, i don't know why i got a cat cable for this. I could have gotten something more dangerous, but we could always ride. That's like another thing. You know it's like brian, like the people have power like y'all ever see the purge like there is actually some pretty good evidence in that.

You know black mirror y'all ever watched that we can always purge just kidding. Don't do that. You know i say that half sarcastically like we could riot but like in reality, i feel like if we had mobs of people lined up outside of dc like in front of these governor's houses and, like you know, saying like yo, we want our stimulus check. You know we got number, the people got numbers and you know i'm not.

I'm not gon na be a channel that incites any type of uh, crazy movement. But all i must say is the people got power and i feel like if people just people just forget about that, the fun fact with this cat cable, like a random thing that i just had near my desk, prop for a video tax write-off. I got this for free. I got this for free, so when i moved into my apartment, my verizon guy actually had watched some of my videos on my youtube channel he's like yo.

I recognize you and he gave me a couple free cables, so it came to good use. I used it in a prop, so i think his name was daniel thanks daniel from from a while back so this pandemic is far from over, and we know that we still need to help out a lot of people who have lost their jobs. Many businesses aren't going to reopen. Many people are going to stay unemployed for quite a while and the reality situation is.
We may need additional funding from the government, whether they believe it or not. So my question to you guys is: do you guys believe that we still need another stimulus check? Let me know down below what your thoughts are on that and let me know down below if you guys think we will actually see another stimulus check. So i think it's clear to say that we do have a demand from people like we. We do need stimulus checks, i think, but do you guys believe that we're going to see one that that a little bit of that? So i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys did don't forget to drop a like and don't forget to subscribe down below now.

On top of that, if you guys are looking to get free money free stocks, i will have that listed down below. If you guys check out with weeble, you guys can actually get two free stocks, one valued up to 1400, if you guys deposit 100 onto the platform, if you guys don't like the app just get rid of it, take your money, pull your money out, put it Back into your bank account, but i would suggest actually picking up your free stocks and seeing which stocks you win now. In addition to that, like always, don't forget to check me out on instagram at credit brian listed somewhere in the corner of the screen. I hope you guys enjoyed this video and i hope i see you guys in the next one peace.

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24 thoughts on “Second stimulus check | the hard truth 😞”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Youngs says:

    With 40 million unemployed in the US almost 25 percent of the work force. The Congress will have no choice but to extend the benefit. Most of these jobs are gone for good. Congress needs to stop taking vacations and do the job we hired them to do. They work for us and this is a election year. If they don't want to do there job we can always find someone else.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KRUX aka Meliah says:

    Some people that are getting unemployment are making a killing . I live in Tennessee and I’ve seen people getting $1000 a week ..that’s 4 grand a month . More than what they usually make a month..living large they are

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tarikgreen says:

    Has anyone else NOT received the check after the website says it’s been sent out already?? Anyone?? Anyone have any info on this and why?? Please help!!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mary Volz says:

    There is a need for a second stimulus. Not sure if it will come soon. Maybe July or August.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ruthann k. says:

    No one in Wisconsin chilling I believe people are suffering!! Rent utilities…morgages food and other bills 1200 is start but promised help we havnt seen … We can't even get company's to produce Lysol wipes..here ridiculous…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ruthann k. says:

    We need money for people denied unemployment..no ssi..those people need to survive high risk people are not covered if not working do to risks out there…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LEESA RAAE FT2 says:

    As of 1:27 pm…in Cheyenne Wyoming…a friend of a friend…just got her FIRST STIMULUS CHECK!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars virgil lambert says:

    I’m on ssdi lung disease oxygen twenty four seven and still haven’t got my stimulus check I’m just hoping it will come soon

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pinned Fern Finance says:

    I don't care about stimulus check all I know is I still make good profit trading crypto currency

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Amaya Epps says:

    minnesota is rioting rn bc of mr. floyd, yall know what to do, hop on if you’re about that life lbs πŸ˜‚ , if in mn hml

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leticia Lara says:

    Yes i believe wr need another stimulus check, people are still struggling & it would help us out alot & it would boost the economy

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Dutaille says:

    Hey bro, great video. Very very very precise, ur amazing man!! Well spoken and well executed!! Question essential workers during this pandemic are we going to given a pay difference? Or additional funds because we out there working while others getting more money to stay home? Ya thoughts

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cj Pietropinto says:

    Unemployment is enough? I disagree.

    If you are fully furloughed, yes, it's a fair amount of money.

    But! If you are returning to work, at 15 hrs a week, when you used to be full time…no, it's not enough! We need something for returning workers who aren't getting full hours!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sheila James says:

    We need to get one. All I hear is that others are getting it. What about SSI, SSD, RR, ECT we aren't even being thought of.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Howard L. Reed, Jr. says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janie Miller says:

    Actually / I’ve been off work close to 10 weeks & thus far $0. I’ve gotten no stimulus check , no unemployment thus far either. I live in Florida & it’s been a nightmare / the unemployment system here is awful & not coming through positively for me or for many people.
    So / πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
    How can they talk about 2nd stimulus check or extension of unemployment benefits / when they haven’t gotten a huge percentage of us Floridians any help such as stimulus or unemployment?
    Close to 10 weeks & Ive not received any help ($0). State of Florida has
    the worst & Im extremely disappointed in the Governor of the state of Florida 🌴.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anitabreakone says:

    YES many people do need another stimulus check. The people who have worked through all this deserve another stimulus check. Some kind of reward would be nice. I for one never received any kind of increase in the hour, bonus pay, or anything else. (Incentive for others to keep in working if they can). And the people who got their hours cut because of the COVID. Give the money to the people. They will use it. Stop all the stuff no one is using. And if a person can go back to work, DON’T give them a check to sit at home. And especially DON’T give them an extra 450 to bribe them to go to work. Just cut them off if they don’t go back to work. Pretty simple. I always thought while drawing unemployment you had be actively seeking employment. πŸ€” Some people can go back and have a job
    waiting for them but choose to sit on their behinds because they can draw more from unemployment. πŸ€”CUT THOSE PEOPLE OFF!!!!! As for the ones sitting at home refusing to work when they have a job waiting. No they do not deserve anything. 😑

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RaΓΊl De La Rosa says:

    I say yes as another stimulus check since I haven’t gotten ANY of my unemployment since March 9th is is now May 28th…

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josefina Przybyla says:

    Definitely we all needs another rounds of stimulus check give the people's $1,000 every 2 weeks for 3 months it will help boost the economy

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peace BeStill says:

    America has always been one of the most greediest and selfish countries, we’re just putting a bigger spotlight on it! Now it’s not just Black people struggling and suffering, it’s everybody!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cywhitworth says:

    I think we need another round however the Senate is taking their time and stalling so I dont know if we will see one. You keep it real i love that ty for all your videos love watching you

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars welcome to reality says:

    of coarse we need another stim check! If we Dont get then Rs will continue to own this horrific NON hoax pandemic! This is an election year Moscow Mitch better make it rain NOW or ALL Rs will LOSE election! The ppl are PISSED OFF!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salome Tips and tricks says:

    Hello everyone πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘‹ and blessed be yall honest and thoughtful and kind and just and peaceful and patience and loving and caring people of the world.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars π˜Ύπ™Šπ™π™π™€π™€ π™π™Šπ™Šπ™ˆ says:

    Ppl are actually watching this smh smh.. These ppl are doing this for viewers please knock it off your getting boring!!!!!

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