Safemoon has become one of the most talked about cryptocurrencies in the world but the big problem is that it is a giant Ponzi scheme.
In this video I will break down EXACTLY why it is by showing you the numbers.
I will go through the specific maths that shows that THE ONLY WAY for Safemoon to rise in value is through the rapid addition of new users.
The "Tokenomics" effect of reflection distributions does not work and I explain exactly why.
The natural reduction in the volume of tokens through burns ALSO doesn't work and I show the maths for that as well.
So the only reason that the price can grow or remain stable is if a lot of new people join to buy Safemoon.
And the ONLY reason for anyone to buy Safemoon is to try and sell it for a profit - there is no utility and there is no revenue or profit generated.
So the price method by which this works is the exact definition of a Ponzi scheme and hopefully at least some people out there will actually watch this and find this useful.
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Hey guys, it's sasha safe moon is a crypto that has exploded since it launched at the beginning of march, and everyone seems to be talking about it. We've got fortune the wall street journal and everybody else talking about it, but sadly the journalists missed out one critical aspect: safe moon is a ponzi scheme, but seeing as i've already said, that and i've had over 5 000 people leave a comment saying that they disagree. I thought i need to explain it in a bit more detail, because previously i only scratched the surface and i intentionally kept the videos relatively light, but people wanted more detail so here it is. I am going to explain the maths behind why safe moon is a ponzi scheme.

If you are here to leave a hateful comment. Tell me that i look ugly or hit the dislike button feel free to go and do that. But if you are invested, i completely get why you might not want a negative press. I completely understand, but just give me a few minutes of your time, and maybe you will learn something new about how it actually works, because that's what i'm here to explain.

I'm going to explain exactly why the whole tokenomics aspect of safe moon doesn't actually work. So, let's start with the basics. Here is what happens with every safe moon transaction where safe moon moves from one address to another. The seller has to pay a 10 fee and that 10 is split.

Five percent of it goes to redistribution and five percent goes to the liquidity pool. The liquidity pool is then split with half of it. Staying a safe moon and another half being converted to bmb. So that's 2.5, each of the total transaction volume.

The redistribution is also split at the moment. Roughly 41.6 percent of all the tokens that are in existence have already been burned, and that means that roughly 41.6 percent off the five percent, so 2.08 of the total transactions are being sent to the burnt wallet. So in essence, they are being burnt. The remaining 2.92 percent is evenly distributed between the holders, depending on how much they actually hold now, because of that 10 feet.

Safe moon is not actually designed as a method of transacting value. Like normal currency, you don't want to go and use safe, moon to go and buy something in a shop, because you're gon na have to pay a 10 fee. That is extremely expensive. You can pay for things using things like dollars without having to pay anything close to that.

So that means that almost a hundred percent of the transactions that will be in existence today are existing holders of safe moon selling. Out of their positions to potentially you know, capitalizing their gains either to new buyers into safe moon or to existing holders who want to increase their positions. That is what the transactions that are happening are going to be doing now, every time that you sell safe moon, you will have to pay that 10 fee and if you want the value of your savement to increase to offset that fee, there are only two ways In which that can happen, the first one is through reflections that happen through the protocol and i'm going to explain a lot of detail and the second is through the price going up and there are two different ways in which that can happen now. First, let's talk about reflections because that's the one piece that everyone seems to be very excited about and that's the one piece that they tell me that i never understood in the first place.
So, let's assume that i go and buy a hundred dollars of safe moon and for the sake of simplicity, let's assume that the price of safe moon is 0.0001. That's a little bit above where it is at the moment, but let's just keep the numbers easy. So for my 100, i am going to get 10 million tokens now. Let's say that i want to go and sell my tokens or i want to then go and buy something for a hundred dollars.

In order to do so, i will have to pay a 10 fee, so in order to get my hundred dollars back, i need to actually increase the value of my save mone up dollars to 111.11 cents in order to pay my 10 fee and bring it back Down to 100, so i need to earn 11 and 11 cents just to break. Even so, let's assume, for the sake of this argument, that the price does not go up and stays flat. Can you make the 11 11 cents through reflections on their own? Well, if you own 10 million tokens - and there is one quadrillion tokens in total, including the 416 trillion that have already been burned - that means that when a reflection happens, your share is going to be 10 million over one quadrillion of the total reflection amount. So that's 0.0001 percent, so to get 11.11 cents through reflections, you would need to collect 1.11 million tokens and those tokens will be that 0.0001 percent of the total reflected tokens.

Because that's your share of the total number of tokens, so you would need to have 111 trillion reflected tokens in total and because reflected tokens make up only five percent of the total transaction amount. That means there needs to be 2.22 quadrillion tokens worth of transactions before you break even that's roughly four times the total number of save mean tokens in existence at the moment, excluding the burnt ones because they can't transact. So, given that most people are holding apparently and a big chunk of the total tokens are actually sitting with the developers, it is going to take a long time to get that money back through reflections alone. So the other way that the money can be earned is by the price going up right and there are two ways of doing it: either the price goes up because there is increased demand from new people buying in i'm going to get to that in just a Bit or the natural order of things because tokens get burned, the supply reduces and that increases price.

That's the alternative way that people explain this right. Well, let's do the maths on that as well. So at the moment there are 584 trillion safe moon tokens that are not yet burned and you want to go and have the price increase by 11.11 percent in order for your hundred dollars to break. Even so, let's assume this is not a ponzi scheme and then the price rises only because of the reducing number of tokens, not because more people are joining in and thereby artificially pumping the price.
So if you assume that the demand is constant, we need 10 of all the existing tokens to burn in order for the price per token to increase by 11.11. So that means that we need 58.4 trillion tokens to be burned for you to break even on your hundred dollars and remember that at the moment two point: zero. Eight percent tokens are burned from every transaction. However, as more tokens are burned, the percentage that gets burnt actually increases because the burnt wallet is increasing as a proportion of the total and therefore it accrues more of the reflections and i do get that.

So if you were to burn 58.4 trillion tokens, then the average contribution to the burnt wallet will actually roughly be 2.23 from the position. It is today so to burn that many tokens. We would need the total number of transactions to be 2.6 quadrillion or roughly five times the amount of safe moon tokens that are left at the end of this process. So i went and looked and over the last few days the daily transaction volume has averaged at around five to six trillion tokens, so it will take roughly 520 days of waiting before i can sell my safe moon and not make a loss.

That's about one and a half years and the volume of transactions over time doesn't actually increase because more people hold wallets are lost, safe moon is burnt. Presumably the price goes up. The actual volume in terms of tokens typically will stay flat. If you look at bitcoin over the last 10 years that stayed largely flat as well, so unfortunately, you can see that the only way that the price of safe moon can go up is through the demand for it increasing.

So more people need to buy into the token to keep the price stable or make the price rise, but, unlike other types of asset, there is only one reason why somebody might want to buy into safe moon. That reason is to buy it at a particular price and then wait until more people join in and then be able to sell it at a higher price. Therefore, earning you, a profit right, safe moon itself does not generate any kind of revenue or profit like a company would, if you were investing in a company through shares statement, also has no utility other than the rising price that i just mentioned, because it can't really Be used for transactions because of the incredibly expensive fee, so i hope you can see exactly what is happening after i've explained everything here and exactly why. I am saying that safe moon is a ponzi scheme.

Its price growth relies on a large number of new people joining fast, and that is the only mechanism through which the price can actually go up, and eventually the number of new people joining will drop below the critical level that sustains its price and grows it. Because there is a limited number of people and there's a limited number of people who are interested in investing in this type of asset, and when that point is reached, the price will stop increasing at a rate where people are quickly doubling their money or increasing it. And in fact, a lot of people at that point will begin having to wait just to break, even because they have to pay that fee when they sell. And then some of those people will choose to begin selling their safe moon at a slight loss because they want to take the money out because they're seeing that it stopped rising and they want to go and put that money somewhere else or do something else with It and because that selling pressure would begin, the price will begin dropping as more and more people are realizing that they need to sell in order to get the money out, and that will cause the price to drop even further.
And that is exactly how a typical ponzi scheme of this type actually ends up collapsing in the end. I really hope that you realize, after this explanation as to exactly what's happening here and before even more people are drawn into this. This is not a game. This is extremely serious.

A lot of people are going to lose a lot of money. Sure you might only have a small amount invested, but the amount of hype and the amount of talk about this has led to a lot of people investing money into it that they will end up losing. I hope you found this useful. Thank you so much for watching.

I really appreciate it and, as always i'll see you guys later, you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Safemoon ponzi scheme explained in numbers”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Massimo Neri says:

    Looking at the current state of SM, this video aged really well.

    SM has been on a downward trend for months and there's no end in sight. How much did it lose? Like 60-70%?

    It's kinda like things with no value tend to a zero price… 🤣

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitch Bove says:

    The ponzi scheme that starts looking like a cult.. big yikes

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chris edgar says:

    Lmfao sasha stop giving stupid advice that you know nothing about

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Ballinger says:

    Hey, Sasha get your facts straight before you start spreading FUD and lies about Safemoon. Maybe if you'd actually have done your own homework and due diligence about a new crypto startup and honestly just have a basic understanding of economics and how businesses actually work. Then maybe, just maybe you can see how tokenomics actually works and what Safemoon actually is trying to achieve. While just watching this video I can clearly see that you are just your typical youtuber who just cares about yourself and how many views you get on your channel. Really pathetic if you ask me mate. And if anyone who is reading this wants to know more about just how wrong this guy is and the "arguments" he has against Safemoon just go over to "The FUD Hound" youtube channel. He goes more in-depth about this clown and his FUDing ways.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Escoe says:

    Cant wait to come back in a year when this guys regretting not buying safemoon🤣

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kevin van den berg says:

    Whel the funny thing is the fud hound has had way more vieuws on this video and to be hounest his content was way more educational your just telling us that you dont get the project soo you wanne educate us in something you dont understant?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hitsuga Aorusaki says:

    IGNORE THE SHILL ARMY!!! Thank you for sharing these FACTS.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Szemple says:

    no way! this comment section aged so well 😂. Sashi, how is this special hell of answering everyone’s comments going ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Breezy Wizzy says:

    I hope you NEVER put your money in that Ponzi scheme, so I can come back a year later to congratulate you. 😂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Handlebar Mustachio says:

    Watching three of your videos so far… it's quite clear that you don't research your topics before making wild claims. I mean, congratulations, you're getting some idiots watching your videos, so… win, I guess?..

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joaoguerreiro says:

    This video is not aging well taking in consideration new information regarding ssfemoon. Any plans on a update?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paocha Kipgen says:

    Wtf i realised i subscribed to this channel.. it was a mistake i changed my mind goodbye. DH!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Flash says:

    Don't ever delete this video. You gotta be a special level of dumb to think Safemoon is a scam lol. You literally didn't even do your reasearch on it and the video shows it. Keep this video up, we gonna see you in a few years.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Green Prodigy says:

    You dont understand ponzi schemes. If you invest more money for buying coins 🪙 than the current holders that got in before you, then you will make more tokens in reflections plus if the price goes up you will make more money than the people that purchased less coins. The safemoon debit card has NO 10% FEE. THIS VIDEO WAS AGAIN DONE TOO EARLY ITS A WASTE OF ALL OF OUR TIME. ALL YOUR NUMBERS ARE WRONG. Stop calling this a ponzi it isnt. Rug pull potential maybe but not a ponzi.
    Be impartial
    If they successfully execute on the roadmap
    1. Safemoon digital wallet
    2. Safemoon hard wallet
    3. Safemoon exchange
    4. Partnership with Gambia 🇬🇲
    5. Video Games
    6. Possible blockchain
    So much better to be impartial smh so you dont look like a complete idiot.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars b0rg1010 says:

    Wow, you keeping spreading that FUD. It just makes me buy more. BTW, your facts are now out of date and hence this vid is redundant.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jackie Nikora says:

    Thank you so much I wasn’t aware of safemoon so now I’m going to buy $200 worth 👌🏽

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Terry says:

    Watch "The FUD Hound"..Sasha exposed by the truth

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miguel Vilá says:

    to those saying that there will be no 10% fee on the "safemoon card", lmao: it shows you don't have a good idea about the technical side. Good luck to the safemoon team on implementing that. Guess this is where that privileged owner account will come in handy, or was that for something else….? 🤔

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dathi says:

    Such unprofessional video with little or no research done, this guy is terrible.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaun Lapointe says:

    Crap..I learned more about crypto watching that guy de fud you in the ground..So yeah you helped..Gave me the chance to witness a jerk get shutdown and learn the truth

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Baran says:

    Crypto minded people hate your view, they are living in virtual brain world and obviously they want people to join for their own benefit…you are 100% right about this structure 🙂 numbers and graphs talks for themselves, thumb up !

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Usner says:

    Don't think you understand what a ponzi scheme is buddy. A ponzi scheme takes all the money from new investors to pay out as a return on investment to older clients. In this instance, they tell you upfront that they're taxing you 10% in and 10% out and then tell you how it gets split. That my friend is not a ponzi scheme, it's tokenomics. Anyone can pull out their money at any time.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars osondu udoye says:

    I honestly think safemoon is doing something great to warrant all this FUD from different Angles. This is pure envy on the token. Now ask yourself is safe moon the only token out there that uses tokenomics? So why is everybody focusing on safemoon. I think I need to purchase more safemoon now. Sasha thanks for showing us how gullible u are.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Idkwhat2use90 says:

    Tell me you know absolutely nothing about SafeMoon without actually telling me you know absolutely NOTHING about SafeMoon. 😂

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oli Thompson says:

    This is from evidence I gleaned in recent weeks from the Safemoon team..

    I am invested – thus not so sceptical to the comments in the video.

    >>>> Please read below <<<<

    1) There are NO 10% fees transacting between safemoon holders with the new safemoon wallet. (Announced On Twitter you can read)

    2) Additionally In recent AMA’s John Karony the CEO said that they are looking into the future tokenonics. Whatever that could be.? Take from this what you will.. At this stage it is not inconceivable to suggest that the developers are planning further developments to give this token more real world utility.

    Personally I would not be surprised if the Tokenomics develop at a later date. It is curious to see what the relationship with the Gambian government will bring to safemoon and vice versa as well as the potential ease of use with the Safemoon wallet.

    I respect the caution raised in this video, which is best advised for anyone who is involved in this space. Although I do not share the same conclusions presented. Safemoon has a very large and strong development team behind them and it is not a coincidence that they have simplex and a number of exchanges supporting the token and tokenonics so quickly.

    These are only my answers to the comments in the video and I have spent allot of time watching all the weekly AMAs.

    To make your own conclusions

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andreas Kyriakopoulos says:

    Could you also make in the future , a video addressing Shiba Inu ?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gianfranco Catinella says:

    A lot of people are gonna get burnt on SafeMoon. It has the marketing of a cultish MLM with the backbone of a Ponzi scheme. Serious bitconnect vibes. Just the fact that any time this coin is criticized, an army of people rush to its defense, is already a huge red flag. If someone tells you you have a shit investment(with proof) and your first reaction is to get offended and go on the defensive without researching the claims, you shouldn’t be investing. Investing isn't an emotional game or a team effort, if you go into this with emotions you will get hurt. An investment is not a religion, it won’t be successful by virtue of you believing in it.

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