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Russia will run out of money in the next 18th months, and that’s the best case scenario. Vladimir Putin has been concealing Russia’s economic disaster from the West. He’s been manipulating currency rates, cherry picking data, and hiding key economic statistics. The mainstream media has bought into Putin’s words, but that’s an asinine mistake. Behind the scenes, local officials are protesting at parliament meetings
Through my research over the past few weeks, I’ve uncovered the truth behind Russia’s economy. At the end of this video, I’ll reveal exactly when Russia’s elites may revolt against Putin. Sooner or later, the entire world is going to wake up to Russia’s terrifying crisis.
Although Russia may appear to be in a strong situation militarily, the country’s economy is imploding. Subtle but shocking leaks have shown that the entire Russian economy is about to fall apart. Because of western sanctions, $600 billion of corporate activity has flowed out of Russia. This effectively disintegrates 30 years of foreign investment since the fall of the Soviet Union. To give you context as to how severe this is, Russia’s GDP only sits at $1.4 trillion. 42% of Russia’s GDP has flowed out of the country almost overnight. Over 1,000 companies have stopped doing business in Russia since the Ukraine invasion. Russia claims that 12-15% of direct employment has been lost from sanctions. Using Russia’s numbers, the indirect unemployment is estimated to be roughly 35 to 40% of Russia’s labor force. This is because one man’s spending is another man’s income. If 12-15% of people suddenly lose their jobs, then they will also stop spending on other products and services. This increases the unemployment rate to 35 to 40% by Russia’s own numbers. A channel named INSIDE RUSSIA frequently uncovers the secrets behind Russia’s closed doors. As a citizen of russia, he’s noticed that plenty of businesses are dying off. Even the stores that are still open have little to no activity because of low consumer activity. The vast majority of stores have closed down so there’s simply nothing to purchase for consumers. When it comes to the products that still remain, prices have skyrocketed to new heights. Take a look an IKEA building that used to have hundreds of people. Because IKEA stopped its operations in Russia, the entire area is now empty.
No matter what Putin tells you, the situation is clear — consumer spending has fallen by a drastic amount. Putin has been deceiving the West about the Russian economy by manipulating economic data. Positive analyses on Russia’s economy have proliferated over the past few months. Most of them detail how Russia’s economy has withstood the pain of sanctions. However, they all have one critical flaw: all of them rely on the Russian government themselves. Putin has been cherrypicking data and hiding crucial economic statistics from the public. Based on the past few centuries of ruthless dictators, we know it’s completely nonsensical to trust propaganda from a country at war. Using direct data sources, data mining of shipping data, and cross channel checks, Yale professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld has uncovered the truth about Russia’s economy. According to Sonnenfeld’s research, it won’t be long before everyone finds out about Russia’s embarrassing situation.
No matter what Putin says, Russian citizens know that the economy is doomed. In a democratic country, citizens would simply vote on a change in economic policy or protest about political mismanagement. The problem is that Russia does not allow free speech. After anti-war protests broke out following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, almost 13,000 protestors were arrested. The Russian govenrment treated the protestors like they were animals. They engaged in physical misconduct that would get me demonetized if I went into detail. Many protestors recevied criminal cases and were placed in jail. One anti-war protestor was clever and held up a sign during a live news broadcast. In response to this, the Russian government gave her three different fines that total to over $1,700. The government’s actions against her have not stopped to this day. She was recently placed under house arrest and faces up to 10 years in prison under a new law. The law was enacted after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was announced. The goal of the law was to punish those who critcize the military by placing them in jail. Despite the obviously harsh consequences, Russian citizens are still continuing to protest.
Follow my Twitter for more financial content: https://twitter.com/casgains
Check out INSIDE RUSSIA's videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/LETTERSTOKING
For business inquiries, please email founders @casgainsmedia.com
Russia will run out of money in the next 18th months, and that’s the best case scenario. Vladimir Putin has been concealing Russia’s economic disaster from the West. He’s been manipulating currency rates, cherry picking data, and hiding key economic statistics. The mainstream media has bought into Putin’s words, but that’s an asinine mistake. Behind the scenes, local officials are protesting at parliament meetings
Through my research over the past few weeks, I’ve uncovered the truth behind Russia’s economy. At the end of this video, I’ll reveal exactly when Russia’s elites may revolt against Putin. Sooner or later, the entire world is going to wake up to Russia’s terrifying crisis.
Although Russia may appear to be in a strong situation militarily, the country’s economy is imploding. Subtle but shocking leaks have shown that the entire Russian economy is about to fall apart. Because of western sanctions, $600 billion of corporate activity has flowed out of Russia. This effectively disintegrates 30 years of foreign investment since the fall of the Soviet Union. To give you context as to how severe this is, Russia’s GDP only sits at $1.4 trillion. 42% of Russia’s GDP has flowed out of the country almost overnight. Over 1,000 companies have stopped doing business in Russia since the Ukraine invasion. Russia claims that 12-15% of direct employment has been lost from sanctions. Using Russia’s numbers, the indirect unemployment is estimated to be roughly 35 to 40% of Russia’s labor force. This is because one man’s spending is another man’s income. If 12-15% of people suddenly lose their jobs, then they will also stop spending on other products and services. This increases the unemployment rate to 35 to 40% by Russia’s own numbers. A channel named INSIDE RUSSIA frequently uncovers the secrets behind Russia’s closed doors. As a citizen of russia, he’s noticed that plenty of businesses are dying off. Even the stores that are still open have little to no activity because of low consumer activity. The vast majority of stores have closed down so there’s simply nothing to purchase for consumers. When it comes to the products that still remain, prices have skyrocketed to new heights. Take a look an IKEA building that used to have hundreds of people. Because IKEA stopped its operations in Russia, the entire area is now empty.
No matter what Putin tells you, the situation is clear — consumer spending has fallen by a drastic amount. Putin has been deceiving the West about the Russian economy by manipulating economic data. Positive analyses on Russia’s economy have proliferated over the past few months. Most of them detail how Russia’s economy has withstood the pain of sanctions. However, they all have one critical flaw: all of them rely on the Russian government themselves. Putin has been cherrypicking data and hiding crucial economic statistics from the public. Based on the past few centuries of ruthless dictators, we know it’s completely nonsensical to trust propaganda from a country at war. Using direct data sources, data mining of shipping data, and cross channel checks, Yale professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld has uncovered the truth about Russia’s economy. According to Sonnenfeld’s research, it won’t be long before everyone finds out about Russia’s embarrassing situation.
No matter what Putin says, Russian citizens know that the economy is doomed. In a democratic country, citizens would simply vote on a change in economic policy or protest about political mismanagement. The problem is that Russia does not allow free speech. After anti-war protests broke out following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, almost 13,000 protestors were arrested. The Russian govenrment treated the protestors like they were animals. They engaged in physical misconduct that would get me demonetized if I went into detail. Many protestors recevied criminal cases and were placed in jail. One anti-war protestor was clever and held up a sign during a live news broadcast. In response to this, the Russian government gave her three different fines that total to over $1,700. The government’s actions against her have not stopped to this day. She was recently placed under house arrest and faces up to 10 years in prison under a new law. The law was enacted after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was announced. The goal of the law was to punish those who critcize the military by placing them in jail. Despite the obviously harsh consequences, Russian citizens are still continuing to protest.
Is Putin redefining the term recession ? Or weapons of mass destruction ?
So wait, let me get this straight, Iran is still collapsing 50 years later and Russia is going to collapse literally overnight? GTFO 🤪 What an idiocy. It seems that the brain usage is being charged for therefore the masses refrain from using it.
Wishful thinking! What about Putin's health, is he still in coma?!
Most countries are facing economic problems, Russia indead was hit hardest for now.
UK is facing economic issues too. we now playing the "Who blinks first" game..
I hope we don't get stupid prizes for playing stupid games.
the sad thing is, Russia economy was doing very well for itself in the 21st century. The country was prospering, exporting was booming, the government had surplus spending every year, the country had 650 billions in reserved money. Businesses was growing well, the people started buying, and getting more goods from imports. The irony here is these people started having dreams of revitalizing the Soviet Empire, to replace the USA; well, they either forgot what life was like in the "old times" or they don't know what they're asking for. And now, they will get exactly what they wanted. They traded in a free world for Soviet style regime where people starved for basic necessary while their govt constantly at war and the people will all be monitored constantly and get send to the Gulags for govt seditious thoughts, very much like in the USA. congratulation Russia and Russians, the only different between your evil govt and mine is that i'm able to commenting about it here on youtube; as for you, you won't even have a computer or open internet soon to do such thing. 10-15 years for speaking out against the war, not even the American people will let their govt get away with that crap, none of the Jan 6th people got 15 years prison sentence, and they actually stormed the main govt building and intend to loot, pillage, and even some considered murdered their leaders and politicians!
Coup Deville
Городские сумасшедшие — Борель, фон дер Ляйен, Мишель, и примкнувшие к ним Шольц, Хабек, Бэрбок, Дуда — уже неизлечимы. Европа все еще недостаточно разрушена, чтобы их ссаными тряпками гонять, но и ей придется выучить диалог Цифиркина и Кутейкина. Ах-ха-ха-ха.
Когда-то давно, в школе говорили, что плохие люди вывозили из Африки негров, а потом превращали их в рабов и продавали на плантации. Я представлял себе это так. К берегу приставал корабль, охотники за рабами выскакивали с него с веревками и ружьями и гонялись за неграми. Ну, а как еще? Потом я побывал в тех местах.
Там прямо от воды начинаются джунгли. Поймать негра в его естественной среде обитания весьма затруднительно, а сдохнуть от малярии или от чьего-то укуса запросто. Оказалось, всё проще. Вождь племени продавал приезжим своих соплеменников за бусы и зеркальца. Это метод пережил века и используется сейчас.
Но, конечно, модернизировался. Дело не в цене бус. Цена, конечно поднялась и сами бусы превратились в банковские счета, яхты, дворцы. Тут дело в том, что некоторые вожди не желали продавать своих соплеменников в рабство наднациональным компаниям или при торге начинали кочевряжится, выдвигали для покупателя неприемлемые условия. И, эврика, покупатели современных рабов, придумали. Зачем договариваться с чужими вождями. Нужно поставить своих вождей во главе племен. Да не просто абы каких вождей, а специально воспитанных и обученных.
На это потребовалось время. Массовое воспитание и производство вождей для чужих племен началось с окончания Второй мировой войны. Помните, девиз тех времен? Музон, секс, наркотики. Сытая масса молодежи подрастала, давала потомство. Вот сейчас эти потомки управляют племенами Европы. Они прекрасно знают, что электричество получают из розетки, горячую воду из крана, хлеб берут в магазине. А что еще нужно знать? Вполне достаточно.
Посмотрите, По обеим берегам Атлантического океана странами управляют вожди именно с таким мировоззрением. Как будь то, в одной школе учились.
Please someone get rid of this monster(putin)
Phuc Ukraine
Sounds just like Bidens administration Billions Trillions vanished
What is there to implode if a country has enough fuel, water and basic industries. I see the GDP of any country is mostly domestically driven and not through international trade with the exception of Gulf countries. Or if a country depends largely on imports, it makes sense that it can be crippled through blockades.
It's not
You don't pronounce the 'p' in 'coup'.
I agree with most your points, except saying that Europe has fully cut off Russia from the gas pipelines is not entirely true. While, yes they have lowered the amount that goes into Europe, Russian gas is still largely important, where now European countries are actually paying substantially more than they were before the sanctions. I do however agree that the Russian economy is in a much worse position than it is being displayed.
Ha, ha, Karma strikes people like Putin, too bad the Russian people will suffer.
I like how this video is making Russia out to be the only bad guy where the United States is working with the United Nations and the world economic Forum to bring in the New World Order One World Government
Having sales of petroleum products reduced is a cashflow problem today. Tomorrow??? When you shut-in your wells, you disable their future ability to produce, and when "turned-on" again, take a massive amount of time & money to get them back on track, often being abandoned & re-drilled. It's not an instant "back to wealth" process. Good video.
Russia is doing very well whatever the west may wish. Putin like a good chessplayer has outplayed the west and has made lots of money from the higher prices of his goods and has strengthen Russia's currency. On the other part Europe has suffered from the sanctions and many start to oppose USA' s policy.
Shut down the Russian state. Once and for all.
Fantastic explanation! This all brings light in the darkness… We cannot wait to see the coming future in the hope, that putin will be exposed any day soon…what first of all will spare many lives…. Glory to that day!
Russia ? America's STOLEN CASH by Joe Biden and it's Leftist Democrats, I should say. New World Order is more fake promesas, its killing Electric Grids and Energy Plants around the world. The New World Order is bankrupt and trying to pass and distract the truth about their Rich people creation on Poor people.
Sounds like Biden took his cut early
iam, as Russian, sleep so much safer knowing so many people will believe in this BS)))
Bullshit, bullshit. What sources do you use??? FT, WSJ, NYT? It has to relation to what is going on in Russia.
I really wish that Putin will stay in power until the total collapse of the economy and fall of Communism. No point having Putin replaced now and trying to keep the system going. Same goes with china.
The mgm't of russia would do well if yesterday or sooner they would start to figure out how to pay reparations to Ukrain!!!!
another reason proving im right when i say russia is no longer a super power
Nice video.. and then Russia protects its Europe pipeline by someday joining the go after Jeroooslem club…Israel has been stepping up the sales in Russia's absence. And Iran doesn't mind partying with Putin.. they will be glad to help carry out the plan..
Yeah I don't think so