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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Oh hey, what? Finishing the morning up $22,000 Really can't complain about that. I'm still in the zone watching a couple stocks, but another big green day. so you know what that means. I'm up forty-nine thousand dollars in the last two weeks.

Well, in the last eight days of trading, it's been a incredible eight days. You know what? This is what November is all about and this is the way it always is. November is when things pick up December it gets even stronger and then January January's on fire. That's the way it's always been for me these three months.

This is where it's at. So making $22,000 today, it's a great day. But you know what? I think it's gonna get even better. So you know I'm really gonna be digging deep and focusing these next few weeks because this is the time to make some really good money.

So those of you guys who've been watching on the sidelines I want you to know that it's not just me that's killing it. So during this recap, I'm gonna show you what some of our students did today. A couple students made 10,000 12,000 15,000 dollars in our trading side by side of me and that's what I Love to see. All right guys! So enjoying this recap.

Remember, don't forget Black Friday Sales and Cyber Monday coming. All right everyone. so enjoy the recap questions. Comments: leave them below and we'll be back at it first thing on Monday morning.

Alright, see you then Alright everyone. So um, we're gonna break down the trades from today. Like I said did not come into the market this morning trying to be a hero. was not looking for, you know anything.

Super super impressive but things connected and I'm gonna finish the morning up $22,000 So I'll give you guys you can see on my trading platform here: three stocks I traded A and why I made eleven hundred dollars. this is the one that I made seven eight thousand on yesterday. a Bi L made four hundred and thirty-eight dollars I n PX twenty thousand dollars. That's what I'm talking about.

You know what? There were some more moves today in the market Bo XL just now went from two dollars and twenty cents to almost three dollars and a Bi l ended up hitting a high of six. Let's see it hit a high of 663 off of this little 5-minute bull flag and I ended up totally missing it. One of the things that I always try to be careful of is after I have a really big winner. It's easy to get sloppy you know I mean just your your emotions when you have such a big win and can kind of you know give you that adrenaline rush and that you know just endorphin of feeling really good and then next thing you know you jump into another stock and like that you lose $5,000 Bradley he says he's now up thirteen thousand, fifty seven dollars and sixty cents on the day.

and what I'm gonna do here for those of you guys watching this recap on YouTube I'm gonna cut here and show you I Recorded my screen earlier today asking people how much they made this morning. so I'm gonna actually let's see me know I can't play it back for you guys watching the live because it's on the wrong computer. So I'm gonna put that in right now and you guys will see how much some of our students made this morning. I mean Tens of thousands of dollars? Hundreds of thousands of dollars were made today and yesterday on these two stocks.
Alright, so what I want you guys to do is give me a shout out of how much you made either today on InP X or yesterday on A and Y the last two days we have been killing it. a B A NY Yesterday off the watch list the entry was 309 That ended up squeezing up to a high of what it was at seven dollars and fifty cents today. I NP x jumped in for the break of five dollars. It squeezed up to a high of 725 I mean I'm up 27,000 28,000 dollars in the last two days I Want to see how you guys are doing I Saw Bradley earlier say he was up 12,000 double the daily goal 14,000 Scottie Some of you guys are taking some big trades: 4500, 2,000, Thirteen hundred, Seven hundred, Twenty Two hundred.

So those of you guys who are you know in your first week here and you're seeing some obvious huge moves I Want you to remember to trade in the Sim I Don't want you guys to get FOMO and be like oh man I Got to start trading real money right away because if you do, there's a really good chance you're gonna miss. Manage the risk. You're gonna screw up the trade and you're gonna be. You know, the one out of you know, however many here, the two out of however many here who are red on the same stock that you know is up forty two percent.

You know if you're red on a stock up forty percent and I've been that person before I've done it and it always feels like man, how did I do this? It's just a reminder to get back to practice. You know, study, study, practice in the Sim. You know if you can't make money in the simulator, you've got no business trading with real money. so you know you just gotta practice.

And then you know once you're ready to flip that switch, you flip the switch. you trade real money and you know the winners are gonna start rolling in. So congratulations for those you guys who have you know brought home some big winners this week. I Wasn't expecting This was gonna be as big of a week as it is, but for me it's a it's a thirty thousand dollar week.

You know Between yesterday and Monday and of course today, this has now put me in my small account that I start with $583 just over to just under two years ago, the account is now up over Eight hundred thousand dollars. Two hundred thousand to go. So pretty pretty exciting. So I'm now sitting up on the year right around four hundred and sixty Five thousand dollars.

up forty eight thousand dollars on the month. You know, big days like this they come along every now and then. You know, sometimes it's a couple times a month, sometimes it's you know, once every couple months. but these are the days that they count so much they matter so much.
Last year I had three I had three days last year that contributed about 30% of my games for the entire year. Three days made up 30% of my games. and you know every other remaining 230 days of the year, you know that those were days. Me, you know, hitting the $500,000 two thousand dollar daily goal? whatever.

But then every now and then you're in the right place. at the right time, you see the setup, You know you step up to the plate and you get that big big win. And fortunately, you know I got that on three big big days last year and it's happened on this year probably five days or so. I Haven't had one massive day so far.

This year the best day has been about $30,000 but you know it's It's certainly nice to have these big green days all right. So now that that's in for those of you guys who are watching on, YouTube Those of you guys still hang in with me, live really just a incredible day Patrick is now up $11,000 after Bo XL I mean I'm I'm looking at the the chat feet here and it's like one trader after another. You guys are just killing it and these are the days that certainly you know T it. We make it look easy on days like this because the market is just really, really hot.

The reality is in a lot of ways this job is easy. It's easy in the sense that I'm sitting down. You know in my office you know what you guys can see is and this is my job. I Come in here every morning, so do I Love it.

Yeah, absolutely. I Can do it from the comfort of my own home I Choose to have an office about 10 minutes away from my house, but you know you can do this from the comfort of your own home. It's an easy job. You don't have to go out and start the car 5:30 in the morning in January To drive 45 minutes into the office or into you know, the work site or whatever it is.

You sit down wood stoves cranking and you do your thing so you know the reality is. pressing buttons is pretty easy. Do I have insurance on my hands? You better believe it. These are the most important parts of my body aside from my brain.

When I'm not trading here, we go. Can't have anything happening to these bad boys. Alright, there's one and here's the other one. These are the money makers so you know is it an easy job? Yeah, it's nice job.

The hard part of this job is learning the strategy. That's the hard part and it took me, As you guys know you know, two plus years of trial and error during that time I lost hundreds of thousands of dollars of inheritance that I was fortunate enough to get and then foolish enough to squander and I went through a divorce I went into debt I had tens of thousands of dollars of credit card debt And it's because the hardest part of becoming a trader is strategy development. It's the strategy development phase that took me two and a half years now. Once you graduate from strategy development, you're live trading a proven strategy.
But for a lot traders, they simply cannot afford to spend two years developing a strategy and not making money. I mean I spent two years sitting in front of the computer. you know, eight hours a day studying and I wasn't making any money. so not a lot of people can afford to do that.

And that's why so many traders fail. It's not because they couldn't have become a successful trader, it's because they didn't have the two years plus to figure it out on their own. You know they needed to be successful within the next few months. You know they had a short window of opportunity.

They get in, they lose money, and then they're back out and they need to go get it like a regular job or whatever the case may be. So once you graduate from strategy development, you're live trading a proven strategy and that's the part that's easy every single day. I Sit down here and I'm doing the same thing every single day. and some days I make money and some days I lose money When I look back on my metrics: I'm right just about 70 percent of the time and so obviously I make more than I lose and my average winners are bigger than my average losers.

And as a result of those metrics, I'm a profitable trader and those metrics are the result of just trading the same strategy every single day. And today was no different. and yesterday was no different. These just happened to be really good days.

One of the things that is challenging in the market is the fact that doing the same exact thing does not always produce the same results because sometimes the market is really, really strong Like you see today, this stock a Bi L had a bull flag pattern right here. With an entry point at four dollars and 36 cents and a max loss of four dollars and 21 cents, it ends up going up almost $2 per share. More than $2 per share. Off of this pattern on another day or on another stock, you may see this pattern pop up to 450 and then drop back down to 4.

It's the same pattern, but it doesn't always resolve in the same way. Sometimes it's exceptionally good as this one was and other times it's exceptionally bad. So learning to have a an intuition of when things are going to be strong and when they're going to be weak is something that takes time. And it certainly helps to have a guide you know like myself by your side.

Who can tell you guys this is the time to be aggressive because the market is hot. So yesterday I was aggressive on a NY and as you'll remember, I accidentally took a well 30,000 share position on the stock accidentally because I had an error in area I didn't realize one of the settings in my order entry window and so I discovered the problem and I thought I fixed it. As it turns out, I didn't fix it and it happened again today. I'll show you what what happened in a second but on a NY yesterday I jumped into it as it was squeezing up added and we got this move from two dollars and 80 cents up to 375.
We were watching four dollars and 25 cents as a possible daily target and in the afternoon this thing into Power Hour from 3 to 4 p.m. ended up squeezing up to 5 dollars, getting halted on circuit breaker, dropping back down and then surging all the way up to 677 this morning I did take one trade on it I took a trade for the break over seven dollars. you can see it hit a high of 718 and then it's sold off. So my very first trade on this one was adding at 677 and 692 and then selling at 6:14 613 oh sorry, 714, 713, 703 and the rest of 690.

So a nice little scalp there and a bi yell right out of the gates and I made eleven hundred dollars and I was like hey good You know that's my daily goal. A thousand dollars on a you know Wednesday before a holiday weekend? you know this is good. Alright so ABI L was also on our watch list every single morning. I Run this Gap scanner and this helps me find stocks that are moving up right now in real-time pre market and so ABI L was our leading stock pre market up 30 percent with a 2.4 million share float, 280,000 shares of pre market volume priced at three dollars and sixty eight cents and with a catalyst with a headline.

So I saw it squeezing up and in the first few minutes it was actually really volatile. I Mean you can see here the first 15 minutes it squeezed from 380 all the way up to 424 and then it dropped all the way back down and for a moment looked like it was gonna go red on the day and then it rips back up to 420 and 435 and then comes back down again below $4 So this thing was all over the place I took a trade on it from 4:18 or where was it I got in at 4:15 4:18 I tried to double at 420 by clicking the button I ended up clicking just like shy of the button so I didn't get my order, didn't even go through and then I sold at 424 and 423 So that was my first trade on a Bi L and I didn't end up trading it again because by the time it really started to take off and give us this five minutes setup I had already had my big winner and I didn't want to get complacent and get sloppy so I just left it alone and then I NP X starts popping up and it started popping up in a way very similar to a NY yesterday which was starting with a red to green move. Now this was a strong stock yesterday. As you can see, it made a pretty big move and it's a daily.

Got a daily set up here with lots of room. It's a recent reverse split, you know, and so it pretty much had everything we look for. in that sense, it squeezes up here and I saw some of you guys in the chat room. we're watching it over four dollars and 78 cents for it to hit new highs I saw it squeeze up and as I saw it I was like oh, this thing, this thing is ripping from 450 to 500.

So I punched the order. Boom boom boom I'm in with 9,000 shares and I try to add at 5:35 to go up to 12,000 shares. So I've got 9,000 shares at an average of five dollars and it's halted at 5:35 I'm already up three thousand dollars on the trade. Okay, so I mean I mean the driver's seat? Absolutely.
And when I took the trade I took it on this window right down here. Okay, so then what I did was I I don't really like trading on this bottom window I like trading on my top two windows just the way my eye looks at the screen. So I go and type right here I Npx but it didn't put in 3000 shares the way it normally would it put in nine thousand shares because that's how many shares I was currently holding I didn't see that I didn't realize that. So I'm watching it for resumption and it opens at 586 and it squeezes up and so I press buy and I buy nine thousand shares at $6 So now I've got 18,000 shares of this stock and I'm watching it squeeze up and I look over and I see 18,000 shares and I'm like God Dang it.

This happened again two days in a row and I'm like okay, you know all of a sudden my adrenaline starts to pick up cuz I'm in this thing way deeper than I Thought: I was not planning on adding 9 thousand shares at $6 I was planning on adding 3,000 and going up to 12 thousand shares full size and with 12 thousand shares of full size, my average cost would have been around 525 or 530 Now I just doubled my position and my average cost is 550. Alright so I'm like whoa I mean this thing a lot heavier than I thought I was gonna be and I couldn't tell that it was gonna halt. so I just threw out in order to sell half and I sold half at 6:45 and then it halted and I was like I could hold I shoulda coulda woulda held the whole thing going into the second halt because it resumes and it ends up tapping a high of $7 and 725. So I could have been holding 18,000 shares from an average of 550 and sold it the whole thing right around maybe $7 but I ended up selling the whole thing at an average of I Guess right around 670.

So with 18,000 shares, I made a 220 thousand dollars which is certainly no doubt of great trade. So I was selling at 6:45 half throughout in order to sell more. 7:06 only filled 100 shares on the ask. so I hit the bid 685 and then it squeezes up.

you can see I'm only feeling small sighs I sell a little at 59, a little more 723 and then as it started to drop down I tried to go short I didn't think I would have shares available but I was like you know what I'm just gonna try it anyways. who knows, maybe I'll get filled but my share. my order got rejected so I tried to go short right here at 6:23 and I would have been covering down here at you know, five 550. So that's how you make $20,000 but I was not planning on ad 9,000 shares at that price.

it ended up working well and we're in a market where we're seeing some irrational strength which I was expecting. but you know I I need to figure out this issue. So I'm gonna put an email into Sterling today to figure out why that happened I thought when I went into my settings and change level one order entry to to leave unfilled unchanged that that would fix it but it didn't So now I got to figure out you know, is it something in here which I didn't see anything? this is clicking. this is display.
so I don't know I need to figure out what's causing that and get it. Get it fixed. and most likely it's just a setting that I'm not knowing where it is and I'll be able to fix it. But yeah, it's It's just been.

Kind of a surprise that this happened and it's happened twice. So I am hoping that we can get that fixed because you know I really don't want to keep doing this by accident. It's it's been good the last two days, but you know it. You know it only has to happen once before it kills me.

and the reality is sometimes I press it twice, you know. and if I had pressed it twice, would I have gotten filled? You know, 27,000 shares and what if I was buying from a hidden cellar. So I filled 27,000 shares and then immediately it drops and gets halted. going back down.

Settings miscellaneous Soft share at the bottom. Let's go. Settings miscellaneous. Did you do soft share limit? It's not even respecting that clearly because I'm exceeding that.

so I'll have to find out why that's not working either, but that's that's a good one to take note of as well. I'm gonna grab a screenshot of that. So anyways, um, you know all's well. that ends well.

Ended up being a green day I will get this issue fixed and of course I don't add to stocks that I don't think have you know potential to move higher? It's just the fact that if there was a big hidden cellar there, you know I could potentially be buying from that hidden cellar. What if someone's trying to unload a hundred thousand shares, you know and they put that hard thousand share order there I double it six to nine that to eighteen thousand I double again to twenty seven thousand. Not realizing it and now my cost basis has gone from five dollars all the way up to five Seventy five. right? And then it flushes back down and halts going down at Five fifty.

I'm holding twenty seven thousand shares of 550. it resumes lower five Twenty Five Five Dollars. You know that could be a 1520 thousand dollar loss potentially. So I do need to get this figured out.

But in any case, I'll appreciate the the two days of you know, the markets being hot when this issue came up, you know I've had more than my fair share of hot key errors where it did cost me money so it's nice to have a couple errors that actually make me money a nice little you know, refresh there. But anyways, you know that's about it for me and you know want to remind you guys that of course we've got our Black Friday sales happening right now and we're gonna have those running through the weekend. So I want you guys to those of you on YouTube on Facebook and those are you in the chat or we want to upgrade your subscription? It's a great time to do it. You'll get a good savings and you know, give you a chance to you know, become part of the Warrior trading family.
For those of you that watching on the sidelines for a while, the market usually does heat up in November and December and January. Those are my three the strongest months of the year. Historically we still have five days left in the in the month and I'm already at $50,000 So another day like this and I've got a chance at I really having a pretty impressive day. the sales don't.

They do their one-time purchase discounts so if you upgraded to an annual you would get a one-time discount on that purchase. It's not a like you'll always be 30% off on your monthly subscription if you just join in monthly. We just for whatever reason we've always set it up that it's on the first purchase. So you know for upgrading for a year or a quarter or even you know, joining for a month you'll get that savings on that first order.

Okay so anyways, that's it for me. I'm gonna switch gears here and get some work done that I need to finish up before the day off tomorrow and Friday and I'll see all of you guys back in the chat room first thing on Monday morning. The rooms will be open on Friday but the markets only open half-day So I'm thinking it's gonna be a slow day so no mentor sessions tomorrow. No mentor sessions on Friday But we back at it first thing on Monday morning, hopefully with a bunch of new traders hoping to learn how we do this and make it happen.

Alright, so hope you guys have an awesome Thanksgiving and I will see you all first thing next week. All right bye everyone, if you're still watching you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Ross’s day trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kelvin Monroe says:

    what is a good day trading platform

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenny Metayer says:

    Great introduction

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larissa Butkevich says:

    what is your trading platform

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Mulder says:

    Doing research while trying to decide on buying into your program, I had one flag that caught me off guard. There is a person who is claiming you toss a super low volume stock into the chat and drive the price way up as the room moves in then it collapses quickly. Can you comment on that and let me know what to expect as far as research advice and if your program is suited well for someone trading without following your trades if they do get into the program?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YT INFLUENCER says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Kelly - Calgary Realtor says:

    What simulator do I download? / what program is best for learning & getting into it.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bradley Hall says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Califlower \, says:

    I am sorry if this is offensive but..
    From the thumbnail you look like bradwoto

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethan Adey says:

    Trading what??????

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rahim Powell says:

    Are they penny stocks?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Russo says:

    When will you learn to stop advertising to people who do not want to watch

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T. says:

    Just a quick question from a newcomer, is it a bad idea to keep stocks overnight, or even for days?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B R says:

    No trade copier?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shalom Alcheim says:

    So how to avoid the penalties and taxes when trading those trades for cash?????

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carl Gadoury says:

    Is he like millionnaire or sometin

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scout clapscheeks says:

    I, too, suppose I could make $22k if I invested $22k into a one dollar stock and it raised by a dollar. Unfortunately, we are not all blessed with that sort of wealth.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars That Guy says:

    Imagine if your power goes out when you accidentally put all your money into one stock

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dreariersolid says:

    Im 5 years old and I made 1 million in just 3 days!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronit Lodd says:

    Lol of course you are good it’s cuz you got an inheritance otherwise you couldn’t have done anything. Always how it works.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Suitt says:

    Which scanner do you use?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leo Messi says:

    So if everyone is making money who is losing money ? No one ?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grim Stride says:

    Wanna just give me 2k x3

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RcHotBoy says:

    I am blow away how do I start nice video

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Collin says:

    I make $1000-$1500 a day. I thought I made good money 😆

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kobe bryant says:

    Show us your losses!!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OutlawMe says:


  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Messy Wessy says:

    Holy crap man…….. I need to have a sit down with this guy and see what $500 can do after like a month.

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