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Welcome back everyone to another episode of the meet kevin show. We are so fortunate again to have ross gerber from gk ticker, symbol, gk and gerber kawasaki, actively managed etf and financial advisors in the house. We're gon na be talking about tesla, maybe maybe there might even be some tesla celebrating and of course we got to talk about this talk from bloomberg today about a coming recession and what about the 50bp hike well without further ado, let's bring him in ross. What do you think man are we going to the underworld we going in a recession? You know there's a lot of talk.

You know one of the things i've realized in life is that when you're an invest in the investment world, there has to be something bad to talk about like there has to be something that's going wrong in any imminent moment, 28 years, almost 29 years in the Business things have been going wrong, the entire time and when i started in the market, the dow was at 4 000 okay. So when i started with the first of the everything's going wrong and the world's going to stuff, the dow was at 4 000.. So that was 1994. and today we're still going and the world's going to hell and and and we're still moving higher.

So there's a reason for that and i think a lot of people mis miss all the news. I think nike. If you look at nike's earnings is a perfect example. It's a perfect example talk to talk and talk, supply, chain issues, higher costs, blah blah blah manufacturing, kovit and shenzhen.

Whatever you want to say, nike blows out their numbers. Why i go to the nike store on sunday and i'm like what is going on there there's a line of kids down the street, what the hell is going on there and oh we're dropping some shoes. You know. So i go talk to a few of the kids i go.

Are you really waiting right now to go get shoes at nike like physically, like a human? Oh yeah, oh yeah, down the street okay. So why? Because with inflation also comes higher prices and higher profits to companies, so a lot of people just think inflation's bad, and they don't understand that. That's not true. Inflation isn't bad inflation's, a byproduct of a rapidly growing economy where actually demand is outstripping supply and that's what's happening across the board.

Okay, so my wife's in the beauty business, she runs a company, it's called and she orders all of her stuff from china. Okay, china is making as much of her stuff as they possibly can, but they have to deal with all the issues in china and trust me there's a ton of issues in china right now, but in the united states the demand is off the charts off the Charts, i i want to ask you about that, because i mean obviously the nike earnings they were from last quarter, but it's it's good to have that from coming out. You just saw this last week, which is incredible. I want to hear about that too.

But what is happening in china is china, a bellwether, because i i was looking a little bit about how the chinese consumer is saving four times as much money as what they were saving last january january to january they're, saving four times as much money. In my opinion, it's because they're panicking. They think this real estate crisis is going to come crumbling down. Uh the chinese government's trying to stimulate - and oh don't you want to take your first shot now.
I think we should take our first shot now not to interrupt you, but but what you're saying is really true. You know this is the biggest risk in the stock market by the way it's a tesla tequila day. That's why we're doing this? You never announced that at the beginning, kevin that this is a tesla tequila day we're celebrating, because tesla went up three gordon's. We have three gordon day, and that means we drink tequila.

That means kevin comes back into the full and says ross. We got to drink some tequila that, although he doesn't have any tequila, i sent you tequila. You got that tequila right, probably drank it. In like a day.

I need to ask the guys, there's always tequila showing up here, but the tila goes in a day. I'll find out, thank you for sending me so i'm out, i'm out i got to get no social tequila shout out to so trust to make some more tesla tequila, so we're going don julio in yahoo. But since we're going to talk about the problems in china, we're going to do our first shot, i'm going to there's a commenter here, who's nailed it. They said i'm drinking whiskey because i don't have tesla tequila um yeah.

That's that's literally like jack you're drinking jack. I know it's like i i have to they got ta, bring it back. It's stuck, listen! Yeah! I will like that's the whiskey you're drinking is jack. I will buy 10 bottles of tesla tequila right now.

If, if it came up for sale again, i just can't believe you're drinking jack. I mean that's like look last time. I had jose cuervo and you were making fun of me for that. That's true wait hold on i'm on the wrong internet.

I have to switch internet if this okay ross will be right back anyway. Uh welcome welcome so uh yeah, i mean. Obviously this is. This is exciting because uh uh, while tesla's up uh a good chunk today.

What were you up? Seven eight percent - something like that today and uh anyway, we ended at nine. Well, we had a high of 9.97 ended at 9.93 on tesla today, absolutely incredible! Almost a thousand! Are you back you good, i'm good! You know this happens to me and and it switches internets and then it screws up the whole stream. So i i was like i have to deal with this now. You know starlink man, i know cheers dude meet kevin.

I think we can officially say the correction. Is over um, it feels like we've broken through. Finally, that that resistance point where it was like we kind of blasted through it today, um so hopefully the correction's over, but a toast to all of us who made it through the last three months have been brutal. It's been tough cheers.
So, let's talk about china, we go back to china um. You were mentioning the host of problems that china's having right now economically and the fact that the most successful chinese companies like alibaba and tencent are laying off thousands of people. So when you're laying off people and you're the biggest companies in china, that means there's a recession and so um we've seen property. We've seen all the elements of recession, but china will never call it a recession.

Sure and that's really an opportune opportunity for america, because now china is in a very poor position to negotiate with us about russia and other issues, because if they have any economic issues with the united states, their recession might get brutal. And we all know that the chinese do not like losing money and what matters to them is economic power, so so they're quite vulnerable in the current environment. Actually this is the best position america has been in globally in our lifetime. Putin just blew himself up literally.

He he he made the most colossal mistake in russian history in a hundred years and and unfortunately for the russian people. They will suffer for this as long as we can think in the future. But we are now developing a way to cut out the three main products that russia produces in the world and not need them anymore from russia, and these are easy products to replace oil and wheat and natural gas. And so we have all that here.

Actually so um so yeah, you want to invest in united states production right now, china, europe, russia, the rest of the world, is very uninvestible. In our viewpoint, right now - and this is one of the best positions america has been in everybody's building factories in america - i've got three different: uh electric vehicle factories, we're building, we've got the tesla factory in austin, and we've got the polestar factory in south carolina and We've got the arkamoto factory in oregon that we're building simultaneously now through our investments in these ev players, all of which are going to provide tens of thousands of vehicles a year as a solution for people. The solution for inflation is technology, and we have the climate change technology today to solve energy inflation. So now we have to adopt that technology, and that is now going to be um accelerated through this shock that we're seeing not only with the price of oil but with the forces of evil and murder, and what they're willing to do to control the these resources.

And profit from them. You know this. I've noticed a common denominator, you don't like vlads, i don't like plaids like vladimir putin and vlad of robin hood. I don't have a lot of glad friends, but it's not.

You know. I have a lot of russian friends. Actually, you know i i there's a lot of russian jews here and and - and you know, i'm ukrainian by descent and and eastern european by descent um more, i'm not russian by descent. But i you know here: in l.a we have a huge russian community and you know huge group of people here who are all you know suffering greatly because of putin's ignorance right um.
Russia deserves a better future than what they're getting you know. The culture and history of russia is impressive and it's always been up by the governments yeah, and it's just sad in this era that it's i got ta ask you this. So there was uh. There was some research by uh energy insights this morning they tracked.

You know oil and gas and everything that we were expecting to see a decline of 3.8 million barrels a day of oil in our global economy, and they mentioned we're not seeing that, maybe because in a weird way i want your opinion on this. The free market is doing its magic. You've got traders in europe who are sending ships to russia, storing it in europe, rebranding the russian oil as now from europe, and it's still entering the market, so in other words, russia has to sell oil at a 50 discount or whatever, yet that oil is actually Still going to the market to minimize its impact on the us and other areas, in my opinion, brilliant functioning of the free market. If it's happening want to hear yours well i mean they sell cocaine every day, all over the world and it's completely illegal in every country.

It's sold. So if you think about selling illegal oil, that's probably easier than selling cocaine, you know um. So what you're saying is absolutely true: russia didn't stop production of oil and i'm can guarantee you there are people willing to buy it yeah because there's so many soulless moralist people that don't give a crap for money that i'm pretty sure is this the way it Is i'm pretty sure india almost negotiated with india, india recently that i didn't know what's going on in india and modi and the nationalism, the hindu nationalism that's going on under modi, which is very trumpian so, like trump unleashed, this really negative authoritarian, fascist viewpoint across leaders In the world like bosnia in brazil, brazil deserves a much better president than what they have and they have modi who's really consolidated his power originally almost as like. A liberal reformer, economic guy to really now a nationalist and and what's happening in india, is really sad because the country's going backwards now under modi and it's a really progressive, opportunistic economy that has been held back by its government, for i don't know since gandhi.

So so russia is probably the worst example of how to destroy your own country and destroy somebody else's, and india is just like following along the path. No, you know like oh we're we're in with them like you have to be brain-dead. If you think about india's position in the world and its ability to prosper through intelligent trade to cyberpunk, that makes sense what about uh. I want to ask about uh what you think about the 50 bp everybody's freaking out about the fed in 50 bp mind you we're at .25 rates in 2019, everything's, freaking booming and we're at two and a half.
Okay and people are worried about going to 4.75 right. You got this you're getting this down you're getting this down now kev. You know you started as a real estate guy and you're. Getting this stock market thing down i'll.

Tell you you're, absolutely right, it's nonsensical! Why do we have zero interest rates? Well, i should be furious that we have zero interest rates. We have zero interest rates. You know, okay, you leave my house right now. You can't drive down the street because there's so many construction trucks on each side of the street.

It's like a one lane thing now, because every house in l.a is being torn down and rebuilt every single one. We need five percent mortgages. Please come as soon as possible, it's supply and demand and balance yeah. It's a bind to bran and balance.

It's just so one of the few classes. I got an a in in my entire life. So i'm not saying this in any bragging way. I was not an a student, i was a b student okay.

I went to an ivy league school, but i was a b student. I was solid, but i got an a in economics at war econ one and two actually the highest grade in my class, which i think was luck more than skill. But that said, it is a simple supply and demand and balance, and with that rates moving to an equilibrium level, which would make sense for a robust us economy with a probably longer term, now average inflation rate of three percent instead of two. We should have a two to three percent short term rate right now, so to me, two percent is like probably is a good way to keep growth going and not hurt the economy.

You know, i think, between two and three, you start to play the game. The danger game, but i told you like my philosophy, you know you kind of get three rate hikes and then you got ta kind of be concerned about what they're doing and saying. Because you know all you know, bear markets are caused by the fed, yeah, probably uh. Well, so let me ask you this uh jerome powell at his january meeting.

Actually, no, it was when he was testifying before congress suggested that we should hike rates like we did in o4, which was 17 25 basis point hikes in a row that would take us to four and a quarter right now, 17. and now you've got the more Hawkish people like barkin and they're, saying we should hike rates like we did in 1994, which is where we had multiple 50 basis point hikes and we didn't see a recession. You know we just saw you know moderate growth until the tech bubble. Are you trying to tell people how old i am you know because i've lived through all that look.

We all know because i remember it all. We all know you're 69, but we love it thanks. I'm i'm the oldest looking 35 year old, you know um. So i lived through all this and boy.
I hope it's like 94. I hope it's like 94.. That was the most profitable period of time of my life and uh. So i don't believe any period of time is like the other period of time.

You know every decade to me is going to be different and this decade is definitely shaping up to be different with different winners and losers than i would have told you six months ago. Um, just the same, i don't believe in like static thought, like whatever i say today is static for the next 10 years. You know you're allowed to change your mind right. You have to be flexible with investing.

You have to understand that there might be a war that makes no sense, that'll break out in the biggest reproducing nation in the world. You know what like, how does that affect john deere had a whole john deere incident this week last week, but so the way i see it is the fed will look at each month what data they get and what is happening and we'll have to deal with That, like, if you're a virologist you're worried about omicron ba two plus, you know if you're a partier you're worried about when you're booking your flight to vegas. You know if you're you're so like we can worry about many factors like oh, what's the fed going to do what's ukraine going to do on the economy, how's inflation going to impact my life or whatever, but each month that we move forward the variables will change. Yeah and the fed will adjust to that so when they say i've got a goal to get to two and a half in the next year and a half to me.

That's ideal, that's ideal! That's that's real dovish to me because two and a half percent in a three percent inflation rate means that you're still have a negative, real rate of return. Therefore, you have a huge incentive to invest. Do you understand so like so the way we look at it is you have real rate of return yeah, and here it is 20, 22, 3 and 4.. I mean like basically mid mid twos.

I mean like nothing projected greater than that and then the long term. Here's the long term, two four just just like you're saying right: there smack dab in the middle man, nothing scary, so like so when i started in the business um, it's kind of funny. I started in 94 and so when you look back 10 or 15 years from 94 to 74, it was a high inflationary period. So when we would run projections like for retirement 20 to 30 years from now, we would run 4 or 5 inflation rates.

That's when i started in the business, so we would run like a projection for 4 inflation for 25 years and that's actually substantial. So when you think about saving and investing for retirement, you have to do substantially better because inflation eats up the value of wealth. So inflation eats up the value of your wealth. Look at it that way, you know like what is why do i care about? Inflation is because it's like it eats up the value of my income and the value of my wealth.
So we don't really want high inflation, all good economies, don't have high inflation. So when you're growing an economy is growing and people are getting paid more, you just have a natural rate of inflation, that's higher than 1.5 to 2 percent and when the government, so the government deficit, the more money the government spends than they take in is kind Of the natural inflation rate, so when you look at over the last five or ten years, the government was printing, all this money and giving it to people um or spending it, and people weren't really spending it. And so what was happening was the government was printing money and people were buying bonds with it, and so you had low rates and you had low inflation, but people weren't really spending money and then, when trump became president he was like. I have a golden toilet, spend your money cut your taxes.

Business is great and it did ignite a certain level of business activity through cutting taxes and a pro spending environment that people bought into and it started the process and then covered it. And when coveted hit you locked down a society that really has never had to do this ever right, yeah and now covets over, and so people are like out and it feels better than it's ever felt to just do the things we used to do and take For granted, you know whether it's going to disneyland or to a movie or vegas like i was in vegas in january and man. It just felt so good. I don't know how to say it.

You know, like i've gone to the clubs, i've gambled i've, you know, but this time was so good and - and so i think like there's this pent-up demand that's hard to quantify and people are spending money and we're seeing it across the board, whether it's disneyland or At the bar tabs that people are spending 30 more on the same night out, then they were sending pre coven, because it's much more special now to see your friends now. I just lost a really good friend to covet and unfortunately, last week i went to his funeral yeah because he was unvaccinated and he was 56 years old and and andy rest in peace and and it's been a very hard time for me. The last month dealing with this and when you think about how it's affected our society and and our lifestyles and and now coming through this to the end, the upside to fun is enormous. And so that's where you get the supply and demand imbalance.

And - and so it's it so we we have a very good situation in theory, but we have all these other issues that come along with it. So when you think about inflation as the more money chasing the same amount of goods, that's exactly what we have, and so all the pent-up money that people have been saving all these years. People are like, let's go, spend it. You know, let's go out, i'm like kevin.

Let's go out to dinner. Let's do it right because in the old days we might go out to dinner and just have a normal dinner, but now i'm like yeah we're meeting up. No masks anymore, let's go party, you know and so and that's what's happening, oh absol without a doubt - and i want to ask you about this because i think for for for you and i uh or or really anybody in the top. You know 50 of incomes.
Inflation's kind of like all right, it's going to cost me a little bit more in food and gas, but let's go we're still going to have fun because we spent two years of our lives in a shell and it sucked or whatever right. So what i want to ask you about is that is that bottom uh, the bottom two quintiles, so so the lowest 20 lowest quintile. They spend 27 of their after-tax money on food, which is crazy. So so, like that's a massive portion combined housing, i mean they're they're, they're they're they're getting screwed right.

So the power people are getting screwed. What stocks are gon na get screwed because the poor people are getting screwed? It's not that per say they're getting screwed. It's just money is transferred from one part of spending to another part of spending. So actually we were talking about this in the office, so you go from consumer discretionary to consumer staples so so like we were talking about the difference between target stock and costco.

So, okay, why target would be a loser? Yeah and costco would be a winner, but why target is not considered a staple blows? My freaking mind? Is it the electronics? Is it the apparel dude come on man? People buy peanuts at freaking target. Okay, they buy their bananas there, a mass it's a mass store, it's not really to the lower end. It's a mass store, so is walmart um. No, no walmart people rely on every day.

In most cities like in a lot of cities, you go to walmart, that's where you rely on and and same with costco, but costco is a better business than walmart and, and so you know, like costco, benefits greatly in this environment, at the expense of cost of Target where right, you might buy an extra toy or you buy a piece of clothing - that's probably 10 or 20 percent more expensive than you could get it somewhere else so but see like so here's the way the economy works, and this isn't about what's politically correct. This is about how the economy works, so you have the low end and then you have the high end, and then you have the middle that those are the three sectors of the economy. The most important sectors of the economy are the middle and the high end of the economy. Why? Because it's 99 percent? Okay, so the truth is is, although it is harder for a swath of people, it's actually economically, not as impactful as if it hurt the people in the middle who are benefiting greatly in this economy.

So in the middle people are all getting raises right now. So that's inflation, so there's wage inflation and there's like gas and goods inflation. You know right, but there's wage inflation too, so that person who used to make 82 000 maybe is making ninety thousand now so what's happening, is that people are getting raises across the board and the more their skill levels are the more money they're making right and The more benefits they're getting and companies are fighting to keep their people. We just had a situation where we try to hire somebody, we ended up hiring them and we offered them more money than what they were making and we told them when you go back and tell them you're leaving they'll, probably match it, but remember we're the ones Who offered you the higher amount and it's a better opportunity? Oh nice, sure oh well! Well, listen! This is the job market right yeah, so so she goes back and of course they match it and she calls us back she's like do.
I really want to go through the hassle, we're like listen. We told you. This was going to happen, i'm telling you it's a better opportunity. You know it's ross grimmer, you know like you know, so she bought it and she and she came but that's the world.

We live in where, if you tell your boss right now that you're going to leave for a higher offer, they'll give you a raise yeah, i'm telling you that. So if you're watching me kevin right now little advice, little advice for you go say you got an offer for another job at the competitor down the street. I don't care what you do if you're a plumber or you work at a restaurant, whatever you do, you'll make more money yeah and if they don't give you more money and if they don't give you more money, you should leave. Because that's the thing: that's the economy today! Well, not only that, but if, if you don't get your raise that you ask for in this market, they don't value you, and that is yours - that you're right, i'm looking ready right like i need like a nanny housekeeper and it's absurd.

What we're willing to pay, and that's just sort of like the world today, oh yeah, and and like i'm thinking america, should let in a million ukrainians like tomorrow, just with visas and work, visas and places. You know i've got i'll. Take two. You know i'll take 10.

right, i mean my god. It's like a horrible crisis, and yet we can't find people to work in america right, yep, so bingo, afghanistan and ukraine. For example. We can start a new program that will take a million people from each country and give them visas to come to america and work and they'll.

Take it don't agree more absolutely so. Nevertheless, i think we have a great economy. I think china has issues. I think europe has issues.

I think the world has issues the emerging markets all have issues okay, but us is bringing everything home now we're bringing our factories home, we're bringing our supply chains home, we're we're, building up the industrial strength of our nation. Instead of outsourcing. It now and with that comes a higher relative inflation rate, but a higher wealth rate and a higher income rate. I i got ta.
I got to know, though, so a lot of an excessive amount of wage. I mean wage inflation is happening everywhere, everybody's getting raises, but a lot of it's happening under that six figures number, like you mentioned that that middle class, you know even even some of the lower class. One of the things i want to know, though, is as prices go up, and people do move from discretionaries away from like the etsy and the shopifys and more into the staples. Is it possible that you actually get a downgrade from and here's a weird one from lululemon under armor and nike, and into target because target's now doing clothing, that's undercutting those brand names? Did you have you been to a lulu lately no packed packed through the roof? Lulu's doing shoes so lulu just got into shoes, and we were looking at this because lulu is one of my favorite stocks.

I don't own a lot of we own just like a sliver and boy. It's done well over the years and um they're doing shoes nike. Just reported great quarter in their pack, you know remember, but that was cute. No, no.

I was in the store the other day um, with the way we do research. We do a lot of on-the-ground research. We do a lot of talking to people talking to employees. You know so like we get all the data and all the like analyst research from everybody like people like.

Oh, we should hire analysts. I'm like why i get like a million analyst reports from all the great analysts around, but the issue to me is what's real, like what's actually happening in real time and that's where we spend the most time like driving a pole, star and driving a tesla and Driving a lucid you know and then trying to order one and seeing who delivers me a car. You know like tesla's biggest problem right now is everybody's complaining. They can't get one i've got.

I get that complaint people think i have some magical tesla like sales tool. You know, like oh i'll, get your tesla faster, because i tweet elon. No, it doesn't work that way. I do know special powers, yeah, listen! I might order some of these just to try the product.

Look. I bought the nikes. We just heard about it and i was like no way if they're getting into shoes, that's a great business. I am a big fan of what you're saying on the ground.

I mean i'm. The loser in in you know, cheesecake asking the servers hey yeah. This has been busier. You know your stock's down.

No, that's not the loser. That's the winner! Man, that's how you you got to talk to employees. You got to talk to people who know and and like that's kind of how you learn about a business. So you talk to management, which is great, but they love their company, they work there and they make millions and you've got to talk to the low-level people.
The people who work day-to-day and do you like working for your company? How competent are they? You know? These are the things that matter absolutely okay, fair, so so anecdotally we're doing well. So the question then, is: look. We just had the energy shock. The food shock is still coming the wheat, this, the fertilizer, which turns into soybeans and the canola.

No, we we got food, we got food in this country, don't worry about food, but prices were if they got you. Have you been to the midwest, we're freaking good at food we feed the whole world. Okay, the one thing america is really good at for trucks, food, pickup, trucks, farming i mean - i mean you're, not drunk. You know like where we have advanced tractors coming like we have like.

We have technology in farming to employ to increase yields here, like we hold back farmers, farmers have never had it good. If you meet a farmer they'll tell you look, we you know we're not poor people, because they're big farms, but like they don't make a lot of money. Farmers farm because they've been doing it for five generations right. You know what i mean.

So i have utmost respect for these people because it's hard work and we have the best farmers in the world. So i get that if you're in africa you're worried about your food source, i get that, but we have to remember we're america, we're really really good. At stuff, like i don't understand why america continues to have this second class citizen to the world attitude when we're the best country in the world. We have the best people in the world because we have immigration.

So, for 250 years the smartest people have come here for a reason because of freedom. Okay, it's like we forgot all this in the muddlesome, and now we got putin the murderer to remind us about freedom. So those of you who are young, you should say the pledge of allegiance once or twice again and and listen to yourself because we live in the greatest country in the world. We're lucky we're very like a good point like the famines food shortages to come.

I mean we're talking uh, maybe more expensive, coffee because of brazil, but it's africa, north africa, the congo, it's it's, the middle east and egypt they're the ones that are going to get screwed. That's not a bad point which is horrible. It's a horrible! I'm not saying right, good point right, so i'm not trying to minimize the impact on the world, but we're talking about investing right here right, we're not talking about like the un's job to help all these countries get more wheat now. The good news is, we can make so much.

We can give it to them. So i was looking at like wheat yields from every country in the world and were up there obviously number one, two or three right so like in my mind like same idea, you're saying it's not like in russia, they're gon na stop growing. They just have to sell it illegally at a discount right, so it's so i get all the fears and the price hikes, but but actually, if you're buying russian wheat or washing oil, it's discounted. You know what i'm saying.
So that's the way the world really works. When you get off bloomberg and all these reuters, i will make every news company. No, no. I work with every news company in the world.

It seems like i can tell you they try very hard and i love them all, but they are in the job of staying relevant. Okay, if you're not watching them, they don't make money. So there will never be a day that there isn't news. That's scary.

You know i look, i love bloomberg, i'm a bloomberg fan terminal, i'm in it every day, but i'll tell you this morning and i made a video on this. They put this article about up about how the fed says. Recession is unavoidable because of what i told you earlier with the russian oil right. So i i looked back at the fed report, the actual research report.

They left out the whole section in the fed report. That said, but the oil seems to be still getting to the market. Bloomberg left that part out but took the if russian oil doesn't make it to the market. We'll see a recession argument, so they took the bad and didn't take the good in the bloomberg article and i'm like what are you doing bloomberg barons just did this last week as well, and it pisses me off it's like it's, not a report.

It's not! What are you doing you see you see like wrong, though journalism is dead, i'm taking a shot on that one dude yeah me too, because i got to go soon. You got to go soon, dude. Thank you for this. Okay, look, let's sum it up.

Are we going into a recession or not, and and what do people do do people call you up or what's going on and cheers people call me up? That's what i do so if you need financial advice,, that's you know, email. We work with lots of meet kevin fans and, and - and i thank you, your audience is great. I love your audience and that's why i do the show not just because i love you, but i actually love your audience as well. They're just phenomenal group of people that want to learn and do better for themselves.

And that's why i do this because the one of my main goals in life is to get young people to start investing at a young age, because that's the secret to making money over time. Not quickly. Because i started when i was a kid and that's the secret to my wealth: it's not like some magic. I invested in an apple, invest in tesla.

These are to me these things are obvious, but you have to start young and think long term and then not buy into the things that get you to sell your investments and make the biggest mistake of your life right. And so, if we all live to 91 - and you think about how much time that is between where you are today, in 91, you're going to be a multi-multi-millionaire investing in great growth companies and my fun gk, which is why i started it is to give you An opportunity to own right now we have about 48 stocks that are all growth stocks that give you in our themes of investment. But it allows you to invest as a core holding in your ira or something where it will grow at a consistent rate. And then you can have your other investments in the individual stocks that you want to speculate or own individually.
But that is the secret to wealth and - and i think that's one of the great things about your show and why i love what you're doing kevin, and i say this: every time is because you're, educating and helping a whole generation of young people have access to Information that's crucial, which is why i do your show so that they can make smart investment decisions and get excited about investing at a young age which gives them the greatest asset of all time in investing, which is time it's time. And so when i talk about tesla, i don't know what the stock's going to do, but i know over the next 10 years, if you don't invest in tesla, you've missed one of the greatest opportunities of your life. So thank you, elon musk! Congratulations! On opening up the berlin factory, i dreamed about this day that in germany there would be a tesla factory. You know to think we did china to think we did fremont elon and next austin.

You inspire me honestly to work harder and and try to make a difference, and i get that the haters, but you've made a huge impact on society and the world and boy exciting to just be a part of it. So thank you for helping make all of us successful with your hard work and genius elon tesla yeah. It's amazing! It's truly amazing, so ross 10 seconds yeah recession within the next 18 months because of the inversion of the yield curve potentially well. The inversion of yield curve has nothing to do with the recession um.

So, as i said, the only thing that will cause a recession is the fed and the fed raising rates too aggressively will cause the recession. As i said earlier, i think the natural rate of interest should be around two percent right now, so as long as they keep rates below two percent on the fed, i'm not that worried as they get closer to two percent. If they're still looking aggressive, then i get worried scott every time. There's a recession, it's their fault, but powell and yellen are two of the most competent people.

We could ask for driving this car and i absolutely have faith that they're going to set it up. Like 94, where they just raise rates enough to cut the the the the hotness yeah the excess, but they don't get too aggressive and buy into the bs yeah like it's 1970 or something, and that they understand that you know natural forces will bring down inflation. Like technology, and if they do this right, as i've said over and over again, i think we're at the beginning of the roaring 20s, and this is going to be an amazing time for america and when this war ends, because it will end and putin will lose And when we think about the postcode era over the next five years, i think this is a great time for investors. That's what i think.
That's what i'm betting personally and with my clients on and i've done. My whole career is america's gon na win. In the long run. I love it so ross you've got an actively managed uh etf, ticker symbol, gk uh we're up 14 percent in the last like 10 days, because we frickin bottom.

Let's go okay, good job, uh for financial advice finish the pitch man. Listen. Financial planning is the whole game as much as we can make you money got ta, have a plan and that's why you reach out to us at whether you're just getting started. We have a get invested program or whether you have millions of dollars.

We have a high net worth program. That's what we do at our firm is. We help you get from a to b, whether you're 22, just starting your first job or whether you're 65 and you're looking to retire. But but that's what we do so reach out and we have, i think, 28 advisors now uh that we work with in all types and all over the world in all languages as well.

Amazing ross. Thank you so much for being here. Ross stand by for a second everybody else. If you like this stream, make sure to share the video like the video subscribe and we'll see you in the next one thanks so much goodbye.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Ross gerber on stocks a coming recession.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MacK says:

    I like PS way more than RG. RG is an example of top 1% removed from reality.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lorraine Ruff says:

    The wisest thing that should be on everyone's mind currently should be to invest in different streams of income that doesn't depend on the govt. Especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in Gold, Silver and digital currencies (BTC,ETH…)

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Ogrady says:

    Kevin smacked that drank boy faded ashiii

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rameshwor Dahal says:

    That’s not Don Julio, Anjeo. That’s a 70th anniversary Don Julio Anejo

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Apartment Gardener says:

    Ross was absolutely right about the raise. I got and offer at a competitor and my job offered me substantially more when any other time they would have showed me the door

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SiKxJayTee says:

    i can see the headline now…United States dodges recession as the rest of the world struggles

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caveman. says:

    Oh and don't forget how all the wars are started by the USA.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caveman. says:

    Umm, Amarica the best country in the world DONT think so, first get rid off your guns.
    Have better respect for South Americans how do the low skill works and not to mention how kids are taken away from parent's at the integration camps.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cryptomatic says:

    Why you don’t take Sirians and give them visas

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shmev Beats says:

    Kevin can drink like a sailor!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Smith says:

    Fav guest ever. Love Kevin and Ross both realise and keep getting him on. Great energy, attitude and insights.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smooth Tones says:

    I like this guy! Open and the way he explicit out is different with a powerful language.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Judo life says:

    I lost a friend because he was unvaccinated🤯

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hugo G says:

    Ross made a lot of money today 😎😎

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F. A. says:

    I can't believe I missed Ross live. 😮‍💨

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Gale says:

    Great to hear Ross, unless…of course…it’s FUD about Palantir. Great insights. The sale of illegal oil….Palantir has a solution for that…Gov and traders will need to be in compliance.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skywakka FPV says:

    These are literally my most favorite episodes when you bring Ross Gerber on

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Non Stop Fun with Joe says:

    I bought 10 bottles. Only 2 left. 5 sold empty $420.69-$820 and 3 full at $750

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cash Luxington says:

    I didint learn one thing from Ross idk why Kevin keeps bringing him in

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pavan Kurimilla says:

    Ross….You are very correct in your opinion about India. It has gone backwards in terms of civilization, secularism and development. We are clueless as a nation at present.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Market Trader says:

    Ros “Liberal Cuck” Gerber

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SuperBacDoc says:

    Wow! That’s a hefty hit of the Jack!🤙

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kkomzz says:

    i post the best quick shorts… don’t believe me? see for yourself😼 literally posted a bird doing a backflip on 2 feet….

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Johnson says:

    Always love having Ross on!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Davignon says:

    Kevin trying to hold it down… lol

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kev Z says:

    Another great episode, thanks.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris D'Andrea says:

    3 stocks from this video- Google, Tesla, and bank stocks like JPMorgan

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Brooks says:

    Does anyone know when u buy stocks and u keep add money to same one does that mess up the first time percentage on the graph up.???like u buy at 1.3 percent and it goes up and buy again does it mess up 1.3 to whatever u bot last

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leonelsb Sb says:

    Ross and SENSEI always a good stream

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isaiah X says:

    This guy keeps pushing his “recession videos” lol

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ndahi says:

    Watching and getting my drinks ready right now ! Love drinking with you guys !

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Knob says:

    Good talk. Ross was wasted in this one.

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