Visit to take your FREE Noom assessment and begin a seven day trial of Noom - Enjoy! Here's why Robinhood Order Flow could get banned, my thoughts on the new Cathie Wood ETF, and the issue of Social Security - Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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In terms of Payment For Order Flow…essentially, these High Frequency Traders pay ROBINHOOD for the right to take a peak at your trades RIGHT WHEN THEY COME IN…giving them a quick opportunity to buy your stock ahead of time, and then sell it back to you at for a small profit automatically.
Usually, this is an amount that isn’t EVER going to be noticed by you…in fact, Bloomberg estimated that this “profit” amounted to be an average of 0.0024 cents per share…although, here’s where some of the controversy begins: in 2005….the SEC passed the Regulation National Market System, requiring brokers to obtain the “best price for their clients.” In 2019, Robinhood was fined for “sending customer trading orders to four broker-dealers WITHOUT guaranteeing the best price.
Recently, Gary Gensler signaled that he was open to BANNING the practice of payment for order flow - which, would directly affect nearly every stock market brokerage out there…and, ultimately, the price you wind up paying for the stocks you buy and sell.
The Problem: The current system is paying out a LOT more money than it’s taking in…or, in other words, it’s losing MORE money because fewer people are in the workforce to fill it back up...and, at the current rate, social security will run out of funds to pay the full benefit by 2034.
As far as my own thoughts: expect that taxes will go up over the next 5 years, because they most likely will….and expect that you’ll receive NOTHING by the time you’re older. That way, if you get anything - it’s a bonus, but it’ll never be something to rely on - just incase something happens.
During a recent meeting, the Federal Reserve announced that they might begin to reduce their asset purchases by the end of the year, as they BEGIN to taper and let the economy run on its own. HOWEVER, they’ve made it clear that they won’t explicitly begin to raise rates until more progress is made, although this would begin to set the expectation that - it might be coming soon.
A recent report actually shows that, happiness does NOT plateau..and, in fact…you DO get happier, the more money you make. Even though $75,000 provides the greatest bang for the buck in terms of life satisfaction and well being…both factors continue increasing as you make more money…albeit to a slower degree.
It goes to show you that everything is in proportion to your own perspective, and for one person - earning $50,000 to $100,000 per year would bring the same increase in well-being as someone else going from $5 million to $10 million per year. The important part, here…is that we spend our money wisely, we stay true to ourselves, we enjoy what we do…and, at the end of the day…even though more money can open up new possibilities…that only goes so far before we each need to take matters into our own hands…and smash the like button for the YouTube algorithm.
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For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. This is not investment advice. Public Offer valid for U.S. residents 18+ and subject to account approval. There may be other fees associated with trading. See

What's up you guys, it's graham here so historically, they say that on average september is the worst month for the stock market dating all the way back to 1950.. Now, whether or not that comes true for this month is yet to be seen, but i have to say: there's certainly a lot happening in the markets right now, all at the exact same time that could have a pretty immediate impact in your wallet and by wallet. I obviously mean your money like just in the last week. There's talks about interest rates being increased by the end of the year.

Several members of congress are now pushing to fire the federal reserve robin it could potentially get banned for the practice of payment for order flow. Social security income is running out much sooner than expected and for anyone who's wondering if money could buy happiness. A recent study confirmed that, yes, it does buy happiness, but it costs a lot more money than you would expect. Anyway, let's talk about exactly what's going on in the markets, the impact this could have on pretty much everything and then, finally, what you could do with this information to make money, although before we start i'll make you guys a deal if this video could get 69 420 likes in the first week i'll, invest ten thousand dollars into the top stock, commented on this video and then i'll report back to see how it does in six months.

So if you think that sounds like an awful idea that you would want to see just make sure to hit the like button - and let me know - and also big thank you to noom for sponsoring this video, but more on that later. Alright. So let's talk about one of the most controversial topics: first, that pretty much affects nearly everybody throughout the entire stock market, and that would be robinhood now much. This began a few years ago when people began to wonder how does a free stock trading app like robinhood? Actually make their money well on their website.

They lay it all out in the open. They earn money from interchange fees within the cash management, account interest from keeping your money on the platform. Loaning out your stocks to counterparties charging five dollars a month for a premium service, then wait a second. What's this rebates from market makers and trading venues? Oh, my yeah, you got ta hear this one out because here's where things get really interesting, this is the concept known as payment for order flow that pretty much encompasses everything throughout the entire stock market in one way or another and most likely you've paid into it.

Whether you realize it or not, now for everybody confused here's how it works when you place a stock trade on robin hood, robin hood is not the one who actually goes and executes that trade. Instead, they instantly outsource that to another company who pays robinhood for the right to execute your trade on their behalf. Why you might ask well a lot of that has to do with what's called high frequency trading, see. As we all know, the stock market constantly fluctuates in price, and every single rapid price movement is an opportunity to profit within fractions of a second as an example, if you place a trade to buy a share of subscribe for a hundred dollars by the time, your Order actually gets sent to the exchange and filled the stock price could have fallen to 99, and in that case you could be paying a hundred dollars for a stock.
That's actually worth 99 by the time you receive it, and that, of course, is where high frequency traders come in. These are essentially market makers with a lightning, fast connection to exchanges, and their goal is to help facilitate these transactions as fast as possible, while making a little bit of profit along the way. In this case, if you submit a hundred dollar buy order and the price of the stock suddenly drops to 99, the high frequency traders can theoretically see it coming, buy the 99 stock and then instantly sell it back to you for a hundred dollars, making a lightning Fast profit in a split second: now, usually, this is an amount. That's almost never going to get noticed by you in fact, bloomberg estimated that the profit amounted to be an average of only 0.0024 cents a share.

Although here's, where some of the controversy begins in 2005, the sec passed the regulation national market system, which required brokers to obtain the best execution for their clients. That means, when you place an order, the brokerage has to route it to the market maker exchange or high frequency trader. Who could give you the best price as the customer, if that means going through a high frequency trader who's willing to do it for 0.0001 cents? Great, if it's going through the exchange at a price point lower than that fine. If it's going to the market maker first perfect, it honestly doesn't matter how your order is filled or how that brokerage is compensated.

As long as you get the best price as a customer at any given time, but that's of course, where things begin falling apart in 2019, robin hood was fined for sending customer trading orders to four broker dealers without guaranteeing the best price those broker-dealers paid robinhood for Executing the trades with them, and by doing so robin hood violated the best execution requirement now, besides that, in all fairness to robin hood, nearly every single stock trading brokerage out there participates in payment for order flow, including ally, financial, weeble vanguard, charles schwab, td ameritrade. And it's a common practice that isn't necessarily a bad thing at all if they could objectively route your order flow with your best interest in mind, it's really no different than somebody getting paid a commission for recommending you car insurance. If that company, they recommended actually winds up, giving you the best price, in that case it's a win-win for everybody, but the discrepancy comes when they're, not giving you the best price and they're getting paid for it, which is bad. That's a no-no.
Well, that now leads us to what just happened and the potential that this might get banned in the u.s, the sec chairman gary ginsler signaled that he would be open to banning the practice of payment for order flow, which would directly impact nearly every single stock market. Brokerage out there and ultimately the price that you pay anytime, you buy or sell a stock. Now brokerages argue that investors actually benefit from having their orders routed through high frequency traders, because they could typically get better prices on their trades than going through a traditional market maker which profits from the spread between the bid and the ask. And by getting paid for order flow, they could otherwise offer you free trading.

It would be no different than saying if we route your order to an exchange. It'll cost you one cent, but this company over here who happens to pay us. A commission says that they could do it for half a cent. So in this case we get paid and you get a better price, so everybody wins, but the sec says this could potentially be a conflict of interest because the company is getting paid to put your best interest first and it's anyone's guess.

If that actually happens, not to mention other countries like the uk, canada and australia have already banned the practice of payment for order flow, and the free stock trading app, recently came out by saying they were discontinuing all payment for order flow after the whole gamestop Fiasco so now, there's certainly no conflict of interest if you want to buy or sell a stock on the platform. As far as my own objective thoughts here, i personally do not have a problem with payment for order flow as long as there's transparency to know that your orders are routed to the best place possible if the brokerages happen to make money in the process. That's fine with me because, after all, they are running a business, but the problem begins. If and when they ever violate that best execution practice and to make sure that never happens.

We might need more transparency in terms of how those orders are processed because, as the overall perception of this changes, brokerages will have to adapt. But speaking of adapting, you know it's not adapting social security, because all the money that we were expected to receive when we get older could soon be running out and that's a huge problem. We're basically listening to what's going on, because this impacts pretty much. All of us in terms of our future finances, well really quick before we go into that a few of you have noticed that i've been trying to get back into shape, and with that i want to say a huge thank you to the sponsor of today's video Noom they're a digital health platform that helps empower you to focus on building healthy routines and habits since there's so much more to being healthy than just losing weight and dieting.
They start by taking a quick assessment of your goals and current profile, and then they create a tailored plan. Just for you, based on long-term, healthy habits and behavioral changes, not restrictive dieting from there. They connect you with a coach who's trained in psychology, fitness and nutrition. To help guide you as you go, i personally love their library of recipes completely designed around my ideal budget and goals for losing a little bit of weight around my stomach.

They also keep me accountable every single day with daily reminders to keep up the momentum. So if you're like me and you want to build healthy habits and take control of your health, you can get a free new evaluation and day trial. When you use my link at noom.comgram again, you could use my link down below in the description to get a free, new evaluation and seven day trial so enjoy. And with that said, let's get back to the video all right now in terms of social security.

Literally running out, here's what you need to know here in the united states we have a problem called social security that everyone begins paying into as soon as they begin working did, i say problem i meant program. This is a 12.4 tax on earned income up to 142 000 a year split equally between you and your employer. That goes into a big fund to social security. That eventually goes back to you when you're older.

The thinking is that, by mandating this as a tax, it should theoretically pay some or all of your expenses in retirement or in the event of a disability. But there's a problem in that the current system is paying out a lot more money than it's taking in. As a result, at the current rate, social security will run out of funds to pay the full benefit by 2034.. After that, it's said that social security will only be able to pay 78 in promised benefits to retirees and disabled beneficiaries.

That means by the time most of us are older if nothing changes, we're likely to receive only a fraction of the benefits that we paid in, because the system relies on future workers to pay off the cost of those before us and right now, there's just not Enough money kind of like a ponzi scheme except uh. Well, it's similar to a ponzi scheme, but it's not a ponzi scheme. I say that jokingly because technically it's an investment in our elderly to make sure they have a sustained benefit throughout retirement or if someone becomes disabled, they at least have something else to fall back on, while the us does not make any profit from this at all. But it sounds kind of like a ponzi scheme anyway, as it stands right now, there's really only three possible outcomes, as this runs out.

One congress could raise social security taxes to keep it funded a little bit longer, but this presents a problem of long-term sustainability because, as people live longer, more money is going to have to go into the system and because of that taxes will continually have to go Higher the two benefits could just be reduced, but that wouldn't be fair for everyone else, who's paid into it and now getting less than what they were promised or three. The government could just go into further debt to fund the deficit and then just let inflation eat away at the balance. I mean at this point: what's another trillion dollars, so i'm going to venture to say that the only real solution to this is to raise social security taxes and kick the problem a little bit further down the road until it's somebody else's problem. I can't ever imagine these benefits being reduced, because that would put financial strain on so many people, especially the disabled, who can't care for themselves financially.
That's why i think for everyone watching just assume two things expect the taxes are going to be going up over the next five years, because chances are, they will and expect that you're going gon na receive nothing from social security by the time you're older. That way, if you end up getting something, it's just a bonus but it'll never be something to rely on just in case something happens like the federal reserve, getting fired and raising interest rates. During a recent meeting, the federal reserve announced that they might begin to reduce their asset purchases by the end of the year as they begin to taper and let the economy run on its own. However, they've made it clear that they won't begin to explicitly raise interest rates until more progress has been made, although this would begin to set the expectation that it could be coming soon.

For instance, korea became the first bank to raise interest rates from a half a percent to three quarters of a percent which was the first rate hike in three years, and that was aimed at curbing inflation. A red-hot real estate market and high levels of household debt, and that sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it well for us in the united states, interest rates affect the value of pretty much everything that we do. If interest rates remain too low for too long, then inflation could be higher than expected. Asset prices could go through the roof, and the price of everyday items could get more and more expensive as more and more money enters the economy.

But if they raise interest rates too fast, then asset prices could drop, people could spend less money and that could hurt the economy. So this becomes a delicate balance to make sure our economy runs as smoothly as possible, and the value of the dollar remains intact. Without everything going to, although some people disagree and in a recent move, it was called for jerome powell to be fired and replaced as a way to reimagine a federal reserve focused on eliminating climate risk and advancing racial and economic justice. Part of this criticism blame the fed for weakening financial regulations enacted after the great recession, including capital and liquidity requirements, stress tests and the volcker rule by essentially allowing too much leverage to enter the markets without holding enough cash in reserves.
Now, without taking science objectively, the federal reserve's job is not to promote anything other than maintain monetary policy, financial stability and providing banking services, and as much as i would like to see, improvement for everyone and our environment, the federal reserve does not have the authority to Prioritize those practices, so in this sense, as much as i support the economic well-being of everyone and our environment, it's highly unlikely. The federal reserve would have any direct impact on that, at least without a substantial change from congress plus. This is all happening during a month. That's said to be the worst month in history for the stock market, otherwise known as the september effect.

That's because, according to investopedia since 1950, the dow jones has dropped an average of 0.8 in september and the s p 500 drops an average of half a percent. In fact, money chimp has a stock market calculator that averages the returns for each calendar month in history and, as you can see, september is indeed statistically the worst on record. Some say that this could be attributed to a behavioral change, as investors sell their stocks and otherwise cash in towards the end of the year. Others say that, because mutual funds have a fiscal year that ends in september, many of them would sell their losing positions for tax loss harvesting, thereby putting downward pressure on the market and some point to lower trading volumes throughout the summer.

As investors take time off. Go on vacation and then sell their positions afterwards, when they get back. Now it's important to mention that, because these are just averages, it doesn't always mean the market is going to drop every single september. In fact, 45 of the time the market goes up in september, but it does paint to a somewhat negative picture that overall for investors september, tends to not be the best month and lastly, speaking of all this money talk.

Remember that study that said that happiness plateaus at around 75 000 a year well yeah about that. A recent study found that happiness actually does not plateau and in fact you do get happier the more money you make. This study here analyzed a person's life, satisfaction and well-being, along with how much money they earned throughout a wide variety of incomes and people all the way up to a hundred million dollars and what they found was actually quite interesting. Even though seventy five thousand dollars provides.

The greatest bang for the buck in terms of life, satisfaction and well-being. Both factors increase as you make more money, albeit to a slower degree. For example, going from 25 000 to 75 000 a year gives you the same life satisfaction boost as going from 75 000 to 225 000 a year, and it would appear as though this metric continues throughout every single income threshold. Although, as you get into the larger numbers, it takes significantly more money to get that same boost.
Why does this matter? Well, it goes to show you that everything is in proportion to your own perspective. The important part here is that we spend our money wisely. We stay true to ourselves, we enjoy what we do and at the end of the day, even though more money could open up more possibilities at a certain point, we just have to take matters into our own hands and smash the like button for the youtube algorithm. Oh and one more thing: kathy wood just recently filed for a brand new, no vice etf, which shuns oil, gas, alcohol, bank and gambling stocks were basically all the fun stuff.

This arc fund would mimic the transparency index which tracks stock movements for around 100 companies, including the reputation and adoption of transparency standards. Now, in my opinion, this is not necessarily a bad thing and from what i've noticed amongst my fellow millennials. Most of us are going for healthier options, drinking less or nothing and putting some emphasis on sustainability. But it also seems like she's leaning into the millennial habits, to try to appeal to people who want to socially invest and if she wants to cater a group around.

Every interest i have no doubt there are going to be people who are very excited for this now long term. Who knows that these companies are going to be as profitable as the ones who use oil bank with the biggest banks, drink lots of alcohol and then gamble it all away on the meme, but for investors who want a new option? I say why not because the more the merrier so with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate it as always make sure to destroy the like button. Subscribe button and notification bell also feel free to add me on instagram.

I posted pretty much daily. So if you want to be a part of it, there feel free to add me there. As my second channel. The gram stefan show i post there every single day, not posting here, so if you want to see a brand new video from me every single day, make sure to add yourself to that.

And lastly, if you want a completely free stock, that's now worth all the way up to a thousand dollars, use the link down below in the description and use the code. Graham, when you sign up for public plus, i'm posting all of my stock trades on there. So if you want to be a part of it, the link is down below. Thank you so much for watching and until next time,.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Robinhood just got cancelled – again”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MasterDude1568 says:

    Maybe end social security and just teach people to invest that money in school allowing them to setup a roth early and receive much more than one would with social security

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anon Anon says:

    4th solution for social security: add social security tax to capital gains. The richest people in the country are not making money via wages, but other sources of income. That income should also fund social security.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Day says:

    Wait, we have follow your lead? Get lost

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ITZZA Moood says:

    Good time to do a video on which brokerage to work with.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fred pitterpatter says:

    robbinhood a fictional thief. Now think about that…at least vlad has a sick sense of humor. Robbinhood will crash within first 20 minutes of the big drop next month. Get out while you can.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Susila thapa says:

    Rich people plays the money game to win. Poor people plays the money to not lose. The goal of the truly rich people is to have massive wealth and the poor sees a surplus as an opportunity for consumption instead of investing it. change your mindset and do what the rich does, which is investing, investing and investing.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THANKS HKWORLDHACK33 ON INSTAGRAM says:

    I make $32,400 profits on my investment since I started trading with him👆his trading strategies are top notch Am wining consistently trading with him he’s really the best broker I’ve made a lot profits investing with him.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THANKS HKWORLDHACK33 ON INSTAGRAM says:

    I make $32,400 profits on my investment since I started trading with him👆his trading strategies are top notch Am wining consistently trading with him he’s really the best broker I’ve made a lot profits investing with him.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Granolaa Barss says:

    All of these lazy people who don’t work at all shouldn’t be able to benefit from social security unless they’re disabled and not able to work whatsoever

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leontoner says:

    Interest rates in Texas have almost gone up an entire point in the last week so….

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A J says:

    If they ban payment for order flow we can day trade again.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A J says:

    If they ban payment for order flow we can day trade again Hazzah!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathaniel Skinner says:

    The "Stepmber" Effect is not to be trifled with.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Quinn says:

    Wait you’re missing one of the best options for social security, they can raise the age in which you start receiving the benefits

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars India Culture says:

    When you invest, you're buying a day you don't have to work

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beach&BoardFan says:

    Social security has been running out since the 70s…

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Campillo says:

    Money does buys you happiness, I’m poor.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Vankempen says:

    Before he said it I was thinking Graham looked pretty jacked

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No Name says:

    Graham has just turned into a financial news channel at this point 🤦‍♂️

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angelo Cianfrocco says:

    “He’d be open to banning” Does not mean he will make any attempts TO ban

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Too says:

    The problem with social security could be how expensive medical care is in the US.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AngelLatinoNJ says:

    Hi Graham. Have you done a Video on the best Water ETFs or which water to invest on?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Salman says:

    This information is so undervalued!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FireAntzBlazing says:

    I hope yall know we in the roaring 20s

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dipesh Gurung says:

    For those who are watching, Just don`t watch videos just get applied and implement yourself, Cuz those who are in investment and share market they already know what is currently going on ,So you are just watching videos just that are click baits. There are a lot of ways to earn money ,if you don`t implies yourself than you never gonna earn.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Petrillo says:

    I want to see one video with no thumbs down

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    "at this point, what's another trillion dollars?"
    Enough said!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saul Goodman says:

    They said ss was going to was going to run out decades ago.
    It's like every 10 years they change the goal post.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ArkaTek says:

    If there was a small percentage of the population dodging 138 billion in taxes a year that could help offset the cost of social security…….

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Tremblay says:

    Could you make a video looking into Gemini Dollar on Gemini and the crazy APY you can get for loaning Gemini your money

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rachael Kramer says:

    "By wallets I mean your money."

    I love that he felt the need to specify. LoL
    What else you guys got tucked away in those things? 😉

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark berlanga says:

    graham you are missing a glaring answer : raising the ceiling of what the tax taxes ie from 144k to say 300k . and then linking that amount to inflation or even the median income of the country . and or of course making the gov (congress ) actually pack back the money they borrowed from the fund .

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