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🔽Time stamps:
0:05 $NVAX $MRNA $IMRN stock
4:02 $IMRN $NVAX $MTP stock
11:27 $MXC $SNDE $AMD
16:40 $MIST stock
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It was a stressful week for me in terms of trading. Had two red days during this week both on low float stocks $IMRN and $MXC. I haven't had this many red days in a week for a while so this is definitely taking a toll on my mental capital.
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Humbled Trader FAM count: 379,000

So end of the day, read um, it's the first read they had i had in a while and it's it's not like a detrimental loss, but it's definitely a frustrating one, because before the straight, that was actually up a lot on the day. Um, a few other stocks mrna and mvax, and that's also the thing with you know, trading on remote - is that i'm distracted. My screen real estate is not enough to see all the stocks closely and while i was focused on mvacs and mrna, this kind of rip happened and i just had to cover it. I didn't i couldn't even you know, take a small loss or reassess.

I just had to cover - and i mean i'm not making excuses. I did scale back in shorts. You know, after you know, taking a nice profit from my shorts from you know. 15.

I covered most of it here, but i did react back not to full size, but this squeeze this blow off candle was still enough um to take out a big chunk on my day so and i did re-enter a little bit more on the back side. Tray got kind of got really messy on the short side. I did try a few long. It also didn't work and if eventually, i realized, you know, i'm kind of over trading this sticker, both on a long side and a short side, so took a pretty decent loss on imr, and so i'm definitely frustrated, especially that's after.

I was up a lot on this mvax trade, so you know the stock, you know mvx, you know we started selling off with the rest of the sector. We've been going straight up for pretty much the last week, so a pullback was due and you know i had a starter and once we start, you know teetering around this red to green area. We add it back and after this the stock immediately flushed you can see. We know we literally tanked from 141 all the way down to 124..

So that's a very decent um gain. I was up a lot on the straight. I did try to scale back short again. You can see the short didn't work.

I had a long scalp here and then the short um you know gave back some profit on the short side, but i this is still a very good trade on mvx. I'm really happy with it. It's a really similar setup with mrna. I did take a loss on long side first and then this ride we hit it short after we rejected this 90 dollars area.

I did cover some too soon accidentally, but i did have a majority of size down here. I'd covered all over here tried to scalp for long when that didn't work, i tried to put back in a short and then a long as well, so i did give back same as mvx. I tried to re-add back um, didn't work and gave back some profit, but mrna and nvx were really good trades. It's this trade, unfortunately on imr, and i really ruined the day.

So you know i was trading. You know from managing all these positions. At the same time, i was a little bit distracted, so you know i did i wasn't able to manage this imarin trade property. You know.

Maybe i should have cut my cut my reshort a lot earlier than up here, essentially at 1570s, and maybe i should have just left it alone as well. So here's a few things for me to kind of review and think about you know. Unfortunately, you know red on the day from this ticker and that's after two very good trades. So i'm definitely very frustrated, and i did you know, over trade, this sticker a little bit too much as well tried to go back in for re-shorts and tried a few loans and overall it's just oh, i am rn.
No, i'm sure you know. I sound very frustrated because i am so put me red uh on the day after a very nice green streak, i've had so not a detrimental loss, but definitely a loss. That's enough for me to be. You know to still be kind of kind of.

You know. Emotionally frustrated with his name, so really nice recovery today for me after a red day yesterday, but of course you know recovering the losses is never the goal. I have the day after the loss. No, so the goal is always just to trade.

Well - and you know, regain my confidence and if i, by doing so, i recoup everything back and more then that's great, but that should be a byproduct should never be the goal, at least for me so imrn. You know, surprisingly, after a huge sell-off down to ten dollars, it gapped up all the way to a high of twenty six dollars on some fluff news. Now, when this happens, you know there's a few factors in play: right, there's tons of shorts who are holding this overnight, that's being stuck, but at the same time there's also the risk of dilution, because usually that's why they are trying so hard to prop the stock Up for you know consecutive days, so you got ta be aware of that. There's a long play and there's a short play, but it's all about playing the price action.

So my first few trades were actually long on imr and when the stock you know was trading around 26 dipped all the way down to 20 and twenty nine fifties. That's why i took a loan. You know pre-market size, nothing big! Just you know getting my feet. Wet and selling to the push towards 22 - and i was so out by 23., so nice gainer to start the day on long side and it's after you know when which consolidated around this pre-market, i started putting back in a short like i said: dilution potential and The stock is just kind of being held up here.

Right, starter is short here and after we immediately dropped, and i was kind of doing my other pre-market plans at the time. So i wasn't really following what the news was about and then you know you know. I hear banzinga charlie saying now they dropped an offering, which wasn't a surprise, but still we are still holding above this 1950s area. So this the action was kind of strange.

It seems like you're trying to prop it up to do one more squeeze like this, which they did after the open. So i did cover a little bit more after before the open, just in case right, because after come on like after being squeezed from 10 dollars to like 19 yesterday, i i got to be careful so cover some. But i was still leaving a majority on and you know we did get the squeeze all the way to 21 that i kind of anticipated, but i didn't add into it because you know like i said i was a little bit nervous of course, but also you Know my better ad would have been up here around this area right around 22 23s. We don't want to underestimate this kind of stock.
It's a low float stock. After all, but after we failed this area, you know we didn't get a secondary push. I was looking for um, we rejected back to 1950s and that's where you know i put back in all my size. I had wanted, because this supports this key level once failed.

You know it's. It's very unlikely that we're going to reclaim and go up higher. You can see we kind of bounced about here in this range from 1850 to 1950. One dollar range for a while, but price action was still good.

You know you can see the volume is decreasing selling volume stepping in so that's what gave me the conviction to keep on holding and at the time a couple of other stocks was ripping. So if everyone else is looking at all the other stocks, there's no one buying this kind of. So that's why i was able to hold for so long. I got the flush move that i wanted.

The 1740s was the first cover covered some more here and you know didn't get the bottom tick here, but you know just trying to cover my share sizes, since volume is dropping and also out best cover was 1570s and i'm extremely happy about this trade. I think i managed it really well sizing risk and letting the winner run. It's probably gon na keep on fading down to twelve dollars. To be honest but uh you know i'm all out.

You know i took the meat of the move and i was on to a few other trades, so the second trade for me is another stock, like traded yesterday on the short side mvacs. So i had thought that we're gon na get. You know a secondary move to make new lows. Potentially you know, but the same area 140s from yesterday was also the key level, and once we started breaking down, that's why scalding short it did take a while.

So i took off some risk you can see. I tried to scale in here took off some risk, but waited for the confirmation when the stock goes green to red and below this previous day closed. That's what i added back and then you know we literally just flushed down to this area from previous supports and we're not making new lows. So at this point you know i covered most just in case we start making this kind of grind up action, which we did when volume kind of decreases, that's kind of what happens.

So you know, even if you're right, you have to manage your risk and you don't want to turn a winner into a loser so um. I did try to re-add shorts and see now if we're gon na, keep on flushing down and when we're just holding up, and that's why i covered it up so ended up being a small win, but still pretty decent. Given that you know it's a stock, i made pretty a lot of gains on yesterday and i'm just looking for a continuation, but now it's um, it's going red to green now and holding up. So that's why i left there alone.
The third stock was a loser on the day, but on starter size, ibm man, this they sold off the entire gap, which was disappointing. They had you know good news, good earnings, good guidance, so i was looking for a move to reclaim 130s and going higher. You can see, i have two starter size long. I was willing to let it work risking the low of the day.

You know we did try to curl for a little bit, but when that didn't work i cut it at 129. So i lost about a little bit more than a dollar share, but that was manageable. You can see the stock just keep on fading off, so pretty disappointed by the action on the large cap market, especially on the day like today. Final stock on the day is mtp, so this one i i made money on the short side but took a loss on the loan side.

I had a scalp shorts here, just saying that you know i'm thinking, i would really extend it, and this is why i went back in long actually, london here loaned it some more. I was thinking we're gon na get a push to seven dollars and because, at the time momentum was strong seems like they were trapping shorts up there, but when we get this kind of rejection candle, i know this is game over you know. The read was probably right on the short side earlier when i started shorting here. This is what happens when you try to.

You know double dip and try to play both sides. Sometimes it works, but most times for me you know i tend to be better when more focused on either just long or short. So in hindsight i shouldn't have longed, but it's okay, to cut my loser and my scale back in short, shorted some here i added some more re-added and you can see i covered most of it around this 560s. The best cover was 520s and didn't get.

This move to 480s that would have been really nice, but i'm closing out on shop on the day uh you can see it did kind of this weird uh, v-shape action to test the highs and we're rejecting seven dollars again. So that's the second time it's rejected one's here and one's here, so you know it's probably gon na bounce around this area from five to six dollars, but this one's another one of those dilution potential. So, that's why i only like to play these kind of stocks in the morning and kind of just avoid them in the afternoon. Unfortunately, it's another red day recap: it's been a while, since i have two red days in a week, i think i had a red day on monday.

So today, unfortunately it's one of those days where just nothing worked. I was green in the morning early on and then you know i did go back for some secondary trades. I did turn all the green trades into losers. So at the end of the day i think i traded four tickers and literally everything was red.

I was red down all my positions: long wall, shorts and just nothing worked, so i'm definitely not feeling it today and a little bit frustrated. Okay, so first ticker on the day mxc i was actually loan the stock and then short the stock. Later on. I was loaned here sold some, i sold the majority here and this is where i tried to go for a loan again and you know i did make money on the loan side, but it's on the short side.
Sorry, this is where i started short. So the loans here i was sold into here and here because these low float sketchy stocks. No, i have a lot of trouble holding, but i did make you know some in hindsight some pretty decent trades on the long side and then it's when i started scaling in shorts. I got squeezed and gave back a lot of the profit i started.

Shorting here got squeezed cover and i think i tried it again here and covered here and it just kind of became a mess here, and i did have some long, some shorts here and eventually you know it did fade off back to eight. But i did give back the profits on both the long side and the short side, so just tricky stock. In hindsight, i should have just left it alone after the first trade and when i start making mistakes usually that's when i should stop trading the ticker and move on to something else, but uh red on the sticker, both long and short, i'm very frustrated with this. I'm not gon na lie.

Second, trade is smde this one. I did make money initially again similar story to mxc i made money. Decent profit initially should have left it, but i went back for the secondary short, and this is where i got squeezed here. You can see shorter here i got squeezed.

I tried to re-short, it again got squeezed again. I did go in for a long scalp. Finally, i learned my lesson. Right.

Go went in for a long scalp. I made money on the lawn and re-shorted at the top, but unfortunately i didn't have a lot size on the wreath shorts because i really did think they're gon na push it to five before they dump it and they didn't so. I had you know, starter size short. I did cover into this.

It's a mess honestly um. When i try after the cover i tried to go in, we actually hold it down. I covered after the hold. I did try to go for a long and made some small profit on the long side.

You know and then i guess at the end i tried the scalp short that made some small profit back. But at this point i wasn't feeling confident. So all the secondary trades - you know they were not that well executed and the final trade on the short side. I didn't make money but smaller share size.

So i wasn't able to go green on the sticker, either so red and i'm both a long and short sound smde. It's just not a good day like honestly, i'm pretty pissed. I myself i'm not making excuses um the the the only trade that i also lost money on, but it's on a lot smaller size is amd in highs. I really should have let it ride out, but i was feeling so you know crushed by both xmc and smd, that i just kind of took it off, and you know like it's one of those days where nothing is working and if i keep on trading it's Most likely in the past, i know myself well, if i keep on trading after you know, being read on so many trades, i'm gon na lose even more so amd was really strong.
You can see it's a very clear, daily breakout, we're gon na keep on running for another day or two, and they have earnings in a week, so they tend to run into an earning. So that's why i took a long starter added on the dip. It was a good ad. You know i was looking for this kind of move, but when you know i really should help through this dip.

In hindsight, you know like this: wasn't that much of a dip you know after the ad here had an average about 60. Excuse me, 60. 70S, so you know a 70, a 60 cent dip on a large cap stock that can move dollars. That's really nothing! I should have held through it but, like i said, i was not feeling great with my other trades and my confidence and i cut it, but in hindsight you know, should i really let it ride? You can see we tested 62 at near the end of the day.

This would have been a nice swing trade entry - to be honest, so not a good day, um, it's a second red day on the week. For me, the last one was on monday: it's not often that i get more than one red day in a week, so not feeling great. At this point, you know i'm only done with a couple grand, so it's not like a detrimental loss, but still the loss is mostly on the mental side, and you know i'm just not confident after you know having these kind of losers, the trading super simple and Super small today and, of course that's after you know a red day yesterday, i just kind of want to you know, regain confidence and kind of you know get the groove back. So i did size down a lot and i did end the day green, just very small, though only a couple hundred dollars, but you know it's still, not the cleanest action.

To be honest, you know i am ist. I started small shorts because you know we're going parabolic. You can see. We went straight from six seventies into nine dollars and that's within i guess, within the open - and i just short into that and covered for a small win against size down dramatically and i'm just trying to use scaling to protect my downside.

So i only want to add into a winner, so i did loan here and sold into the push and made some money on the loan side. And when i was thinking we're gon na consolidate to you know to a breakout to ten dollars on the daily magnet. We can't we just didn't get that and i did catch kind of catch a fully knife here and but this is what these are with small starter sizes. I'm trying to build a long position when it became clear that what would really not reclaiming v wap were really not up trending anymore, i cut the loser on the long side, so i did give back profit again today on the long side and then later on.
The short side too, so at this point when i started giving back profits, i just kind of decided to leave it alone, so still not the best day. To be honest, but i'm happy to just you know, to have traded a little bit better. In my opinion today i stopped myself from trading pretty much after 10 o'clock and i just kind of watched everything else. I'm smoking on the day, but that's not the point.

The point just you know trying to regain my confidence and trying to trade. Well so ending the day here with you know, a tiny, tiny win and we'll see what happens tomorrow. Hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes.

If you want to see more day, trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more. If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time,.

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32 thoughts on “Reviewing day trading losses on small cap stocks $imrn $snde $mist $amd $nvax”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FHI Prince Peter says:

    That's trading. Up day's down day's don't be too hard on yourself.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael streed says:

    You are getting burnt on garbage companies. We are in a recession…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Coote says:

    I've been following your videos for a few weeks now. Made some big losses as I floundered not really knowing what I was doing. Decided to give my head a shake and really start listening.

    Signed up to Benzinga Pro, picked 1 sector to focus on, looked out for interesting SEC filings and press releases – and today I managed to get in on my first penny stock before a big breakout. God damn your content is valuable.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Ongechi says:

    Taiwan was definitely good for you. Come out chubby cheekier!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars orange vs apple says:

    Wow, SNDE was my first loss since I started day trading about three weeks ago. So I took a few days break (needed it to get my confidence back, and I was moving into my 1st house during the weekend). Starting again tomorrow.. Let's see. A bit nervous, honestly.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Schneider says:

    Hang in there! You've taught me, after bad days, to just push back from the table, take a day to calm down and make adjustments to my plan..

    Also goddammit I only made 15% on Kodak today

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars skilled person says:

    Humbled use stochastic RSI and don't trade against the larger time Trend, buy sell buy sell is not good, when the larger time frame is in on rally only buy on smaller timeframe.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ALY R says:

    I love how you are so honest with yourself and the fact that you recovered well after those 2 losses. Like you said it's not about the profit, it's about the confidence and mindset. Thanks for sharing with us.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars charles baxter says:

    Sorry for Playing Dirty, I Hit the Like button really hard after Watching your Lambo Promo Vid. and Remember Baby, CharlieB still Luvs you😍

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars charles baxter says:

    I thought VWAP was when Wife Belts Husband for Bad Behavior 🌻

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Safepal Wallet says:

    The video is great.. I earned so much from my view of your videos.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Arturo Saavedra-Williams says:

    Yeah no Lamborghini jokes!
    We'll get them next time!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R U says:

    Hey humble girl: RESPECT TO U FOR MENTIONING YOUR LOSES…. YouTubers hardly do it. Out of curiosity: in a BULL market…what would be a good month of gain/profit for you??

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Javi Mar says:

    How much return can you get with 4000£ in a month by trading day?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven M says:

    Really appreciate you letting us understand your thoughts and feelings, keeping all of us humbled! Sign of a true teacher 👍🏼 Let me buy you real Taiwanese Boba 🥤and Ding Tai Fung dumplings🥟 , make you feel good afterwards! 🇨🇦🇹🇼🇺🇸

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Earl Vincent Torres says:

    Cheer up HT, we learn a lot from you. Can I ask a question? Since your from Canada and probably Canadian, are you exempted from the PDT rule if you use TOS? Thanks

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dharmesh Parekh says:

    whats your trading strategy mostly? are you long bias or short? and is interactive broker is good for shorts? thanks

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YO HK says:

    Just found your channel recently. Great videos! Can you cover some trading psychology?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SidiCharif _ says:

    Hello Humbled Trader, thank you for all the videos you put out! Learned a lot from them. I do have a question, about the trading platform you use, it looks like the Small Caps you trade have a “small” spread?? Buying/selling really quickly… are the spreads better /tighter than the “free platforms” by a lot? I tried to do NIO a while back, but just by the spread I ran into it wasn’t possible to scalp like you do. Thank you XieXie

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drift Traveller says:

    I started my account with 3000$.. lost 300$ in 1 month.. I made some money then lost then made then lost.. closing my account now.. i am happy I got to learn something. 😂 Goood bye stock market! It's just not for me because I just can't see myself loose money haha

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Kim says:

    I trade with 1 screen and 1 ticker. Keeps me calm and I keep my profits. 5-10% a day is fine with me.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Strong says:

    Wow, its very brave to talk about your frustrations. Most people wouldn't do it, but it's refreshing to see you are honest and Humble. Thank you for the content.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Walker says:

    IMRN was an amazing stock, potential to have made well over 20k over two days with two 1000 share positions, if the timing was right… I didn't get in early enough and decided to avoid, even the swing trade from 9.50's over night to $25 I missed, my gut said yes, my heart said no… Ht are you drunk? you sound slightly drunk…lol

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jyrki Häkkinen says:

    🍻 Cheers Shay! 🙏😎 greetings from Finland and thank You for amazing content!🤗

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kabbyo chawdhury says:

    Today was my first big loss… I’m glad I’m not alone! At least my wife isnt gonna kill me

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pearlie Grace says:

    Since u trade everyday, it would be interesting to know what your biggest losses were and also your biggest profits. How much have earned since you have started investing in stocks? Is it enough to sustain you for your whole life?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 林Lauren says:

    Hiya, I found your channel, so informative and "entertaining"(love the jokes that you throw🤣). However, I am a total beginner, no finance/business background, the jargons sound like 天书 to me. Could you please give some advice on how absolute beginner should start? Apart from your channel, any books or courses we could consider? Would you one day run online courses? Thank you!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Kim says:

    Awwww… let me squeeze you and give you a hug. I'm red everyday!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Garthaffner says:

    so confused … i see all these videos of people making profits on the down slopes? are they trading puts or is this a reverse chart ?? what chart is she reading from?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DOSE D'INTERNET says:

    Hello Humbled I see that you did a lot of trade. Im the same and I make money but the problem is broker commission who took all my profit. What brokers do you use when you do a lot of trade like this with size ?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Syareena Abdullah says:

    I also loss on gene ☔️☔️☔️ trying to regain confidence too as of current all are red in porfolio 😅

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kushal says:

    In Canada is business income considered as corporate tax or personal income tax?

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