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This is a pretty trending Tick Tock from Katie Porter basically telling Jamie Diamond the CEO of Chase JPMorgan and Chase that a woman who has a six-year-old a child can't survive while working at Chase and asks for his advice on what she should do while Jamie Diamond doesn't answer I have some suggestions. Let's get started and play this first. and 31 million dollars a year in salary and you can't figure out how to make up a 567 a month shortfall. This is a budget problem you cannot solve.

You're an expert on financial statements and you run a 2.6 trillion dollar bank. I Know you're good at numbers and you've shared lots of opinions recently about how the US should budget its resources, how families should budget their resources, and so I'd like to ask for your help on a problem. I Went to Monster.com and I found a job in my hometown of Irvine. At JPMorgan Chase it pays 16.50 an hour and so I wondered if I could.

Um, if you'd indulge me, um, would you do the math on this and you do the 1650 out at 40 hours a week for 52 weeks a year, it comes out to an income of thirty five thousand and seventy dollars. Now this bank teller her name is Patricia She has one child who's six years old. she claims the one dependent. After tax, she has twenty nine thousand, One hundred dollars.

We divide that by 12. she rents a one bedroom apartment she and her daughter sleep together in the same room in. Irvine California That average one-bedroom apartment is going to be sixteen hundred dollars. She spends 100 on utilities, take away the 1700 and she has net 725 dollars.

She's like me. She has a 2008 Minivan and has gas. 400 dollars for car expenses and gas net 325. the Department of Agriculture says a low-cost food budget that is ramen noodles.

A low food budget is 400. That leaves her 77. In the Red she has a Cricket cell phone the cheapest cell phone she can get for forty dollars. She's in the Red 117 a month.

She's after school child care because the bank is open during normal business hours. That's 450 a month. That takes her down to negative 567 dollars per month. My question for you Mr Diamond is how should she manage this budget shortfall while she's working full-time at your bank? I Don't know I have to think about that.

Would you recommend that she take out a JPMorgan Chase credit card and run a deficit I don't know I'd have to think about it. Would you recommend that she overdraft at your bank and be charged overdraft fees I don't know I have to think about it so I know you have a lot anyway. so she goes back and forth and asks multiple times. what about this? What about that he said basically says hey, you know I'd have to think about it but I did some thinking about it and I have some opinions on this first of all and it's always touchy.

Okay, I'm just blunt on the channel. it's always touchy. If you're a single mom, you're in a very difficult position. If you have not yet really figured out how to make more money than 16.50 uh, cents an hour by the time you have a child.
that's probably the first mistake here now. I Know that mistake is in the past I'm not going to spend most of the time on this, but let's make it very clear if you were a woman, the best case scenario is, before you have a child, make more money than 16.50 an hour. That's probably priority. Number one is make sure you're not reliant on anyone else.

whether that's a man, another woman. Mom Dad I Don't care who it is, make sure you're self-reliant yourself before you have a child. That is. Mission Critical Number one: Do not rely on anyone else, the government, or anyone that is number one.

Number two: If you're making sixteen dollars and fifty cents an hour at Chase in Irvine, you're probably not getting the most income that you could. You're probably able like this in the snap of a finger: able to go from 16.50 an hour to potentially 40 or 50 percent more pay working for Amazon making 22 to 24 dollars an hour with no necessary additional skill set than what you already have at. JP Morgan So in this scenario, you're really putting somebody in a very expensive area in Southern California who has a six-year-old child and they're already not getting potentially the best job available to them with no additional education or training. Now, the next thing that this individual should do is they have to realize if your paycheck to paycheck are potentially negative in this scenario, when they went through sort of a budget, the person's negative: 500 a month for a basic costs like, uh, you know, essentially housing, food, child care? Whatever.

Somebody like this in this situation who has gotten them in a place where they have a six-year-old child and they're only able to make 16 to maybe twenty four dollars an hour? they're going to have to work more than eight hours a day. And of course, this is not even including the fact that they have a child to take care of. But you're going to have to unfortunately burn the candle at both ends of the stick. Now that's a hard thing to say.

You could just pick up and try to move to a lower cost of living area, but that's not necessarily going to get you ahead. that might just sink you back into essentially just compressing yourself into more of an area of poverty. And when poverty concentrates, you end up getting worse schooling for your child. And that's not what you want to set your child up for.

You want to set yourself and your child up for the best odds of success. So one of the best things this individual could do is start looking into home education programs where they can maybe learn how to get a Nursing degree working before they go to work in the morning or when their child's asleep at night. That should be the priority. In fact, a lot of nursing school programs only require you go to school actually in person once to twice a week now because so much can be done at home at your own pace.
Now all of a sudden, you could potentially go from not just making 16.50 an hour or even 22 23, 24 an hour working at, let's say Amazon But you could actually go to making 50 dollars an hour when you actually get a professional certification like becoming a registered nurse. So when Katie Porter asks one of the richest people in the world, hey, how can a person making 16.50 at your bank actually get ahead, she's actually not asking the right question. It is Not Jamie Diamond's responsibility to offer a job that creates value of potentially even less than 16.50 for the bank to somebody that can cover all of their expenses when they set themselves up and put themselves unfortunately into a situation that is not not conducive with actually being able to survive in. America Whether it's the location they're in or the decisions they made prior to getting into that situation, but it is now incumbent upon that person themselves to get themselves out of that situation.

Now some people say hey, that's not fair and look, that is the capitalistic structure that America is based off of now. Fortunately, and this is the fortunate part. Fortunately, even though we are a country of capitalistic rules and ideals, we do have a social safety net, and this is the next thing that the individual should consider. Somebody on this sort of income would easily, especially in Southern California qualify for Section 8 subsidized housing.

which means they could potentially get almost all of their rent covered. Now they have more money to make sure they can educate themselves rather than paying sixteen hundred dollars a month in rent. Maybe they could pay a thousand dollars less a month in rent and only pay about 600 a month in rent. Now there are waiting lists for Section 8 so that is problematic.

and that's where you can also make sure that you're getting your food at chair. Banks There are in almost every single County I have been in. there are local christian or Jewish community centers that regularly give food away to anybody who wants it. This is healthy stuff that you could eat at home.

They also sell very inexpensive clothing. It's phenomenal. There are some really great ways you could buy clothing and food by making sure you're taking advantage of the resources your community and non-profits give. And the next thing to realize is some people are going to say oh, but wait.

Kevin Education is expensive. Well look, if you want to counter every single argument that I'm making, you're probably putting your head in the sand rather than realizing there are ways to solve every problem problems. create Solutions And guess what work problems can get solved with Solutions obviously and it's your job to create those Solutions And so if you stick your head in the sand, you're always going to be stuck with problems. But if you look at problems and say hey, the more problems I can solve, the more I get paid then you can get through this.
In fact, one of the common things that people will do is they will look at all right. Hey, what can I do to get my education subsidized by going to local community colleges or universities and seeing if they have any programs for people in my situation. And the odds are they do So almost every single objection that exists can be overcome by a solution in America. And we haven't even talked about the fact that you could also get Medicaid Uh, when your income is below a certain level within a region, especially in Irvine, you're certainly within a percentage of the level of poverty.

In fact, I would argue you're below the poverty line uh, for a two-person household. So there are so many important things to consider when it comes to America that I understand that when we take this one person, 16.50 income with a child. out of context, we realize there are a lot of things that happen. Or we have to realize there are a lot of problems that happen before and then there are now problems that are happening today in this sort of fictitious example.

But that fictitious example is probably real. and it does happen. It's not going to be easy to get out of that hole, but the good news is it's possible. So that's my take on Katie Porter's video.

Probably not going to be the most popular, but then again, I'm coming at it from the angle of uh, somebody in in the Uh in the finance space and thinking myself, well, if Jamie Diamond doesn't want to give answers because it would be unpopular to say, well leave Chase Uh, right, or he doesn't want to give any kind of unpopular answer I'm willing to make that argument because a look twenty percent of people might yell at me and go, man, you, you don't even know what it's like. Which is not true because I grew up on minimum wage, nearly going through bankruptcy and foreclosure with my parents, and I had to bootstrap myself. But beyond that, and look, everybody's got their privileges. Okay, everybody's got advantages and disadvantages, but the point is, we just have to have real talk to be able to get through hard situations.

And if somebody is in that kind of situation And they would rather talk about how what I described is not possible or how it's not fair that other people had advantages, well, then guess what? If that's the mindset somebody has, then they deserve the card they're dealt. If the mindset of somebody who is in a tough situation is ah, well. everybody else is just privileged. Yeah, I'm not smart enough to go to school.

Well, then that's your problem. And ultimately, when you point a finger, three point back at yourself. So it's important to keep that in mind when you look at this from a financial. remember: I'm a licensed financial advisor and this isn't personalized Financial Advice: Obviously because I don't know all of your situation or that person's situation or whatever.
that person doesn't even exist that Katie Porter talked about. But when we're actually real about financial guidance or advice, we could see there are real ways to solve problems. That is the point of America problem, find solution, then get paid. All righty.

then uh, somebody just donated. Uh 4.99 I'm a high school graduate with no degrees and I drive a truck for a living and make over 100 Grand a year. There are no excuses. Hot damn Look at that take.

Wow dude. Over a hundred grand. That's amazing. Congratulations.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

23 thoughts on “Responding to katie porter’s intense money rant as a financial advisor”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Scott says:

    Chase has predatory overdraft fee systems too. If you don’t have enough money and shut off your card, they will still allow automatic payments to come through and overdraft so they can charge you. They won’t simply decline a transaction without the money in the account.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Dietz says:

    So while the mom is doing all of this work…where is the 6yo?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jordanmed says:

    Well if that job wo t pay your bills I guess you’ll need a different job or need more income earners in the house like maybe the daddy of that 6 year old.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jeff rucks says:

    Quit paying people too much money.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Bag Holders Wife says:

    Here’s another idea for a video, ask Lauren what her opinion is on this video you made here. Is she as out of touch as you? I’d also like to know who would cover all your kids sick days if she was working full time.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suzanne Saturday says:

    We need to think of our children as Ferraris. We accept that we can’t have a Ferrari on $16/hr & we need to accept the same reality about children.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Solreygames says:

    Corporations have been robbing the working class for decades and the answer is to "work harder"?. Sounds like that's exactly what the corporation wants us to think. The system is rigged in favor of corporations and when someone wants to make a point of it you all blame everyone but the people at the top. Imagine you all during the child labor days, if anyone complained you would suggest the the kids can just get a different job…yeah, you'd be missing the point, just like you are are now with Katie. Working full time at a billion dollar corp and you can't even pay basic needs. Zoom out and think about if that sounds right. Two income family or Working two jobs now is normalized, how long till it's 3 jobs or more? I know Corporations would love this, having so many desperate worker bees is a win for them.. and y'all are letting it happen

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suzanne Saturday says:

    She should become a stripper & send herself & her child to amazing schools.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suzanne Saturday says:

    Thanks for admitting that men cannot be relied upon to take responsibility for their children.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billion Dollar Ideas says:

    First off the reason this is 100% a lie is there is no 1 br 1 ba for $1,600 in Irvine. Not a single one. I make $22 an hour and there isn’t even a studio apartment in all of Orange County that I qualify to rent. The lowest multiple is 2.5x rent with most requiring 3x the rent gross income. This is a lie.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    I don't believe that last comment. Truck drivers make an average of $20/h and have a lot of state and federal laws limiting the amount of hours they can work.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars costafilh0 says:

    Having a kid before getting rich is a really bad idea these days. Not only in America but mostly all over the world. No wonder why populations are shrinking over the next few decades! People realized how hard and expensive it is to survive and having a kid before figuring it out life is a no go and won't help your journey at all. I'm 38, still figuring it out in Brazil, fighting physical and mental health issues for 20 years now, studying as much as I can trying to figure it out ways to pick myself up and make a good life. I'm very fortunate to have a supportive middle class family, no kids and a vasectomy so I can figure it out before having my own kids.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MetalGirl says:

    No Kevin… don’t be silly. People don’t want to work more… they want a handout from the government … silly boy. You have to learn to live within your means. So she needs to have a husband, boyfriend, family that can help her since she got herself into this situation or move to a cheaper area or get a better paying job/ work more… it’s pretty obvious.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! John Verner says:

    Thank you Kevin for not being politically correct.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CoreChamber says:

    Kevin the gap is too big and some people get a better start. I know that's the way America works but it's very selfish for many to have so much doing very little why do we expect a person to get two jobs to survive a life that is still much worse than the rich. I think this is the discussion on how we can fix this and I don't think working harder when they hardly work at all is the best answer.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zerdo says:

    Na you didnt go through any tough times, youre straight lying look at his face foh. This pro Russia clown thinks no one sees the bs and wonders why so many people unsubscribed his failing financial advice🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zerdo says:

    Stfu talking too much of something you know nothing about douche

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uzi Game GP says:

    1600 rent is madness, regardless what you earn. What's with these crazy ass prices.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominic Zaidan says:

    The people in the comments pointing to rich people being the problem is rooted in envy.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominic Zaidan says:

    Great video. People like to point to others for their problems instead of taking responsibility and taking charge of their lives.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcio Donovan Novelli says:

    I’m really disappointed by your narrow lens on this matter. This isn’t taking into account any physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, financial, or language barriers this person might be experiencing. You also don’t know the nature of their pregnancy and why it occurred. There are so many factors and it’s quite horrific for you to simplify someone’s situation without knowing all the facts. Also, you are coming across incredibly judgmental and finger pointed down which is not a good look at all.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spartan Elite says:

    Tell ‘em Kev!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregg Paige Turner says:

    And if it’s just that easy to leave a job like that behind, who is left to do those jobs

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