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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up? I'm alright. Well, today is my second consecutive red day. I've finished the day on Friday in the red and right now I'm down over $12,000 on the day. In fact, today I traded in all four of my active accounts, I traded an E trade Ameritrade my IRA and my main account and I lost money in all of them.

Now the biggest single loss was 5,200 in my main account and the others were all smaller, but they all total up to a combined $12,000 in the red, which is, you know, terrible way to start the week coming off of such an awesome hot streak last. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Things cooled off a little bit Friday with a red day, but not a really bad one. And then today I I jumped into Bimmy B IMI it was the top of the Gap scanner. it was the stock that I was watching the most closely and I traded the same setup in all four accounts.

so it was basically like one trade that I lost on times four and I really felt pretty confident in it, which is why I took it in all four of my accounts. but I was wrong. So we'll break down that tray and I'll also talk a little bit about my kind of early feelings on TD Ameritrade and E trade, both of which I'm now gonna be using and I struggled with both of them quite a bit today. So I'll talk about some of the things that I think will help improve that moving forward and try to brush off today and be back in the saddle tomorrow.

All right. So now let's get into the detailed breakdown of today's trades. All right. So let's start with how I have my screen laid out when I'm trying to trade in four counts at once.

So um, this is kind of a this is I haven't really seen anyone else try do this. This is some kind of crazy stuff, but maybe this is why I'm down twelve thousand dollars on the morning. So in any case, I have my regular Lightspeed account top left right here so this is Lightspeed and I can switch between my retirement account and my main account just like that. So I'm down 5,000 in the main account and I'm down 2,800 in a retirement.

Neither is a blowout loss, but you know, disappointing on both sides. My Etrade account I have up here in the top corner. Note that I only as of right now this very moment. twenty-five thousand, four hundred and twenty-eight dollars of total account value now I traded in this account on Friday and made some money and now today I've given back what I made plus a little bit.

but I am over the PDT level thank goodness. Unfortunately, my Ameritrade account bottom corner here is down to two thousand one hundred dollars which puts me below the PDT level by about that much I only had about twenty five thousand and ninety six dollars, so I'm gonna have to send more money into that account in order to trade with it I guess tomorrow, which is disappointing. So that's how I have these accounts laid out and then what? I do right here is: I keep this chart over these bottom two level two windows when I'm not actively using them so like, if only one stock is really in play like today, Bimmy, then I'll just go ahead and close these two windows. I'll just close them like this I won't save the layout when I close the platform, but I'll just close them for now and then I've got my charts and these three platforms ready to go.
Alright, so Bimmy was the one today that that got me good and again. Not that I had a big blowout loss, but I was leveraging myself by trading the same stock in four accounts at the same time, so that means that either would have had four times the win or four times the loss and it went the the wrong way today, which may be kind of reflecting the difficulty of trading in for accounts at the same time. So Bimmy gapping up 28% this morning on the watchlist 3.7 million share float with news So I was watching it this morning as it was consolidating in this area right here and initially I was like, you know, this looks very interesting I like it but at the same time you know I'm not sure because it had such a big move last week. maybe it's gonna be overdone so the bell rings and it sells off for the first 5 minutes.

So I was like, you know what? that's that's probably for the best I'm just gonna go fullscreen this here for a second. So my very first trade on this was kind of interesting. My very first trade was actually back here on the one-minute chart I jumped in for this one-minute break out right here and in my TD account my Ameritrade account thinkorswim I bought 3000 shares and I sold for a 396 dollar winner and I was like yes, good job and then I thought it was gonna continue and so I added at 7:45 thinking if it broke over 750 it would rip higher and that was a huge mistake. As it turns out, my very first trade I'm in this thing at 7:45 and I stopped out at 658 I lose a full dollar almost a full dollar per share as it drops back down.

and part of that was because I was I was focusing on my Etrade account which I was also trying to trade through that breakout. so I was focusing on the e-trade account I got out of the e-trade account with 32 dollars of profit so I was like close call but the main account took the hit. Alright, so I took the hit in the main account and it drops down and then it rips back up right here and when it rips back up I actually got back in right here at 7 dollars and 15 cents. Again, this was in the TV account I got in that one first and so my process of I can come over here and I can either use a hot key which is shift and I could just put this at 10 shares I'll just put it at 10 for right now.

So if I press shift 1 I'm gonna buy 10 shares. so watch this. So the current price is 715. it's right here.

so just like that, I'm in with 10 shares average price of 710 I got it filled between the spread. Alright so just like that I jumped in except that my order was set for a thousand shares and then I pressed it three times I guess or maybe I had it just at three thousand I can't remember now but in any case I was in it and then as soon as I had some profit I pressed ctrl Z Ctrl Z sells at the bid. so hey my hotkeys are working sort of. you know, not picture-perfect My problem that I was having this morning was that under application settings and under display I had show message for it was defaulting at ten seconds and so what that meant was oops.
What that meant was that once I was in the trade I was getting this announcement right here this little alert but it was good. You know, filling down the whole column because it was my 3000 share order was filling in small increments and so then I couldn't see what the current price was and I wanted to sell market because I knew as soon as it broke 715 it ripped right up to 720 730 I want to book that profit quickly and I couldn't cuz I didn't know what was happening I didn't know my average cost and then those messages cleared and I was able to get out. So I've now learned and thank you Mike for giving me the heads up on this to go to display and to say show messages for never don't even show them because I don't care I I can see whether or not I'm in so applied that setting. Alright, so these are some of the bumps that come with learning a new platform.

Alright, so I got that tuned in now this morning on E Trade I wasn't using hotkeys because they weren't working and the reason they weren't working was because even though I had set them up I hadn't click the button use speed keys I didn't know I had to and so I was clicking. You know, shift one shift, one, two by but nothing was happening and I was like what is going on and then this is where I realized use Speed keys. So now that's fixed. So this is turned on.

So just like that I think my hotkey right now is actually set for a thousand share. So I'm not going to test it, but it's pretty much the same functionality. Shift 1 2 by Control Z to sell and you know what? Why not just let's just do it. Um, so I'm gonna go here into speed key setup and actually I still have it at 10 share, so wouldn't that have been disappointing tomorrow morning? Alright, so shift 1 I'm in.

but it also put an exclamation point there. So now I've got a real quick retype that. Shift 1 again. Ok, so that's a little bit of a problem.

Bimmy can I get my mouse off of that level? So now I'm pressing ctrl Z But nothing is happening. Pressing ctrl Z Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening. and now okay, it worked at that time, but it didn't work this time.

So I don't know so something's a little still a little funky there. Shift 1 I'm in Control Z is not working. but when I click on the ask, it worked last time. click on the bid.

No. So I'm pressing ctrl Z but it is not consistently working now. if I have this highlighted, it works. But the problem there is that it's also typing an exclamation point I Guess that's okay as long as I don't press.
Enter So I'm losing a couple dollars here, but it's good to test this stuff out. So this is a little that's not a preferred functionality in my opinion, but um, you know I'm not gonna get into so anyway. so I'll have that set up and working for tomorrow. I guess a little bit better if it's consistent.

we'll see bimmy, you know? So so anyways, so how did I go from being green on these to being red I was already red in this main account? Well I got back in here also in my main account and through this move I made back the full three thousand that I lost. So I went from down three grand to up two hundred dollars and I was like sweet. It then squeezes up here to a high of 797 and on this one minute pullback I added in all four accounts I was like this thing is gonna break eight dollars and so boom I'm in with 3,000 shares here I'm in with 3,000 shares here I'm in with 6,000 my main account and I flip over to my retirement account and I buy another 3,000 over there. So now I'm in on all three accounts and this was right on this first one minute candle to make a new high.

Okay, so at this time this is what our chart looked like. All right. So then as you can see, it drops all the way down to 725 and pops back up sideways sideways. it comes up and taps it once.

right here. kind of right here. kind of right here. and I'm still holding through all of this because now I'm in like I'm in it with all four accounts and I'm like I don't want to start selling I you know I I really think this is gonna work? So then we get the first five-minute candle to make a new high, but only by a couple cents.

It then drops down and right there. I had to bail out and it took the loss. You know? what's really annoying is that this ended up coming all the way back up to eight dollars right there. But it didn't hold well and it dropped from eight twenty all the way back down to seven twenty within two minutes.

So this kind of slow grind back up and I did get back in for this grind back up. I Got in right here at 770 in both my E-trade and my Mare trade account, but not in my main accounts and so right there through that breakout I made some money. but then my hotkey to sell etrade didn't work because I didn't have the speed key thing clicked. So the way I had gotten into it was by pressing the buy button and then I was planning on just pressing ctrl Z to get out.

that didn't work and then when it dropped here all the way to the low, I was still holding a thousand shares and I was pissed because you know that should have been. it should have been a winner and so it ended up only being a small winner. So today was a mess for me. I mean it was just I was went red, then back to sort of green and then just read on all four.

So not happy about that. but you know the reason that I'm trading in Ameritrade each raid is because I want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt whether or not I'm losing money by continuing to pay commissions at Lightspeed I Do think that had I been able to focus just on one account today I wouldn't have been holding this when it broke when it dropped right here. I would have been able to get out faster. No doubt about it, you know, and that's going to be the the nature of trying to trade in four counts at once.
you're dividing I'm dividing my attention and and that's gonna be challenging, but you know I this has definitely been faster so far in terms of order execution speed and I mean I can just do you know, a couple tension actually I'm below my max loss so I can't see what happens if I try to trade. Here's gonna say I can't place any orders because I'm below max loss. So yeah, so I actually can't practice there but I will have some video some live trading videos that I'll show you guys and you know once I'm getting I want to make sure I get things a little more dialed in before I start doing live trading videos because right now I can tell that I'm still getting comfortable with the software and maybe I shouldn't have been so aggressive today considering I'm still in the learning curve. But it is what it is and you know my goal by the end of this is to know beyond shadow without which broker is best for my strategy.

And you know from a commision standpoint too, because no doubt Lightspeed's best for my strategy. But from a commision standpoint, I've spent over a hundred and forty three thousand dollars in the last two years, so was it worth it. And that's what I'm trying to get to the bottom of. all right, So we will find out and I'll be back at it tomorrow.

A little bit of a setback here today, but I'm not really I'm not going to be contributing to be factoring and these accounts as part of my annual profits or losses. This is just sort of a separate thing that I'm setting up and if it basically costs me five grand to learn about the Commission then that's just sort of the cost of doing business and it is what it is. But my two main accounts in the Lightspeed retirement and the Lightspeed main account. those are the ones that I'm really focused on.

Those the ones that I have my broker statements on the website every month as always and so these are the ones that I really I want to finish the month in good shape with and I need to now bounce back $8,000 off today's read day. So tomorrow will be day one of digging myself out of the hole. Day one of the rebound. Alright, that's it for me.

I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. Hey did you know that I Go live every single morning between 9:00 and 9:15 to stream my pre market watch list. Subscribe the channel, Press the bell for the alert and you'll get the notification.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “Red in all of my active accounts -$12k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars threeheavens says:

    Makes me feel better knowing that you make mistakes too. It was similiar to what I did same stock same day. I missed that first dip got mad then later saw it forming a channel got in and as you know it went down fast. Thanks for your videos

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Wilson says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guanajuato Estrada says:

    It was a choppy market today lots of FAKE breakouts, I'm GREEN on the day in the sim 👍 working on consistency

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Fate says:

    What is the benefit of trading 4 accounts compared to 1 with the cumulative funds? Do their platforms offer separate advantages?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corn Trader says:

    Could somebody advise me good broker for Europe/Germany?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Livc Bef says:

    Hi Ross, I'm sorry for your lost but I know that you will recover everything in short time.
    Cause I saw that lightspeed doesn't allow me to use them platform and become a new client with an amount of money equal to 1000£, please can you advise me some online trading platform that allow me to use it with a starting account equal to 1000£?
    Thank you.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig Arcuri says:

    Not impressed so far with the E-Trade and Ameritrade platforms….

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InLaws Attic says:

    I’m red on monday, and made 8.32 on tues…ug. It’s generous of you to experiment in these non-direct / free fee accounts for the sake of all to see if they are ‘worth’ being free., sorry you lost monday, hope tues was better!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David S. Lebron says:

    Hey Ross, do you guys still recommends CMEG to start trading with a small account?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Gonzales says:

    you were trying to get that data of what the same wins are between the different brokers lol! for us!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Porter says:

    With that many accounts being traded at the same time you need to have some OCO orders in place man lol

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amc says:

    Hello Ross, would you consider doing a video (that's if you haven't already) about the likely price action behavior of an over crowded stock?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars V1de0s 4H!re says:

    Ross why not use the sim platform for TOS instead?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars manou ramon says:

    Bro your a better trader than i am but if i can give you one advice it would be to slow things down .

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red Moon Legacy says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ganeskmr says:

    Thank u master

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Dykes says:

    I would also have the “flatten now” button handy in case your hot keys malfunction..

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Dykes says:

    This option is in the menu button next to the messages tab..

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Dykes says:

    For the messages you can also click attach gadget and it will make a message box that shows the status of your orders but does not create those annoying alerts..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Crooks says:

    Would it make sense to trade in one account at a time and develop profit trifecta stats? A few weeks for each one? Seems like a more fair comparison, and less likelihood of losses

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luvon says:

    Maybe you can try having one of your employees hitting the keys for you, while you trade the main broker? Might help to manage only one or 2 accounts rather than 4.

    Btw, E*TRADE hot keys are tricky. I usually have the stock charts linked to the watch list and for the orders to go through, my watchlist has to be the active window. I’m thinking of switching to Ameritrade myself. E*TRADE also has high margin interest rates.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Cooke says:

    Sounds like LightSpeed should evaluate it's commissions, not saying free but less for sure.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Per says:

    Thanks for trying out TD Ameritrade Think or Swim and E'trade. Only thorough long-term testing of these platforms will tell if they measure up to your hitherto preferred broker LightSpeed. As net profits are a consequence of both increased trading revenue and reduced trading costs, I for one, am looking forward to what I know will be a credible conclusion.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kib793 says:

    I think you better slow down and reduce the amount share your are trading. The market is at the moment very unpredictable and difficult to know the trend and make money. No need of to rush to trade in such market environment.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emma Maton says:

    Good luck for tomorrow 🙌🏼

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