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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So I'm gonna give you my recap here for today. So finishing the week in the red again today down 1900, 1928.28 and I had a red day yesterday of 8400 which was actually uh, it's actually the biggest red day that I've had in um, quite a while. I had a 70 or an 8200 red day in October another bigger red day there. Well, that was only 6 000 in January 7 000 I think there 7 400.

So yeah, that's a bigger red day. Um, you know, but at the same time it's not really that bad. It's only a couple hundred dollars more than that day. so whatever.

So yesterday was a red day which I talked about in my recap. It was totally avoidable. In fact, it was very similar to where I sit right now today, which is that I was down about 2 000 when I did my first recap and then I kept sitting here watching and I waited for something to pop up. which was kind of stupid because my window of being really most profitable is between like 8 A.M and 10 a.m 7 A.M to 10 a.m so outside that window, my risk is higher because I just typically don't trade as well outside that window and Rkda.

Although it did make a nice move, it was choppy getting started I was early on it in at 11 50. uh, where was this? um I think it was 11.50 uh maybe it's 10 50. and ended up hitting a high there 11 37. but you know I got stopped out and then it goes and then I got back in and then I just and then you know you look at this and you're like how could you have possibly lost money on it? Uh well, that false breakout there was a bad one.

Anyways, it wasn't as easy as it might look. So so what I should have done yesterday is just locked it up as a 1200 red day and I would have been much better off for it if I had had that discipline. but I didn't I overstayed my welcome and I paid the price. So today I have an opportunity to correct in a way the mistake I made yesterday which would be to walk away right now before it gets worse.

So going into the weekend, that's what I'm going to do. I'm just going to cut it here at 1900. I'm gonna do my recap, then I'm gonna shut off my computer and I'm not gonna look at stocks for the rest of the day. So uh, you know, but it is a red day and my first trade today was on Reve Uh, so we didn't really have as you can tell a lot on the Gap scanner today.

it wasn't a super clean day and I went red on my first trade. r-e-v-e uh I'll show you the one minute chart on this. it squeezed up uh, pre-market and I got in it at 14.50 as it broke this level right here and then I added it 15. So I brought my average up to 14.75.

and then it goes up to 16 and I was like I'm I had it again I added 16. in fact I probably added a little higher I think my highest ad was like 1608. the high was 16 22. I brought my cost base all the way up to 15.50 and then look at this flush, boom down to 13 21.

that was stupid I mean you know being a little hard on myself but that was aggressive and maybe I was a little more aggressive because I was read yesterday and I was trying to hit a big win today but I had a base hit from 14 to 16 two points with small size and I didn't take it off the table so I saw a bunch of people were green on it but I was red I was too aggressive. Next trade was Cyto. Cyto hits the scanners and the first thing I look at is is it a recent reverse split? Is this back merger spec? uh, recent IPO anything like that and it wasn't So I was like I don't know about it but it popped up here and I took my first trade at about 350. it hits a high of four right here and then it drops down to 376..
it was a little touch and go the the price action was a little tricky on it hit a high of 416 actually on this candle and then it drops down. I mean it was I'll show you the 10 second chart because this was kind of weird price action. Um it felt like as soon as it popped up there were sellers ready to start selling. So here it goes from 350.

So I got in right there as it broke 350. it hits four on this candle and then the next candle opens at 350. right so it's four and then right back to 350. and then back up to 404, hit a high of 416 and then right back to 380 375 and then back up double top back down it breaks through 415 and I added up here it goes to 425 for 54.60 and on this one I was up 1500 bucks.

So I actually made back my losses and I was green on the day by three hundred dollars. so I was up 1800. uh and then uh, drops down I gave back a little bit uh on this red candle which was a nasty flush. I was looking for the squeeze to five and it flushes down.

so now I'm up like 600 bucks on it, sells off, comes back up, drops down, comes back up, drops down, pops up here, pulls back right here I add it at like 485. 495. Adding at five flush on this candle all the way back down to 450. Whoa and that put me right on the stock by 288 bucks.

You know Again, like none of this is like really consequential. We're not talking about big money here on any of these trades today. It's not like you know, twenty thirty thousand dollars, it's I mean it's all. it's really small stuff, but it is annoying.

So anyways it. It ends up doing a couple of nasty rejections and so then it just Fades at the open. there's a lot of selling on this one. Look at that rejection right there.

Lot of selling. so they do I believe have a shelf registration. we were looking at this earlier. let me check the date on it.

Um, Cyto. So are we gonna see a secondary offering? Maybe I don't know. Seems kind of sketchy, just news comes out and immediately tons of selling I don't know. So anyways, that's Cyto.

uh Am Am is the third one I'm read on by a hundred bucks. Took a daily setup on that. but look at that rejection. I actually took the first trade here.

it rejected, came back up and tried again and then rejected even harder. I'm glad I didn't get in that one. So you know what? Today wasn't the day, it wasn't happening today and my window has closed based on the time when I usually make the most money. So I'm down 1900 bucks.
It doesn't really, you know matter too much that that is what it is and I'll leave to trade another day. One of the things that is important for me is putting it in perspective and being able to look at. P L's like this. You know over the last 90 days you know 175 000 of profit every three months.

You know that's pretty good if I look back. um you know if I just go to my detailed here of my P L 12 that 12 million. uh you know 151 thousand dollars gross profit? All right, Profit Loss ratio. You know, whatever accuracy, whatever.

So I look at those things as a reminder so that's where the small stuff. This is just small. All of this is small. you know This was a nice Green Day eighteen thousand and this was a little bit of a bigger red day which was avoidable.

Had I walked away when I should have I overstayed my welcome and I paid the price for that. Okay so I paid a price of about seven thousand. Six thousand dollars. I was down two thousand and you know made the loss four times bigger.

So I paid a price of six thousand dollars for that loss yesterday and I'm gonna turn that into a lesson and not do it again today. All right. So I got a little complacent yesterday, paid the price for it. That was after having a nice green stretch.

Sometimes that can happen. You get a little sloppy if you've had a nice green stretch because you're thinking I'm I'm winning I keep You know, even if I maybe I'm not being as disciplined as I could I keep making money. So I'm just gonna keep trading and then it catches up to you. All right, that's inevitable.

that's gonna happen to everyone. So that happened to me a little bit and now it's time to, um, you know, button it down, tighten it up today. Unfortunate that I had three red trades in a row. basically.

Well, it wasn't exactly three red trades in a row, but I I'm red on three out of three stocks. So that's disappointing. But again, like you know it is, it is what it is. So the important thing here I think for every Trader is to look back at Big Picture stuff.

And if you're not able to look back at Big Picture stuff. if all you have is the steady decline and then that's something to think about very carefully. What am I doing right now? Maybe I shouldn't be trading with real money. Maybe I should be stepping back big time into a simulator because it's when you build this type of.

You know, if you can build these types of metrics in a simulator, then when you're trading with real money, the first time you're losing, you look back at these metrics and you're like I'm still the trader who did this I know I can recover right? I know I can recover from these losses. this is just in the last 90 days, you know I mean we could look at the last. Uh, I mean I don't know. two years? Let's see 2020.
So let's just look at uh detailed here and hopefully I do feel better next week. Um, you know. But and this isn't really. It's hard to tell.

It gets all kind of compressed. Um, but I mean there's some big drawdowns in there. You know there was a drawdown I had of three hundred thousand dollars and I was able to recover it. There's one of 150 000 and I recovered.

There's one about another one of a hundred thousand. thirty six thousand, sixteen thousand, eighteen thousand. So drawdowns happen. losses happen.

and the more you have those metrics that you can look back at and be like, yeah, I'm the trader who recovered from that loss. It's a big confidence booster if you're a beginner. Trader You build those metrics in a simulator. That way, when you flip the switch and you're trading real money, you have something that's giving you the justification to continue on even after having a couple of red days.

So that's it for me. That's the week ends up being more or less a break even. Week I was green on Monday and Tuesday 3 800 and 5600 green on Wednesday by 1500 and then red on Thursday right on Friday. So I'm right on the month of March right now.

Not fun. Uh, it's actually going to be the first month this year that I've gone red before going green. just went Green in January went Green in February. But then of course in February middle of the month I gave back most of my profit so recovered it by the end of the month.

But anyway, so I've got a little bit of work to do this month I've put myself in a little bit of a hole, but um, it's not too bad and I'm sure I'll bounce back because it's first of all I have no question I'll bounce back, but it's very early in the month, so you know hopefully we have some better opportunities as the month goes on. That's the tough thing today is your leading Gap or Cyto. Had a ton of selling. some weird stuff was going on on it.

kind of shady hubc that was. There was nothing interesting there. no range, just impossible. S-e-r floats too high.

Ardx floats too high Hpx? Yeah. big spreads, higher price. That's going to be a risky stock to trade I'd be very, very cautious on something like that. you could I mean you know it obviously popped up, but boy you get one like that going the wrong way and it's gonna hurt with the spreads.

So the ones that I do well on and if we looked at earlier in the week um on Monday and Tuesday you know I had a couple good days I was trading. Um, you know for the most part at that time stocks that were leading Gappers gainers and were also clean Cdio this was really clean earlier in the week, right? so maybe we don't get those every day in this market. But if I can get them a couple times a week and then have the discipline to button up uh, you know and close up shop when things are cold, I'll have a good I'll have a good month of March So anyways, starting in the red but less time to recover so that's it for me and I'll be back at first thing Monday Morning reminder as always that trading is risky. My results are not typical and there's no guarantee you'll find success whether you trade on your own.
you'll learn from me. so take it slow and to practice that simulator before we put real money on the line. I'll see you guys back here on Monday morning Foreign.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Red day recap on $reve $amam $cyto”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars e61agem says:

    When you lost 300k was that because of a short trade?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WSmart1 says:

    Driving is a lot like trading, except what you risk in a car you can’t buy back at any price. Probably a really good idea to not drive on trade days, especially on red days.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Rosario says:

    GNS all day, ez game ez life

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Blake says:

    I swear, the youtube algorithm ALWAYS pushes red day recaps from you way more than your others. Kinda crazy.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Hill says:

    I would have been red today too but my AI stock offset my bad trades.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Chenard says:

    CLXT signed a defence contract; reported Nov. '22

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay C says:

    I got red too.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zimlander says:

    What gap scanner do you use and what do you look for in a stock to trade for the day?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Rothert says:

    are you ever gonna live stream in the morning on youtube anymmore

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VoIP VoIP says:

    All of these replies to people's comments are bots. Ross is losing his touch going red a lot in this market..

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AMIR Khan says:

    Oh man i thought you are gonna close this week in green 😢 hope you will bounce back soon ❤

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gus Salcedo says:

    Thanks for sharing the red day recaps they are equally as helpful as the Green Day recaps…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Husain Rabeea says:

    I have traded $GNS it was so clean and fir to the momentum strategy you taught me

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Pugh says:

    Tough trading this morning. I'm happy just to have only lost a small amount.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Wall says:

    What's your net gain so fat

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars robert stevensob says:

    ross do you find it harder to trade this year then last ….ive been day trading now for 2 years and i feel like i cant get no momentum 4 days green 2 red my red days are bigger then my green days ive had 19 green days in a row last year and 2 red days took all my profit … i feel i am going to wait for a bull market again ,,, but to see a pro like you have red days makes me feel like the markets are very weak ,,,

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gspears says:

    mUCH love Ross, thx the share!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LM says:

    Stay strong 💪

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Deng says:

    Do you guys place a LIVE stop loss order on your active sell order? Or do you wait & watch to get out using a hot key when the price action goes against your expectation?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Front Line Media says:

    Fridays never seem good to me

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Art H says:

    Wow! I was on the same spots with CYTO. You validate me! .. Thank you for sharing.. You're a winner and you know it

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mausoleum picnic says:

    oh cyto…. i got caught in that flush… is this market ever gonna get it together?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Deaner says:

    Ross, does your team offer, 1 week free log in access to try your group. I really need to find my way and feel lost. Let me know if you offer even a few days free, to check out your group? Let me know?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars peace says:

    watching your recap is pretty much my favorite part of a working day, THANK YOU!! for being so transparent

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike McKinzie says:

    I don't know where to start
    Penny Stocks are breaking my heart
    So I head on over to a large cap
    And it puts money in my lap!
    Made some jingle on GOOG today!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aalaa Gamal EL-Din says:

    Today AMAM was down as expected Rose passed on the analysis of the stock previous week ,but it’s one of my favorites stocks so predictable

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry V says:

    thanks for this. also down on cyto =(

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