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5. Okay, so I make money...But here's the big question, do any of my students make money?Β  Check out this student success story about John's path to making over $500k πŸ’°πŸ’΅ since he learned to trade my momentum day trading strategies. John's results are NOT typical and are not intended to be a representation, warranty, or guarantee that simliar results will be obtained by you -
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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Oh what's up everyone? All right. So third red day recap In a row. I'm on. I'm on a red streak.

I've dug myself a hole down 9 000. Today I was up 5 000 and then in one trade on Aei lost. Well gosh, what was it? Um 12. Well it was.

I think it was 12 grand. I was green on the stock. so then that put me down 7 000 on the day, got a recovery, got myself back to flat. I'll actually got myself to green by like 2 000, then to flat, then to down 100, then down a thousand, then down 2 000 and then now I'm down 9 000..

So the problem is, we're not seeing follow-through in the market. That's that's the problem. Uh, number one in the overall market. The problem internally is that I'm not responding to the the choppiness.

I'm continuing to trade through it when the right thing to do is to stop trading entirely and get out of the market. I'm just getting chopped up Every time I see a setup. I take it. But the same setups that work in a hot market don't work in a cold market.

And that's very confusing because you have a pattern. A visual pattern. And so for me I'm like, oh wow, this is this is the pattern. But in the moment where I'm getting ready to strike, what I am unable to keep in my mind is what's the strength of the overall market.

What's the strength of the overall market. Is it hot? Or is it cold? It's been cold the last three days and so as a result, that setup by default in a cold market will not work as well as in a hot market. In fact, it may not work at all. And so if I get in and then I start sizing up for the bigger move, then I just drops right right quick out with a loss.

And that's what's happened on basically every trade today. So um, I I struggle with Fomo in my trading. I always have the fear of missing out. I hate taking days off.

I don't like just you know I could choose to just not come in tomorrow and say I've had three red days in a row. I just shouldn't trade. Today when I was at 5000, I was like okay, I'm getting a little dialed in. One more trade Boom Right into the red and it was just from there It was like man, I'm right back to where I was on Friday in the Red.

Frustrated the setup should have worked. It was a good quality setup and now I'm digging myself out of the hole. So tomorrow if I get green I kind of what I should do is just stop right there. These three days have ruined my month.

From the perspective of profit, loss ratio and accuracy, these last three days have been terrible. Really bad accuracy, really bad profit loss ratio. And that, you know. The thing is, if that keeps happening every six weeks or every eight weeks, or every two months to three months or whatever it is that I have like a three-day stretch, which is terrible metrics, It just draws down my averages overall and and that unfortunately has been my struggle as a trader.

basically forever that I'll have stretches where I'm super hot, super dialed in, and trade really well. and then I'll have stretches where I'm just like I can't get anything started. I just keep getting stopped out. And the variable is that the market has these cycles hot and cold, hot and cold.
and I don't do well adapting my strategy to different markets. I keep going full throttle during a cold market. Of course, full throttle during a hot market, I crush it. which is why I'm net positive.

I am profitable. Even though I lose money during cold streaks, I'm profitable overall because I make more in the hot streaks and the hot streaks are longer. But cold streaks are brutal and they're so. I feel so defeated.

I'm always so annoyed at myself. why are you so aggressive? But I have to remind myself that the part of me that's aggressive is the part of me that um, produced. you know, 900 000 in one week during Gamestop. That's that same part of me.

super aggressive. So yeah, on a daily today, I'm down 9 000. All right, that part of me is aggressive and keeps kind of striking out. I probably could have more conservatively finished today up three or four thousand or five thousand.

Probably not a lot more than that. But of course, if I'd done that the last three days, I'd have three small green days instead of three decent red days. But I have a really hard time turning off that aggressive part that trades, you know all out. So I stepped up to the plate Today I got knocked out.

so I'm at three strikes Thursday, Friday, Monday. but uh, tomorrow is a new day. I will be back on the horse as always and um, you know I. I will look forward to the markets getting better.

Although I do have to get to a point where it's like, listen, you can't have this many consecutive red days. You just need to like make a change which would be get green and then walk away after one trade. You know, just take one trade and it either is green and you're done or it's a red train. You cut the loss right then and there down like a thousand bucks or two thousand bucks and just stop.

So at least the red days get really small so I may have to do that now in two weeks I'm starting a new small account challenge. So this is coming up, which I'm really excited about. I've talked about it for Warrior Pro students. Um, if you want to watch over my shoulder during the small account challenge, you have to be in the chat room.

I'm hoping that with the markets are better during the small count challenge, but they you know. I mean they probably will be, but they may not be. who knows. It's a July small Account challenge, so this is a you know summer trading can be a little choppier.

Look at this Moxc back to 1550 so you know this is one where I'm down 9 000 on this stock. If I had not stopped out on both of the trades I took on it, you know I wouldn't be down 9 000, I'd be in the green, But it could have also probably just as easily gone back down to 13 or 12 or 11 and then I'd be down 40, 50, 000. So you gotta cut your losses at some point. That's annoying to see.
No one likes to see that gets stopped out and then it goes without you. But anyway, so small Account challenge Starting in two weeks it's going to be interesting. I look forward to you guys being there watching over my shoulder. I encourage students to be practicing a simulator because in case you didn't already know, trading is risky.

Most beginner traders lose money and my results are not typical. so you should practice in a simulator before you put real money on the line. And with that I'm going to let you guys go enjoy the recap. Third red day recap in a row so a little bit of a red and a little bit of a red streak here, but I will bounce back.

I always always do, always have and this time won't be any different and I'll say the same things. I got to get better at easing off the throttle when markets get cold, but um, but you know, I go pedal to the metal all out and when the market's hot, it pays off big time. When the market's cold, I give back some profit and that's the way I seem to trade. So I've got to have an acceptance about myself about that.

Um, it's always been 10 steps forward x steps back. 10 steps forward x steps back. Maybe it's two. Maybe it's five, Maybe it's eight.

maybe it's one. And then I go on the next hot streak. So uh, I'm still green on the month, so life is good. but I'm actually not looking at my P L right now where I sit on the month because I don't really need to be focusing on how much I've lost in the last three days, because then that creates a negative focus in my mind.

I'd rather focus on just trying to trade well and catch nice momentum and have good entries. and the profits will follow and recouping. The losses inevitably will follow. So I'm trying to focus.

you know, on the cup half full. It's been a good month. I'm green. We still have, you know, almost two weeks left in the month.

So let's see, we've got, you know. this week? Yeah, well, not quite two weeks. But you know, ten days, eight days left in the month. Whatever.

it is. two, four, uh, six, seven. So that's fine. I'll try to finish the month strong.

and um, being down nine thousand. I mean, last week was basically a break even week. I think I made some good money, then gave it back this week. I'm starting a little in the red continuation of the choppiness from last week, but you know one good trade.

25, 35 000 dollars I'm I'm back in great shape so I have to not get too bent out of shape. The the frustration is less about the money and more about just the feeling of like man. I can't believe I've had three red days in a row. Like I'm really like not dialed in.

this is annoying and then seeing something like this moxc, uh, you know, up at 16 and you know, look at me, I'm the guy who's got in high, stopped out once, God didn't hide a second time, stopped out and then it goes. So you're getting some follow-through there. But all right, enjoy the recap. See you guys, what's up everyone? All right? So um, third red day in a row here, down, um, in my main account and my retirement basically started the day with about four or five thousand dollars of profit and then on aie I lost 11 000 bucks and that put me right on the day by 7 500 and from that point I tried to recover and I just wasn't able to do it.
And the trade that put me red was this trade right here. I bought the dip off the V-wap and I got stopped out as it broke and and sold off. I stopped at around 6.95 so I got a little slippage on my exit. Um, it's amazing how sometimes it feels like night and day difference in trading between.

uh, trading in a hot market versus trading in a cooler market. Trading in a hot market. These setups work. You get resolution, they break back through the high, it's so it.

That's very confusing because you're essentially doing the same exact thing. Except in a hot market it works, and you have resolution, therefore, profit. And in a cold market you see false breakouts and so that's where you have to keep reminding yourself not to fall into the trap of buying a good quality setup in a poor market because when the market quality is not good, the follow-through is not there. And so that right there put me down seven thousand on the day I switch from there to my retirement account where I made 8 000 actually almost 10 000 on Alf and that was on this squeeze right here.

This red to green move break a view app and this rip from eight up to nine. but I gave back two thousand dollars of the profit. so I went from up about 10 000 to up 8 700.. And then I took losses on Moxc and Aei and my last loss on Moxc you know, was right here.

You know I I missed this squeeze but bought the pullback here at 15 and then just had to stop out. You know we just didn't get that follow-through Aei I tried this one around this area here. we got a win, a small win but then got back in and it flushes. Same thing here.

I tried to get in at seven break a V whap and it just chops me out trch basically same thing I got in this for the break of ewap right here and then it drops right back down. I mean, it's obviously holding a little bit better right now, but we're just in a super choppy market right now where we're not seeing a lot of follow-through It's going to be interesting because in two weeks I start my small account challenge. And you know, doing a small account challenge in choppy market is is hard because you know you don't have as much confidence. The setups that typically work really well in a hot market in a cold market don't respond as well.

So unfortunately it just ends up meaning you've got to trade less. and so I'm You know that that's part of the reality of trading, the ebb and the flow. Um, and and we've seen quite a lot of stocks recently Where it gets, they get choppy and then they go. Which is really frustrating because your timing on your entry is the problem.
You have the right idea, but your entry was wrong and look at this here on Moxc. you know this right now is squeezing back up. you know? So I just took a good loss on it as it stopped me out down here at 60, you know, 20 cents off the low and then there it curls back up. I would have been back to break even there I would have been green, but at a certain point you've got to cut your losses, you know.

I took a trade on Amc yesterday and I lost on it and someone said well, why don't you just hold it, Why don't you just swing trade it If I was still holding Amc today from position from yesterday, I would have been down 90 000. You know I mean you. I just can't I can't just hold it. I mean yes there are times where holding it works but generally more often than not it does not work.

So you know you have a set of rules and sometimes you feel like man I keep getting stopped out. But that overall for me is the right approach. So you know I'm not in my max loss in this account. Could I keep trading? Yeah I could.

But I went from down 7 000 on the day, back to up 2 000 on the day and then slowly went back to down 7 000 and then now down 9 000. So it's like you know what? I'm trading later and later in the day I'm getting desperate. I'm trying to find some momentum. It's not happening.

And while I could hit a Hail Mary pass and make ten thousand dollars this afternoon on a trade, you know that could have happened yesterday on Alf Towards the close. I had a nice squeeze. But what could also happen is I just keep getting chopped up more and more and more and more and then next thing you know I'm down 15 and I'm down 20 and I'm just digging the hole deeper. So oh I don't know.

um this is this is just part of the deal with trading and there's people out there who will say oh man I I don't even know why you complain. You know you're up over two million dollars on the year. Why so so you have a couple days where you can't trade or where you lose a little bit of money? Big deal I know. but you know when you're here in it, every day feels like you know you're only as good as your last trade.

and when you start catching like consecutive back-to-back losses, it starts getting really frustrating and you feel like you're just not dialed in. And so part of the thrill of trading is the gratification that comes from having winners. So you get a period of days or even weeks where you're not getting that. you start to feel you know, bummed out, you're frustrated.

It's not. You know things aren't um, working the way you would expect and losses are also a factor. and then eventually it turns around. So when it turns around, I can pretty much guarantee you the trades Like you know, the breakout on Trch or this pullback on Moxc.
You know, those get bought up and they keep going and so the same exact setup works. And the variable here is what's the condition of the overall market trade, the market you're in, and I'm I've never been good at that. I really haven't ever been good at that. I've always kind of just pedaled to the metal no matter what.

and that's why I often in cold markets. Rather than just go sideways, I lose money. and then when the market heats back up, I make back what I lost and then I build profit. Maybe there will be a day at some point in my career where I'll have the presence of mind to be like hmm feels like the market's cold.

I'm not even going to watch it today, but I don't find myself in a position right now where I'm able to do that and then like, for instance, tomorrow I could say you know what, The market was cold yesterday and the day before, I'm not even going to come in tomorrow. What's the point? Well watch that be the day that we have like big momentum. And I think that's the fear that every trader has. which is why you keep coming back day after day after day because you never know, You never know when when the switch is gonna flip and all of a sudden we have hot momentum.

I could take the rest of the week off and then in hindsight be like wow, I'm really glad I did it, or I could do it. And then in hindsight, we have like four of the biggest momentum stocks of the of the year and I wasn't here. so that is. That's a component of trading that's really hard to get a good handle on.

Am I choosing to trade today because of Fomo? The fear of missing out? Um, you know, and often For me, the answer is is yes, that's the way I am and that's the way I'm hardwired. It's a it's a tough thing to break out of. No matter, you know how much I try. I really do struggle with it.

So anyways, that that's that's where I'm at for today. So a second red day or third red day recap. But today is a smaller red day and I'm so I'm glad for that. But I just don't see anything worth trading.

I don't know. Maybe tomorrow I'll sit down and something will look good and I'll get some nice trades. And certainly we know when the market's hot and if we do have some hot momentum, I can rack up those profits pretty quickly. But if it's not, what do I do? just shut it down at 9am and then sit around wondering what's happening in the market all morning.

It's like that's what I can't I'm just like. Then I feel like I'm losing both. I'm definitely losing. That's how I feel.

If I'm missing, then I'm also losing. So it's a struggle. But anyways, that's it for me. so I'll let you guys go.

I hope you enjoy the recap. Uh, trading is difficult. My results are not typical. most beginner traders lose money and in a choppy market traders get smoked.
uh, especially long biased traders like me. But anyway, so that's it for me. I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning, hoping for better markets. And that, right.

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By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Red day recap day 3 -$9k | recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chinonso obetta says:

    Please sir which timeframe are you using for trading and which are you recommending for beginners

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fake Id says:

    Thanks for posting this Ross, this video might have quite literally saved my life. Should I ever be in a position to join in the classroom, you can bet I will.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cplofmarines0311 says:

    I had a 30k account a month ago. Over the last three weeks I’ve made 18k but I’ve lost 23k. I’m red right now 5200. I’ve had horrible trades the last two weeks. I don’t know what to do. It’s not doing what it’s supposed to do. I’m unsure to buy or sell now. It messed up my mind for sure. It was so hard to get 30k and I just lose 5200 so easy.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cplofmarines0311 says:

    How you determine if the market is hot or cold? What’s your reasoning behind making that decision?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Candyman Trader says:

    Yup, it was choppy… 3rd red day for me too! Getting to know when I'm 'in the flow' and when I'm not… thing is, it's hard to detach myself from my 'green emotions' and 'act' on what I've trained myself to do… BUT, I'm slowly getting there! EVERYDAY I make money FIRST, then I slowly bleed it till all my green is gone, then I try to make it up in ways that DO NOT follow my strategy…. that would explain my RED acct… trading ROCKS!! Ross ROCKS!! Small account challenge will be FUN AF!! Thanks for the FREE content you put out… plenty of teachers out there, but few with a track record and 'real' info and trading acct. Love you Ross and crew, keep on keepin' on!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TraderRoss says:

    I did a lot of thinking after Fridays recap. On a micro level the market is random, hence red & green days even though you follow the same strat. On a macro level you already know the probability of winning 65% & in the end all is good. Embrace the red days & try to minimize the loss. I took an opening trade (PT) on $TRCH on the break over premarket high & made good %. Then I lowered it after a couple more trades trying to get more. Seems like if you get a really good trade even if it's 5 minutes into the day, WALK AWAY. I'm like you that I want to trade. While I don't want to jump into bad trades I want to search for trades. It's like a controllable addiction. Gappers are looking like crappers already this morning.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hap says:

    if you know is a cold market then dont hurt yourself by bying the dip , wait for the next candle to go above the the previus one with some volume and level2 having some stuck orders waiting to get bought .. like you teach us , go with your advice and teaching … and stop hurting yourself in this cold market….

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Koss says:

    I took that same trade in AEI and lost big. Got myself out of the hole until finishing $40 net. Broke the rules, should have walked away so not proud of my trading…

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammed Ali says:

    You trade too much….You need one or two good trade(s) to be green. I trade less, but the best….:)

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Balles says:

    Thank you for your honest assessment of the day. Your red days teach us a lot and I appreciate your letting us into how you are feeling.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason A says:

    Today was awful! Kept my losses super tight and managed to walk away red -236$ there was momentum during powerhour with MOXC, AUVI, OCGN and 1 more but I had already made a bonehead mistake and shut it down. The losses weren't huge but I didn't feel confident to continue to trade.

    I look for MOXC to hold 20$ for continuation.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R N says:

    Sometimes you have to know when to hold them and know when to fold them..

    Oh, wait thats a Kenney Roger's song.

    I walked away today after 2 hours , i just didn't like the market.. it was like you said, cold! It was like pulling teeth. So i took a nap instead.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars msk says:

    This millionaire is complaining about his 9k loss meanwhile I lose 180k which I steadily built over a year and lost it all and now have almost nothing πŸ˜”

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Halfhill says:

    Yep. Can’t make the adjustment with the market change, brutal. Hate to say it Ross but watching your red day videos always makes my red days feel green! Today, I unintentionally closed a swing position on a ticker that was tanking while trying to adjust a screen setting. There goes my stellar average. πŸ™„Should have stayed in bed.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike P says:

    I am changing from TD advanced platform to Interactive Brokers. being a Canadian it is as close as I can get to commissions free trading …. any advice with this platform ??

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymond says:

    AMC is scary to me for exactly that reason, it's way above value so I'm afraid to bet if I can't fall back and turn it into a swing while it's so far up there

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chart Master says:

    thanks for the video all good bro keep grinding youll get a nice green day this week and erase all those loses away

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars martew dja says:

    Ross, why you don't adapt to market condition by going Short? it's good if you can teach how to short the market..

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grant Viviano says:

    I know it's been choppy lately and we haven't had much follow through in the mornings, but I have found something tends to come around later in the day. GBR and MOXC both kicked like a mule this afternoon. I'm not suggesting anyone should drastically changed their approach, but just something to maybe keep an eye on.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Knowles says:

    Your attitude is WAY improved over some of your past Red-Days! Bravo!! Good for you not beating yourself up so much as in those days gone by. Love what you do / represent – Still sim-trading, and trading small.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hessy says:

    beautiful think about the market is you can reset every morning. im sure you wouldve had a huge green day had you caught GBR, but tomorrow is a new day

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Walker says:

    I think you should scalp on your cold days or weeks. Nothing wrong with doing it for few hours and having a profit of $500 or less.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allen Cox says:

    Hello Ross. You’ll make it up quickly no worries. I opened an account with CMEG and today was my first day trading with them closed today up 800.99. My equity hasn’t changed yet adding the gains. Will that apply on the next trading day? Thanks

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Davis says:

    🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐get back at it tomorrow! Let’s hopefully see some good moves holding up tomorrow!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaro Cruz says:

    hey ross why don’t you try using the stochastic it helps me when i trade hopefully it might help you. the only problem with a stochastic indicator is knowing when it’s a reversal or just a pullback however it works well especially in a range

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mainchain says:

    I feel you, just paper traded last 10days cause Of The fed schedueld statements this month.

    However The paper trading is going great, until The 1 big loss comes, lol. Glad it paper trading, as I would be having a hear attack from this performance volatility

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