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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Oh hey, well here we are. Another red day. This has not been my week the last. Well, the last five days have been tricky.

I've been red and then green and then red and then green. Today's another red day down. five thousand, Nine hundred bucks. But you know what's good as I'm up six percent in my IRA So today is one of those days where I took a bigger loss in my main account.

but I got a winner in my IRA and I think Well, that kind of goes to show you. is that part of the reason that I'm losing right now isn't because the stocks that I'm getting into aren't working? It's because of the way I'm training them I was trading more conservatively in my IRA quicker to take profit more aggressively in my main account and as a result giving back profit. Actually, every single one of the trades I took today I was in the green, but I didn't take the profit I was looking for that bigger winner instead of being content with the base hit. I was going for the home run and it was a strikeout so you know, a little bit disappointing, but it's what comes with a territory.

When you want to be aggressive, you're gonna have these types of days. Now the other side is that you're going to have green days where you're up ten fifteen thousand dollars because you weren't satisfied with just three grand. You kept pushing it so you got to be able to take the the winners and the losers hand-in-hand They come together. Today is a little bit of a red day, but it's still an awesome month.

I Guess now up around Sixty seven, Sixty Eight thousand dollars on the month? I'm not allowed to complain. It's been a great month. hopefully. We finished with a Green Day either on Friday or Monday I'd really like to, but definitely a little bit of a rut right now with the market, so just gotta play it safe.

Anyways, we'll break it all down in today's midday. Margeaux Recap All right everyone. time for our midday market recap. We'll go over the trades from this morning today.

Another little bit of a frustrating day. Another red day for me. So that's my second red day of the week. and of course I have three red day's last week.

So now I'm a little past what I would like for number of red days in the month. I'm on my fifth red day of the month today. Having said that, I'm still up like 68 thousand dollars on the month. It's been a great month.

I'm not allowed to complain. It's been a really, really good month and right now I'm just kind of paying my dues before the next hot streak. So my hot streak ended a week ago Tuesday And so for the last two, four, six, seven days for me, it's been choppy. I haven't been getting really good follow-through It's felt like one step forward.

One step back. Two steps forward. Two steps back. Just kind of a grind.

The good news is today I captured a six percent gain in my IRA account. so I'm really happy about that because that's the account where I really need it. So I've got 1183 dollars profit in the IRA which is terrific. We'll break down that trade in a minute, but in the main account, I've got a seven thousand dollar loss so you know they may balance each other out and put me net down five thousand, nine hundred dollars.
which you know obviously is not where I would like to be. but at the same time it's You know it's not. It's not the end of the world. it's not that big of a deal because it's been a great month.

and part of the reason I'm down is B I pushed it every single one of these trades I was green on and I didn't take the profit because instead of going for a base hit I was trying to get a bigger win on CH RK I was up three thousand dollars on L.e.d.s I was up. Let's see, fifteen hundred dollars and on dare I was up about five hundred on Mt. SL I was up twenty eight hundred and gave some back. so you know I'm pushing it.

And here's the thing in a hot market when you push it. Well, that's how you make seventy five thousand dollars in two and a half weeks. and right now I've continued to push it maybe more than I should and I've given back some of those gains in total. I'm down.

Actually, let's see I can run the report for you right now. So since the hot streak ended, I've given back a total of did you to do. And let me just highlight this sorry, just highlight in a column. Okay, I've given back a total of seven thousand, nine hundred, forty eight dollars.

So actually, as of yesterday or as of this morning, I was almost out of the hole because I made 2,400 bucks yesterday and I made forty eight hundred on Monday. So you know Monday and Wednesday were good day. So I was almost out of the hole and then today I just felt you know. Basically right back down to the bottom.

so you know, start digging my way back out. But let's look at these trades. so let me pull this up. So today we didn't have a lot that we were watching.

Crk was on watch for a gap and go trade the bell rings and it actually kind of sells off for a second and then it spikes up here all the way up to 785 from seven dollars to seventy eighty five and so on this one I jumped in it at well my first I'll go I'll go over there in a second. chk. Oh, look out first. So I jumped in with 10,000 shares at 750.

Alright, so I've got 10,000 shares of 750 I'm up 2500 bucks at 775 I'm up 2500 bucks and I added 5,000 shares because I thought it was gonna go to 8 bucks. So then I had a new cost basis of 758 with 15,000 shares. If it had hit $8 that's a six seven thousand dollar winner. Unfortunately, as you can see, it came right back down.

It retraced on this next candle. It came all the way back down to 725 and I took a five thousand dollar loss on it. It only lost 36 cents per share about 15,000 shares. It's a big loss.

So on this one I had a choice. I could have taken the profit and taken the $2,500 instead. I add I was being more aggressive. In hindsight, that was not the right move.
but at the moment it seemed really strong and I thought that that was gonna be. You know it was gonna be a good opportunity for a squeeze up to eight bucks and sell over eight for a $7000 winner. So I was wrong on that. Alright, so got stopped out and this is one of those ones where I was seeing you guys in the room saying nice trade just made money on Crk and so the fact that I lost here isn't because the trade wasn't a good idea, right? it's just because of the way I personally traded it and that's what's really interesting.

Five of us can all trade the same stock and have different pls. Three of you guys might be green I might be red, another person might be red depending on our personal risk tolerance. So for this one you know I Was just frustrated because it was like you know dang it $5,000 loss. That's a big loss that puts me in the hole I just I Really thought it was strong and then it just it just tanked so you know that's that's the challenge.

Mourning volatility is. You know it's where we have lots of opportunities, but if it gets gets you going the wrong way, it can be pretty bad. So that knocked me down a little bit. Dare dar II Tried to take a trade on this out of the gates at a dollar forty five.

a little scalp, ten thousand shares sold, some at forty eight, the rest at forty two. For a fourteen dollar loss, it hit fifty but it didn't hold I Tried to buy it in my IRA but the order didn't fill so that was just as well. Alright, so that was Dare and crk. Next trade down: MT SL It hits the high.

add a momentum scanners so it's on this scanner right here and I see it and I'm like okay this looks interesting at first I wasn't sure because it seemed kind of it. The volume seemed kind of light but I was like I'll give it a stab I Tried to take 10,000 shares at $2 and I only fill 2700 and that's disappointing because it went all the way up to two dollars and 80 cents. That would have been an $8,000 winner but only got a partial fill. So I then added 10,000 shares at 250 the half dollar and I added again at 275.

I sold half of 276 and then right here as it came back up for the second break over to 75 to 80. I added again added back at 275 with 7500 shares. put sell orders out at 91 and 301. had to stop out at 250 and 240.

So right there was 75 hundred shares I lost 25 cents. so you know that's you know, two thousand dollar loss. So I went from being up $3,600 on the name to up only 1600 and that's why I said yeah I'm green on it but only 1600 bucks because that's not how much I wanted. Now this is the trade I took in my IRA So I send the order to try to buy nine thousand shares of 224.

It gets rejected because I don't have enough buying power. so I quickly type in 7500 shares at 250. I type the order just like this MT SL 250 just like this. 7500 shares using smart routing and I press buy I press the Buy button at nine I guess 924 alright and I fill 12 shares at 28 and then a hundred shares at 28 and then thirteen shares at 28 and then six seconds later I fill another 475 shares at 43 and I'm asking myself what is going on? This is crazy.
Why am I not filling my order my the stock a My or was for 250 I should have filled the whole thing. So six seconds later, you know, whatever. Seven seconds later, ten seconds later, I fell another 200 shares at 36, another 400 shares at 36. Let's just drag this down in total it took.

Let's see, it took a minute. It took one whole minute for me to fill my order and I only filled a partial order I only filled 4,800 shares of my 7500 share order. It took one whole minute to fill 4,800 shares. All right.

So that is what it is. It pops up, you know and I'm like. all right. I just got a sell and I don't know how long it'll take to sell.

So I pressed the sell button I pressed the sell button at 9:43 and 49 seconds and it takes here as you can see, 30 seconds for my order to fill. It slowly fills I guess 25 seconds at 70 at 60 to 67, 66, 64, and 63. So you know this is incredibly frustrating because it's there's nothing that I can do about it. You know I'm really powerless I can complain, but you know nobody cares.

So my recommendation is not to trade with the software. Not to know it's not the software not to trade with Interactive Brokers if you're trying to be a scalp trader, if you're trying to get in and get out fast, this is not gonna work for you. look I mean here it is. Here's the proof.

This took a minute for my order to fill a whole minute. Come on. this is crazy I wanted to buy seventy five hundred shares. Look in one minute it went from 228 all the way up to 250.

I mean that's just lost profit. That's what it is. I should have filled the full 7,500 shares right down here in the 30s. and then when I had sold it up here in the 70s, the sixties, it would have been a really nice winner.

It's just pathetic. It really is absolutely in this day and age, but it is what it is so you know. The good news is it's still a 6% winner and so that's that's great. and I just need to get my IRA above 25 thousand.

You know that's really my goal. Get it above 25 thousand dollars. You know, as soon as Lightspeed offer settlement margin I'm gonna switch over to them and I'm at a point now where I might switch over to Lightspeed even though I won't have settlement margin at least if I could take one trade a week and have because this this think about how much this cost me. you know, cost me two thousand shares times 30 cents per share.

So this one right here cost me like 600 bucks, 700 bucks and so you know that's this happens almost every time I trade in this account. So a total of fifteen trades, you're talking about seven thousand dollars in losses. if I had been trading this account with Lightspeed even though I don't have settlement margin, it actually would have been in a much better shape. So I'll probably gonna have to do that.
I'm probably going to transfer this to Lightspeed and deal with no settlement margin until they offer it. So this today I was using Smart routing I had I was given a suggestion from a student that Smart routing was faster so I was like alright, I'll try it out but you know it was just as slow as it is with ARCA and anything else. So and you know and maybe it's this particular route that they rerouted it to is LA I Have no idea, but this is a standard that is so low you know I better off trading on my on my phone you know and or at a certain point I'd almost be better off calling the broker and telling them to place the order. it's just really really slow so that hurts and you know it happens every time.

But despite these, you know kind of the this setback that I've you know that I'm dealing with I still made a six percent gain in the account and so tomorrow it's going to be close to twenty thousand dollars of equity. I'm five thousand dollars away from my goal and really it's just I'm taking trades in this account that I think have big tential that I think have 30 40 cent potential and MT SL was definitely one of them I wouldn't take a trade in this account where I thought that the only potential would be you know 10 or 15 cents because just the lag time between pressing the Buy button getting filled and then pressed in the sell button and getting filled. the MU look how fast these stocks move. You know in a matter of seconds I mean we go down to a 1 second chart.

You're gonna see that having it takes 60 seconds to get an order filled is not gonna be acceptable. Let's just go back here and look at what could happen in a period of 60 seconds. So this is you know, 52. So let's see so you know from 940 right here.

So we hit a high of 64. you know that's what can happen in a minute. All that price action from a high of a dollar 64 dollar 75 all the way down to a low of a dollar 33 with 10,000 shares you know that's that's a lot of that's a lot of volatility so you guys can tell them a little. I'm a little.

annoyed and every single time I take a trade in the IRA You guys get to hear the same frustrations for me. But the benefit of trading in an IRA is that all of these gains are tax-free right? So that's that's the big benefit. The gains are tax-free and because this is a Roth IRA the withdrawals will also be tax-free So that's the incentive. I Mean here in this account, my tax, my income tax rate.

it's gonna be like you know I mean it's I keep half of the gains I keep you know 60 percent of the gains I mean it's really for every ten thousand dollars I make I have to pay five thousand income tax and you know that's that's my own fault for making three hundred eighty five thousand dollars last year and being in the top income bracket. but it is what it is I Don't live in Florida or New Hampshire where capital gains are in taxed. you know I live in Massachusetts now and we pay short-term capital gains so you know this is just the way it is. It incentivizes me to trade in the IRA and even if I do lose some of the gains or whatever, at least I keep them and I don't have to pay tax on them.
So I just want to get this account above 25,000 so I could actively day trade in it, but actively day trading when you've got one minute of lag. Yeah, it's just not gonna. it's not gonna work. So I got to figure that out.

I got to think about that a bit. Um I don't know. Maybe I'll just I think my kind of goal is still to get to this above 25,000 and then just leave it there. I'll just leave it there for a few months until Lightspeed has their account set up and then I'll move it to Lightspeed and I can start day trading in it right away.

So if I can get this up to twenty five, thirty thousand dollars dealing with this, you know, inconvenience? Uh, that? that would be my goal. but you know the problem is if I take one of these and it goes the wrong way and it takes me a minute to sell. that could all of a sudden give me a really big loss. and yeah, John I could swing trade in the account that that would be an option if I wanted to.

but I you know I haven't So anyways, you know that's where we're at today, but good news is up six percent in this account. Growth is good Green is good there I'd actually rather be down seven thousand and up 1100 here then up seven thousand here and down eleven hundred here. This this account is just more important a long term because it's a retirement account. so hey this is good.

This is green that makes me feel good and the main account. you know this is my high risk account. There's gonna be fluctuations. There's gonna be days with big big green and days with you know big red and today's you know a little bit in the red but that's alright I'll bounce back out of this.

So oh and then just to follow up, took a trade on LEDs yeah just I jumped into it I thought my order was capped at ten thousand shares. so usually what I do is I'll just keep pressing the Buy button until Ike the warning and it's just kind of the way I do it. but I have lift I guess I lifted it to 20,000 shares. so I filled 15,000 at $5 it pops up to 510 I'm up 1500 bucks and then you can see here it dropped down to 470 and so with 15,000 shares 30 cents as a three thousand is a fourth that $4,500 loss I guess I lost.

you know whatever I stopped out at in the 80s so bummer on that I forgot that I thought I lifted it but I put it back down or I thought I'd kept it down. but anyways so max position size here 10,000 shares that will be in place tomorrow I thought it was today but whatever. so anyways a little bit of a bump in the road but it's a it's a road paved in gold cuz I'm up sixty eight thousand dollars on the month, two hundred, twenty two thousand dollars or so on the year I Mean it's you know Green is good I Have no right to complain about being a little red today I Do think I have a right to complain about the this lag though, because this is unacceptable and you know it's just my recommendation that this is. this should never be acceptable with any broker.
So you know if you're trying to be a really fast trader, you got to use the right tools. I've been trying to use the wrong tools. It's like, you know, just it's very difficult we talked about. you know, when you're in California and you see those people riding their bikes on the sand and the beach, they've got those big road tires.

They're like, you know, eight inches across. He's using the right tool to try to ride his bike on the beach and I feel like the guy trying to ride a road bike on the beach in the sand with those skinny little tyres. and I keep falling down and getting more and more and more and more frustrated. But you know the rental shop was like listen, Ross this is all we got.

There's nothing we can do and so it's just kind of the way it is. But that's alright. Okay, so that's that's it for me. That's my rant for the day.

Be back at first thing tomorrow morning 9:00 A.m. 9:15 pre Market analysis Those you guys watch on Facebook on YouTube Give us a thumbs up, leave some comments, we'll come back and answer them later and subscribe to the channel so you can get these broadcasts live. Alright, hope you guys have a good afternoon. I'll see you back at it first thing tomorrow morning.

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24 thoughts on “Red day frustration”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krogzax Ants says:

    I still don't understand why people trade everyday. Not everyday there are good plays. wait and shoot when there are good plays gives you less risk and more rewards. And less days like this.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Zausch says:

    Why spending time and lost opportunity trading in this IRA? Your "IRA" is this nice trading education business you're building.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Ong says:

    I thought i was the only one having problem with the fill. i am using IB and i was hitting the bid , i am going short, and i was
    not getting filled. a lot of share to short during that time. thanks so much for sharing. Red Day for me also, but manageble.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phil Mckrackin says:

    What is the best product to get orders filled on time???

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tronghung Dao says:

    True good trader.Keep it up Ross.What "s is the name of your broker in your IRA account.Good luck today.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario says:

    When using DAS with IB do you have to use IB Gateway?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Van Arragon says:

    It's because DAS is slow, there tons of complaints about DAS…Its not IB's fault… Use their TWS software, it's bullet speed fast!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dg 27 says:

    Is that your ira account slow one

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soccer Life says:

    Don't worry you are the best trader in the world.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stk says:

    Lost much yesterday too 🙁

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Gantt says:

    I hear you, brother. 48 trades Wednesday to get back to the green, $530 and change. Today, I told myself 3 trades and out no matter what. That’s what I did—Three and out. I shut my laptop and walked away with $1,030 and change. Thanks to you and developing discipline. You’ll get it back. Thanks again.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xxx s says:

    So you are putting more than 70 k dollars in one trade ,how big is your capital account?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xxx s says:

    It's good to be transparent and talk about losses ,not only winning days

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Sautiere says:

    -$75 for me (paper trading) decided to walk away before hitting my max loss of the day (-$100). Risk management is everything. Today i finished your book "How to day trade" I really enjoyed it, will surely read it again 😀😀.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KickSomeAss says:

    Thanks for sharing losses as well as your winners. After a red day myself it makes me feel a wee bit better that even the greats have red days, lol

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Buse says:

    Hey Ross I know there are a few different types of SMART routing. One of them is called (Smart MaxFill) it routes the order with the sole purpose of getting filled. No rebates ect.. This is different than the regular default SMART routing.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabriel Nuñez says:

    Sounds like Robinhood is better than IB. LOL.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Detelj says:

    Why not set stops to take profit? Smh

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aamir Karim says:

    I have a question .. it’s in regards to the technical indicators like the 9 ema, 20 ema or the vwap . Sometimes the stocks moves below the 9 ema or the vwap on the 1 min chart , but will stay above it on the 5 min chart . In that case which chart indication should he respected or responded too .

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AF says:

    Are those stocks leveraged??

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars riquenosis says:

    OMG Ross… SureTrader was on that same BS today as well…. extremely slow/no fills on 650 shares I'm like ridiculous!! Then I tried to put in a sell stop which is seriously easy on the most platforms yet I get another window that pops up with extra info to fill out??? I'm like what the what??!! (as the price falls pass my stop.) So I try a limit order to sell… (same) no fills. price falls another 5 cents and I eventual sell as a market order and I am out of the trade.
    Thus far I am not impressed by their platform. Seriously. I've been working with their hotkeys and they don't really work properly and I can't figure out why. [Shift 1] Buy 90% of buying power will populate the boxes but does not send? Checked settings to do so. I have to open up another montage.

    P.S. A note to anyone that will fund their card using a Visa Debit…Visa will charge you and international transaction fee on top of t Suretraders 3% (or 3.5%) convenience "robbery" fee. Visa charges $27.95 for international purchases. Therefore if you fund an account with $900. it will be $930.00 (931.50) + $27.95 fee (that will debit about a day later.) Not sure if this is international fee is with all debit/credit cards or just visa but its something that I was not aware of at the time. Last note about funding if you use your bank account the minimum in the U.S. is a $1000 and its a wire transfer that you will have to take to your bank… just and FYI.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Friauf says:

    Hi Ross, What type of IRA account do you trade in?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars End the FED says:

    Hey ross your truly amazing to a new trader like myself! Just a heads up, ive heard when you smart route they will hold your shares and see if anyone in house would like to sell before they look out in the open market. It can be risky sometimes. Cant wait to learn more and feel comfortable enough to open a suretrade account. Keep up the great videos!!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul B says:

    Red day for me too Ross. That thumbnail 😂

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