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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Uh, we're gonna do live recap for today: 114 thousand dollars in the green on Dtss, Ambo, Adt, plus, um, some open swing trades and a couple new swing trades on Amazon, Apple, and the S P 500. So we're going to break it down right now during the recap. All right. So let me just pull up my chat feed so I can see what you guys are saying.

Okay, so there I've got my chat feed up, All right, So I hope you guys all had a great weekend. Um, today was a pretty solid uh morning for me. continuation of some pretty, you know, impressive action in the overall market. The small cap market is on fire, so um, I will.

I've got a couple swing trades open right now that I just started. I started a new one on the S P 500. I also started a new one on Apple and Amazon, so we'll go over those in a moment. But first, let's go over the day trades from today.

so I'm going to move this. So these are my open swing trades right now which are sitting about like this. I'm down a little bit on the day because of where some positions closed on Friday, but still not Green, so that's good. All right.

So let's see. Um, all right. So this is our Gap scanner. So this morning the leading gapper in the entire U.s market was Dtss gapping up 188 with a 5.94 million share float and probably before the bell rang, over 10 million shares of volume it was.

It was hot. Traders were watching it and those you guys who have been, uh, of course tuning in and watching and part of the program the classes for a while. You know that in in recent weeks we've just been seeing these stocks go crazy pre-market and if you wait for the bell to ring to take your first trade, you're going to miss the whole move. And that's been really frustrating for me because traditionally in my career I haven't wanted to trade pre-market In fact, I've really only wanted to trade.

You know, once the bell rings because pre-market well initially. Depending on which broker you use, orders don't always execute very well or you have to change the order settings so that's kind of frustrating. And then on top of that you deal with with typically very light volume and some really big spreads and false breakouts and stuff like that. Now I don't know.

for the last six months or so, uh, I I think just you know we know that day trading has become a lot more prevalent. A lot more people are engaging in the markets on any given day then a year ago a lot of that is related to covet and those you know how that has sort of changed the way people are living and what people are doing to try to make some money. So as a result we've been seeing more and more stocks that when they start opening up like this they just go bananas pre-market And in the past, uh, early in kind of February March, I was just watching them go and I was saying, well, i gotta wait till the bell rings and then by the time the bell rings, it looks like this, it's selling off. I've missed the whole move and eventually I just said, you know what? I feel like I'm really missing a lot of opportunities by sort of following this rule of not trading pre-market I created that rule during a time when there wasn't a lot of volatility pre-market and where the risk of trading free market was a lot higher and I need to adapt to changing markets.
And that means I need to start getting up a little earlier and be willing to take some free market trades. So Dtss? uh, to look at this one. This gave multiple opportunities pre-market on the one-minute chart. But the first five-minute pullback wasn't until, uh, right in this area and it actually failed.

And so if we back this up, um, before I was even live broadcasting in the chat room or on youtube, I made about seven thousand dollars trading this. Uh, right. Here was my first entry for the break over. what was this? Um, 389? Actually, I think I had a trade.

Yeah, maybe that was my first entry. Anyways, Uh, that trade. I definitely took the break at 389. it squeezed up.

Then I bought the first one minute candle to make a new high right here. and then we have flat top right here and another one right here. I started, uh, live streaming on um, in the chat room and on Youtube. By the time let's see it got up to around six when it was breaking.

Six is when I uh, started live streaming and the last trade on it that was a really good one was this break here over 648. Now I actually thought this might fail right here because this last one minute candle and if we actually zoom in on the 10 second chart. I know some of you guys don't like looking at these charts, but this actually will help you visualize the micro pullback that occurred at 640 that then led to a false breakout at 648.. So this right here was the micro pullback.

So 640 was the high, it pulled back and then it popped up here to 648. So in this little area it hit the half dollar and I sort of was like okay, it's rejecting that level. That's a psychological level of resistance and then all of a sudden it comes back up and it rips through. And so I was like you know what I'm I'm getting back in for the break of 48.

got back in for the break of 648, pops up to seven and on this breakout right here I took uh, 40 000 shares so you know I'm stepping up to the plate at times with bigger size and I didn't take 40 000 shares all at once. I did it in uh, 5 000 share blocks. so I brought it down to 4 000 shares as the day went on, but clicking 5000 once, twice, three times as it's moving higher as I'm liking the entry, so I'm kind of scaling in. and then of course I scale back out.

So on this one, um, I had a really nice trade there from 648 up to 7 750. it did a false breakout right here on that one minute candle and then it broke through eight and squeezed up to a high of 838, then pulled back. And now we're getting a little bit of a pullback. so let's do the one minute chart.
So now you can see how it did this false breakout right here on this candle and again here. double topped at the pre-market high of Uh 8 30. What was it? 8 38. Now, part of the reason I was a little aggressive on this at this level here and not earlier was because of the daily chart.

So the daily chart had a window at 7 39 that gave us gap fill all the way up to 16.. So let's look at that for a second so that right there was gap fill. You can see on the daily chart how there's this gap from 739 and of course Warrior Pro students. We talk about this in the classes all the way up actually to 17..

So essentially I looked at this as having blue sky having no upside resistance above 739 and you know I knew that it still might. It wouldn't necessarily go all the way up to Seven 17, but it basically had a lot of room which is good potential. Surprisingly, you know it really didn't hold that level very well and it came back down back to the volume weight average price where I took dip trades off the V app 640 650 Sixty popped back up here up to Seven Twenty. This was the chance for the first five minute candle to make a new high and it double topped and failed.

So now we have two double tops. Seven Nineteen and Eight Thirty Eight. Uh, 739 is the daily level. so I drew that on my five minute chart.

Uh, and I actually still made some good money on this Once the bell rang, it sold off right here, and I took Dip trades on it. So I was buying Dips Down here with Fifteen Twenty Thousand shares for sixty up to Five dollars. You know forty cents with ten thousand shares is four thousand bucks. So twenty thousand shares? it's eight thousand bucks.

So I added some nice profit on this as the day went on. buying off of support levels like down here in the four dollar area as it squeezed then back up to 464.. that trade right there I took with 24 000 shares so that right there was almost 10 000 in profit. Even though it's been stair stepping down, it's still been volatile enough that it's given me some opportunities.

But the fact is, it's been a little discouraging that the leading gapper has failed and that weighs on the overall market adt. let's look at this one. This one looks weak pre-market because it's coming back down. It then opens and rips up into one two three halts going up.

Then halt's coming back down, comes all the way back down, gives back the whole move 110 million share flow and look at that volatility from 13 to 17, back to 13.. I made a little money on it but was focused mostly on Dtss Ambo, then hits the Hyade Momo scanner and as that one hits the scanner right here it hit as the price was crossing 340 I believe 346, 347. So it's lighting up the scanner and I looked at that and I thought okay, this is something that I want to be watching. I jumped in it as it broke through.

Uh, the red to green mark, the red to green move and this squeezed into a hall at 391. On resumption it opened, it dipped down for a moment and I added at about 440.. So let's look back at this all right So that's right in here. So it opens, it hits a high of 4 30.
it dips down for a second. Then I added right there. It rips up to 70 all the way up to 80 and I'm taking a little bit of profit. The halt level was 81.

now that's over a dollar a share. It then pulls back. I did a dip trade. it pops back up.

I did another kind of trade through here. I took a loss as it stopped out. I took another trade, I took another loss. I took another trade in here and I took another loss.

So I started giving back profit on it and I felt like all right, maybe this isn't going to work First five minute candle to make a new high back above the V-wap It popped up for a second, but it couldn't hold that level and then it's faded. So what we're noticing is a trend where, uh, Dtss, Ambo, all of these even Adt are looking kind of weak. Adt is currently green on the day, but the other two are red versus the open price and so that weighs on momentum and that's a little discouraging when we see that happen. So you know, at this point I I'm not very inclined to take any more trades.

I'm thinking that I'll just kind of step back and say that this was a good day for day trading. Now on the swing trade side of things. I have a couple trades here which I want to keep a close eye on. So my Apple trade I'm down 150 on Amazon, I'm up 75 and the S P I'm up 500 on Apple is a little bit of the riskiest one that I have today.

I sold the 450 calls and I bought the 455 calls Now 450 as you can see is is still ways away and so I sold those at Five dollars and that was right here as it broke below the volume weight average price. Now I set a 300 stop on it. So if this does come up, it is going to stop me out and I'd rather take a 300 loss on it and just say oh my timing was wrong, but my hope is that it is not able to close above the V app. although the overall market is also, uh, curling back up to the V web.

so it this one I might end up getting stopped on. Um, I'd rather take a tight stop on it than have it. You know, go further against me. But so let's look at this Apple trade.

So I sold 10 calls at 4.99 They're at 562 right now, so I'm down 600 on those. but I bought the 390. Uh, the 550 455 calls at 390 and they're at 442 so I'm up 525. so those are kind of.

It's kind of like a hedge. they kind of offset each other. so my net loss is only 134 dollars right now. although obviously it's not moving in really the right direction.

But the approach with the swing trade is to set it and forget it. And what I was thinking was that, um, on this big gap that it's due for a pullback. Maybe I'm early and I'm gonna have to stop out and try it again tomorrow Or later today or whatever. But I think that we're gonna get a couple red days in a row.
So the question is, does that happen today or not? Till you know Tomorrow Now the S Smp I am using the same approach. Um, the problem with this daily chart is that, uh, if I try to sell the puts, they're worth very, very little right now because the mark because it's up so high. So I actually will get a better price by selling the calls. And so the high here today is 329.

And so what I did on the S P is I actually sold the 333 calls for 80 cents. They're at 87 cents right now and I sold. And then I bought the 334 calls at 58 cents and they're 61 cents right now. So these are offsetting each other.

I've got 25 20 loss on it, but remember that with every day that passes, I'm gonna benefit from time decay. So this type of trade gives me three ways to be right. Number one: the stock stays at the exact same price for the next seven days and I win just due to time decay. Number two, the stock goes down and therefore, of course I win because I'm directionally correct.

and number three, I can actually be directionally incorrect where the stock could continue to go up a little bit but does not close above 333 by the end of the expiration, which is this Friday and then I still make money, so that gives me more ways to profit. Although it's a little more complicated and is not really good for day trading because as you can see, although if I had bought just the 58s, you know I could make some money on that or on Apple. Certainly if I had just bought the Um, the the 455s at 390. I could have sold that for 325 dollars of profit, but I don't really want day trade options if I can help it because the spreads are not usually that good.

the liquidity is pretty low, so I'd rather take those more as um, as swing trades. And again, with with stock, you can't take a stock trade where you're betting that the S P won't go above 333 by this Friday. You just simply can't That's just not an option at all, right? So this is where using options does give some more some more strategy. So anyways, I've got Apple.

I've got Amazon. I've got the Spy. I've got Netflix. I sold the 440 puts on Netflix.

so on Netflix, I'm actually betting that it stays above 440 by the end of this Friday. Seems like a pretty safe bet. It's at 496 right now. So I sold those at 71 cents on Friday and now they're only worth 22 cents.

Which means because I sold them. Uh, that I have sorry, um, uh. I sold the 450s at 1.18 and they're at 37 cents right now. So I've got a profit of 800 bucks.

but I don't want to take a naked trade on this and I didn't have the buying power to do it. So I bought the 440s for 71 cents. Creates a little bit of a offset there. Facebook was really weird.

Um, I have a 300 loss on it. 510 right here on a trade that I don't even know how it happened. I I know I was logged into the platform yesterday because I was working on the classes for Warrior Pro students and so I'm wondering if perhaps I accidentally placed an order that then executed when the market opened because I somehow was long 10 contracts at 222 and stopped out like a dollar 85. So that was a little disappointing.
But in any case, um, it is what it is. So that unfortunately offsets the profit that I have on my Facebook swing trade which is very similar to Amazon, Apple, and Netflix. or sorry, Amazon, Apple and um, the Spy which is that I was shorting it with the thought that it's kind of at the top and it should come back down and again. Maybe I'm wrong.

And so I have a stop on each of these trades except for Tesla, which stopped me out today for profit versus Friday. But um, I did give back a little bit of that profit this morning because Tesla actually gapped up a little bit. So um, I was up like 500 or 600 and then was up only a couple hundred on it. maybe 300 200 this morning when I got stopped out.

But again, that's fine, it's not. It's not a big deal, so Apple right now is consolidating, um, kind of below the volume weight average price. So I'm feeling like okay, as long as it fades off the V-wap I'll be all right on that position and I hopefully won't get stopped out today. The S P 500.

Yeah, it's back above, but my strike is far away. The Apple one, as I said again, is the riskiest because I chose a strike price that's really close to. I mean it's really pretty pretty close. I could on Apple take a strike at like 500, but you know the the profit in in that is a little bit more limited here and so I I don't know.

I I'm I guess I'm not sure that I want to take that just yet because it does seem a little stronger at the moment. So anyways, I'll keep an eye on it. This is almost looking like it wants to break out back above the volume weight average price, so I don't know, might not end up that trade might not end up working for me. but again, relative to the day trades, the goal of swing trades is to generate some, uh, some profit in a very passive way without having to really focus on it very much or think about it too much.

So just set it, forget it, and then come back. And I either got stopped out or I'm still holding it right. So here as this comes up, this is going to definitely hurt the position. It's breaking the volume weight average price, so you can see Now I'm down 200 and my stop on this.

Um, so I was in a dollar 10 debit and I think I set my stop at a dollar thirty. So I'm actually about to get stopped out on it. The dollar thirty is really close, so again my feeling is I'd rather just take a tight stop on it, get out, then have a tray that starts going against me more and more and more and more. especially when it was a more aggressive entry.

I was up a couple hundred on it when it dropped right here and then it went back to break even and now I'm I'm red on it. The S P: That one's not going to be as much of a problem and Amazon at 3400 is so far away that I'm not as worried about that one either. So anyways, those are my swing trades. Uh, these are my day trades and overall, uh, a pretty pretty good day and a great way to start the new month.
Uh, so all of a sudden, sort of in the middle of trading, I realized that this was August 1st. So this is how I finished the month of July: 950 000 in gross profit? Unbelievable. I mean, really, just absolutely unbelievable. What? What a month? 74 Accuracy 1000 total trades and go back to the month of June.

Uh, let's see June Uh, was 1.3 million in gross profit before commissions, 871 trades and then back in May let's see May was do we go to May 31st? Well, yeah, but okay, so May was only 225 and a lot fewer trades. So we're definitely seeing the market is heating up and this is a great start to the month of, um, August here. And I'm just going to continue to be pedal to the metal. aggressive, try to capitalize as much as possible on the opportunity, because I know that it's a limited period of time.

I just I know that that's the reality of it, that we'll have hot market here for a period of time and then things will slow down and I'll have to be content with much, much smaller, um, daily daily gains. So while it's hot, I'm going to try to. you know, the fishing's hot. Try to catch those fish, throw them in the freezer, and you know, know that that's going to have to tide me over for, you know, some long months ahead where things start to cool off and it's just not as much opportunity there.

All right. So anyways, uh, that's uh, where I'm at here. I hope you guys all had an awesome, uh start Pro students. We're gonna do a Q A here and those are you guys Streaming the recap on Facebook and Youtube.

Make sure you hit the thumbs up button and tune in tomorrow for my watch list which will be around 8 45 9 a.m I'll definitely be streaming by 9 a.m and hopefully we have another stock on the Gap scan or like Dtss that's strong and is ripping and you know I'm going to have to tune in early because these ones if I, you know if I if I miss it, I miss it. and then it's really hard to position when you're behind the kind of behind the ball and you've got a bad entry. So I want to try to be aggressive, capitalize as much as I can, and then ease off the throttle. Today, I gave back a little profit off the top on a couple of my last trades, but nothing too serious.

All right. So that's it for me. And am I still holding Apple? Yep, looks like I'm still holding Apple? as it tested my stop. I think to the penny before, uh, dipping back down so I don't know.

we'll see what happens. But um, let's do some Q A for Warrior Pro students and they're for those on Youtube and Facebook. A reminder of my disclaimer that day trading is risky. Most people who come into the market day trade will fail and will lose money.
So if you're thinking about learning how to trade number one, you should expect to fail. And so number two, Don't trade with real money until you've proven profitability in a simulator. Take it really, really slow. All right.

I'll see you guys tomorrow.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Recap 114,141.15 on $dtss $ambo and $adt, plus new swing trades on $amzn and $aapl and $spy”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! G Mac says:

    Thanks Ross, Great as always

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlydesue says:

    I wonder if this is also possible with the Futures market, because I'm an independent Futures Trader.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jay says:

    Today was difficult for me to day trade on. Loss 100ish but my swing trade made 4K 😃. The 100 loss wasn’t so bad but I want to start seeing Green Day’s trading intraday. Today was my first day that I was all in trading from open to close, was so fun but learning so much fast. I’m not getting moves on my scanner like you are but my limits are much lower at .04- $3 no OTC. Ok I have to restart this lesson and keep learning. I have watched many traders on YouTube but not one even comes close to you. Thank you 💪🏽

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jay says:

    Appreciate you Ross!! 💪🏽

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars miguel says:

    My problem is not going in..my problem is not knowing when to get out

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Berry DC, DACBN says:

    Where do you put your stop on the vwap trades? Very often the price goes a little below the vwap so if you put it there, it stops out.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Get the hell out of here! says:

    Really don’t understand why the need to hustle others with a course when you are making this kind of money. What is the real deal? Looks like you graduated from a chat room trying to convince others to buy and bring volume to your stocks. Now you control a pool and bring volume to what ever stock you think will move. Congrats on been able to maintain control of your pools to keep making money.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Cuomo says:

    the website is the most frustrating i've ever been on. used two different browsers, cleared caches. it won't let me sign up. please help.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Itsnotdelivery5 says:

    That’s awesome Ross, what software do you use for your charts?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lae Tang says:

    How much money I need to open account in lightspeed. I only have $200.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Balseiro says:

    Great video Ross. On your SPY trade I have a suggestion for next time. Look into trading the SPX directly. You can literally mimic your trade's risk to reward but only need to get one contract instead of 10 on spy so on the long run that'll save you thousands on commission. There's also no risk of assignments on SPX. Learned that from the SMB capital guys and what a game changer for a SPY trader. Keep it green

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grand Tour Bear says:

    Markets permitting, we'll be seeing million dollar months, no doubt. Well done.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yaroslav Honcharenko says:

    I had a dream, where I tradet $DTSS to :)) It's funny and little sad at the same time)

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julia 2018 says:

    You are creating new benchmarks and you are playing in your own league:-) Fantastic!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xurok says:

    Could you make a guide for European beginner traders? What broker and tools to use. thank you

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jas R says:

    Crazy!!! Well done Ross. How much were your commissions on today trades?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jakob Mayzenshteyn says:

    Is there any way I could pay for the trading simulator monthly without having to pay for the stratercourse??? I mean it is way to expansive if i just want the simulator.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iam2xs says:

    Pretty frustrating that DTSS didn’t show up on my TOS premarket gap scanner and I’d been monitoring since 6am central

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WARRIOR OF STOCK MARKET says:

    you r fighter big bull

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brutus guzman says:

    Hey Ross just had a 2 quick questions.. Why did u choose not to trade HIHO Pre Market? And is there a usual time PreMarket that is too early to get predictable results?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars charles baxter says:

    Tk's to Ross , Smile for the 📸

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars charles baxter says:

    🤸KODK, 6 figure Days lead to Boogie Night's, I'm Printing alot more than Photos💰

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sumit Bhosale says:

    You must be Rich ….very rich

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chau Luong says:

    Hello . can u help me i start $5000 and now i lose $3500 .I really sad . I’m new . Pls can u recommend for me get back money.! 😭😭

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lily Mou says:

    I short Dtss at $7 by 10000 shares and made $40000

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ishrat Jahan says:

    How can I join your class ?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ishrat Jahan says:

    Hii… how do u know about those types of stock.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethan Fulcher says:

    How do you find the stocks to buy 🤔? I’m pretty new so some who would be very useful ❤️

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Lorenzo says:

    I wonder if any Wall Street millionaire/billionaire has contacted Ross yet giving him a job offer

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Tone says:

    Ross stopped adding up his totals when he started breaking $100k+ daily. It used to be $20k in a day was a lot… now it’s like $700K per week lol

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars algotrader says:

    Thanks for giving back to the community with all of your great videos. Clearly, candlestick charts work well for you, but come you never got into TPO's? Thanks!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris says:

    I was a member of Warrior Trader for a year. But I quit trading! Just kept losing money over and over….. I lost $10,000 over the span of a year….

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