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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are Monday morning I Thought today was gonna be a slow day of trading Gap scanners. we're dead. Our biggest Gapper was my Oh gapping up only 25% didn't a gain trades on it. It faded.

We were watching a couple of sympathy plays from last week from: Friday Hea r BL NK didn't get any opportunities on them, they didn't work out and so we're sitting at like I don't know is 945 950 I hadn't taken a single trade and I wrote down I made it a calendar event on my phone I said stress-free trading because I just wanted to have a kind of low stress day I just didn't want to have another big blowout loss and then all of a sudden I am te starts to take off. This is a stock that went all the way up from was like seven to eight dollars all the way up to $40 Here we go Monday morning it squeezes from $12 up to 14 15, 16, 17, 18 and it starts to take off. I'm watching it wanting to get in but not feeling like I can manage my risk and boom Icbo XL hit the scanners sympathy momentum jumped in. at $8 it squeezes up to $9 a share and with one trade eight thousand nine hundred dollars of profit, my work is done Low stress, easy day of trading.

One trade commission's today are going to be very low compared to some of the days last week's so we'll break down all of the entries and exits on today's trade In today's midday market recap. All right everyone. So we're gonna break down the trades from this morning at today, you know, like I said earlier, this is one of those days that I thought it was. it just seemed like a very slow Monday very slow start to the week.

We didn't have a lot that really looked all that great. This morning the Gap scanner was just dead I mean there was the only thing on there was my oh and you can see I just didn't think it was gonna be worth trading and the bell rang and it just sold off. It was not strong you know and it was just kind of predictable. It just felt like pre market.

it was already breaking down and the bell rang and and it was over. So no play to the long side on my Oh Certainly some short scalp opportunities for a fade right out of the gates. If you had shares available to borrow, you know which again is can be a challenge with these but that was really the only play on that and that was pretty much you for the watch list in terms of fresh gaffers. So I was just kind of thinking you know what, this just might not be my day I had put on my calendar stress-free trading today cuz you know it's just one of these things.

I the week I mean it's a good weekend, but it was a long weekend driving down to New York City area for Mother's Day and then you know coming back up last night. it's a lot of driving and the weather was was crap. it was raining and that doesn't make the drive that any more fun. So no I was just kind of a little tired this morning and I was like you know what, just just go easy.

just get yourself green on the week, you know, have a green day and don't push it too hard So that was sort of my plan and when there was nothing on the scanners I was just thinking you know what? Today might be a day where I don't even trade and my Oh ended up being you know, just weak so that didn't work out. BL NK was on the watch list. This one was possible continuation over yesterday's high. right under the 200 moving average.
you can see that that's a big wall. it's just holding it down. Couldn't break it. No good so no opportunity on that one.

No trades har here. You know this was one that we were kind of watching, but it just it was choppy. false breakouts popping up, dropping back down, popping back up, dropping back down. It just couldn't hold that level.

So nothing on here and you know we were sitting it. What was it close to? My first trade was at nine. Let's see, let me scroll up. My first trade was at 9:57 which is kind of late from for my first trade and usually taking trays earlier than that.

and here's my my P&L for the day up. Eight thousand eight hundred ninety two dollars on a slow Monday so where did that come from? Well I am te started to take off and this one I had talked about a little bit pre market I said it's yeah it's worth watching the first day daily candle to make a new high that would be over yesterday's high of 1306 but the volume is so light pre market I just didn't think there was gonna be really anything there and it starts to take off, you see it pops up. it took 1350, drops back down to 1210 and I was like you know, kind of watching it. but I think at this point by the time it got halted, let's see where was it halted.

First it was halted and trying to remember where it was. It was halted at 1644 so that was the first halt right there. And at this point when it was halted, there was only like sixty thousand shares of volume so it was very thin. You know, yeah you could have gotten in it I guess but the spreads were big, it was very thin, just wasn't very strong.

So that haul time was at 950. And remember when this was strong last week what stock was strong with it? Two of them were Bo XL and Sei I and so I was watching both of those for sympathy momentum. This resumes it squeezes up to 19, ends up tapping out at a high of twenty one dollars and fading back down. That was up like 75 percent on a day and so while that's surging up, I switch over and I look at Bo Excel when I saw Bo, Excel was also searching up.

So right here it broke over this little pre market high of seven, forty seven and the reason I chose to trade this one is because the volume was higher and spreads were better. So I felt like I could manage my risk. so I jumped in it at eight dollars and I started adding at 790 and then added again at eight and I was on this one like I'm gonna be aggressive I MTE is squeezing up Bo XL I've already done really well on this name I know this is one that I can do well on I'm gonna be aggressive I was aiming for a twenty thousand share position and thinking potentially a dollar per share. potentially a twenty thousand dollar winner.
That was my back of the mind potential on this. So I jump in at eight dollars and then I'm trying to add is it squeezing up and it's prompting with me with my confirmations and you know I'm trying to add with my hotkeys. So I pressed shift one night press ENTER shift one and then enter and what I kept doing is I kept cancelling my confirmation. The reason I have this set up is I have a warning if my size is bigger than 15,000 shares.

so my size was bigger than 15,000 so it was triggering the morning and I was accepting it instead of overriding it. So I screwed up on that twice and then finally I was able to put out the order to try to add going up here into 850 and 872 and cannot exceed buying power I maxed out my buying power on this stock which you know that doesn't happen that much I've got a hundred and thirty three thousand dollars in this account I don't see that message very often, but today I maxed out my buying power on Bxl I couldn't go heavier. Fifteen thousand shares was a hundred and twenty thousand dollars in the stock and you know I I mean I get it I guess it happens I mean I I sort of forget how much money it is sometimes, but it's a, you know, eight nine dollar stock. It's pretty expensive.

Ten thousand shares is 80, 90 grand 20,000 shares would be one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. So I was in full size and when I was trying to add first I was getting prompted with my rejection order for Mac Mac share size and then I was getting rejected for insufficient buying power. So all of my attempts to add were rejected and so I ended up holding my core position from eight dollars all the way up to a high of 9 five. So it taps 905 and I prepared in order to sell half.

Let's see, so where was that? So I sold half right here at 899 right down to the whole dollar because I was thinking all right, you know I'll take a little bit of profit so I put out the order there I guess it $7.99 or $8.99 and then actually no, it looks like I I tried to see I was kind of having an issue this morning. my hotkeys looks like I actually put the order out to sell the whole thing I was trying to just sell half so I put the order out to sell the whole thing I filled six thousand shares it comes down and then I tried to sell more at 901 881, 853, 830 and I ended up selling the rest at 780. This one was pretty disappointing because even though I MTE at 1004, you know I am te at that point was still squeezing up all the way to ten. Oh right, around Ten ten, you know Excel just kind of ran out of strength.

it just kind of slowed down. it dropped all the way back down here to a low of 756 and then it popped back up to 865. And that right there is why I usually try to sell in two pops rather than in two drops because that right there is almost I mean that's almost a $1 bounce off the low The 3000 shares I sold at 780 I was selling it there because I was worried this was gonna halt going back down and then open lower. So I was trying to manage my risk there and just get out of the trade.
In hindsight, I could have waited for it to bounce back up, but I don't usually like going from that green to red so I just sort of bailing out on the rest. Unfortunately, it didn't. This one didn't hold up very well I still keep it on watch over 850. It's definitely interesting there.

You can see it's holding up pretty well. I MTE at the moment is curling up a little bit so both of these are sort of set up for potential second moves. You know this is a tempting setup. The problem is that this your your stop is down here at 8:15 kind of the low of the last 5-minute candle.

so you know your risk is 35 cents. That means your profit target needs to like 70 cents. Which means it needs to break that level and go through the highs. So here we go: 850 by 860 just watch it from the sidelines.

My concern is that we've been seeing some false breakouts where it will hit a high like this and then drops back down. So we saw I think was at 43. There for a second high is 863. Now it's a 41 842 and you can see 27 is down here.

so if it breaks 840 to 840, it could go back down to the 20s pretty quickly. This right now is looking like it might be a false breakout, and given the fact that it's like 11:00 a.m. a false breakout wouldn't be that surprising. It also may be one that kind of is just a little bit choppy.

It grinds up a little bit before it really starts to open up and those can be a little bit difficult to trade as well. So anyways, today's a day where I didn't really push it too hard I took one trade one entry. Well, I was trying to add, but you know one trade one, you know one winner and I'm okay with that. Eight thousand, eight hundred, ninety-two dollars.

That's a good rebound from a couple of red days at the end of last week and you know, hopefully we start to see a little bit more. You know, a little bit more recovery on some of these small caps. The last few days were really slow and today was slow also. except for I Am Te and Bo XL, those are the only two that were really that were really all that strong.

So anyways, yeah, today's a Green Day and I needed this. so back in the saddle here. Monday morning. where's my calendar and it? and then markdown today's trades and yeah, feel good about that Good strong start to the week.

So eight thousand, eight hundred, ninety Two dollars and fifty seven cents. Yeah, when you trade a big size, the winners are big. The losers are big as well. I had a ten thousand dollar loss last week so you know this is just kind of helping me get out of that hole and I'll be back out of it before you know it in fact, to all highs on the year.
So let's see right now I'm sitting on the month at let me see. Um, did you scroll down Alright, sitting at sixty-two thousand dollars on the month so are thousand dollar month is not out of out of reach. but I'm not sure that's gonna happen. it might.

This might just be like a seventy-five eighty thousand dollar month if it, you know, finishes in good shape, so that's okay. That's still really, really awesome. I'd be really happy with that and you know we'll just keep stacking up those profits. Alright, so that's it for me today.

I Hope you guys have a great afternoon only. Back at it first thing tomorrow morning. Same routine 9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis you guys watching on YouTube Facebook I Love for you guys to give us a thumbs up. If you enjoy these videos, subscribe to the channel.

see more videos, like it and leave comments below. We'll come back and answer all of them later this afternoon. Alright everyone, I'll see you all first thing tomorrow morning. If you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video.

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31 thoughts on “Rebound day!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars \ [T] / says:

    Why was this recommended to me today?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BruhNoobyFan says:

    So true

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spiritual Warrior says:

    U r always talking about u made this n that but wat about the people who r broke or stuck in a 9_5 job question is can u make me $$$ $$$$$$$$$*

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Young Lo tv says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Pham says:

    If you did you wouldn’t be on YouTube .. lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Milkshake Nugget says:

    Those are good trees.. Trees are good for the environment. Squirrels like trees. Squirrels are good.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moo Day says:

    Good 👍👍😘

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael James Fossitt says:

    How do taxes work with trading?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars azxo says:

    I got $50 for Christmas 😳
    You getting like 10k a day

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brennan Boyer says:

    Nice hair line bro

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Herbert says:

    Don’t know what any of this shit is

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lane Tilmon says:

    Sides, panels, control shift, slides. If only I knew what you were talking about when you say a bunch of these terms.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey King says:

    Must be nice to have someone to love

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xX_pcgamer_Xx says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Insta_Pie says:

    That background is so beautiful

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rockoutmarco says:

    These thumbnails look better than pewdiepies🤙🏽👌🏽👌🏽🤟🏼😂😂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MIIC4H says:

    Meme alert

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mike Scarborough says:

    Stock trading must be an American thing.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Palmer says:

    I don’t know anything about this, but you’re producing some great vibes. Thank you for being in my feed somehow. Wherever you are looks relaxing lol

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jimJim - says:

    Who else understands nothing lul

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Granger says:

    Hey Ross – That is a nice flying side kick on the cover photo for this Midday Market Recap video. Are you a student of the Martial Arts? I have studied Isshin Kempo for many years.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vaughn Precision says:

    I’m still thinking MYO will make a run. I’ve got about 500 shares now and I’ll keep an eye on it. I’ll buy more if the price is right.! What are your thoughts on MYO at this point.?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradeMoore Network says:

    Another good one!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jones says:

    If you're going bald, keep your hair short. I think it would look pretty cool with the beard.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Educated Shows says:

    At the beginning of the video you can clearly tell he’s high

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Owen Jeremy says:

    The Jedi Trader strikes back 😀

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rosetta Bryson says:

    Congrats Ross! Well deserved!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TRY to HELP you says:

    your shirt is perfect!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melbourne Shorts says:

    dig the shirt man

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark verberne says:

    Why attack the tree? You are better than this Ross.

    The tree treats you with beautiful blossom and scent. And there you go flying kick the b*tch.
    You are Evil mate!

    Ps job well done!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adebayo Oladipo says:

    TEVA made my day though…

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