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Hey hey, what's up my friend, so in today's episode right you will discover the true friend about trading. Most gurus! Don't want you to know because it's it's bad for business right. So let me share with you a few truths about trading. Then you might not be aware number one trading is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it is a get rich slow scheme.

Let me repeat: right trading is a get rich, slow scheme, and why do I say that? Because if you understand right, the teachings from some of the smartest, the richest people in this world, like, for example, warren buffett, here's what is here is it. My wealth has come from a combination of living in america, some lucky genes and compound interests. What's he trying to say he said yes, he's lucky to be born in america and in this day and age, but compound interest right plays a huge pan right to where he is right now, because his returns has compound over like what, over the last 50 years At 20 % a year, that's where he made his billions by compounding how about Albert Einstein. He said that compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.

He who understands it and he who doesn't pays it. You know one of the smartest guy in the world. Again, talking about compound interest and the thing about compound interest, is it takes time you can't compound your returns right over week over money? It will be nothing significant, but when you compound it over years over the decades, that is where the magic happens. So that's a fundamental truth about trading.

It is it's a get rich, slow skin. If you wan na make serious money in trading, it's a garish, slow scheme. If you're looking at this as a garish quick scheme, then guess what you are the scheme? Okay? So that's a first truth. Second, one in trading, you need money to make money in trading.

You can, you know, expect to make money or serious money with a thousand dollars account or five thousand dollars account. Yes, you can, you know double it triple it, but there's a huge crease you're going to lose everything and more and again, this kind of brings you back the earlier to compound interest. When you compound your account, that's where your money gets larger and larger. Let's say you do 20 % a year on a thousand dollars account.

That's like 200 bucks, but if you have a million account that 20 % is not worth two hundred thousand and when you keep compounding your returns right in your trading, account gets larger and larger. That's where your reasons gets larger and larger, and this is why the second point I see is that you need money to make money in treating okay. There is no shortcuts. There is no a special leverage.

You know one to five hundred one to one thousand right where you can make and a huge amount of money quickly. Yes, you can, but you will have a high risk of losing it all as well number three right, even if you've made it as a profitable trader. You are still working on your game consistently. I can guarantee you this year, I'm the best traders are there or other traders who are consistently profitable.
They are not satisfied with the status code. They wouldn't just you know, remain stagnant. The way it is they are always constantly researching, right, refining, their age learning. New trading strategies that they can add um right to complement their existing strategies.

They're always constantly trying to you, know improve the mental strength to create a larger account. All this all going on behind the scenes and there's always work to do even though you're already a consistently profitable trader right. You won't just you know. Oh let's go by the beach.

You know, let's see some pina colada all right. Let's see no go, you know surfing, you know. Let trip by the laptop by the pool and all life is good. No, that's uh! That's really not how professional traders do it.

If you are serious in this business right, the learning continues. The research continues. Yes, you have time to relax to enjoy right, but you're still in this trading business right, your heart and soul - is still 100 % in it right there is no, you know. Oh I've made it.

Let me go and enjoy, and you know trading is just a passive thing. Now it's a passive income, there's nothing passive about trading. It's very active not physically, where you're doing your lifting with and stuff like that in terms of the mindset, it's very active and number four in training right, whether is it stop trading forex trading options, trading, futures trading - there is no guarantee in trading. No one can guarantee that you will be a profitable trader after one year.

No one can guarantee that after taking XYZ cause, you can make money within the late six months. No one, absolutely no one, no matter how good the track record is. Let me share with you an example all right back in my prop trading days. I would say this is about 2007-2008 era, most of the prop traders.

Back then, in my industry they were trained in any key futures and Nikkei futures is traded across four different exchanges. You know Singapore Exchange and the Osaka exchange anyone on a CM e right and there's a be tragic opportunities, because when there are four different contracts being traded right, yeah value must be the same right. If not, there is opportunity to arbitrage and in those days and hid, l go isn't as fast back then so human can pretty much. You know I'll be trashed and make a contract we can buy, low, sell, high, buy low, sell high and make you know six figure, seven figures a year and many of them think that you know this would go on forever and they spend money.

Like you know drinking water, i you know to just go out to a bar for one night, you know five he goes bill. That's it at the bar next day could take a break to trade, because where we were and writing a trading okay below is just a slew of bars all over there and here's the thing right after one or two years, this age slowly got eroded by trading. Elbows, the high-frequency traders, this age is no more meaning the inefficiencies in the in the K market started to deteriorate, and today, if you ask me right those traders that used to make six-figure several figures - ninety nine percent of them - they are no longer around some of Them are driving cap, some of them have either trade a different methodology or move on altogether right. So there's really no guarantee in trading, no matter how much money! If me, how confident you think you are, you know, there's no guarantee right and that's the truth about it.
You have to constantly work at your game to adapt to the times improve your trading, learn new trading methodologies, strategies and techniques right, so that this way, when one strategy is not working or stop working for a period of time, you have something else to compliment right. Your portfolio right, so this way you don't just be laying one strategy, but you have multi pull strategy, so I did you can train at any one time and that you know, improves your your equity curve, it's smooth and it up over the long run and finally, Right, the last thing I want to talk about is it: how do you actually quicken this process? How do you quickly go from you know, breakeven or losing trader to becoming a profitable trader? Okay, so here's the truth. The truth is, there's no shortcut right so by there are few things that you can do number one embrace compounding. This is something that many retail traders just don't believe in.

They just want it first. They wanted by this weekend this month over the next three months. They want results up just like that, but guess what? If you want fast results, you probably get no results embrace compounding right. Some of the smartest people in the world reaches one.

They tell you ready. The secret is compounding compound interests embrace it. If you want something fast, if you are in oh one thing to have instant gratification, then really trading is probably the wrong and Evo is definitely the wrong and evil for you right so embrace compound interest embrace compounding and compounding doesn't mean just in terms of money. Could be compounding in terms of your fitness, it can be compounding in terms of gaining new knowledge.

Imagine if you just know you gain 1 % new knowledge each day area of the year. How much would you have learnt if you just do 10 push-ups and they at the end of the year, how many pushups would you have done? How much different your body on me so compounding is not just about money. It's about everything around you right! Your work attitude, your mindset, your fitness, everything second thing you can do is add Funds regularly to your trading account. Okay, as I mentioned earlier, the more money you manage, the more money you trade, the more money you can make.
So you know if you are working at a full-time job, you have certain savings right and you're. Confident of your trading ability. Add funds to your trading account over time, maybe every once a year twice a year whenever you deem fit right. If you add funds to your account regularly over time, you can, you know, treat more money and make more money.

And finally, the last thing is this: one: here, don't reinvent, don't reinvent the wheel, especially when you are new to trading, especially when you don't have an itch yet right, just follow what's been proven already from you know, practitioners from people who have you know done academic Research, like you know, for example, stop trading right. Momentum is a phenomenon that clearly works in the stock markets. Why do you wan na fight against just follow it trade with momentum, okay and train following right? It is proven to work right writing trends across two different markets, whether it's a Forex futures, etc is proven to learn. It don't reinvent the wheel once you have consistent profitability once you have rich competency, then, yes, you can start tweaking and reinventing the wheel, but when you are still understand right, take something that's really proven to work and get to that stage.

Making work for yourself from then on, then you can tweak and improve on things, but don't try to reinvent the wheel from the start. It will only hamper your own learning curve. You will only know take your longer right to get the results that you want. Okay, so well, that's it.

I hope you know you got value out of it. I wish you good luck and good trading. I will talk usin, you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Real truth about forex trading most gurus don’t want you to know”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simelisipho Mncube says:

    Can you live off Forex trading alone with no other source of income

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ernie Porras Jr. says:

    Your so amazing Rayner, I have learned a lot from you when in comes in trading. I hope that 10 or more years from now I see myself to be like what are you doing now, helping and sharing what I am capable to share for free in this business. Thank you a lot. God Bless!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al James Alorro says:

    Im really hopeful that in the future i would have the chance to meet you and thank you in person. I learned a lot from you. Thank you my friend!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bluestrings says:

    Rayner… good looking out dawg! I been moving up slowly but surely with the help from all your videos! I`ll just call you friend from now on, k. 🙂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elmnopen says:

    Compounding interest requires investing regularly. You don't just make money on the interest. I make 20% of my total amount in one day. When you make it in one year that's marohnic. The only people who benefit from compound interest are rich people who can put a lot of money into it every month.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kameron kumar says:

    i love your videos so much and your intro hahahah, keep up the good work bro!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The End Times Market Prediction says:

    Those who make it already retired . This is a jungle . The longer you stay ,the chance of getting killed by another trade is higher

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M B R says:

    On 05 June i was buy 10000 tip of euro nzd and euro go to down i lost more Much Money because nzd go up
    I don't know about market on Monday 8 June

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zdeněk Skrášek says:

    Oh goš" I rly love this guys.. and admire very very much.. your parents I hope are very pride of what you doing and how you live your life and what you shine from whithin! God bless you <3 (heavy heavy value! in all your videos)

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lwiindi M says:

    If it’s there it’s there if it’s not move on

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manikandan G says:

    Moving average intraday trading . Which is best result SMA,EMA,WMA.please advice

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Tarasiewicz says:

    Hey rayner can you do a video strictly on how to trade bitcoin during the day or even swing trading techniques ? what works best with bitcoin vs forex ?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M DL says:

    I just don't get it. When I look at this guys intros and website everything of it screams scammer to me, from the way the title say what x doesn't want you to know to the facebook posts praising him on his website to even all the comments praising him and subtly implying he's one of the few if not the only not scammer out there. Yet when I try to apply the things I learn here to trading I make profits? (I believe it should be noted that until now I only used demo accounts and never had any trading experience whatsoever so everything I do is completely based on what I learned from Rayner.)

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Atwood says:

    The "Real Truth" the gurus don't want you to know is that they make more money selling courses teaching people to trade than they do actually trading.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Ng says:

    Never failed to make me laugh everytime rayner said..
    Rayner: *Sarcastically* Slurrpp, Pina Colada

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lil Pump says:

    hello Rayner, can you recommend us a reliable broker in forex…thanks a lot

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Jobes says:

    Another great vid rayner, just commenting for the algorithm.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trong Do says:

    hi everyone, this question come across my mind, is when you buy the candle is going down and when you sell the price going up, pls help me

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BA Velox says:

    I love that you spelt ‘compund’ as you pronounce it! 👍😁

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PipsNerd says:

    Hello Rayner could u do a clip on Ctrader compared to MT4 when u have time please if possible

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gopalakrishnan Balraj says:

    I have subscribed to many people but never got interest to watch how I watch your videos.. Truly you are so good…

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daniel chan says:

    Rayner is the real superman amongst alot of other faux heroes today. He gets real. He gets to the bone of it all.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AlexYenom305 says:

    Hi Rayner, I have heard many different figures but would love your take on this. I know it can vary widely, but what can an experienced retail trader reasonably expect to make taking 1% risk per trade? 20% annual is stated in your videos, but is for example 50%-100% annual ludicrous?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K-Math says:

    Good stuff Rayner, always informative and a blessing to listen to you bro

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Humberto Montenegro says:

    One of the best ways to improve your trading is watching Rayner videos. Every content is amazing.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amos Fernandes says:

    Watched a lot of guys like you. You are by far the best. No ego just straight talk. Keep it up

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Rivera says:

    I agree it will take time to gain wealth, but to say with a $1000 you can only gain 20% that’s not true, well maybe with the average invested but if you learn the fundamentals and know basics on buying and selling dips you should be able to double in a years time, I have done it myself, I had investing in Ford and DBI during the pandemic at there Lows ford being worth 5.28 and dbi at 6.30 within 2 months I had profited 50% gain over $600 with just a little over 1000 account. So it’s definitely possible just gotta be smart and put the work in

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Lorentsen says:

    These advices are not only good for trading, but for how you go about living your life. Thanks

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ratnesh Kumar Upadhyay says:

    hey hey whats up my friend Rayner……. A SIMPLE QUERY – – – – – – in your videos when you refer to moving averages, do you mean simple moving averages or exponential MAs? pls be kind enough to clarify….thanks and be well

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