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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, everyone? All right? Well here we are. Monday morning, first day of the new Month, and what a slow morning it's been. We haven't had any parabolic momentum. There's been no banana squeezes, nothing, it's just been slow.

So I traded three different stocks. I did get green on all three, but I also gave back half my profit. so I hit my high water mark and then gave back half And that's kind of my cue to throw in the towel and walk away. Better green than to keep kind of fighting it.

and Chase didn't get back to where I was at and then end up losing more and potentially going red on the day. That's not worth it. So writing's on the wall. Two leading gappers? Uh, well.

the leading gapper really wasn't a very a very strong performer. out of the gates, ended up actually halting down, so that wasn't great. The sort of continuation setup that we had off the continuation scan Rdbx provide some opportunities. It provided the most opportunities, but was also very choppy with one halt down and just I think it might have had one hauled up too.

Or yeah, was it a hauled up? Yeah, it was. So just overall. I mean a big range before going hauled down to hauled up. Super choppy.

Not what I was hoping for, you know. But I have to check my expectations kind of at the door because I'll just get what the market's willing to give. And today, we didn't have any huge gappers. We didn't have any, you know, big big news or big momentum.

And so I did the best I could. And you know, small green day. That's it. So all right, well shut it down, live to trade another day, and I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning and hope that tomorrow maybe we have a little more action I can guarantee at some point during the month of May, at some point, whether it's this week or next week or the week after, at some point there will be some really nice opportunities.

And so the question is, when those finally come along, Are they going to be digging me out of the hole that I've dug during choppy Cold markets? Or will they be simply adding profit to the month? So my goal is that they're adding profit to the month, And that means when it's a little slower, I take the small base hits, get green, get out, and wait for things to improve on the other side of this sort of little cool choppy cold stretch. All right, So that's it for me. I hope you guys enjoy the recap. As always.

I appreciate you hitting the thumbs up and being subscribed to the Warrior channel of course here on Youtube. Join me tomorrow Morning Live right around 9 00 Am for the morning show. June knows that I'm finished with work so she's like all right game time. Let's go outside and play all right, So that's it for me.

I hope you guys have a great rest of the day and remember, as always, trading is risky. My results are not typical and most beginner traders lose money. so do yourself a favor and trade in a simulator before you put real money on the line. A reminder we make no guarantee you'll find success as a trader.
Whether you're a student, you're out there on Youtube. There are no guarantees, so trade very cautiously. Okay, so it's about 11 o'clock and overall today is a very kind of like non-event day, just nothing really happened. Uh, it was just really slow.

So kind of surprising because it's Monday at the beginning of the new week. I sort of thought we would have a little more opportunity, but our leading gapper sound this one was a recent special acquisition company merged value ten dollars. Now it's moved up a little bit but three red candles in a row and actually halted going down three times in a row this morning from 12 all the way to 8.50 It did bounce, but I wasn't interested in trying to catch a bounce on it. The only trade that I took was actually right in this area here right here as it broke over 12 up to a high of 1250.

I saw it, you know, pop back up over the volume weight average price early this morning, but I didn't trust it and a good thing because that just sold off right into the open so only made 600 bucks on this one. I just wasn't really feeling it. And it's kind of disappointing that it halted three times in a row going down because it was our leading gapper. So that certainly sets the tone for the day.

And our second leading gapper was Bttx Bttx 1.17 just you know. popped up a little bit but sold off Too cheap, no interest, no trades, aprn floats a little higher. At 30 million shares, it is easy to borrow. this one's been holding up, but going into the open wasn't really that clean.

so no trades on this one. Uh, and then Rdbx was actually only gapping up 14. but this is the one that I traded the most and I just sort of like churned commissions on it. You know, I made a little money on it pre-market it was around this area in here.

I think it was, um, at the open it squeezed up, you know, had a nice little pop, then a dip trade off of 691. it pops back up, hits a high of 779, flushes and halts down and then rallies all the way back up. and I started. um, you know, getting kind of active on it as it was, uh, rallying back up.

I had a nice trade at Nine Dollars, Uh, but well, so here's the problem. I uh as I traded it as it came back up. I had a trade up here. where at by this point I was up six thousand dollars on the day and then I took a trade here for the breakthrough.

Nine stopped out and lost three grand so I was up only three thousand and then I got back in in this area here and we got profit on the move up to 10 was back to up 7 000 and then I added back right in here. let's see right in this area and sold as a sold you know pulled back again and so I just could not get in the zone on it. I just didn't make d I made 2 000 bucks. I mean I'm it just was like nothing.

I could not get a good trade on it so it was just. you know the way it goes sometimes with some stocks. Part of that is probably because it's like the third or fourth green day in a row. It's had this kind of big move up.
today was extended. really no substantial news, so it's up 43 still. but I don't know. I would love to see it open up a little bit more, but given the condition the overall market overall market's been pretty weak today.

sold off in the open, you know, rally back up a bit. but coming back down now so you know I I don't feel too bad. I guess that we didn't have too much opportunity today. I'm glad that I'm green.

not by a lot, but You know I, am green. I would have much preferred to finish up five, six, or seven thousand, but 38 is better than red. Of course, that's a good day. It's just kind of a bummer that we didn't have anything really like solid to get May off to a good start.

You know? And it's just there's That's the whole thing with trading. There's nothing you can do. Some days it's going to be hot, some days it's going to be cold and so you come in to do the best you can. I think I'm sort of like excited, fired up.

It's Monday, I'm ready to hit the ground running and so to come in and then just have nothing feels kind of like, just a little disappointing. But you know again, that's better to just live with that disappointment than start taking some emotionally impulsive trades because you're feeling a little antsy to get a good trade. And you know sound. You know I mean this thing I how I just don't know how to trade it when you have three halts in a row going down.

I mean, yeah, I see it coming back up here, breaking back through the volume, weight, average price. But you know, prove to me that you can actually be strong. And that means breaking cleanly through 1250 and then probably 1546 because what it keeps doing is it keeps popping up and selling off. So this would be right on time here for it to start to sell off because it's coming probably close to uh, Resistance in this area, right? So I would probably say that who knows.

maybe maybe this will be the one that goes. but it seems like it's coming right into Resistance there. The halt level is at 1094. So in any case, like I said, some days it's hot.

Some days it's cold. Today was pretty cold. Overall, market was fairly cold, so no real surprise there. Very unlikely that today would be a day where I'd have any big gains at this point.

So since it's 11 A.m and I have given back half of my profit from being up a little over 7 000 to up 3 800., it's better to walk away with 3 800 real money in my pocket than to throw that away too. you know, I probably overstayed my welcome as it is so better just to shut it down and be green and start the month with a small green day. That's that's all it is. It's a small base and a small green day.

I was coming in hoping for a little more, but the market didn't want to give it. So uh, I'll take. I'll take what I can get. No reason to get stubborn today.
just take what I can get. Come back tomorrow. and maybe tomorrow we have some better opportunities. I kept kind of.

I stayed a little longer today, holding out hope that maybe out of the choppiness of the morning one would emerge strong and give us some really good action. but you know it just hasn't really happened. So anyways, that's today. It's Monday.

First day, First trading day for the new month and just locking it up. Here is a small green day and we'll be back at it first thing, uh, tomorrow morning as always. All right. So that's the game plan.

Uh, warrior students? Yep, I'll give you the breakdown for mentor session schedule in just a second. but uh, for those that tuned in for the recap. Thank you guys As always and uh, feel free to check out my video. I'll post it Um, right up here in the top corner.

April month in review live on Youtube. Finished April with uh, just over 100 thousand dollars profit? Uh, which you know. Twenty trading days that's five thousand dollars per day average. So today I'm only twelve hundred dollars off.

Uh, what? I would need to do that again in May. So keep it in perspective. You know, 3800 might not feel like a lot, but if I was doing that consistently, that'd be a pretty solid, pretty solid month, all things considered. So, uh, reminders, always.

Trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money. My results are not typical, so I encourage you to take it slow. Trade a simulator before you put real money on the line and remind you there is no guarantee you'll find success.

Whether you're a student or you're someone just watching on Youtube, or you're just out there on your own, there's no guarantee for success. so take it very slow.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

15 thoughts on “Rdbx 44% day trading recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emily Stewart .J says:

    I actually agree with all comments here. All points are valid.
    Buying and selling of stocks is easy. Tough is to hold the quality stocks. There are few gems in the world who held their stocks (after deep research) for years and sometime for decades.Anyway, I’m still increasing my stock share of portfolio with Braden. And if I can ride that dip also, even better, you can do better

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tree Frogs says:

    Redbox is really good I took two trade on two different stock the reason why I took the trade I was waiting for the halt on the downside to travel really fast I was waiting down at the bottom for the bounce when you have a momentum on the downside short sellers cover really fast pushing the stock on the upside it's one of my favorite play when your stock is selling off and being halted down the momentum get even faster to the downside waiting for the signal to getting for the upside 5 minutes 50 period moving average the other stock was the same it went from $12.77 all the way down to $8.10 also had a halt I know the short sale are going to cover the stock with high momentum to the upside measuring the 50% retracement I do not get in a trade unless I have the 50% retracement very important to me it is a major structure for me looking at the body on the wick on the candle to determine my support and my 50% retracement on the banks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martinez Nickson says:

    $SKYH tothemoon this week

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larissa Pekol says:

    Ross, nice work pulling those trades out of the slow market day!!! Really appreciate your example of good patience, discipline and waiting for better trading days ahead. ☺️

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars electroboy says:

    does sma, ema, vwap lines work on seconds chart or only 5min+ chart?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheUboni says:

    Man, lots of recaps lately. Thanks for the updates for the youtube folks.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amelia Evie says:

    Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Burgin says:

    Ross I would love if you did a video on your favorite times to enter. You’re the best man

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mrs. Patrice Whyte says:

    It’s 1:33 pm and Rdbx is up73% …

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kain Thomas says:

    Hi brother. Can we talk about the overall market. The trillions of dollars printed. Interest rates. And what is going on with mortgage rates. Thanks 💚

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beyond Artists says:

    RDBX $15,000 profit. Patience pays off

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bradley Troche says:

    Scalping is the best take your money when the profit it’s there then wait a low in that same stock buy then wait the high

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S Drums1993 says:

    Thoughts on $SOS?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quincy Jackson says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pedro De Sousa says:

    Very slow morning 😒

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