Proven Plays For Breakthrough Results Part 1
What does it take to be a great agent? More often than not, it’s running proven plays with that work.
This week on the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience, some of our coaches and clients joined me to share their best ideas to help you make more money, sell more houses, get more customer satisfaction, get more joy from your business and ultimately achieve the kind of breakthrough results you want.
In part 1 of this episode, you’ll hear from Carrie Craig, Robert Mack, Keri Emery and even more of our incredible coaches. Get their strategies for roleplay, case studies and relationship building and more!
In this episode:
00:00- Intro
00:35- Carrie Craig intro
01:06- Why roleplay is life changing
02:24- Open House Roleplay
09:01- Roleplay reflection
10:29- Carrie’s script tips
11:57- Your tone is key
12:34- Make them want to talk to you
14:13- Robert Mack intro
14:46- How case studies elevate your listing presentations
17:05- Who’s attracted to case studies?
18:30- Case study breakdown
21:57- Is prepping a home worth it?
25:46- Robert’s marketing strategy
29:42- Keri Emery intro
31:21- Why relationships matter
32:44- How to connect
36:02- Ask: “How much time do you spend looking for a home?”
37:03- Remembering client details
39:37- Building relationships with agents
43:31- What actions are you going to take?
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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Hey guys welcome back to the podcast, i have so much fun playing peter day. I've got all these amazing coaches and rockstar real estate professionals standing right over here, one at a time. We're gon na hear their very best idea to help you make even more money, sell more houses, get more customer satisfaction, get more joy from your business and ultimately achieve the kind of breakthrough results. You want that's why you're listening to this podcast, so, let's bring up our first guest and by the way this is going to get a little zany.

Just in case you in case you're wondering kerry. Craig come on up here. What's up so coach carey, craig, also selling real estate in north orange county, california kerry very quickly? How long have you been on real estate uh 34 years 34 years? And how long have you been coaching now over 25 years over 25 years, so we both started together when we were babies exactly exactly so, are you going to talk about uh, your business? Are you going to talk about something that you're doing with your clients? I'm going to talk about both awesome, so i'm talking about what's changed my life as a realtor and also helped me as a coach change your life as a real estate, all right so carry fire away. Let's hear what's your best idea, my best idea is role-playing and i know that's old school and nobody likes to hear it and nobody wants to talk about it, but it's the number one way that it will change your life once you learn what to say to People, okay, so tell me why: why does that change my life um? I when i first started in the business i was like well, what do i say if i just knew what to say? I know that i could make this happen.

I knew i could do this job if i just know what to say and when you did the productivity schools many many years ago, i was there with all of those, and i learned what to say and i knew how to respond to people. I knew what to say, and it really it changed my life so now as being a coach, if i always tell my clients, if there's one thing, i could just bonk you on the head and give you it would be what to say to these people and In working with people and in coaching for so many years, i do a lot of role playing on. My coaching calls and i hear from my clients all the time and the coaching clients will say. I heard you in the back of my mind, saying this and therefore i was able to get them to sign the contract.

I was able to do you know whatever it was that they wanted to accomplish, whether it be at an open house whether it's asking the client to sign the contract at a listing appointment whatever but they're hearing it, and it's all comes from role-playing. It's just practice. Practice practice confidence gives people confidence. So are we going to role play right now sure? So so, let's, let's grab some of your role play with who wants to role play? I didn't just okay, matt you're up, let's go, ladies and gentlemen.

The brit bear all right. Tucson arizona in the house all right so you're role-playing, i'm observing so give us the scenario. What are we going to role player um? So we can role-play coming into an open house, because i think nowadays, things are opening up again we're starting to have open houses. If you do an open house right, it can be very, very successful, so tom talks about doing mega open houses, which is something i highly recommend.
I personally have had a lot of success with them, so i've mailed postcards out to the neighborhood, i'm inviting all the neighbors to come into. My open house and matt comes walking in my open house. So the first thing i say to him is hi. My name is carrie.

Are you out looking at open houses today or do you live in the neighborhood? No, i actually live in the neighborhood. You live in the neighborhood. Great. Are you thinking about selling? Are you just looking for decorating tips? Well, decorating tips, firstly um, but i'd also be interested to know what this house is selling for.

Okay, so did you receive my postcard? I did actually yes, okay good, so the property is listed for eight hundred thousand okay, okay, so come in and take a look around and then come back, and let me know how this house compares to your house. Okay, okay, sounds great perfect, so that's the trick. I give them a job to do, love them, and then he comes back around the opening line again like like it was so like. Dr, are you just like? Are you shopping? What was the line again? Are you sure, are you out looking at open houses today or do you live in the neighborhood, and why do you ask that? Because, if they're out looking at open houses, then the line for that one is you're out, looking open house is great um.

Did you find us online or did you uh see the signs? Okay? So let's hear that version so, okay, so i know i'm i'm. You know i'm out looking at open house, no, no! No! I'm driving around spending the day looking at open houses. Okay, great so did you see the signs or did you find us online uh? We found you online. You found me online okay, great, so you already pretty much know about the house.

Then right, correct, okay, great, come in, take a look around and then come back to me and let me know what you think about it or i'll give you a job to do, come and take a look around. They just redid the backyard. It is just fabulous. Go take a look at it and then come back and let me know what you think: okay, okay sounds great great.

So now either way. Let's have him come back, but let's be the neighbor, so you're the neighbor. He just came back and he took a look. What do you do next so tell me: how does that? How does this house compare to yours uh, it's very similar.

You know, we've got a couple of upgrades in the bathrooms that they don't have and our backyard's actually a little bigger. Okay, great! Is it the same floor plan as this? Yes, it is yeah, it is okay, perfect, so you've got a few more upgrades. So then you think this is listed at 800. Your house might be worth a little bit more i'd like to think so like.
Of course, we all like to think that right, absolutely exactly so, are you guys thinking about making a move uh? We weren't you weren't, we weren't. Would you like to the fact that my wife's still in the backyard states that we may be selling soon? Oh okay? Great okay, great so you're thinking about when you sell your home, then where do you want to move to uh we'd like to stay in the area but we'd actually like to downsize? If anything, okay, so you've got a bigger house now, and you want to get something smaller, it's too big for us too big for you guys and ideally how soon would you like to be in that smaller home again, that all depends on what my wife says: Okay, great me, maybe 12 months, her, maybe two weeks, okay great so it sounds like i need to be talking to your wife. Is that right? That is absolutely cool. You actually say that yeah.

Why wouldn't you? Why would you such a great line yeah? So it sounds like i need to be talking to your wife, bring the wife in carrie hi. There grab the microphone all right get in there, i'm out of here husband and wife. Here we go hi there hi hi carrie. My name is carrie too.

Isn't that a cool accident exactly exactly cut from the same mold? I guess huh. So i was just talking to your husband and he said that you guys were possibly thinking about making a move, but it sounds like you're. The decision maker in the family is that right, yeah yeah hold on hold on happy wife, happy life. I was just going to say that exactly what's going to happen, the entire time during this podcast right, i was just going to say that happy, wife, happy life, which is great so now that you've seen this house i was talking to maddie, said you guys have The same floor plan as this yeah, but you guys have a few more upgrades - is that right we have a few more upgrades but uh, just like you said we really want to kind of want to downsize.

I mean the kids are gone and the the house is just too big for us, but we love the area. I love the neighborhood, okay, great, very, very good. So when would you ideally like to be in a smaller home? Well, you tell me, i mean, as does the market tend to slow down this time of year, or should we wait until the spring, because we've always heard spring is the best time to sell spring? Is the best time to sell, but it's also can be a little more challenging to buy during that time, so, whatever market you sell in is going to be the market that you buy in okay. Well, that makes sense: okay, uh.

What about um? What what all services do you offer? I mean, do you offer you know what what would you do? I have a full range of services that i offer. What we need to do is sit down and have an appointment set, an appointment, okay, okay yeah. That sounds good, so today is sunday. I could come by tomorrow, night monday night, around six or seven o'clock, which would work best for you.
Uh monday monday at seven o'clock, would be great monday at seven o'clock, okay, great and so then i would get a little bit more so he's my mata said that you went through and you updated your bathrooms. Do you have what other upgrades have you guys done? Uh well, we've landscaped the backyard really nicely and uh the um front yard uh fresh paint all the way around on the on the exterior and um bathroom upgrades and new flooring upstairs great. So it sounds like you guys, have really got your house dialed in and ready to sell that right. Absolutely, it would show like a model.

Oh perfect, oh good! I can't wait to see it then. So just out of curiosity's sake is when, when i come out and we meet and what i say makes sense and you feel comfortable and confident that i can sell your home. Are you guys going to be ready to and actually if i can, even set up a timeline on how we can get your home sold? I should probably tell you my husband's really cheap, and you should know that going into it just so, you know how to deal with him, okay, which i you know, and i appreciate your honesty - was that your alter ego by the way. I appreciate your honesty.

That's okay, matt, you know matt, you could stay in the other room, we'll just have the appointment, it'll be a girl appointment, okay, exactly and we'll just have you come in and sign the paperwork when we need it? Okay, exactly! Okay, great! So i'm glad you told me that i can bring a lot of information just to show you exactly how i'm going to be able to get your top dollar for your home. Well, we know that homes are selling for a way over asking price. So we would really like to start out to you know at the top of the price range. So we can uh.

You know, get the most amount of money for our house and i can appreciate that and there's a couple different ways to look at that. But when i come and meet you on monday night at six o'clock, we'll go through all of that stuff, and i could just really give you the selling strategy on how you can get top dollar in this market. But, more importantly, get the terms that you want. Okay, yes, and especially since you're gon na, have to buy something else.

We're really going to need to look at the terms what the buyer is going to be coming in over to help you guys out, then: okay, okay, excellent, yeah, you're, really good. Okay! So so matt come back over here and carrie stay here. So you know obviously we're talking about role play right, right and yeah. Here comes the cheap husband by the way brought to you by jill biggs.

So so how did you both? I mean you. Obviously you know you guys are both amazing agents. You've been doing this for a long time. You understand the power of knowing what to say being in the position of the potential seller, the you know the neighbor.
How did you feel with the questions she was asking? Did it feel abrupt at all? Did it feel scripted like just give us your honest feedback? Oh no, i think i mean especially when you're meeting a perfect stranger at an open house. I mean she's. Her questions were exactly the questions she needs to ask to get the right answers and i didn't feel like she was pushy at all, so uh, uh and, and she was kind of diverting any type of confrontational type of of conversation, uh and saving that for the In-Person appointment, i think that was that was super good yeah yeah. Now what about you? The end of the mic? Yeah the whole um yeah there we go see um, the the you know, the first couple of questions.

Just so you understand where you stand with this person, you know, are you looking to buy or you're just here? Looking for decorating tips, you know, i think, that's so good and so good and well to do very quickly. I think a lot of people can just let them roam around the home first and then try and figure that out afterwards, but knowing that right from the get-go was spot on right. You know right and i love the fact giving them a job to do. Hey.

Can you check out the bathroom and let me know what you think like that's, that's so good, finding the key features of the house pointing in that direction to get their feedback. So what is your advice and carry for everyone listening right now or watching like? What's the what's the action you want them to take in in regards to like role-playing, um get the scripts, you know and re read them out loud over and over and over again these words. A lot of the words that i used were words from way back when from your dad. Actually you know what i mean so when we get together to meet, are you yeah, okay, and you feel comfortable that i can nice um? So i, but i read these out loud over and over and over and over again so they've become me.

Okay and that's the key to it is everybody's. Like, oh, i sound scripted, it doesn't sound like me, you're right they're, not your words, they're not going to sound like you, so you need to read them out loud over and over and over again, so they become you so years ago, when tim smith was on The stage he had his three questions do you have you had any thoughts of moving? Do you know anyone who's had any thoughts of moving, and you know anybody who tried to sell their home at some point in time and wasn't able to. I thought they were fabulous questions, so i come back and i do a coaching call and i'm trying to say this, i'm stumbling over the words and i'm thinking, oh my god carrie. Why are you stumbling over the words and then it dawned on me? They're tim smith's words they're, not my words, so i sat in my chair in my office and said: have you had anything? That's a movie headed to the mood? Hey, that's a movie.

Do you know what anybody said? Anything we don't understand over and over and over again so now they're my words and they just roll off my tongue, and everybody thinks that i'm a you know a natural, and i thought these great things and all it is is saying the same stuff over and Over and over again well - and just you know, fun fact for everybody, we've all remembered like the ucla study. That said, you know when you're thinking about communication, it breaks down into three different categories: the words the tonality and your in your physiology right. So seven percent of your total communication are the words right. But 38 is the tone, and that's that's where people like that's the you in it right and if you guys all notice with the character is watching.
If you actually grab carrie's hands. She can't talk right now, he's like why don't you go? Look, i just wanted to say something. So i loved everything that you said. The one thing i tell my new agents is, if you're having a conversation with somebody and somebody else comes into the house, stay with the person that you're having the conversation with, because if you leave them, you end up hopping from person to person.

You never make any real rapport, you say: hey, can you sign in for me and i'll be with you shortly and then right that way you have the other person's contacts. So if you don't go back to them, but sticking with them and finishing that you know so at least you get one appointment right and you want to finish that. If people want to talk to you, they will wait until you're done talking to somebody. So i've actually been at open houses and had like people lined up waiting to talk to me.

You know i mean just because they wanted more information about the house or they want to know something. So would what jill said is absolutely correct, because you want to have that same dialogue, and you don't want to be interrupted from that awesome. So so what i'm hearing is, if you want more confidence, if you want to do more, business, you've got to start. Roleplaying got to make the words yours make the words yours ask for the appointment uh, one of the guys that i coach in arizona she was primarily denise.

She was primarily a buyer's agent and it was just like no we've got to flip this around. So we roll played the clothes over and over and over and over so that when she went on the listing appointment, she did based on everything i've shared with you today. Do you feel that i can sell your home? Yes, she knows your hands by the way. When she said, do you feel that i didn't sell your home? Do you feel that i could sell your home? Yes great? Let's sign the paperwork and it works and she yeah so confidence confidence all right, carrie.

Okay! Thank you. Excellent, very good. Okay, robert mack! This is like the first time i've ever had. This is basically uh.

What is it it's like battle wrapping right now, that's what we're actually doing. It's battle: wrapping for the best agents and coaches, so robert mack tell them who you are, where you're from uh robert mack newport beach, been selling real estate for 16 years and been a loyal coaching client of yours for over 10 years and uh i'm here because Of you, so thank you for everything you do you do the work brother, you do the work on the doors all right, so you're, going to share an idea. That's working for you in your business! Keep the microphone nice and close. Let's hear the idea man, what do you got for right so give us context like what is you know what lead source and then go into it? So we're looking to attract more listings right, and this is an idea - that's not new to the ecosystem.
We've been talking about this for like two or three years: um, i'm a big storyteller. If you follow me on instagram, you read my post, i'm always trying to create some type of emotional connection with the audience and a couple years ago i learned that we could do that with listings and get a lot more feedback. So what we do is uh. We basically create case studies around our just solds, which has kind of morphed into us, elevating our listening presentation as well, because what happens is i go into a listening presentation? I'm all passionate about doing what i do and i'm just like.

Ah, to the owner and they're, like i see where you're going with this, but i don't really see where you're going with it and unless they trust you implicitly, it's not going to work out. So you know, i would say, 20 of our clients that we deal with are referrals, so they know who we are and they trust us, but the strangers online, the people that meet us on google on zillow they're like who are you? What do you do and i need more from you if i'm going to hire you and pay you what you want? Yes, so we translated that into our case study, which i can go into please yeah awesome. So what we do is we we pride ourselves in home preparation, so what we do is we will get. We will do everything we can to get the home ready to show as a metaphorical model home that takes three to four weeks and rather than doing all that work selling the home for a record-breaking price and then sending out a just sold to the neighborhood.

We actually dissect it all and say: okay. Well, these are the five things we addressed right. So do we need to paint the inside of the house? Do the carpets need to be replaced? Do they need to be changed? Do we need to declutter? Do we need to bring a designer into the property and stage the home all those things matter? So what we do is on our marketing piece. We actually break it down and write week, one.

This is what we did. We brought in the vendors week. Two we had all the vendors, give us proposals and start the work week, three design and then week four is our marketing, where we take photos and videos and three-dimensional renderings and all that fun stuff. The second part of the piece is what the results were yeah, so now we're telling people what we did and then the results are, and i i took some notes here - it was separate just really fast for everybody out there.
You guys have all seen this because i've been talking about this postcard from robert back for like three or four years now, so somebody come up to the microphone anybody, let's go! Oh it's gary craig again, because i did it and it works right. Okay, so you you've done this postcard. Yes, who does it attract? Does it attract like i have like? Is it track? The high analytical who is like now tell me all the details of what you're going to do because, like i read i'd, be like, i don't give a just get my home sold the highest possible price and get out of my house right so who's. Who is this for and if you found any personality, based connections or maybe disconnections, so we try to incorporate every element to to basically have like 100 audience engagement right.

So we've got nice, pretty pictures right. So the first piece, the 1.0 that you shared at the summit like two or three years ago, was just the data yes and then what we did on the back side because we've improved the piece is we have we take professional before photos and professional after photos? So now we're able to show the consumer like hey. This is everything that we did, but you can see now what it looked like when we first walked in to what it looks like when the buyers walked in, and so it attracted. I think every piece of the element attracts the right type of person and so whether you're an analytical or you're, an amiable.

I feel like there's elements that that engage with all parties you're putting different examples on there, so you're going to attract different types of people as well, so you've got the visual person who sees the before and after right, you got the analytical who sees the stats On how many views online? All of that stuff excuse me so you're attracting a wide variety of people to see this. You know and then once again who you work with matters yeah totally, and that was the goal right i mean you got to do something to be able to make it better yeah. So go back, go back to your piece, so so yeah. So the first part of the piece is week one week two week three week: four, we break it down so that the consumer understands like okay.

What do i have to go through and how long is it gon na take? The second part of the piece is what what were the results right, so how many views online did we get how many open house attendees that came through how many private showings, how many offers, how many days on the market and how many dollars or what was The percentage it sold above asking price so now the consumer that likes data sees everything we did and what the results were. The consumer that loves pretty pictures gets to see the results of all the work that was done even if they don't care about what we did. They just go. Oh, my god, it went from that to that i'm sold the best part about this piece is that when we get calls now from people, it's not about i'm interviewing agents, i want you to come.
Tell me what my home is worth it's. I saw what you did with my neighbor's house, social proof. I saw how much more above asking price you sold it for my husband and i want to sell. Can you come over and tell us what you think our home is worth so there's this massive amount of built-in credibility, because i basically opened up my book to what i do.

There's full transparency. There aren't you concerned that other agents super impressed because i'm very full service and the before and after pictures, i think really like i have never done the before and after so that was kerry. White's idea yeah, i think that's a great idea. Yeah i mean dude photos are like 100 to 150 bucks or her.

You yeah i've called her dude too. I think i've called her dude no, but so so so carrie white showed me this reel of like before and after that's gary white yeah and and she was i almost said - i married her - i officiated the wedding, yes yeah, i'm not very sorry eric. No so i was like i was like carrie: do you go in and take photos because i always thought like taking before photos is a waste of money professionally sure. But after i looked at the cost i was like well, we can create a much better slide.

Deck because the photographer has the same angle, so you can actually see apples to apples what the room transformation looked like. So now it's if there's a home that we're gon na go all in on professional photos first and we always tell our client who's paying for all of this. We do that's my question too yeah. We we paid for all marketing.

We pay for all marketing anything home. Preparation is a seller responsibility so jill. You got that. That's the key, though so anything that's seller preparation.

Can we give you a little suggestion right? Oh we're doing coaching come in come in you're, half and half out. Oh okay. I also do everything you do, except for those pictures which i will be stealing you're, going to email that i'm honored that i'm helping I got you right.

However, i tell the seller the whole thing, and all of this is on me. The only thing we charge is the 500.00 move-in move-out fee that way, i'm getting a thousand dollars back. They never even think about it, because i said everything is free and you could get that thousand dollars, which would be a thousand dollars yeah. I want to talk to you more about go, get the money! Okay, we'll talk after go, get the money, no, no, so yeah! So for the viewers out there that are watching.

So we do everything. Marketing related right, so photos, videography, blah blah anything home preparation. If homeowners are cleaning carpet replacing carpet painting, that's their responsibility, have i made exceptions 100. There are always it's a business decision, but most of the time i try to keep them separate.
I want them to have a little bit of skin in the game. So robert someone's listening right now, they're, like oh, my god, the market is so hot. Why would i wait four or five weeks buyers are gon na come in and they're gon na buy whatever house and they're gon na make it their own anyway? So why would you take all that time? I just hit enter the mls, get a paycheck and move on yeah i get. We get that question 99 out of 100 times so we're not in the house looking to make any like real major modifications.

I'm not talking about replacing cabinets or changing countertops or even adding like new flooring. It's really about taking what we've got and elevating it to the highest possible level, because we already know a buyer's gon na come in, and probably i've done that i've done a whole new kitchen. Remodel buyer comes in and goes i hate these colors. What a waste of 30 grand right so i'd much rather spend five to ten grand on design and miscellaneous repairs.

So we have a five-point auditing system where we go through and it's like. Okay, miss we do a home inspection. First, that's a whole nother podcast and you have to also talk about what the five-point auditing system is, because everyone should write that down yeah. So is that, like the robert we're, the only team in town that has a five-point audit he's, probably the only team that calls it the five-point auditing system, but that's any time you can do that.

It's specific! It's unique! You, okay, my my agent! So so we go through and it's like it's paint number one right, because we all know that paint a cans, 20 bucks paint on the walls a thousand to five thousand dollars. That's my that's a good listing line by the way that's paint in the can 20 bucks, but on the walls, maybe 500 right so painting the walls to make it light and bright. Um de-personalizing, making miscellaneous repairs from issues that we find on the home, inspection, um, design and then carpet flooring. If there's carpet we're going to clean it up, if it's bad, we replace it just one more time: you're, not painting and paying for the painting.

No anything home preparation, i feel very costly i'll give you the whole outline so get the whole outline yeah. I actually have lost my train of thought. What's the third, so one is pain. Number two is flooring like carpet replacement or repair, depersonalized, declutter and design and design right, so so, and then and then the miscellaneous repairs are in there as well right like here's the thing when buyers walk into a property, if they see something, that's off.

My opinion is: is okay, buyers need to be in the highest emotional state when they walk through my listings, otherwise we're not going to get the highest and best price the minute they go to logic, we're kind of screwed. So if they see like a weird something on the wall or the floor, automatically buyers are going to go well, if that's messed up what else is messed up right, so it's all about again making the home look as presentable as possible and making it as close To a metaphorical model home as possible, we want buyers to fall in love. I've sold homes that were outdated and old, but with the modern design that my stager brings to the table, people literally five-point auditing system, people don't even know, and then they remove contingencies and all the staging comes out and i'm like yikes. They paid.
How much for this place, but it's the design, it's the five to ten thousand dollars in design. That's what's getting our sellers, the most amount of money, so to go back to your question, the market's hot. Why should we do all this stuff? We've actually done! Research! We've actually found that homes are selling for significantly more than what they would sell for in our hot market when they, when they engage with a buyer emotionally, because right now, buyers are willing to pay whatever they have to do to win, especially for a move-in ready Property, does he not sound like he's on the listing right now? Well, i know well, i know i know you've got it. I don't know man, i know your home is on the market in newport.

If it doesn't sell, i want to be the next guy and i'm down to go. I i i okay, so so post. So you do all this work, you get the property sold in a record. You know amount of time.

You get a great price. Um. Tell us about how you market it afterwards and what's the impact, because going back to my question like well, why would i even do all this stuff, like the house is going to sell anyway and the buyer wants to do what they want to do to it? You do all the stuff, you get a record price. What's the marketing afterwards, this postcard? How many people do you go on social? Is there a video version of this where's, my brother patrick, like to me this sounds like a video that should be created on every one of these before and after and then marketing that to youtube facebook instagram everybody else just makes sense to me totally.

That's that's the next step, so we've been kind of lagging on it and just been hanging out in our comfort zone. I know so so. We've continued to upgrade the piece um. We started out with a half page double-sided.

Now it's a full page and we just mail it out to the immediate area so anywhere between like 750 and 2000 properties, and we usually get anywhere from three to five people raising their hands and those people go in our database and we obviously go through the Scripts and understand their motivation and their timelines and depending on where they're at they go into the database - and you know it's been very profitable for us - that's how we've been able to generate more listings this year than in the in the past um. We definitely need to upgrade to video 100. I have a question robert. Are you using this um uh practice with expireds? We are using with expireds, but we just haven't had that many expireds in our market for the last year and a half but um, but it is a strategy yeah, it's just again.
It's opening it up to people. Do you think you said only women come over and ask questions all the guys are scared or something this is the no hair zone. All right, you do not want to go down, but i definitely i definitely need to get my video game on. I i'm almost there, but no i'm not! No, but honestly, the video is the next step um, just just i'm kind of a perfectionist right.

We talk about this done is better than perfect, so i've got all these ideas in my head of how i wanted to go down, we just need to do it like we did the first piece, the direct mail and just improve from there, but that is the Next evolutionary step in our process, the good news is, if you already have uh photos of this, you can just do a simple video and like a voiceover slideshow before and after boom you're in the game. So my challenge, is you got ta, get one done by the end of november. Gives you peace, okay, timmy? What do you got for us? I want to add on to what he's saying here, the postcard: how do we drive more people from that postcard back to a website that now shows six or seven of these that he's done now? We re target them that we've already had them on our website. Seeing these six or seven other videos you've done now, you can retarget those people.

Now you got the postcard going out and the retargeting on social media yeah fantastic jackpot qr codes right. Are you doing a qr code yet on the postcard? Oh? No! So if you're, getting three or four or five phone calls you're missing, probably 20 or 30 people, that would just because we just walk up now, like qr code's, been around since, when you remember nar 12 years ago, everyone's like what do you do, you're going like It just went and just died 90 days later, but now every restaurant we go to qr code, every single time. It's become culturally relevant again. So that's another problem.

Just remember as you're doing all this stuff guys figure out how to repurpose it multiple times. We just don't want to send the postcard out. How do we leverage the postcard into three or four more touches that we can get in them into our ecosystem? Because you know some people are going to do it today. Some people are going to do it.

18 months from now, but how do we stay in that economy? I'm stuck in 2010. I got to get to 2022 and create the create the video and the qr code and all that fun stuff and, let's be clear, you're over a million dollars in gci this year. By the way, congratulations, congrats, congrats! Imagine when he finally steps it up and starts doing all that i know i know how how much how much business am i losing right now because of that, but it's hey i'm here i learned i'm going to take this information and execute by the way for The person watching right now, uh all of this content is also, if you sign up for the summit or you buy the live cast. Whenever this comes out.
It's all there that all this postcard stuff he shared with everybody so yeah. Thank you all right, carrie emery, you're up all right, gary carey, carrie, all right so carrie. First of all, i feel like i should do. I need to make this taller the table taller.

Is that yeah yeah exactly or i need a phone booker there. You go! Yeah, we might be the apple box all right, so carrie tell me who you are where you're from? How long have you been in the business and where you're working, okay, carrie emery, i uh dallas texas for 24 years, which is exactly how long i've been in the business uh matter of fact, it's where i went to my first productivity school in 1997 and signed Up for coaching right then, and there on the spot, yeah steve armani your first coach. He made me cry. He was hard.

He was our coach, he hasn't changed at all. No, he was a great coach and i'm sitting here with my with my other previous coach and my new coach. So yes, all right! So now you but you've made a move. Also you're, like you're, a dual agent.

I am now. I am working the breckenridge colorado market um, vastly different from the dallas market, yeah yeah, in about a million different ways. I've been there about a year and i am still learning i still feel like. I have a long way to go, but it's a it's a fascinating market and it's it's kind of good to to see something totally different, because you know when people move to dallas most of the time it's for a job uh, but there it's it's for a Vacation second home stay home resort market yeah, it's uh, definitely different because they don't have to move there.

They can pick jacksonville wyoming, they can pick park city utah. So it's a thousand percent emotional. There isn't no data or math in second half exactly just like. Oh, my god, i could see us here, let's go exactly so so what do you want to talk about today? What's your what's your big uh-huh, this isn't really an aha! Well, it should be in aha, because i have done this - my entire career and i'm shocked, and now even learning and moving to different markets and agents, a lot of agents.

Don't do this to me. It is about relationships, my my clients, when they first call me or when i get referred, somebody it's not about you know what they're looking for. I i take the real estate portion out right off the bat and i focus on them. Tell me about your family.

Tell me about the things your family likes to do and and then i can help guide you to where you're going to get the most lifestyle out of wherever you live, and i did that in dallas and i'm doing in colorado. So that's been and it's building relationships that and when you do that, when you start off making a friend, the trust factor is immediately really high and getting them to uh sign the contract. Getting them to listen to how you negotiate for them is so much easier, and i have lifelong clients that are friends, client parties and a matter of fact, my my client parties were so engaging for everybody there. That two years later, two two of my clients walked in together and i'm like did you guys ride here together and they're like yeah yeah, we're friends? Now we have coffee together all the time so yeah, so that that's what i'm and i'm surprised, how many agents? Don't do that so is there? Is there a script or a method that, like everybody's, got a play that they run right so you're not asking like 16 random questions on one meeting and then asking 14 totally random questions on the next? So what are some of the questions that you're asking to to create that? And what do you do when you have the person that is all red, and you say it says uh be brief, be bright and be gone right like i'm, not sure if that would resonate, i'm not sure if that would resonate for me.
Just being totally honest. So tell us about your experience, uh. Well, it's like. I said it's just when you meet somebody.

It's you i genuinely want to know. Tell me about your family. You know uh, for example, last weekend here in dallas, i had a referral from one of our agents. In seattle - and they were coming here and after the third house that we looked at he said is tell me what the weather is.

Is this normal weather for october september, and i know it's actually a really nice day. You know it was 90 degrees. No humidity. He's coming from seattle, it's like it's really hot, outside yeah uh, and so he ended up telling me that uh, because this isn't going to work.

You know this is too hot and then i adversely said what about colorado temperature's great all the time, even in the winter time. It's not that i mean you know 30 degrees when the sun is shining and you're at 10. 000 feet is really not that cold. I know i had no idea uh, so she keeps calling me when it's like three degrees and she's like, but it really feels like 50..

Let me mention that she's wearing a winter hat every time she calls that's in the wintertime. So for the record again for the people that are watching or listening the one thing i said everybody is, there are no rules, we're just gon na have this is just battle wrapping for you know best ideas, so you so you get this emotional connection with them, Because it obviously it removes sort of the sales salesperson relationship like you, remove all the guards away from them. I absolutely have an honest conversation and i'm genuine about it, though it's not it's not a canned script or anything i genuinely want to know. Tell me: do you have dogs do? Are they big dogs they like to play outside? Do you like to run with the dogs, or i genuinely want to know, because that also helped, but it is a script yeah, one thousand percent.
This is like. If anybody read the book, if you haven't read this, it's an older book called soft selling in a hard world, remember that book and it was all about. If you just get to know people right the whole time like do you have dogs? Oh, we do all right you're like okay, do they need a small yard, a big yard like you're, assessing everything that they're giving you so give us like five questions that you think most agents, don't ask. I don't think they ask what their clients, kids names are or their dog's names, and i do i i just this morning i was strolling through facebook and there was a client that was at a basket or a football game.

Yesterday, in kansas city - and i said man, jackson is getting big, he's really growing, you know and uh i remember from when he was born, so that so anyway, i ask. I ask questions: ask their kids names their their their dog's names, what they loved about the the house that they're selling or what they loved about. You know where they lived, and why they're moving here? What what choices? I mean what what has caused the move to to dallas or breckenridge. Actually, you know reckon just a little bit different story, but it's is your brain, a crm, or do you have a crm that you put all this like? Where does all this information go? Uh? My brain okay, frank: what are you gon na say here man? This is a quick, quick question.

One of the questions that i feel like a lot of agents misses. How much time do you spend looking for a home because it gives you some insight into what their mindset is? Are you spending a lot of time? Oh we're spending. Every weekend looking for homes, we've been in zillow every weekend for the last six months or er. When we get time so does that tells me a lot? Does that tell you that they're, maybe not that motivated or to me it does yeah yeah um, why it could say they're, not motivated, could say they're just that busy um, but i feel like yeah like.

Are they just too busy? So they need me to take it off, but you well, i mean, if you think about it, like this anything, that's really important to me. I make the time for it yeah and so busy or not. You know we find the time for the things we care about, so it just gives you a little insight. I think welcome love it.

So, what's the advice you've done for everybody, so you said one is like you know, kids and but back to the question about the crm. Is that like do you have anybody to just remember all this stuff, or do you actually know so you're like what was that person's dog's name? No, sometimes i actually, i actually remember um. There are a few people, though, that i have to add this. In my phone it says big fat, lady with mole right.
I save everything, so the phone rings and you got to change that after you get to know them yeah. Yes, you definitely could you imagine if you touched that person and it actually showed up. That would be horrible if it does by the way jill it uh uh. So no i i do.

I do take some notes um. I take notes, but i'm also friends, with a lot of my clients on social media, okay, but at scale how many transactions a year, like it's your biggest transactional year, how many transactions uh my just myself was maybe 62., so 62 transactions 24 years, even if you Just average 30 a year or 15 a year, that's a lot of people to remember now. One thing i notice about great agents: is they have these incredible memories, for either people or houses like they remember every house or they remember, every human being. You sound like you're, more the people, i am the people, i'm the people person, but it's also because i call them often so i have conversations with them.

Even when they're not in the market, to buy a house, it's like hey guys, how's it going. You know. I noticed you're at the football game yesterday. Sorry for your loss, my team won.

You know it's uh, uh, it's it's! Having conversations, how many people do you talk to from your database on a weekly basis? I talk to 14 to 20 people a day five days. A week 14 to 20 people a day. Why are you doing that? Why not? I mean very little social life that is kind of a true statement: yeah that has a little bit of that movement. Wow tell us more about that so 14 to 20 people dave.

So one of the things we're talking about the summit is, is, if you look at um the data, the research, basically like we loved our agent and 68 of the time. The agent either never follows up breaks, trust they love on you non-stop as you're about to buy the house, and you close the deal they're gone and that's why i do it, because i i to my knowledge, i've maybe lost. I mean i, i've lost a few good clients uh for random reasons, but it's definitely not for my lack of follow-up or my lack of checking in and uh, and i know this because i work with a lot of other agents. Here comes your coach yeah right.

So address what you do with the realtors, because she not only builds relationships with her clients but she's, also very good at building relationships with other realtors uh. This - and this is a thank you carrie. This has actually really been more true than ever, and i didn't realize um how how much this was going to be helpful in my change in markets so uh and it all started out by accident. I mean a really good friend of mine, missy from jacksonville florida.

She was uh had posted a story of being in vail and i was at 5 30 in the morning and i text her at 5 30 in the morning which fortunately she's a morning person. So she responded right away and i was like - oh my god, you're in my area, and so i said, let's come by, let's have breakfast now i am reaching out to more and more agents and letting them know personally, hey i'm working the breckenridge market now and I would love to help your clients, tom ferry ecosystem. You know how you know the agents we work hard together. We work hard for it to make you look good, so that's been a new twist on my business is uh is just reaching out to other agents, and we talked about that when we were in denver like that.
That was going to become a major. So so how many agents do you try and talk to for every person? That's listening like agent agent referrals is our it's always in the top ten of sort of deal flow, et cetera amongst our client base, carrie um. What about your vip party uh, the one in denver, yeah? Oh, that was this - is i'm so excited about this, so uh so um after your event, you know - and i i just tried to meet as many denver agents as possible because 50 of our market uh up in the uh up in the high country, comes from The front range so uh that sounds very local. They go from the front range.

That's okay! That's the first two things i learned it's like me saying: y'all now, yeah i gotcha uh. So anyway, i ended up meeting with the lender. A little uh, independent lender, uh small brokerage in cherry creek and we're doing a deal together and she had commented she's like where are you from, and i thought it was because you know i my accent um and she said no, it's the way you handle your Business and she said, can you can you come to denver and let's have coffee, so i did and we had a long conversation. She said that it's uh she she used.

The word refreshing to work with a realtor who is on top of things communicates explains things to the client. Even you know stuff that you know she didn't get around to explaining just yet from the loan portion side of the deal anyway. So she said why uh i said: can i sponsor a breakfast or a lunch at one of your guys, sales meetings? Let me come and meet some of your loan officers. She said i'll.

Do you one better? Why don't you give me a list of 20 agents in denver? You want to connect with and we will host a cocktail party for you, so how'd that work out? Oh we're doing it in november, okay, coming up in november yeah! That's really that's see everybody listening! That's a killer idea. I go back to um here we meet patrick mclaughlin right he's he's from the hamptons in new york, so kind of similar to a similar strategy. Like he's like, how do i grow my business, i'm like well, where did all your business come from? It's like agents in new york city, consumers in new york city that want to place the hamptons they're like well. Why don't you go do sales meetings at your brokerage? You work for douglas element, i'm like just go to sales meetings and do hampton updates.
As soon as you started doing those hampton updates, the referrals would just come in left and right. Oh, i got somebody in the hamptons who's that guy that brought us all. That value send that to patrick big shout out to patrick, by the way, long time, client yeah. This is very smart.

I decided to say patrick - is having his best year ever this year. He's going to be earning over i'm coaching, but he's having a fabulous year he's going to earn. Oh he's already earned over a million dollars this year. Yeah big shout out to make sure you text him and tell him we're talking about them all right, all good things all right, so so put a bow on this.

It's all relationships, it's all connecting and it's clearly all having a memory and having no social life. Is that what i'm hearing yeah pretty much all of that yeah yeah, all right, okay, you're out so wow, exactly all right! So for my friend uh out there watching! I would love a comment. I would love to know feedback. I want to know what you think.

The best idea was: what actions are you gon na take coming out of this podcast? So thanks to all my guests and thank you for being a part of this experience, we'll see you soon. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

13 thoughts on “Proven plays for breakthrough results part 1”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom J. Krieger Team says:

    Our boy Brit Bear killin it!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jerrym says:

    Love Carrie Craig, she never lost her place in the process with all the interruptions thrown at her. Great job! She was very good. She backed up what she was saying on role paying.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donna Molet says:

    The best from the best!!! Thank you.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zach Pierce Rowe says:

    Role play the open house to create more listings, and relationship building with other agents! Great show!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shirley Husar says:

    Great Show

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C2DaRok says:

    Tom freaking Ferry

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ellie Homes says:

    Love it!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paige says:

    The reality of the rich and the poor is this: the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left"

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sylvie Romeo says:

    This is a great new decor Congratulations
    and the best of interviews also

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 📱 Demetri Panici - Productivity Apps / Minimalism says:

    "I have no friends and no enemies – only competitors." – Aristotle Onassis

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 📱 Demetri Panici - Productivity Apps / Minimalism says:

    "Every story I create, creates me. I write to create myself." – Octavia E. Butler

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elizabeth Cherry says:

    Way to go Matt! Great job representing Tucson Arizona!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Marie Schilleci says:

    Oh how I have been waiting all week for this. 💞💞

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