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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right. So mission accomplished. Third green day in a row. same as last week Green Monday Tuesday Wednesday Another three thousand dollars of profit today, so that feels good.

Today's a day where I was actually up about 3,200 and gave back a little bit off the top. And remember what I always say you're either giving back a little profit or you're leaving money on the table. and today's a day where I gave back a little bit off the top on a CAI but you know Green is good. I'm happy with that.

another Green Day Progress is being made and today during the recap, we are going to talk about where I'm at on the month, where I'm at on the year, and where I'm at relative to the $583 to 1 billion dollar mark. I'm trying to keep it where it's not in my focus. but I did give you guys some updates during the recap. So as usual, any questions, any comments, leave them below and we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning.

9:15 for pre market analysis. Alright, see you guys in the morning! Alright everyone. So we're gonna break down the trades from this morning. This is the third big green day of the week.

I Keep looking for my calendar. it's so you know, such a habit. but of course there's nothing on it I still want to hold it even though there's nothing I still want to hold it. Um, you know? uh.

third green day of the week which is great. Last week I was Green Monday Tuesday Wednesday had small red days on Thursday and Friday but then back in the green Monday Tuesday here on Wednesday so that's good. I'm certainly happy with that. Six green days this month and I would love to finish up the week with two more green days on Thursday and Friday.

You know, obviously the Momentum needs to keep up. Look what is very interesting here in the last two days yesterday and today is that the Momentum has been predominantly on lower priced stocks. So yesterday we had a TA I which made this big move from a dollar eighteen all the way up to two dollars and fifty cents. And then you know this morning we got another opportunity on it.

The trade that I took here was right through. this move you can see from 2 dollars and 60 cents up to a high of 309 and I booked well $1400 a profit on it which is solid I actually made about 1800 and then gave back about 4 or 500 on my last. my second to last trade on it. but you know in any case, Green on Ata I InP X This morning top of the Gap scanner was gapping up 60% on over a million shares of volume with news low price stock that Dollar 50 got some good trades on this one riding a month I'm up to a high of a dollar seventy eight $1,400 on that one.

So right there there's 2800 dollars of profit. Sisi Ni I took two trades on it. the first trade I took I lost on and then the second trade I took I also lost one so you know this one just I don't know, it's kind of its lighter volume. My first trade I Got in up here thinking it was breaking over 580 which was yesterday's highs and that was a good sign of strength.
So I got in it I think 573 it hit a high of 591 but then drop back down to 556 and I took a $60 loss on it I then got back in right here because on the 5-minute chart I saw that this was if it broke over this level. I thought that that looks good. so I got back in there but immediately stopped out of that with a $400 loss or $420 loss. So down 487 on CCN I on two losses.

All things considered, those are small losses, not a big deal. and then SF et a small winner there. Seven hundred dollars buying this little pullback right here with 6,000 shares, we hit a high. We had a high of 75 and it popped up to 390 I Jumped in at about 373 anticipating the break over 375 and was selling at 383 3-5 388 topped at 390, dropped down and well, now it's consolidating and pulling back.

This one actually did a really nice cup and handle formation. You know what we often see when stocks just dip down quickly and then surge back up is they create this cup formation. There's a double top and it's hard to buy a stock right here and expect it's just gonna keep going higher. Usually what we need is a period of consolidation and that's exactly what we got.

And you know some of you guys jumped in this right here around 3:30 and so for you guys, you actually got like a full 60 cent move which is awesome. I only really captured the top of the move, but hey, it was still enough to make $700 and that was it. Around you know, 10:30 this morning. So at that point I was already kind of slowing down, reducing my risk and not wanting to be super aggressive.

So now let's go back to InP X This is the one that I traded right out of the gates. So on this one we as you can see we've got the pre market price action. moving higher, Moving higher and opening the pre market high was a dollar 46 and the stock opened at a dollar 43 so it opened three cents below the pre-market high. It's actually I'm gonna put this up on the level too just to keep an eye on.

We know $3 78 is is the high today so maybe a spot to watch. So anyways, the bell rings on this and in the first one-minute candle you can see it pops here up to a high of a dollar sixty and on this one I was pretty quick to jump in I took my position right here. These are all scalp trades in with 9,000 shares at 45, 46 and 47 selling half at 50, another half at 54, another quarter of 55, the rest at 49. Boom that trade right! There is 400 dollars in the first 15 seconds of the market, so that's you know, a quarter of the way to my two thousand dollar daily goal.

And then I got back in at 57. anticipate in 53 anticipating the break over the highs right here. A little 1-minute pullback. we hit a high of 68 I'm selling at 65, 65 and 63 that one.

I only took six thousand shares because I thought it was a little riskier but another $400 or $500 of profit so ended up finishing there I think I was up like eight hundred dollars and then I have another trade right here. in at sixty four, six thousand shares and that was right here. and then I stopped out as it dropped back down here and lost well about five hundred dollars. So I went from up nine hundred to back up only five, four hundred and fifty.
So that was my first loss and then I got back in at 55 55 53 right here. and the move up to 62 was selling half at Sixty Sixty and Fifty eight. So a little scalp there taking some profit. This is a CCN I trade which whatever, not really a big deal.

80 AI this one I take my starter at 55 55 57 end up stopping out of it at 54 and 54 for like a hundred and thirty dollar loss. So that was my very first trade on Ata I I'll pull that one up real quick I was going. that was when I was going for the break right here. The first attempt didn't work so I had to get back in for a second track.

Back to InP x9 42 a.m. look at this one. so 942 I jumped back in it right here. As you can see, it's starting to open up.

so I'm jumping back in and trying to ride the momentum as it's moving higher. I'm back in at 60 with nine thousand shares selling half 6261. That's like a break-even trade back in at 63 64, selling at 71. that's a little nicer, so a little more profit on that one and then back in 69 out of 74.

So what you'll see is that stocks like this, you know it's it's. the tricky thing is that you're only getting five a-sun winners. You know the winners are all really small because it's it's a cheap stock. I mean again, a full ten send win is like getting an 8% move in the stock and it just doesn't happen really easily.

So lots of small winners add up, right? And the reason that my winners are bigger course is because I am taking 9,000 shares, but there's no reason you can't This has 36 million shares of volume today. Ata I has 18 million shares of volume today. Sfv Teas got you know, 3 million shares but you know these were the ones that have a lot of volume. so you can easily get in and get out with 9,000 shares.

Like that's not an issue at all. So if you can prove you're profitable with 500 shares, then there's no reason you won't do well going up to 5000. For instance, one of the things that beginner traders sometimes struggle with is they say well, I'm only trading with 200 shares or I'm only trading with 500 shares so it's not worth it for me to sell when I'm only up for cents because that's only like $20 and when you add the Commission of 4 dollars to buy and 4 dollars to sell, you know you've only made 12 dollars right? And and the problem with that mentality is that then they start thinking, well, you know I I got a hold these longer for the bigger move and on some of these stocks they're just gonna get chopped out and it would move like right here. Where with 9,000 shares I booked $400 they're saying no, I'm not gonna sell it I'm gonna hold and then it ends up going down 15 20, 30 cents I Really try to encourage students to focus on how much you're making before Commission's because commissions when you're trading with 200 and 500 shares, they're always going to be a disproportionate percentage of your gains.
But if you can be profitable with 200 or 500 shares before Commission's then you're proving that your strategy works and then all you need to do is slowly gain the confidence over the period of a few weeks increasing 100 shares a week. Until next thing you know, you're trading 1,500 shares and you're making 150 200, 300 dollars a day. You know, if you really are like, well, I'm only ever gonna trade a 500 shares I'm never gonna trade with more than that. Well then you probably wouldn't even trade a stock like this because the reality is this stock went from a dollar 46 to a dollar 78 with 500 shares you know, total that's only about 150 bucks if you got the exact best entry in the exact best exit.

so you know to focus on this might not be worth it. A stock like SF ET Ma'am Well, you know for 500 shares they're from 332 390 that you can work with. at 60 cents, that's 300 bucks, you know? So so there's something. there's a little bit more there, but well, I guess have you with a thousand? Sure.

But in any case you know I think sort of. The The question is what type of. trader do you want to be And if you want to be an aggressive scalp trader, where you're getting in, you're getting your profit, you're getting back out. You're gonna need to size up and so what I encourage you guys to do is to look at all your metrics, your accuracy, your profit loss ratio before Commission's and then you know, add in commissions.

and so for the first couple months when you're trading with small size, if you're like man, I'm actually breaking even or I'm even losing money after commissions. That doesn't really matter in those first few months because you're still in training, it's still practice. Once you start sizing up and taking bigger positions, then commissions become a smaller and smaller percentage of your games. So you know and again, today's a day where my commissions will be I'm sure over $500 because of how much I traded.

but with three thousand dollars a profit, you know I'm not gonna really complain too much. You know I mean it's just the cost of doing business. and for me, it's It's still worth it. It justifies itself.

So another you know day here of some decent momentum. Interesting that it's mostly on these lower price names. These are ones that I don't love because I don't usually hit home runs on them. These aren't usually the type of stocks that I would have 10, 15, 20 thousand dollar winners on their more you know, just kind of.

you know, grinding and a lot of commissions so you know I hate I'll take the profit I'll take what I can get but if I could choose I would much prefer stocks like SF ET to be the ones with momentum because are more likely to make 20, 30, 40 cent breakouts and with 9000 shares, you know that's two three, four thousand dollars a breakout instead of like $400 per breakout. All right, so let's see what was gonna look at. Oh yeah, I was gonna take a quick look at profitability on the month I haven't you know I haven't been looking too closely at it because I haven't been willing to be super worried about. You know where I stand? But you know we'll just take a quick look here and see where we're at.
So right now it's April 10th and it looks like I'm up just about twenty thousand dollars on the month which is good. You know that's something that I can feel you know pretty good about. It's a nice you know that's a nice nice little start to the month and since the bottom of my red streak it looks like I'm up about $23,000 so you know, digging my way out one day at a time Green is good. I'm not even I'm not gonna look at where I'm at relative to the million dollar challenge because that's not really important to me right now.

What's important is just coming in here each day and having green days Any day. where I break the daily goal is a good day. My daily average: Yeah, let me get that for you. So let's see.

Um so March 29th was the 59th day of the year. so 59, 60, 61, 65, 66, 67. So today is the sixty seventh day of the year and I am averaging right now. let's see 1959 dollars per day, which is a little less than I averaged last year.

last year I was averaging two thousand fifty eight dollars per day. So you know I had I had a great average of like three thousand a day. Actually, it was even higher than that, But you know, obviously that red streak really brought down my average quite a bit. So $2,000 is still the daily goal.

$2,000 was the daily average for all of the 230 six days in 2018, which is why I finished with half a million dollars in profit and I guess right now I'm sitting at about a hundred and thirty one thousand on the year. So and I guess since I'm looking at it, I'm at nine hundred, Sixty Six thousand dollars and the million Dollar challenge which puts me thirty three thousand dollars away from the goal, so you know, whatever. And again, I don't really want to dwell on that too much. It's not really the biggest deal right now.

The most important thing is that I'm just continuing to have good, solid Green Day's making progress and you know as long as they keep doing that, this is gonna be a great month. You know, being up twenty thousand dollars, you know? on April 10th we still have. Let's see, this is two, four, six. This is the 8th day of the month and we still have two, four, six, eight, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen days left.

And that's keeping in mind that the markets closed on Good Friday the 19th. So you know, thirteen days left. You know if I can keep up the average, this will be a good month. I've just got to make sure that if I have red days that those red days are small, that I don't have days where I end up giving back.
You know, four or five six, seven thousand dollars because that's gonna eat up. You know, three totally decent days like today. So trying to follow the rules, stay focused, and you know ultimately, ultimately that will get me to where I need to be. All right.

So that's it for me. And I'll see you guys all first thing tomorrow morning. 915 for pre market analysis? All right, enjoy the rest of the day. I'll see you guys all first thing tomorrow morning.

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19 thoughts on “Progress is being made $3k! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dududududh says:

    How do taxes work for stocks

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hiram Serna says:

    Mr. Ross are you considered a 429 trader?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve T says:

    ross I’m down big time and just reds follow up month to month, don’t know if I can keep trading .. I don’t know if the turn around by purchasing your warrior pro will turn my life around! I’ve not purchased yet but really thinking about it..HELP!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars X cen says:

    rossss! do you need to use locate most of the time before you short?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 陳金翰 says:

    I was watching your beginner guide on day trading, and Im curious why there are usually two pullbacks for runner stocks

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars X cen says:

    rossss! do you need to use locate most of the time before you short?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Swift says:

    Where do ross get them small wooden blocks

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradingMonkey says:

    great video and good words that makes sense..Exactly my goals to size up eventually…

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Sunrise of crypto stock and options says:

    500 commissions Why did you make 250 transactions? I asked you in the past and told me that you pay Lightspeed 2 dollars a deal. Are there any additional fees?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stagz 1 says:

    New sub here learning alot from you and enjoying the content of all the videos IV seen from you so far

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James says:

    Good job Mentor Ross, I also made 130 on INPX$ and only took 2 tickets for 30$ so after commission I made 100 bucks 🙂 Warriors !

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kat2123 says:

    Made $ 450 on INPX.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fm14 says:

    Hey Ross, is there any difference what stock market to trade? I mean Nasdaq or NYSE or something else. Do you have some preferences? Thanks

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yvlogs says:

    333 ciew

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fm14 says:

    Cool man!! Congrats! Ross, if market close at 4 pm(Eastern time), why the chart is still moving after that. Sorry if its a silly question. Can I still trade? Thanks

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Informed Tradez says:

    Fantasic Ross! getting your consistency back!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lambert chan says:

    Made almost $500 on INPX. I think I’m on my 3rd Green Day and even my red days are small about $50 in losses. I appreciate the lessons Ross!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AustinTrades says:

    What is Ross’s 5 things (criteria) for a stock that he trades. I know he’s mentioned this before. Is it in how to day trade book? Or what are the 5 steps.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ajbetts2017 says:

    Can you please do setup tour.

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