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Hey hey: what's up my friend, so here's the thing right when it comes to price action trading, most traded is just no no buy support. Selling resistors wait for a bullish, candlestick patterns to form as confirmation, yada yada. Now there's nothing wrong with that. But if you want to level up your price action trading knowledge, if you want to take it to the advanced level, then you got to be.

You know more versatile, because price action trading is not just about buying support or selling resistance. It's about trading reversals buying, breakouts, buying pullbacks, knowing when to stay in of the markets and when to stay out of markets, and if those few concepts are something that you are foreign to or not very familiar with. Don't worry because in today's training video you'll discover all this and more number one. We will talk about the false break technique right.

How did you profit from crap traders? I know that sounds wrong, but I'll explain the build-up technique, how they achieve me and if I high probability, breakup traits that have a likelihood of follow true number three: how do you actually enter a breakup before the breakup? I know that sounds like you know. What kind of inception and what just Rana say? Well, what the heck mean really just say: how do you enter the breakup before the break-up, all that and more in the later part of the video and finally, the rubber band snap, how to actually avoid low-quality traits that has mask themselves as a high probability trading Setup right so the rubber bands name right. This technique will show you how to avoid this type of low quality tricks sounds good. Then, let's get started first thing: first, the false break.

What is this so this occurs right when the price breaks above a significant high. Only to reverse back in the opposite direction, so you look something like this. Let me just illustrate to you what the false break looks like. Let's say the market is in a range okay, then you can see.

This is the highs, and this is the heist. What the false break would do it goes up towards the highest of the range take out. This highs pick up this highs and then in reverse down lower back into this range. This is what I call a false break.

Why is it a false break? Because imagine this right when the price breaks above this highs, who will be buying at this point in time, think about this who will be buying when the price breaks out of resistance when he breaks out of the highs? Well, it would be break up traders right, break out traders, they love to buy the breakout of the highs or shot below and what happens when the price breaks out and any makes a reversal back into the range. What happens well, this becomes a false breakout and that's why I call it the false break because of breakup traders who buy at the highs they are now trapped. They are in the red because imagine this: if you buy at the highs and the price reverse, it goes back into the range. Won't you be sitting in the rate.
Wouldn't you you know, get stopped out of their trade. Maybe some breakout traders might have their stop-loss over here middle of the range or some really conservative, one kiasu, and they have it in a lows of this range. So imagine if the price would continue lower these clusters of stop-loss that have just highlighted, won't they get triggered and if those stop losses from the breakout traders get triggered. That would induce further selling pressure.

Am i right because if you are a breakup trader, you set your stop loss, that stop-loss is a sell order and if those sell order gets triggered, it would fuel more selling pressure, and this is what the Falls brick technique is all about. So let me share with you a few examples. First, one over here. Can you look at this? This is the Falls break hanging over here notice, how the price to cut this Heinz over here right to cut the heights over here here and here, price took out of the highs and they made a huge sudden reversal, lower and closed back within the ridge.

This is what I call a Falls break traders who buy the breaker of these highs the size, the size they are now trapped there in the rip and imagine if you are the breakout trade away, will you set your stop loss? Well, I'm guessing. They will put it somewhere here somewhere here or maybe even below the lows of this range, and if the price continues lower, this cluster of stop-loss will get triggered that induce for the selling pressure and that's what the Falls brick technique is all about profiting right from This group of trap traders, another $ 1, gets the Indian rupee. Where is the falls break over here price? To cut this highs? Okay, only to reverse down lower dollar is the Indian rupee. Does it make sense, and one more example - a 50 China, a 50 right? This one I sumo a little bit for you - can see over here strong bearish momentum coming down lower into this significant low.

We can see that the price over here has triggered a lows of here, so traders right who are looking to sell the breakdown when the price breaks below this low oil market. So bearish look at the strong bearish momentum Rainer. This is the the type of price action. We should be shorting right, look at the strong bearish momentum, Rainer.

So when the price trades below the lows, they think all the hell is gon na break loose, they go shot and next thing. You know market made a strong bullish reversal like this over here closing back into the range, and then it continues to have a follow-through up higher. So this is what the falls break. Timing is all about and a couple of pro tip here that I have shared with you in number one, I'm looking for strong momentum, the stronger the momentum, the better and here's.

Why right explain that shortly? And second thing is that you wan na avoid stair-stepping price action? So what what a stair-stepping price action? I'll explain say this is the range okay, let's say: price meet one strong bullish move. I call this a strong momentum. This is the type of move that I like to. Fitnah gives or trigger reversal kids.
I do understand they're stepping price action like this. You know like walking down the stairs. You know, there's a stair stepping price action and, let's say the market makes a false breaking close back over here, I'm not looking to buy at this point. I do you see the difference between the price action of this section over here and let's see the difference of this price section over here and the difference of this price section, let's say over here: do you see that the type of the move, the wave that Comes down one is they have huge velocity, huge momentum and one is very little very jagged.

Can you see the difference and the reason why I avoid the stair-stepping price action is because of this simple reason: okay, let's like this okay, it's for this simple reason when I buy, let's see, there's a false break that occurs over here. All this swing highs. They are potential selling pressure. These are places where potential traders will look to shut the markets.

So if I buy over here and over here and just a decides, there are traitors who might have the pot right of selling the market. That is a so-called one. Struggle gains me that lower the sweetness of the trading setup - okay, combat do at rate where you just have a sudden momentum down, lower right yourself and boy would sell, is coming possibly at this wing high over here right. So this means, if, let's say, there's a false brilliant occurs over here.

This trade has much more greater profit potential, because this could be the entry and let's say that the target profit could be near this level of here, there's much more room for the trait to run okay. Compared to this one over here, which there's really not much of a movement for the treat to run so this is one thing. I look for strong momentum in to a level whenever I'm trading the false break technique number two, a built up right, so a build up is when a tight consolidation forms right prior to the breakup or something it can be after the breakout as well. Okay.

So, since you've just learned that you know you don't want to be buying breakouts when the market makes a strong move out of this resistance, what you're looking for instead is a build up, and let me just briefly illustrate what a build up looks like so, instead Of a strong move into a level, it forms a tight consolidation like this. When you have this tight consolidation, then only then you want to be looking to buy their breakout. Why is that two reasons number one: you have a logical place to set your stop loss. You can't just send your stop-loss snark just below the lows of this build up and you will have a much tighter stop loss compared to selling at the lows of resistance.
Do you agree number two, when the price forms a build up? Okay, before we talk about data - and you have to understand that the market moves from a period of high volatility to low volatility. So at this point, when the market is forming a build up, it is in a low-volatility environment and if the price were to break out higher, this is where volatility would pick up. This is where the market can move really fast and furious, and that's to your advantage, if you buy the break up in the right direction, of course, there's no guarantee the market won't break out higher. You could just break down lower and so that's possible, but the key thing is volatility.

Expansion could really work in your favor okay. So this is why I always look for a build up and one pro tip a very useful one. Is this: you can use a 20 ma to serve as a guideline which I'll share with you right now. So if you look at Bitcoin right, it's a market right fill with volatility, contraction and expansion.

You look at this over here. Do you see where the build up is form? Let's say this is the area of resistance. Okay - and this is you - can see a series of higher lows into this area of resistance. Where is the bill up? The bill up is over here notice.

How nice and tight this range is look at the range of the candles getting smaller and smaller compared to the previous range of the candles where volatility expanded. So we can see that I'm sharing two concepts over here. First concept is volatility. Expansion leads to volatility contraction.

Then contraction leads to expansion again so see, expansion. Okay, then it contracts after contract. What happens it expands again over here? Okay and if you were to buy the break out of this house right after the build-up, is form okay, you can see that your risk to reward on this tree is favorable and also write. The 20 M, in which I have what I've spoke about right.

If you just pull out the 20 me because I get it sometimes you're wondering right man, how do I know when is the right time to enter a trade? So if you just use a tool like the 20 ma I'll, just change this to 20 you'll notice, right that the price would start to hot the twin tme. So if you're looking to buy her you'll notice that the 20 ma will start to touch the lows of the build up you can see over here, 20 ma has touched. Do you know touch the lows of the build up? Does it make sense? Okay? So let me just leave this one here. You just change this color to red.

Okay, there. You have it twin eme, another example. Look at New Zealand, Canadian, not a build up, that's being foam at this point. Can you see the build up? The build up is over here nice tight, build up then the price.

What happens it then collapse lower again? If you just pull out the 20 ma, you can see that the 20 ma are starting to hit and write the highest of the build up. This tells you that the marking rod is now ready to make a move, no guarantee, but is gon na break out higher all the way you have no idea, but you can expect something decent coming soon. The longer the build up is from right, the more explosive right the move would tend to follow and an example right. So this, for this example I wan na share with you - is how would the build-up actually forms right after the breakup, because sometimes the market might break out of the Rangers and then it forms a buildup, that's possible as well.
You got ta, be you know what I call versatile. You cannot just have f11 I've you until all this must definitely happen. No market can do anything in this case you can see over here. This is the resistance price actually get up into resistance and then form this build up over here then he broke out retrace and then breaks out higher again.

Can you see where how this build up form at this point? I'm in this area case, and this build up actually a curse already occurred after the break of resistance. Does it make sense good now, moving on the technique, I'm gon na share with you is how do actually train right a break up before it occurs? How you actually position yourself inside a trade before the breakout occurs? Okay, so two things to look for number: one identify a build up on the TV time frame; okay, that's what I've just shared with you earlier number. Two look for a Falls break only for what time frame so can you see that I'm now stacking concepts within concepts? Okay, if you, if all this doesn't make sense, please go back to the start of the video and watch it. I'm building concepts on top of concepts.

Okay, if you don't get your foundation right, all this will be very lost on you, so make sure your foundation is there okay. So, let's revisit write the examples I shared earlier: okay, New Zealand, Canadian right where the writer body falls brick all right away. Do I talk about mplab girls being formally? It was here. Do you agree New Zealand, Canadian? There was this built up this form over here.

Now, let's go down to a lower timeframe like the former time frame and see whether is there any follows: break trading opportunities that allows us to shot and the heist. So I'm going to split up this chart into two p.m. okay. This is the daily timeframe.

You saw earlier, and now this is the former time frame. So let's go to this point in time over here you can see you know just zoom in this Chuck. Okay, here, okay, you can see over here. This is the build up on a daily timeframe and on the forward, it's this section over here this section over here.

So can you identify the false break setup on this time frame? Well, there are a couple. Actually, if you look at this number one is this one over here. This is the first forms brick never cut on this time for, in the false break of this size, number two, this one over here right now, the false break that cut at this highs. Taking on this signs - and this highs at this point before it reverse, can you see how this entering the break-up before the break-up? So a couple of tip for you here right, so you can see over here that you might suffer one or two losing trades before you catch the move right so to come, manage your trade.
What you can do is that, let's say you went shot on. The first falls break okay, and this one over here there's no guarantee that if the market goes down low, it's gon na break down low, that's no guarantee. So what you can do is take a portion of your position off right and this loss over here. So you have the remaining position.

Let's say: remaining 50 % to write the mix wave down lower shoot the market break out lower okay. So you have some some left in the back right if the market does goes in your favor, if you reverse against you, hey there's not much of an issue because you really took some profits off reversed gains. You write your loss. Right is much smaller or you could even exit that breakeven then over here another example.

Right, let's say you went the shot on this false break. You might have to take a portion off at this loss and when the market break down lower, you still have the remaining 50 % right to write. The next wave down lower make sense right. This is a useful technique right to to consider if you're looking to trigger breakout before the breakout.

Okay, let's see what else I can share with you another example pound against the Swiss franc. Let me just expand the chart so pound against the Swiss franc. You see that again, similar things happening over here there is this tight, build up form over here, how they actually enter the break-up before the break-up again using the same technique that I've said use multiple time frame. Analysis split the chart into two.

You see that over here at this point on the four-hour time frame. It looks something like this. Okay, so just dislike, okay, see on the daily time frame. Is this part here on a forward time frame? It looks something like this now: do you see any opportunities to sell in this market? After all, the momentum is lower trend is down over here.

Do you see something familiar a false break set up at the highs? How interesting powerful stuff give me a thumbs up right if you think it's good right and subscribe to the YouTube channel, if you think it's not good so this way you can watch more videos and convince yourself that is okay, so do it right now hit the Thumbs up button and subscribe to my YouTube channel and I'll share with you one more example. This is a potential example. Okay, so let's look at their daily timeframe: new zeeland yen right now reset chart okay, so right now you can see that on the daily time the price is forming somewhat of a buildup. Mind is not exactly the nice and tighten to update you have saw earlier, but I would still consider this a bit low and if you go down again to a lower timeframe, you can find right opportunities to enter a trade before the the breakout occurs before it Breaks out of the highs or whether it bring something lows there could be opportunities right for you to take advantage off.
Let me just go down to the forward timeframe. Your street can see over here on the forward timeframe. This is the range then you've seen earlier on the daily timeframe: okay, in the loop retreat, the Falls break off the highs or the lows, depending on your bias, if you are having a bearish bias and of course you want to look for fall spring setup at This area of resistance, if a bullish bias, they look for false brick set up and the loss of support, does it make sense? Okay, moving on the rubber band snap right, so this technique is about it's not about entries is more knowing when to stay out of the market. So I want you to stay off the markets right and avoid trading in the direction of the trend when the price is far away from the area of value.

I know that's a mouthful, so let me explain you know what I mean by this. So if you look at this 30-year Treasury market and if you just overlay with the 50 ma - which can just even do it over here - let's say yummy for this shun right for this particular market. You realize that the area of value is that the 50 period, moving average rate tested once twice thrice and about four times over here. So what I meant earlier is that if the price is far away from the area of value, you want to avoid trading in the direction of the trend.

For example, at this point, it's the price near or far away from the area of value. Just look at this job as yourself is this near or far away from the area of value and one look. You know that this is quite a distance away, quite a distance away from this area of any I mean if you want to buy, can you can buy, but bear in mind if you were to buy okay, if you were to buy let's say at this price: Okay, then a proper stop-loss, so it has to go below the area of value. If this is the area of value D, 50 ma is somewhere about here, and you can see that this is a pretty done.

White stop-loss and then really write, reduce your potential are multiple on the tree. Of course, if you want to put your stop loss of a date and put it somewhere here or here, it's really up to you, but bear in mind that if you do this right, putting your stop-loss above the 50 ma alright, when the market makes a pullback, You will likely get stopped out on the trading mix of pool bed. Okay, so you can see over here, I'm muck. It makes a pool bet, you will likely get stopped up.

But, however, let's think about this, let's say you are a patient trader. You let the market come to you, you trade, near an area of value. Now, can you see your stop-loss now it's much tighter and it really improves your risk to reward make sense right. So this is a important tip right, not only knowing when to enter a trade, but also knowing when to stay out of the trade, especially when the price is far away from the area of value.
One more example right before we wrap things up. Okay, so for this one over here, the euro dollar look at this chart. Where is the area of value okay? So you can? You can use a few techniques to define your area of value. You can use moving everyday use trend, lines, trend, channels etc.

So in this case right, I would say that 200 ma is a possible area of value for this market on this timeframe right test - a quite number of times here here and here so if the market now, let's say it's somewhere about here - it's far away from This area of value, you will be selling right, I hope not because if you also use trend line, let's say we draw a trend line over here. Just simple, trendline analysis: okay, not trying to get too perfect just you know just ctrl-c ctrl-v right. You realize that you know right now. The price is pretty much near the lows of this trend channel.

You want to be selling and a loss of this trench, and all that you know if the market were to reverse right near the lows you will likely get stopped up unless your stop-loss is above the height of the trend channel, which is going to be a Pretty dunwyn stop-loss, okay, so this is the final and important tip that I have for you have told you know: don't treat far away from an area of area as much as possible. You want to be as close as possible towards the area of very two reasons. Your stop-loss is tighter number one and number two. It improves your risk to reward on the tree.

Quick recap right! So, first one the falls break technique right. How do you achieve profit from trip traders? We are looking for the price of breaks above the highs and makes a sudden reversal down lower the build up right. We are looking for a tight consolidation right and the highest of resistance or support right before we treat the breakout, the pre breaker right. So this is a combination right.

The pre breaker is a combination of the Falls break and a build up, looking for a build up, first on a daily timeframe and then go down to a lower timeframe and look for false brick setup. And finally, we talked about the rubber band snap. You don't want to be trading when the price is far away from the area of value, because when he makes a pullback you will likely get stopped out of your trades good. So if you have enjoyed this training so far - and you still want to you - know - learn more about price action trading, just go down to my website over here trading with Rainer calm and download this guy, the ultimate guide to price action trading.

We talked about entries and exits support, resistance, market structure, and so so much more more than this video they have just covered so go ahead. Click the orange button I'll send it your email address for free and that's it. I wish you good luck and good Freddy. I will talk to you soon.

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26 thoughts on “Professional price action trading strategies to profit in bull & bear markets”
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  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gixxxerdjw says:

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  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rikimaru tenchu says:

    Hello Rayner does the time frame and candle stick time matter? most of your videos you use daily time frames.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shamar Miles says:

    This Makes So MUCH SENSE .Really Appreciate It , I'm Definitely Subscribing

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacobina Niinkoti says:

    This is the best price action video on YouTube I have come across ❤️🙏🏾

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kodave says:

    Does this technique work on 4hr to 1hr time frame. Or anybody please give me some answer. Thanks before

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Be Solid says:

    I like your style of tutoring. Good vibes. You are not selling empty promises and I like that. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Not sure the strategy will work for me, but I'll take a look and give it try. I am here to learn….and hopefully supplement my income with more wins than losses in the Stock market.

    Keep up the good work.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diamond Ferd says:

    This is Gold. As usual. Everytime you answer my questions, you even answer questions I don't even think of(if there's such a thing). Thank you Sir. I appreciate the content you upload

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KWASI AGYAPONG says:

    Just the comments session has made subscribed to his channel, Don't know much bout trading but I can feel this is super helpful.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thavaraja Sundhar says:

    great Raynor ….Thanks .May God bless you and give you more ONG and happiness

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arlo Carson says:

    10 years this would have cost you so much money to be taught and you still wouldn't understand as well as if rayner had taught you for free.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harpreet Singh Tandon says:

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    Just follow everything and all his videos
    It sounds basic but that’s all you need to be a good trader

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chomnan Saedan says:

    so basically, dont short at the bottom and dont long at the top aka don't chase breakouts. take a look at the large picture.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shubham Farkya says:

    i am in half of video and came here to comment that this guy is legend. i never find anything that useful in any other channel.

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  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Imran Khan says:

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  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G says:

    Hello, does the 20 ma only work on the daily time frame ? And great work on the videos ❤️

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Chai says:

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  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heroo427 says:

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