Do you need to meditate?
In today’s episode of Mindset Monday, I talk about the importance of taking some time to take care of your mental health! If you feel you’re burning out due to overworking yourself, it’s perfectly okay for you to take a deep breath and find ways for you to calm your anxiety. I even share helpful apps that have worked for me.
I challenge you to give back to yourself, so you can perform at your very best!
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We were just talking about it just a few minutes ago that i have so many things i need to do and then tristan said to me: do you need to meditate it's only two kinds of people right now, people that are just chilling, because you know what They can right now then there's the rest of us that are running so fast. It almost feels like we've compressed six months worth of work into like 90 days and anxiety stress tension too much going on. We were just talking about it just a few minutes ago that i have so many things i need to do and then tristan said to me: do you need to meditate? And i was like yes and i say that to you because you're probably just like me, you're running fast you're super busy. You got all kinds of things inside your head, even though we're clear on our outcomes and we're clearing our goals.

We still have that stupid list of all these things that we need to attack they're all very important, and yes, we even prioritized them, but even then i can feel the the anxiety, the intensity, and you know what i don't perform at my best in that emotional State so literally grabbing my phone and i'm just going to give a little shout out to calm headspace and waking up by my buddy sam, taking just 10 minutes to turn that on and breathe. So look, i know you're running fast like i am. I just challenge you to do a little meditation and give yourself the peace to be calm and be focused, so you can ultimately serve more customers and when you go home be the kind of person you want to be the people that matter most lots of love And here's your meditation.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

6 thoughts on “Prioritize your peace of mind | mindset monday”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Real Talk Tina says:

    Much needed reminder! I will meditate more! Thanks Tom

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clayton Estrems says:

    This was needed today!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Valdez says:

    Good morning Tom! Thank you! Do your M.E.D.S.!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Delfinus maghu says:

    Amazing father

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Edgardo Palomo says:

    You have a crystal ball, I follow your advice, I'm running fast, Yes I need to meditate

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JWellsCFO says:

    Great stuff Tom! My three favorite ways to calm down when stress starts to take over:
    1. Breathe deeply for a minute (Apple Watch)
    2. Drink a big gulp of ice water (Yeti)
    3. Tickle my 3yo daughter for a minute (or check her out on the iBaby monitor if it's nap time)

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