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#StockMarket #PreMarket #Stocks
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So all right, good morning, everyone welcome back hope. You uh it's one of those days where i was. I know i i it's like every four or five days i always like. Have this sneaking suspicion? I did something wrong on the stream, but nope everything looks good.

All right so anyway, uh welcome back, hope. You, even though, even though days off are stupid. I hope you enjoyed the date ah day off. I hope you have a had a good labor day um.

That being said, let's get ready. Oh one thing i do want to bring up um. I talked about this last night, but um nicole will drop the link in chat, but the info sessions tomorrow, night, 7 p.m. Eastern register submit your question and again i'll, keep it real short.

The idea behind these is slow down a little bit, get a little more in depth instead of the rapid fire type thing that we do here. So that being said, aehr is definitely a top dip and rip um, uh top dip and rip uh runner on friday. At 52's, pr today, relatively low float uh, not great volume volumes. Okay, um.

I do like the headline on this now. You know it is a little vague, um, a fortune 500 supplier blah blah blah. But what i like about it, it's very buzzwordy um! I you know if you're following the business news, which you should be, i don't know why else what else you would be reading. I mean you know that semiconductors automotive, you know it's a huge issue.

You've got uh, you know, you've got four gm, you know they're idling plants. You see these pictures, these satellite pictures of just the parking lots full of cars. They can't ship cars, they can't ship trucks because they don't have the semiconductors. So what i like about this very buzzword, you know electric vehicles, automotive semiconductors, you know you see what they're doing there so so, as always, i like to tip the hat to crappy penny stocks that know how to play the game.

They hit pretty much all the hot buzzwords and if this week opens and breaks the high of the day, you got ta dip and rip um only thing, i would say, lacking just uh. You know in this day and age in 2021. You know 900 000 shares at 8. 30 a.m, isn't what i would call them amazing.

So that being said, let's get to work alex asked about rnxt whoops um. We were just talking about this one in the steady trade team chat. So recent, i don't so this checks a lot of boxes as well. So let's get the notes.

Rnxt recent ipo, big runner, um a lot of baggies in this. So that's a negative okay, um low flow good volume. I mean this. Is you know this is uh? You know 12 stock and it's traded four million shares so not bad, and then they also have a monday morning.

Pr right, let me double check. I don't want to miss quote yeah, so uh reno cast system for solid tumors um. I would talk. I would look at a key psychological level of probably 12 with risk on.

Vwap would be one way to approach this or afternoon pod breaks over 13.50 so morning. The morning idea would probably be a a 12 break: whole dollar, half dollar and risk on v wep, and then the afternoon idea would probably be more towards high a day up around 1350. Both are valid um thoughts on ftft news. I didn't see the news, but let me take a look ftft sucks, so you know and plus you know, bitcoins doing nothing again.
Right last, i knew isn't bitcoin still struggling with 50k last. I knew yeah, so bitcoin failed to break out again ftft. Let me look at this pr yuck, i'm sorry, but i just you know, listen if, if bitcoin ever like breaks out for real, this is my point on ftft and the others. There will be a time.

Okay, i am not saying um the ftft, the b, the btbts, the riot, the maras, i'm not saying they're dead forever, but i just right now. I i just don't think it's the time. Discotronic ass about kplt gap to fill mediocre volume - 100 million float. So so, when i see mediocre volume, 100 million float.

It's always an afternoon idea. So kplt high float, mediocre volume afternoon v-lap holds seabourn, you think mmat can squeeze, i hope so um, but it's not a squeeze until it breaks previous day's highs. So mmat is straight out of the ebook previous days highs. Geez, my typing is on point this morning: set alert there over 650 now listen, i love it if it can really get going, but dead right now, uh, one of these days, i'll get my ipad back in here is a pop dead.

Probably i had hopes you know. Apop was looking good um middle of the day, but then it failed late day friday. This is a possible red to green, but i wouldn't get your hopes up so matthew, um, hey anything, can happen. It's 20 21 baby, but i don't have much hope, but hope is about a level two okay um.

What do you think about bbig red to green, no see and and here's why? Okay, i haven't been using the white board as much lately. So what i don't like about a red to green, you got, you got pre-market resistance from friday. You got afternoon resistance from friday. I mean it, it kind of broke it, but then immediately slammed back so i mean yeah.

It i mean yeah. It broke 8. 25 middle of the day for a few minutes, but see this is what i see if you, if you take that red to green, i think you're early, because i i see in the last you know 24 trading hours. Okay.

Now i get it it's four days ago, but when i'm talking about time, this is something again. Maybe i maybe i don't point this out, but you know what i'm talking about time. I'm talking about market time so in market time in the last 24 hours. This has failed to break 825 850 four times.

So what do we say about technical analysis? My favorite one of my favorite mark twain quotes, though i believe mark twain may have stole this. But hey he's he's awesome, so he stole a lot of quotes. I steal a lot of quotes, hey you know it's like hey, as, as i think i think, steve jobs stole this quote from who was it? Ah anyway, the the real the real artists steel quote. So i think steve's job stole that from somebody else, which is about stealing quotes and art.
But anyway, my point is talk about randomness history doesn't repeat, but it rhymes if it if in the last 24 hours this has failed to break 825 850. Is today the day on no news. You know ask yourself that no news is today the number five. Well.

I think today is number five yeah. I think that just your odds aren't great, so the only play i would look on bbig would be if this is over 850 into the afternoon, because then it has then proven itself. Discussion of chart history remember the chart tells us well, let me let me rephrase the charts past gives us an indication of the future. Okay.

Now, as always, let's say: bbig drop some news. Let's say the chat room, pumps, bbig, let's say wall street bets pumps, bbig everything changes, but assuming no news, assuming no pumps the chart. The reason we look at the chart on multiple time frames is the chart is history. You know, and - and i mean oddly enough, the times we live in it's interesting the times we live in how man i'm just full of quotes today, but you know those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, which again we don't talk politics Here, but i don't know, i don't even know, if that's a political statement i mean, does i don't care where you stand on the political spectrum? Does anybody doubt that the fact of the times we live in that there is a lot of those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it? Does anyone and i don't care where you are on the political spectrum? Does anybody dispute that well those that haven't learned history, i suppose tim's just all over the map this morning, uh anyway, we use the chart to give us an indication of the future.

To me, this chart indicates multiple fails over 850.. You could tell i had i had three days away from pre-market prep. I missed you guys. I missed you, you know here i am blabbering on because i missed you so much so, let's finish up on irnt, i would say um.

This is either number one or a very close number two high-priced dip and rip for me so 9, 45 or late. This is that spac from last week it's also relatively low float. It's got decent volume and i would think of this as a rule of ten stock. What's that mean, i think, of this, like a four dollar stock, if this can break uh that whole dollar half dollar area of four post 945, i would probably then trade against v wap, which would be 350 with a goal of like five plus.

As always, if you don't understand the rule of ten, if you don't understand chart history, i have time limitations here i have to go. Do a or not i have to. I want to go. Do a steady trade team webinar check out the info sessions doing them twice a month.

The idea is again to spend some more time on some of these more esoteric ideas. All right, my friends have a great day and remember. I will leave you with this whoops where's, my music where's group there. It all right have a great day hope to see you tomorrow night at the info sessions.
Those that fail from his to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. My friends learn: learn whether it be human history or chart history learn so.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

15 thoughts on “Pre market prep- stock market 9/7/21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Delinda Hove says:

    I made my first million investing in the stock market with help of a professional broker I met after his conference in New York ,he agreed to handle my trades and its been going pretty well now I have time to do other thing in my life.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars name name says:

    someteims I say to myself, I get to do this

    instead I have to , when I say I get to do this, makes things seem better

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Johnston says:

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  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Perry Bridgemen says:

    Could you have broke down $BBIG any better? Nice work brutha!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Sheets says:

    $IMNM looking good

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maximus Muchimus says:

    That's not a political statement, it's a life statement. Quit worrying about offending losers! Many negative parts of history that repeated were because men that could have been assets for good were worried about offending somebody. I know you have a job to do but don't ever bite your tongue, ever! πŸ’ͺπŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EASY E 1 says:

    Thanks for the information

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dream big says:

    thank you for the informations and your passion for stock market, but please sir stop yelling speacialy in the morning !! thank you

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kitty de Melo says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kitty de Melo says:

    Day off are stupid πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Agreed!!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammad Aldajani says:

    We love you Tim!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charmaine Thompsom says:

    $MTL morning gapped. Please check

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jrosanova1990 says:

    Loco Tiempo, Joe Biden, no bueno para el mundo.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MAXIMUM says:

    tnx for your jobe

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim

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