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#StockMarket #PreMarket #Stocks
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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Um all right, my friends welcome back um, happy friday right off the bat. As always excuse me, drop your questions and comments in your respective chats, whether you're on facebook, youtube, instagram, etc and nicole is the most awesome assistant ever in the history of the universe. It's friday, let's give thanks how about everybody gives a little thanks to nicole huge help. I wouldn't be able to do this.

I would not be able to come on here and scream like an idiot about stocks every single day for like 400 days without nicole's help. So give me a thanks for nicole. That being said, um crvs is kind of the most liquid um relatively low float stock on oracle. This morning, um, you know i talk about with oracle a lot quite frequently it uh.

You know, that's our stock prediction algorithm. It quite frequently quote: unquote likes dip and rips. It sees major resistance. At 360., we've got 11 million shares, which is roughly half of the float traded so far um i do really like crvs, uh and dip and rip.

So, let's get to some questions. Jay knight s about tell strong 30 day uptrend analyst coverage average price target. Five dollar high target buy rate cnbc coverage well done, jay knight. I like your due diligence, jay knight, i always love it, listen whether i agree with the stock or not.

I always agree when you bring the dd, you know the due diligence so um. Thank you, jay uh. What i see is a star. So so let's talk about this.

This is a goody technical example. We've talked a lot of technical analysis this week, um. What i see is a stock that that broke the gap back in june. It then gave back the gap in august and it has now failed to close that gap back to back days.

So you know so my thing is it's pulling back after attempting to break that resistance at 350, which, in my opinion, comes in play back to the spring as well um, i don't. I don't love it jay jay as much as i love your due diligence, and i appreciate the fact that there's a lot of price targets, i'm gon na and always as always understand. This is not a bash, but most of what we do here. You know this is where we talk about techno fundamental analysis.

All right, i don't know if i made up that term, you know - maybe i maybe i ate too much venison and and and had a fevered dream of technical techno analysis, but i probably stole it from somebody but most of what we do, especially when we're talking Day trades is technical, then we bring in a little fundamentals. So i agree with your fundamental analysis: jay, and this is not a bash of your stock, but from a technical analysis on a day trade level. I think you're trying to fight the chart, but again love love. It irnt.

So this was man. I thought i thought we were gon na get something special yesterday afternoon. This was the number one focus on the steady trade team, webinar um. I waited and waited and waited and uh you know it really.

I i joked about it. I really thought it was gon na, be today's jcs or i'm sorry, yesterday's i'm going back to yesterday during that webinar, i'm like man, this thing's gon na go. I just got ta be patient if you remember jcs on wednesday, so look at the charted, jcs you'll know what i mean it tried ultimately gave up the ghost um. At the end of the day, it's a 17 million float stock and we're talking blue sky.
You know back in the 40s, so this goes. I think i consider this a week open, ready, green and early. So so, if you're look, if this is your main idea, i'd look for ready, greens early and then afternoons yeah, i mean most. You know what i'm gon na say.

You know it's it's a it's friday, so that's your afternoon level, so break your previous day's highs. Relatively low float, stock, full-on short squeeze blue sky above early red to green afternoon, yesterday's highs, definitely a top watch. I do not, even though irnt is gapping down, i don't think it's over. So um walleye gill asks about ipha, so i pha man they're trying so whoops.

What am i doing there? We go uh ipha. They just keep pumping out the press releases, so they're trying. You know when i, when i talk about stocks that that want to play the game, these guys keep putting out news um nice level, there uh yeah, oh beautiful, so other than the float. I would consider this yo the only box, i'm not checking, and obviously i'm speeding through this speaking of that um.

Remember guys if you go to stocks to trade, dot, com, slash, free training, and i believe i put this on the daily accelerator but starts to trade.com free training day trading 101. It's free and i think it would be really helpful to a lot of you guys when i, when i talk about going through the sheet you're, probably like well tim, you didn't fill out no sheet okay. Well, i'm doing it mentally okay, 15 years of filling out. These sheets - and we got time constraints i do it mentally, but if you go to day trading 101 right there in the middle, it's free, you get the worksheet that i'm mentally filling out and then just so, you guys know i'm flying out to cali.

In a week and i'm going to film swing trading 101 and short selling 101, so that's the other reason i bring it up. If you go to stockstreet.com free training, you go there, you give your email you'll get notified when the swing trading and the short selling courses drop. So i think i'm flying out into next week or something so now we got to film them. They got to get edited, they got to get released, so it'll probably be a few weeks.

But if you go there you get the sheet and you're on the list. That being said other than the float walleye gill, this is you know, i'm going to call this. A 92.5 textbook dip and rip just miss - i mean if if this was a 7 million floater i'd be screaming like an idiot right now, just missing low flow and as always, we try and check as many boxes as possible. But it's difficult.
I mean it's not every day, you're gon na get something that checks every box. So that's not a bash, and i really like this style. You mean it's all again talking about blue sky, we're at that level. Right now so chris gilson asked about crvc, i'm guessing crvs chris, i'm chris, i'm going to assume you're asking crvs, probably a typo um.

We already talked about crvs, again: 360 370, post 945 dip and rip and again this is what i would call the number one oracle play of the day, because once it breaks that 360 resistance, i think you've got a good level to risk off of, and let Me show you: let me just grab that real, quick, so 360 is currently major resistance. Um. I need a. I need my signal from oracle, but again i got 12 million volume.

I got 50 float rotation early in the day, so i'm assuming you're asking about crbs. What do you think about lulu over 430 um? I have not, i kind of lost track of lulu after i had a couple red days. Oh, oh so yeah um! So i'm gon na say this remember if, if you're uh, if you're on, if you're subscribed to the youtube or the instagram or the facebook, which, if you're not ring that bell subscribe, share with your friends but uh, if you remember, lulu was my number one. High-Priced swing idea from last weekend: um, you know i hate excuses.

There are a few other. There are a few things. There are a few things. I was gon na give an example and probably get me in trouble.

I'll skip the example. There are a few things. I hate more than excuses. I don't know if there's anything, i hate more than excuses, but i will say this.

I think lulu everything i said last weekend is still in play. The one lame excuse. I will give you really choppy spy this week. So if you're, like yeah tim you're lame, your number one swing idea is lame.

This is my i will. I will retort with a lame excuse, and that's that i mean if you've been trading for a while. I don't, i don't think any of the long time. Traders are going to argue with this.

I mean look at that absolute chop, fest on the sp. Why did um this week and lulu? I mean remember the the one. It's a good thing and a bad thing, but high priced quote: unquote: real stocks tend to trend with the sp. Why and that's my lame excuse for why lulu isn't breaking out now.

I will close this and say that video is still on the youtube. It's still on instagram, it's still everywhere everything i said last last weekend on lulu is the same. You know and uh i've made this joke a million times. You know i may be old and yell a lot angry all the time, but i am consistent.

You know. I i uh, i think, through my opinions, okay, i know i go fast here. I throw a lot of stuff out, but i i think, through my opinions, i've got 15 years of experience. I don't just throw stuff out hoping it sticks, and i do my best especially to help you guys.

I mean you know. I think consistency is very important when you're learning something and if i'm jumping around throwing all out all these obscure concepts. I'm changing opinion day to day it gets very confusing. So that being said, everything's the same on lulu um, i'm going to finish on a oh, oh sdc, and then i want to wrap up with cei.
So i got a lot of questions about sdc uh on my dms and stuff, so i have no issue with you guys swing or day trading this, but please be careful, smile, direct, very, very, very sketchy company, and this is a twitter pump this week. Okay, so again it's not a bad thing. When i say it's a twitter pump, when i say it's a wall street vets pump. When i say it's a chat pump, that's not that's! I think it's construed as negative.

It's not, but the reason i bring it up is i want you knowing what you're trading okay, so i get the dms from the true believers on smart on on smile direct and i'm like? No, no, no! No! No! No! No! This company's got all kinds of issues: they're they're, allegedly, if any. If, if, if there's any of my lawyer friends out there, they are allegedly you know like cooking the books, they got a lot of shady stuff going on and i think a lot of people have got suckered in believing the twitter pump. So try to dip and rip trade in afternoon v-wap hold. You know: trade ready, greens, trade, bounces off of v-wap trade, all of our trade out of all of our day trade patterns.

But please please don't become a true believer in sdc i see the pumpers. I see them they're out there so just know what you're trading, let's wrap up on cei this stock, just refuses, refuses, refuses to die and what i would do with this, and i think it's worked all week back to that break of previous days highs. So i think the only reason cei is still up. Okay, i mean you know again and i've been speaking of consistency.

I have been bashing, i mean i'm like we're stocking the world, we're stuck in the world, we're stocking the world, but if you notice every time it breaks highs it spikes. So look at that candle yesterday and and listen. I know it's a 15 cent candle. Okay, i'm not trying to say.

Let me delete some of this, i'm not trying to say that you know this is like oh holy crap, 15 cents candle. Oh amazing! You know we don't really talk scalp in here; okay, it's not, but but the point i'm trying to make. If you look at this chart back multiple days, multiple weeks really every time it breaks a high a day, every time it breaks all of these key levels, we talk about, you tend to get that spike and what that's telling you is you got a lot of Shorts bagged because they're panicking at those higher days at those breaks of previous days, highs at those multi-month, breakouts, etc. So that would probably that 187 level would be the main watch on this thing.

It is friday. I would hope that any short that's been trying to guess the top is smart enough to get out by the weekend. So that's why i wanted to finish with the breakdown on cei in in sdc day trades, only super duper sketch understand what they are day: trade them all day, long but day trade with your eyes wide open. Most of you know, i'm a huge, huge, huge, huge fan of stanley kubrick.
You know full metal jacket, quite possibly my favorite movie of all time. I mean it's like i don't know it's like you kind of got like the john wicks. You know you know, but but full metal jacket. I don't know.

I probably watched it a hundred times 2001 way up there um, but the point is: don't go in eyes: wide shut, okay, go in eyes, wide open and know that they're, just pumps, trade, key levels in and out, quick, etc and then oped what's opad doing. Opad will be a glorious, ready, green um. I don't know if anybody asked about oped um. This thing goes green on an afternoon.

It will be glorious all right. My friends have a great day as always on fridays. I'd like to remind you of the watch list. Stocks to trade.com watch list, free, free, free, free and stockstraight.com free training, get you the the six video day, trading, 101 watch list or or uh course for free.

You get the worksheets, and then you also get signed up for that. Uh swing trading and short selling course that i have coming up in the next couple weeks and have a great day have a great weekend. My friends, it's been an amazing week. Um, i always beg beg beg, especially newer traders focus on the afternoons um.

There will be an epic trade today and i typically they come in the afternoons, especially on fridays, keep manage your risk. Okay, if you had a good week, no reason to get too oversized get too aggressive, um, let things come to you and it's again been been an incredible week if you're patient and you wait for the setups, you wait for the levels you stick to your stops. You have realistic goals, i mean we've had some listen, we've had some huge runners this week, you know. Indp, i mean imdp is such a great example of an amazing amazing stock.

But if you got greedy, okay, things were things probably ended up: bad okay, indp on wednesday freaking glorious, but if you were waiting for 40 or 50 or 100 and now you're sitting here twisted upside down, that's not what we do here. Okay, you know if, if, if crvs spikes a buck a share, you move on you're, not sitting there waiting saying. Oh it's going to hit 30! Oh it's going to hit 50! Oh! It's going to hit 100.! No, no 301 risk to reward based on the chart. Realistic goals and expectations, that's how you become consistently profitable.

That's how you achieve the dream of trading every day in your pajamas living the dream, baby shaving once a week. You know so all right have a great day everyone, and we will see you next time so.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

12 thoughts on “Pre market prep- stock market 9/17/21”
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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Acosta says:

    good stuff bro

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike says:

    Will keep posting the same reply… please record your videos in HD. 720p is not good enough. I can barely see the chart and I cannot read any of what you write.

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  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kristi Stark says:

    Despite all the economic crisis this is the right time to start up an investment

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Longstreet says:

    πŸŽΈπŸ”ŠπŸŽΆ Thanks Tim, Alex, & Nicole!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars El Presidente Electo says:

    Thank you

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Addair says:

    Tim 6
    You always produce results so you don’t need excuses.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Addair says:

    Thank you Tim and Nicole! Enjoy a great weekend

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dangitboy says:

    Thank ya Tim & Nicole 😊, awesome what y'all do! Appreciate ya

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim and thank you Nicole

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristi Wamsley says:

    Thank you Nicole πŸ™‚ for helping Tim help us❣

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