I was all prepared to deliver a rant about the dangers of short selling low float stocks.
But then I thought … What’s the point?
The people who tune in to the Pre-Market Prep generally aren’t the ones who need to be saved. The people who come here actually want to learn. I’d be preaching to the choir.
Still … Don’t be tempted by the Twitter hype! Short selling low float stocks in the current market is risky.
Here’s what I’m watching today…
Is Virpax Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: VRPX) up too much? Plenty of traders think so. If you fall into that camp, just skip it. There’s nothing wrong with moving on if a play doesn’t feel good to you.
For those who are still interested? As of the premarket, I think it has potential as a dip and rip with a rule of 10 approach in the morning. Or, look for afternoon VWAP holds.
Low float stock PharmaCyte Biotech, Inc. (OTCQB: PMCB) has a terrible, disgusting chart. But there’s also a gap to fill…
STT’s Breaking News chat alerted me that there’s no news, but it’s being discussed in chat rooms. Be very careful with a stock like this, especially early.
It’s back! Alfi Inc. (NASDAQ: ALF) is a watch for all of the patterns we look out here — red-to-green plays, dip and rips, afternoon VWAP holds, whole-dollar/half-dollar levels…
AzurRx BioPharma Inc. (NASDAQ: AZRX) is a little higher float. But there’s news so there’s a ‘why’ behind it. It also has a puny market cap. As of the premarket, I’d say it’s a potential dip and rip over 80 cents...
A follower asked about Moderna Inc. (NASDAQ: MRNA) … Yep, it’s still in play!
I was surprised to see people calling MRNA a squeeze yesterday. Not quite … It’s all about the newsflow! Booster shots and vaccine talk are at a fever pitch. I’ll be looking for weak open red-to-greens and afternoon VWAP holds in the coming days...
Another follower asked about LM Funding America, Inc. (NASDAQ: LFMA). Listen, LFMA had its chance yesterday. I’m not too interested today.
While the volume’s way down for Fulcrum Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: FULC), I’m still watching. The longer it holds up, the better the potential for a squeeze later in the week.
A press release or news could change things, but for now, I’m just watching from a safe distance…
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#StockMarket #PreMarket #Stocks
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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So so, good morning everyone welcome back um. You know it's kind of interesting i i was prepared. I was kind of planning on doing some short. You know anti short selling rant when it comes to low float stocks like vrpx.

But what's the point you know i every time i i get ready to do it and then i'm like wait. Wait people on pre-market prep, you were, you are the good people of the world. You don't hate everything. You don't live in your mom's basement drinking canadian mist eating cheetos, okay, you you capitalize on the stupidity of the cheeto finger bros.

So what's the point you know nobody here is i mean nobody here is trying to short a 2 million float stock. Now you may have tried, you may have been duped by the twitter wizards. Remember the obi-wan keno obi-wan kenobi! These aren't the droids you're. Looking for you know, you may have been seduced by the force by the dark side of the force.

Probably probably darth vader would have been a better analogy than than obi-wan, but maybe you've been duped. You blew up your account because the mixo plick, you guys, remember mixel plick, that's like from the superman cartoons we talked in, like you know, gibberish, but anyway you may have been seduced. You may have blown up your account now you're here to learn how to consistently trade for realistic profits because you're, not a bro you're, not trying to buy a lambo today, you're trying to grow your account over time, build up, build knowledge, build your account, then scale Up so anyway, what's the there's no point in it, i'm not going to do it again. So that being said, vrpx, if, if if, if you are aggressive, um hey think of this, i mean most of you probably know what i'm going to say: rule of 10 stock.

Okay - and i know you might be like - oh it's it's it's up too much valid point. I i can't argue with that. Always understand always understand not trading a stock is a valid approach. Okay, if you're looking at vrpx and you're like whoa, i don't want anything to do with this.

Skip it skip it, delete it from your watch list, there's nothing wrong with that. We've got plenty of other stocks to talk about. Today i mean there's probably going to be another vrpx today i mean i mean well, i should say today's vrpx will there's a good chance. Today's vrpx is vrpx, but that being said always understand, you can always skip it now.

That being said, i would look for a dip and rip style, rule of 10 style on vrpx and then the safer approach. If you do choose so let me do morning idea dip and rip on uh vprx, uh rule of ten um also safer approach. You know if you really like the rpx afternoon, v-lap holds and as always, if you don't know what a dip and rip is, if you don't know what a v-wap hold is that's cool. I got a 20 ebook, you know i mean, obviously i'm biased, listen.

I'm. I i will 100, i will 1 000 admit my bias, but i think for it's like 18 bucks or something i mean come on yeah, i i don't know anyone out there that isn't like it's worth. 18 bucks now listen! Maybe you might be like it's not worth 19 tim. I won't give you 19, but i'll give you 18..
You know, i mean listen freaking, you know i. I bought one rib eye steak. One steak at the grocery store. It's 19 bucks.

Okay, it's, like you, know, listen i and i ate it. I ate that steak in like 45 seconds so anyway. My maybe not my best analogy. Uh s, flux asks about pmcb.

What is pmcd uh? Oh okay, so hey here we go. We got a excuse me. Terrible disgusting chart with a gap to fill which we like for dip and rips, so pmcb low, floater ugly chart gap to fill. What do we got for news on this piece of crap um? Nothing today.

Is there news today, i'm not seeing anything. Let me head on over to breaking news. So yeah breaking news says man, i tell you and you guys know you guys know. I don't come on here and do sales pitches.

Okay, i mean i don't i've done 450 pre-market preps. I don't do sales, but i'm telling you here's the sales pitch breaking news, it's just it's so valuable. Okay, two things right: there pmcb, no news, significant volume and movement detected. Thank you.

Breaking news. Also breaking news says, chat guy into vr px. So now we got a chat bump, so looking like today's vrpx is going to be vrpx, so that being said on pmcb, i would be very careful with this because of no news. Uh be careful early, no news according to my boys at breaking news and i'm telling you what you pay for breaking news it it.

You know it's like it's like, oh tim, you say you never do sales pitches. Meanwhile, half of this pre-market prep has been sales pitches, but damn it i'm telling you what you pay for breaking news is worth it. I will move on. Walleye gil asks about elf breaks at 10, 50 breaks of 11 and a red green.

I mean this thing's. Everything elf, has everything by the way who's still got the elf mask. I still have the head of elf mounted on my wall. I need a mouth.

I need a hook to mount elf's head on the wall anyway, red to green break. At 10 50 break of 11 whole dollar half dollars all the way up, so uh elf is back. Every pattern applies to this ready. Greens, i mean view apple, i mean and i'm serious everything applies.

I mean and then uh whole dollar half dollars all the way up: uh, it's, etc, etc, etc. Um roderick asks about azrx, so um, okay, a little bit higher float, but we got news. Chiesel pete's, like we need more stocks, so 90 million float, but it's a 70 cent stock, which means we only got a 70 million dollar market cap. So you know it all intents and purposes.

You know we're dealing with a puny market cap so understand yeah. Normally we're looking at two million five million four million ten million floaters, but we're talking five ten. You know eight dollars, you know. Vr px is 30 bucks at this point, but here he got a 70 cent stock with a 90 million float, but that just gives you a puny market gap.
So pancreatic enzyme therapy, pert. Okay, i get it dip and rip over 80 cents. I like that. It has news i'll tell you that you know we got a y.

You know i normally want a y on these things. What did i do so um hey? What is this azrx god? What did i keep doing man? Ah i'm i'm keyboard happy this morning. So acrx uh dip and rip but might need vrpx to calm down so understand, especially early. So all these dip and rips i mean we got so many stocks out there.

What i i remember remember when everyone was like, oh slow august. What did we have like? Half a day when it was slow in august um, big thing i do want you to be cognizant of the more vrpx runs. You know it's gon na be like i call it that shiny object like naov yesterday i mean naov had a decent morning. Yesterday.

Wasn't incredible, it was okay, but i think that if vrpx hadn't done what it did, an aov would have been an even better runner. So remember, there's only so many degenerate day. Traders out there there's a couple thousand of you on pre-market prep again the good people of the world, but i mean there's only so there it's not like there's a billion degenerate day traders out there. So when you get a runner like vrpx, everyone tends to fixate on it, whether they're trading it or just watching it.

So i'd be really careful early with a lot of these day oners unless, unless, if vrpx just like falls apart at the open, then you're gon na see these other guys light up so understand that dynamic um lisa asking about mrna whoa we're talking real stocks, um Lisa this is, you know, i i still can't believe i saw people calling this a squeeze yesterday, i don't i mean how do you? How do you call mrna a short squeeze? I mean we're we're getting closer and closer and remember we don't talk politics here. I'm no virologist, i'm no epidemiologist, i'm no virus expert, unlike unlike all the weirdos that you follow on twitter. I do not profess to be a foreign policy expert, a national security expert, a virologist, an epidemiologist or a vaccine expert. That being said, how can you possibly call mederna a short squeeze, we're getting closer and closer to mandated vaccines, um they're they're, talking booster, i mean there's a headline this morning.

Madarana had a headline this morning that that uh, you know they're talking booster. I mean these guys are printing cash. I mean this is like you know what you know that little that little gun you can buy that shoots out dollar bills. I mean you can probably get one on amazon right.

Let me um amazon dollar bill gun. Okay, like right here, the money gun everyone at moderna when you get hired at moderna they hand you one of these money guns and they're like whoa and they're, just shooting money. They're i mean at moderna, they're they're burning money, they're flush. They got so much cash.
They don't even know what to do with it. How i mean how can you call this a short squeeze that being said as long as this holds four dollars, it's an afternoon, v-wap hold it's a weak, open red to green and right or wrong. I'm not saying it's the right thing. These guys are they.

I mean they're, printing money, printing money, baby um. What do you think about lmfa again, lmfa had a chance yesterday, but again vrpx stole the thunder faded all day. It's red today forget lmfa and then let's get one more um fu fulc um yeah. I mean you guys know what what i do like about fulc.

I will say this um devin, so no volume not much going on, but this is as we get further and further into the end of the week. This is exactly what we look for for that friday squeeze. So i mean you had look. I mean look at that volume volume just dying, but the longer this holds up the better the potential into like a friday afternoon squeeze, but until the end of the week, unless they drop a pr now they drop a pr that changes everything, but until they drop A pr just keep this on radar, maybe set an alert at 23 or something like that.

So all right, my friends, the good people of the world um little all over the place today, but i tell you what it's you know when you see something like vrpx. It's just an incredible time to be alive, especially when you see people shorting, something like vrpx and then we got all i mean i didn't even get to half the movers today so and then you hear people shorting, my dare not it's like i mean i just There's a lot bad in the world and i know i was here monday morning and i was all bummed out and listen. I'm still you know, i was in such a good mood and then i get start thinking about foreign policy and stuff and then i like ins, you know, and then i get depressed again but anyway um from a trading perspective and you've heard me say this: a Million times in the last year and a half when i started pre-market prep from a trading perspective, i have never seen anything like this in 15 years, so focus on the markets. You know and focus on growing your account.

It's an incredible time. There's a lot of bad stuff in the world, but when it comes to momentum day, trading swing trading never been a time like this. So all right, my friends have a great day. Um check out the steady trade team, get yourself a money gun um.

I might have to order one of these. This be good. This be a good prop. This would go good with the elf mask.

How many are there? Oh, my god, look at this there's like there's like 75 different versions of the money gun. All right have a good night or have a good day. Everyone you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

22 thoughts on “Pre market prep- stock market 8/18/21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Riso says:

    You crack me up Tim lmao thank you

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coach Ken says:

    What's "Canadian mist"? Sounds wimpy😅

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elisa Rosenlund says:

    Thanks Tim! Great list today. Some solid winners in the bunch.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Bumbalough says:

    How do you overcome you're fear of selling too soon?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Dix says:

    I'm coming over to eat meat with you before I break the PDT!!! I can eat a steak like you do!!!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Wooten says:

    How much is the ebook. I missed downloading it for free.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Wooten says:

    Thank ya

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J G says:

    You er super pump is running Tim Bohen lol

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anastassia Taktejeva says:

    I bought your book 🙂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jess Wilson says:

    What is the rule of 10?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CrabApples Bodaciously Bitter Fruit's says:

    $DRV get some no more scam artist like space Jesus let's blow up whole otc derrivates market

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eke Elendu says:

    I wouldn’t mind skipping the learning and to be riding in the lambo getting the honey’s

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tiny-Diamond says:

    I got Breaking News, a couple weeks after I joined the STT trading team…… very worth it!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Racz says:

    what's with all the hate on short sellers ? I get that shorting a stock like VRPX is a dangerous game but to call the long bias people who tune into your show the "good people of the world" and short sellers the "bad people of the world" is straight up dumb

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Petermann says:

    Learn al ot more from u then tym sykes

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cole Taylor says:

    Have a good day, Tim.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Miley says:

    Thumbs up for that steak analogy

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Bell says:

    For those wondering the ebook is more than worth it, BUY IT! Simple and easy to read and gives all the best strategies for our current market. Thanks Tim for doing this everyday, you are the man!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dmobile2go says:

    Love you Big Bro!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Campbell says:

    Buy the book!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Faulk Smash says:

    Nothing motivates me more than getting the notification for this every morning as I leave the front door lol.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim

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