Here’s what I’m watching today…
I don’t know if it’s my top watch, but I’m definitely watching NanoVibronix Inc. (NASDAQ: NAOV). It started running at the end of July. It’s now mid-August, and it’s still hanging around.
It’s relatively low float with good volume, and it issued an 8:30 a.m. press release. I think it has chat pump potential, so I’ll watch it as a potential dip and rip after 9:45 a.m.
I think that Enlivex Therapeutics Ltd. (NASDAQ: ENLV) is most likely an ignore. It’s a junk stock in a sector that isn’t super hot right now. Personally, I don’t consider it a strong morning watch — it’s an afternoon-only play.
Playing a day-two SPAC runner? GreenVision Acquisition (NASDAQ: GRNV) was up on Friday on news of closing a deal with Helbiz, Inc.
However, as of the premarket, it didn’t have much volume. I can’t really give you a read when a stock is only trading 20,000 shares…
An analyst upgrade gave Sonos Inc. (NASDAQ: SONO) an approximately 10% boost. Honestly, I think that might be the best-case scenario for this stock. I talk about why I don’t necessarily trust upgrade news to create massive price moves…
Fulcrum Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: FULC) was an attempted squeezer on Friday. I expected afternoon fireworks, but it never happened.
Still, it held up nicely. Considering that, as of the premarket I see it as a potential red-to-green...
ADMA has 100 million float and a lot of overhead resistance. Sure, I like that it has news. But it’s not a big runner. Considering the checks against it, I’d say it’s a lot like ENLV — afternoon-only.
I had reservations about BIOLASE Inc. (NASDAQ: BIOL) on Friday. I really don’t like it today. If you got bagged in this, there’s little hope for you...
As of the premarket, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMD) is in sideways consolidation. Don’t try to get in early with stocks like this...
Use alerts. Trade breakouts. Quit with the guessing games!
Since Netlist, Inc. (OTCPK: NLST) is an OTC play, I can’t give a read in the premarket. However, check out my NO-COST resources in the P.S. — you’ll find my detailed breakdown of how to approach OTC plays.
Awful stock alert! Sesen Bio Inc. (NASDAQ: SESN) is dismal. It might even be worse than bag-holder stock extraordinaire ContextLogic Inc. (NASDAQ: WISH)...
And to close out, a few last parting shots:
Upstart Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: UPST) has potential into the afternoon as a swing trade.
I’m still waiting for Robinhood Markets, Inc. (NASDAQ: HOOD) to potentially break the $60 level...
Flora Growth Corp. (NASDAQ: FLGC) could be a nice red-to-green...
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#StockMarket #Trading #Stocks
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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Hey good morning, everyone welcome back um drop your tickers and questions in your associated, chats um, you know, remember we don't talk politics here. Um we talk trading opportunities. You know how to grow, how to evolve, how to get one percent better, how to make more money. At the end of the day, but i have to admit normally on you know money monday, i got.

I got the official shirt of money monday on, but um normally i'm all fired up, but i have to admit a little bummed out today. Um you guys know. I'm a big believer in uh, american exceptionalism and uh. I don't know just uh.

Some of the current affairs, particularly world affairs, get me bummed up, got me bummed out so anyway, even though i'm bummed, i'm still here for you, i still show up every day whether you feel like it or not. So, let's get to work. Um naov asks brian yeah, i mean you know this is probably um. I don't know if this is number one, but this is definitely top of the list.

You know this thing has just been holding up for just a month. Now remember this started running back the end of july. Here we are end of august, while not end, but going into the end of august still hanging around um blah blah blah. I mean you know i i don't even really need to open the press release.

I don't really care what i love. I mean. I mean right off the bat 8 30 monday morning, press release uh, you know, you know, that's that's always. Actually, we posted a youtube video this this weekend right um, talking about you know what we look for on a morning, runner, what we look for on a dip and rip, and you know that i mean we.

We love the timing on that 8. 30 press release. So let me get my notes up here: um naob, held up for a month relatively low flow, uh. 8 30 am money monday, pr good volume, friday's highs at 3, 40.

and oracle. Yeah oracle sees major resistance at 338. So i would you know, basically, you know the oracle indicator sees major resistance at 338, which corn coincides with the high of day on friday at 340.. So i would call this basically that that dip and rip over 340 945 or later um the only thing the biggest reason i say 945.

This probably ends up being the chat pump of the day. So i always want you guys to be careful, so um oracle. Major resistance at 340 um corresponds with friday's highs. I think we get short panic over that uh greg asks about enlv big gap up it's covered, though uh you know again.

I i started mentioning that. You know we don't talk, politics, i'm also not a virologist, but you know: we've talked about this so many times. Just nobody cares anymore. You know from a trading perspective, nobody cares so enlv afternoon.

Only so, and and as always, you might ask well why why afternoon only um it's just, i just don't think anybody cares so covet junk penny stock and when i say that i mean understand, there's a big difference between pfizer, johnson and johnson moderna nvax. Okay, when i say nobody cares, i'm specifically talking about the junk covid penny stocks. I mean it's not it's not march 2020 anymore, it's not april 2020. It's not may 2020.
We've got four vaccines out there, so nobody cares about kova junk penny stocks uh afternoon breakouts. Only probably an ignore um h, edison ask about hlbz what is hlbz uh, i'm guessing edison. Maybe that's a typo oh day, two spec i i mean. Ultimately, i can't give you a read: uh micro mobility.

I can't give you a read: was trading 20 000 shares so edison come back. I mean listen! I'm here every day, i'm here every day come back when this thing is actually trading some volume. So sorry and and i'm not like yelling at you - it's just. I can't give you a trade plan on a stock.

This ill liquid sono analyst upgrade a lot of overhead resistance. Wait for a breakout. You know it's up. 10 on an analyst upgrade.

That's probably best case scenario when you're talking about you got a 5 billion dollar market cap stock up 10 on some analyst upgrade. Meanwhile, these guys, i mean you guys know how this works right. I mean you guys know how this works. At least i hope you do - i mean this.

Whoever this guy is at morgan, stanley he's probably got you know he probably bought a million shares of this thing. He puts out uh an upgrade and now he's selling to all the people that believe in analyst upgrades. Meanwhile, he's like hey boss, i nailed it. Give me a bonus.

His boss is like oh joe, you're, an incredible trader, but yeah. Oh man, it's it's! It's amazing. I can't you nailed that call on sono. Meanwhile, sono probably closes the day unchanged after joe unwinds.

His position, so i i i don't like a five billion dollar market cap up nine percent on an analyst upgrade best case scenario here at plus ten percent shane chanel bar asks about c e t x, no volume; sorry, sorry, shane, no volume, um scott. I cannot pronounce your last name: fulc fulc is a weak, open, red green. This was the attempted squeezer on friday. I admit you know.

Fulc had a decent run in the morning. I expected some afternoon fireworks. We didn't get it but held up nicely weak, open red to green um, expected more out of this friday, but did hold up nicely. Uh ronnie asked about adma uh bio.

What's this bioplasma nice fda approval, 100 million float lot overhead resistance uh based on so i liked the news. So i i like the news on adma, but i mean it has ran. I mean you know. Just not a big history of running like the best day was like a 40 50 cent move.

So it's not a big runner higher float tons of overhead resistance um. You know a lot like enlv afternoon only so you know when i talk about afternoon only let's bust out the whiteboard. You know i just don't have much faith in adma. You know now, if it does this, which you guys should all know this drawing so green's, a stock price yellow is v web.

So i i just based on the float, no history of running uh lots of overhead resistance everything i already said. If this can hug v-wap, you know and make a break into the into the afternoon. You know that 2pm window that's a different story, but i just wouldn't be any rush on this thing. Muhammad asks about biol.
I didn't like this on friday. I don't like it today so hated this whoops biol hated this on friday. I hated even more today i mean it just i mean this thing: what did this thing move three cents on friday yeah i mean i mean when we talked about it in pre-market at yeah po. Let this set up it's a dip and rip.

Let it set the high nice sketchy stock penny penny stock earnings winner on a friday, you know, and so that was at what 8 39 a.m. So at that point it was sitting at 93 cents, okay, so at the point we broke it down on friday. It's at 93 cents, it went, it went to 98., i mean talk about lame and then gap down at the open which again - and you know - and i'm already not in the best mood. But i mean you guys understand, i mean listen and i i'm not saying anyone did get bagged in this on friday, but you guys i mean you like i'm trying that ramp, okay, but remember that what what is the dipping rap? Okay, we like that week open and then we look for that break, i mean listen.

If you got bagged in biol, then i don't know you're not trading, my setups you're, not trading the ideas we talked about, and so, if you bought it when i talked about it at 8, 39 a.m, you're, probably in the dms right now saying. Oh no he's pumping dumped him. Meanwhile, i mean how many times have to say it's a sketchy biotech it's 9, 45 or later, ideally into the afternoon, especially on a friday. So if you got bagged in this man, you're there's no hope for you.

You know. Good luck so because you can't even listen to simple, i mean i boil this down as simply as possible and you can't pay any attention to that. And then, after the i mean again, the best run it could do was four or five cents. This thing sucked on friday sucks even more today, do you think state amd is still strong going forward.

Um. You know, i think amd is just a lot of profit taking um, but i would just listen: don't don't play guessing games? You know trade breakouts. I i don't, you know, i know everyone wants to like get in stuff early. I don't get it man, the market changed in 2016 and it doubly changed in 2020.

quit trying to play guessing games. I mean this is just into sideways consolidation at this point now, if it breaks 119 hammer it if it breaks 100 short it you know, but but you're, just in sideways consolidation mode. Right now - and you know i talk about brian shannon's book all the time i mean this is just this is you're. Now i mean an incredible run.

I did an entire webinar breaking down amd you it's still up. I think it should still be up. If you go to stocks to trade, if i could spell slash uh webinar replay, so you know whenever it was, i was like two weeks ago. I broke it all down exactly why we cared about amd and amd played out beautifully once it broke 100, but i mean now you're, just you're, just guessing games and and man i tell you quit quit quit with the guessing games, guys use alerts, okay, use the Charts nlst ask adam or not adam michael, it's an otc.
I can't give you a reading pre-market uh scsn. No, i will leave you with this. I don't know. What's worse, i don't know.

What's worse, the situation in afghanistan or someone wanting to trade scs all right have a good day. My friends naov, probably number one. I kinda i kind of like that ready green on fulc upst. If you saw the youtube video, i do really like ups.

The end of the afternoon um as a swing trade, you know microsoft's a red green, robin hood waiting for that 60 level. Um milo asked about flgc red. Oh, that's! A nice ready, flgc's, a nice ready green. So this that this stock's been this got it squeezed.

In after hours, uh michael, if that's how i pronounce your name, thank you for lightening my mood. You you brought me back from the depths of despair after sesn, i mean listen. If you guys are asking about scsn, i can't believe no one's asked about wish. I mean doesn't: doesn't someone want to talk about wish the the twitter pump, i begged you to avoid for a month which is probably better than sesn so anyway.

Thank you, maya, michael for bringing me back from the depths of despair. This squeezed in after hours on friday, it's been punishing shorts for geez a month. Now, so just that's a solid ready, green. So all right have a good day.

Whoops ready, green, oh whoops, and i need to take notes for sesn scsn, only stock setup. Worse than wish, so all right, my friends, have a good day. I will uh see you next time. I'll always be here good mood, bad mood, but have a good day.

My friends we'll see you next time, so.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

14 thoughts on “Pre market prep- stock market 8/16/21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samara says:

    Oh wow, you made me laugh with your comments on SESN. 😂 Yes, and the whole thing in Afghanistan is just wretched. Totally agree with you there.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mic4ever says:

    You know man I know you don’t wanna get into this but the president is a moron.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrPmj00 says:

    Yep, I bought a ton on the dip. It's getting cheaper relative to its current earnings (half compared to last year).

    Amazon invested $14 billion in the last quarter alone, the same as it spent in 6 months before that. It is a do not sell stock.

    …With the Delta virus coming at full speed ahead, pandemic sales will make a comeback.

    Amazon is investing so much money, that no competitor will ever be able to catch up.

    Amazon's not going anywhere so I know that eventually it will come back.
    Fidelity considers Amazon as a large growth company (probably because as big as it is, it still only has 7% of the retail market)

    Get on board or be runover, it's up to you.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David DeFea says:

    Tim, yer the man. Love your breakdown on that sketchy BIOL. you're keepin it real buddy, that's what we want and need!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chance Cole says:

    " I didn't like it Friday and I'm not gonna like it today" had me dying laughing

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eke Elendu says:

    Trading is worse then Afghan right about now

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars El Presidente Electo says:

    Biden and his admin are straight screwing EVERYONE

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rizo008 says:

    Thank You Tim you are the hardest worker in this Daytrading Business, really appreciate all you do. I come here everyday and try to emulate you, I have my Fountainhead on my desk, take my alpha brain with my Black Rifle Coffee. Trying to save money and make money on my small account to join your group. Getting there will be part of you group soon.
    Keep up the great work.
    You are the most honest guy here.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Rock says:

    Mannn the way he ended 🤣😱

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GZ Thrive says:

    lol @ American exceptionalism. You haven't watched the news the last 5 years.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Wooten says:

    Thanks Tim have a great day, God bless and or great vibes

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G R says:

    Thank you Tim have a great day!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dangitboy says:

    Great info as always sir 👍

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim

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