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#StockMarket #PreMarket #Stocks
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Foreign. Good morning, everyone. Welcome back! Um, you know. Obviously you know this is something we talk about a lot.

Uh, pre-market prep. Obviously, it's pre-market prep, so we focus 99 of the time. Well, maybe 95 of the time we're focused on that morning Runner now and we're gonna do that again today, by the way. But um, you know a lot of times I'll be like hey, let this one prove itself.

hey like like actually Friday morning Cmmd the stupid mushroom play I I deliberated those of you that were here Friday I was like oh man I don't know and I finally I'm like forget this thing. it's a mushroom Play It's Vancouver pumping up Let it prove itself in the afternoon. Ultimately, Cm80 collapsed like every mushroom play does. Only thing worse than weed stocks are mushroom stocks.

but um, so when I But but the point is, when we wait for these stocks to quote unquote, prove themselves. Gsit is a great example. So, Gsit we didn't talk about on pre-market prep. Obviously, it didn't even start moving until the market opened.

Okay, there would have been no reason to discuss Gsit at 8 30 in the morning because you know nothing was going on. I mean zero volume at 8 30. that being said, it runs right out of the gate, explodes higher, and a lot of people are like oh, I missed it I missed it I missed it And if you look for our number one afternoon pattern The View app hold High a day break Okay in in these uh uh, manipulated pumpy, low float-ish type stocks You didn't miss any. Okay, so I'm gonna play you a quick clip from a noon webinar simply because I want to show you the point.

So when I say wait till afternoon, this is exactly it. Gsit at noon, it's about a minute and a half long. but I want you the reason I'm playing it is not. For GSAT Okay, listen, GSAT is probably over Okay, but the point is, notice the steps that I progressed through I map out the levels on the chart.

Okay, then we we break down the thesis. We talk about entries: exit, Stop Losses goals Etc Double Down is G-s-i-t at 365. risk 3 30. So right, there's your channel 365 by 330 goal of four plus um, higher flow.

but 2x1 X4 Beautiful chart pattern. Um I mean this is our favorite afternoon shark bag. Now a couple things. It's kind of quiet out there.

Okay, it's it's kind of quiet out there. there's not a thousand setups. Okay, so Gsit is is my favorite chart pattern. Um, one thing I'm not in love with is evidently it's just like a Twitter pump.

So there is a prominent traitor out there that saying this thing pushing this one hard. Not my favorite. Ellis Evidently they were on like Fox Business which I mean I mean like nobody watches CNBC like like when like when people talk about it. Um like like these these these news plays like Fox Business or uh or CNBC like nobody watches like like I Remember like 15 years ago if some small cap stock was mentioned on CNBC that you can't you cannot matter.

like I think CNBC gets like 50 000 Euros but I'm good and Fox Business is probably a matter of whatever. So listen. Point is not my favorite catalyst, but it's great. It's great about each other.
Okay, so 360 by 330 with a goal of four plus um, it is. It's it's mostly in the shop. Pad is why I Love this. Okay, so let's move on to the agenda.

All right. So again, the point is, that is Gsit if you go back. it was trading in the 340s. Okay, we dropped those lines at V-wap and the high of the day when it's a heavily shorted, manipulated, relatively low float stock that is whole I mean it was up a hundred and twenty percent at that point and proceeded to go to eight bucks and after hours.

Okay, so anyway, the point is that is if if we go over a stock today and I say afternoon view Apple please either Replay that clip or hopefully you took notes. Okay, it's exactly what we look for I Do it every day at noon now. Listen, they don't all work like Gsit, but every day at noon we run the view app scan. We fire up Oracle we match up those levels and a lot of the time we nail stuff like Gsit.

So all right. um W-i-s-a asks side gig Guru um former Runner Any news? uh wait. Earnings today or when is it? um two to earnings tomorrow? Okay, so earnings tomorrow? um I'm not a big fan of stuff in advance of earnings. um I mean six million shares? man? um listen you guys are gonna hate me.

but I'm gonna say this: I'm gonna say the same thing. so I don't like the Catalyst kind of sounds like uh uh uh GIC um so I say afternoon V WAP hold oh you guys are gonna after my example, you guys are gonna hate me. but um I think that's the best entry on this thing. So uh um whoops I need a new note and free So again I it's just I don't like it because earnings are tomorrow.

What's the reason these plays in advance of earnings almost never work out. So and it is the 15th? the Wisa Afternoon view Apple I did not plan that by the way I did not plan that uh clay Hoover Ffie ffie was nice on Friday What did it? Uh ffie was a very solid Oracle Two Penny Stock Um so I would say do the same thing today. um use the Oracle signal or a dip and rip. Um, this was a great Oracle play on Friday Uh, ground higher I think I Want to say the entry was at like 22 and it went to 25.

So um true penny stock dip and Rip So true penny stock um Tio Huge earnings winner says Seth um Tingo Group: What the heck is this? uh um oh this is a ticker change Yeah um jeez, Holy crap that is a beautiful chart Seth Wow what a What a glorious chart. Um what's the what's our? I mean just light volume um afternoon view app hold I mean I Hate you Listen if you want to when you get a chart like this just all day. Grinder: so beautiful chart uh uh Seth low volume but nice chart I don't really see a read on this. you know it's just like you know again.

I mean listen if you want to swing trade true penny stocks which I N I Never recommend like like listen if you're gonna swing trade something, swing trade Apple Microsoft AI The stock is back above the key level by the way. so I don't know. Beautiful chart I Just I I don't know I Don't know how you sleep at night? Swing in three dollar stocks um M-i-n-d Is this another mushroom play? No. Okay oceanograph Okay oh I Remember this one yeah um Oracle levels Two Penny Stock Bam Is there nothing good out there? Are you guys just not having any good ideas? like like listen, no offense I Love all Odia but like are these the best ideas out there And again, I'm not saying that to like gripe at any of you guys.
it's just like um yuck and spr dip and rep low float, no volume um OMH that's one of the uh uh Chinese scams I've listen I say so guys if if this is another one of the Chinese scams right? So guys, remember Top. You know Top got delisted, halted. Um, we knew it was coming. so all of these sympathy plays to top I would avoid like the plague.

Okay, so remember Top was glorious. but we talked about it over and over again. We knew where TLP was going I I know I said it like like I mean the problem with doing so many webinars I know I know several times a few weeks ago. Remember yeah, remember I over and over again I compared TLP to Luck in Coffee.

Who remembers that? Okay, like who remembers that back in the very beginning I'm like listen, guys, don't overnight this, don't It's just a day trade. It's probably gonna be Luck in Coffee if you know your stock market history, you knew where all of these were going and I say all these Chinese scams avoid them like the plague mgol Who remembers me saying I'm like this is gonna end up like Luck and Coffee so fine. dip and rip through two. Oh my gosh, like they're oh my, this is brutal Hcdi Hey, don't shoot the messenger.

Okay 10 000 shares traded All right. Um no again. I Love you guys and I and I say I Know that sounds sarcastic, but man, Brutal. So um, what's my number one? Probably weak, open, ready, Green on Nnox? What is all this trash? man? What is this? This is an absolute disaster.

Oh V-wap Hold Ngms breaking news. No buy out. Uh buy Ngms bio like man, this might be the most brutal morning I can recall um and nox weak, open red to Green Other than that, there will be one. and I don't think you know it ain't gonna be anything we went over so don't Uh so the lesson the moral of the story is if you're sitting there and you're like man I don't know about this one I don't know about this one I don't know about this one.

Me too, brother, me too. So um, what I would do, especially since 90 of you are new Traders I would come back at noon, get on the noon webinar and let's reassess because I don't see Squat and and don't push it again, especially if you're a new Trader Okay, these aren't the days that get aggressive. especially if you're under the PDT Like if you're under the PDT and you're thinking about trading any of these crappy stocks that we looked at today, please run away. Come back tomorrow.
Like? And I Honestly honestly mean that there I see nothing worth using one of your precious day trades on I Tell you that much. So all right guys have an amazing day! I did the best I could but oh my gosh disaster. So moral of the story is let's look for today's Gsit. I mean go back to the beginning of the video Gsit was doing nothing in pre-market ran after the market open.

was on the V web scan and we nailed it at noon. That's the plan I Think so. All right have a good day my friends.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

3 thoughts on “Pre market prep stock market 5/15/23”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrMastic says:

    good morning 💥

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicole Betram says:

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  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amanda L says:

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