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All right, good morning, everyone welcome back there. We go um as always drop your tickers and or questions in the chat. I got alex here helping me out this morning and one thing i do want to bring up and um alex if you could drop the link to the steady trade, advisory or stocks of trade advisory um, and i only bring this up because you know i i Still get people saying what happened to pre-market prep? Why aren't you live at 8 30 every day i am every single day. You know me, i'm too dumb to quit so anyway, keep in mind it's now called stocks of trade advisory still live every day.

8. 30. Eastern you get the ebook included, you get a weekly watch list. You get a monthly research report, it's pretty cool, i think so anyway, check out the stocks to trade, advisory alex will drop the link in i'm still here every day at 8.

30.. Are you anyway? Um bezella, that's about peloton news, so listen! I think it's cool that peloton might get bought out. I don't think there's any edge in these types of plays. Okay now i think it would be.

Allow me to explain so so. Peloton is up on the rumors that amazon might buy them out. There's a week or so ago there was some rumor of apple buying them. I hope apple buys it, but i don't think there's a trade here, because you you have no advan.

You have no edge in my opinion and here's the thing amazon you could, you could buy peloton right now. Let's say you buy peloton it's over v web. You you like this news and then amazon issues, a press release and they're like we ain't buying peloton and all of a sudden. It drops all the way back to 23 bucks now.

Vice versa, vice versa, jeff bezos might come on and be like. Ah peloton's awesome. We're buying it for 50 bucks a share but where's your edge. It's right.

Now it's just a rumor, and you don't i mean you don't know you know. Maybe, like i said i mean it is fully possible that amazon will issue a pr right, not like as we're on this live stream saying we want nothing to do with peloton and it will drop like a stone. So it's just one of those 50 50 plates. You know, and and it's one of those situations - and this goes for all - buyout rumors - okay, it's just it's one of those situations where i'm like go to the casino.

You know you you bet on red. You bet on black. It's basically the same thing. You know you bet on red, amazon buys them out.

You bet on black, though the deal doesn't go through. I mean to me, that's all you're doing so now, as always. It's up to you. You make your own decisions, i just i i don't see any edge.

So done, rambling caleb asked about zeela oops nice. What do we got here? What's this? I didn't see this number one, one of our main watches last few weeks. Let's get getting squeezy i'd still look at that level from last week, though, if you were here last week, which, if you weren't, why weren't you, i still say, wait for 95. um news looks good, but i would wait for a confirmed, breakout, um piton, no edge.
Zela nice news same plan as last week break a book uh facebook are you on the weekend watchlist and if you're not why? Why do i? Why do i put out all this content watch weekend? Watch list live streaming every day: youtube: videos, steady trade team. My friends, my friends, i'm here for you anyway, all joking aside, nothing new on facebook and and ultimately um, i'm gon na move on, because the watch list is free, all right go to stockstraight.comwatchlist and and and i'm not. Hopefully i don't sound like i'm being a jerk, but i broke it all down. I did like a 10 minute video, there's charts, there's there's there's a plan and it's free all right.

So nothing new on facebook same as weekend watch list and i'm sorry if you're mad at me. I'm sorry i'm a nice guy. I am but what's the point of doing the weekend, watch list just to talk about the exact same thing, so k-a-v-l hanging around nothing dies: 130 k-abl through 130. man, nothing dies.

I tell you it still cracks me up that people want to people want a short stocks when, when the trashiest of the trash kavl worst stock in the world worst chart in the world, absolutely disgusting one and done chart - and here we are three days later and It and it, and it's probably a day three search. It's just incredible man, nothing dies, so nothing dies, sch schwab, um, you know schwab boring company, but um. This was speaking of weekend watch list. This has been on watch forever.

Um soup mark, i think broke. I mean listen: brokerages, they're, they're, just printing money, everybody's trading right now, super duper boring, but mark low risk, safe trade. You know so someone great great exam. Now you got to understand.

You know this thing is taking you know. Let me let me go to you know. This thing has taken nine months to go from 75 to 90. Okay, now very safe, very low risk, but you know you just be don't be surprised if it's like summer and the stock is like at 94 or something all right.

I mean you're up two bucks a share, but just really slow moving, so um. What about d? Wack still my number one oh no slow down. Well, who knows what i'm going to say? Who knows what i'm going to say about d-wag guess what going to be the new 80. 80 was the new 70.

70 was the new 60.. So whole dollar, half dollar trade, the break so so trade all of our patterns, and when i say that if you're in the steady state trade advisory you've got the ebook okay, this is a different rip. This is a weak open red to green, though i doubt it's going to open red um it's an afternoon. V wap hold and it's a whole dollar half dollar break through nine.

When i say nine remember the rule of ten all right. I know it's not an eight dollar stock, but dewac is trading like a penny stock, when, when we have stocks trading like a penny stock like the teslas like the facebooks like like d-wax, we think about that rule of ten, and we and listening. I told you two months ago: it breaks 60. It's going to seven, then i said every day: it's above 70., it's a week, open, ready, green and it's a magnet for eight.
Eighty okay. Here we are two weeks later: it's a magnet for 90 and that and and if it breaks 90 and he get ready for 100, all right standard standard stuff - and i tell you what i i can't. I don't think i talked about this here. There's a couple people in the steady trade team which check out the steady trade team.

It's the mentorship program where i do two webinars there's a couple: people all they've done like the last six week is trade debate and that's it. It's the only stock they traded, and i can't remember somebody was like i can't remember what it was like: 20 winning trades or something trading red to greens. On d-wag i mean it's, i don't quote me on that it was it was. It was a ridiculous stat.

I don't remember what it was. Maybe it was 10., maybe it's 30.. I don't even know, but just like a ridiculous win rate only trading deal. It's the only stock, they trade and if it gaps down it's red on the day they ignore it.

So, anyway, all the patterns apply dip and rip afternoon v-wap holds breaks through nine, with a magnet to 100 through 90. um. What about snap, let me take a look earnings winner: break of friday's highs risk on red, so standard earnings winner play. Dwack 80 is the new 70, which was the new 60 and 90 will soon be the new 80.

yeah p-h-u-n is running sympathy to d-wack um. I still like you know i kind of prefer d-wack. Simply because i mean - and you know bear me out remember we don't talk politics here. We don't talk politics here.

We don't talk politics here. No, but p-h-u-n is a sympathy to dwac the reason i like d-wax. So much is in, and this is a concept we've talked about if you're shorting a stock, if you're shorting a a social media spec, that's been one of the strongest stocks the last couple months, if you're shorting it because you don't like somebody good luck with that. All right and that's not political love, em hate them.

I don't care. This is hey baby. This is a free country, man greatest country in the history of the world. We may be in a rough patch.

Now strong men make easy times easy times, make weak men. You know you know the quote we might be in you know, but still the greatest country in the history of the world and will continue to be the greatest country in the history of the world because of the first amendment. Second amendment: oh thank you. Thank you for that one and anyway, that being said, um you can believe what you want to believe, but if you're shorting one of the hottest stocks in the market, because you don't like a guy, get ready to blow up, that's why i like dwack more than P-H-U-N but p-h-u-n dip and rips v-lap holds just watch it it'll move with d-wag, so all right, one more! A n y! Thank you, antonio.
So yeah gon na finish up with a n y breaking friday's highs, beautiful bitcoin, still strong, um yep bitcoins at the highest beautiful, so any break of friday's highs, probably risk v, wap watch it with the web or watch it with bitcoin watch bitcoin price. So all right, my friends, have an amazing day and again alex if you think thank you again. Everyone give alex a thank you for helping me out um on youtube here, but uh alex if you could drop the link to the stacks of trade advisory. One more time again live every day: 8 30 eastern research report weekly watch list um and the ebook i mean it's.

Maybe you already got the e-book, but you get all that stuff. So have an amazing day. My friends and we will uh, hopefully see you tomorrow. 8.

30 eastern in the stock straight advisor you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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