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#StockMarket #Trading #Stocks
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
You can lose money trading stocks. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. You understand and agree you will consider the important risk factors in deciding to purchase any of our products or services.

So so all right good morning, everyone welcome back um as always drop your tickers and questions in a chat uh. I got a quick video. I want to share jesus a minute, it's a minute and a half long, so i'm gon na play part of it. So um big fan of tim kennedy.

You know, i know you know um great guy, um research, him check him out, but this video i watched last night really about i you know, listen most of you well, not most of you. 99 of you are here because you're learning trading and listen you're learning a really difficult skill, so i did just want to share this video real, quick. I probably won't play the whole thing. I thought it was like a minute long but um, but when it comes to mastering a skill, especially like trading, understand, you're never done um anyway.

Let me let me start it and then we'll get to work so students, you know in their continuing training, and what do you say to your students to let them know the importance, but i make it so painfully clear that uh this is the beginning of a Journey in the class right like so they come to the class and at no point are they ever reinforced that hey high five, you got it, you did it congratulations! It's like. I came from a military organization that they just told you how worthless you were. All of the time and how you were going to die always that you're never going to succeed, you're, never going to you're, never going to survive, you're always going to fail and it seems kind of brutal and cruel. Initially, until you take a step back and realize the whole entire time, it is forcing you and encouraging you both passively and aggressively, consciously and unconsciously, or subconsciously, to continue to try and improve, because if you don't continue to improve, you will die and you will fail.

So that's how our courses are kind of built in the sense that as you're going through it, we just keep reinforcing you like. This is the beginning of your journey. This is you do so anyway, again great video check it out. Sheepdog response i'm actually going back to the sheepdog school in november, when i actually trained with tim kennedy back in the uh in the spring going back in another month.

But the point i want to make is you know when i yell at you um, when, when i get angry, when someone asks the you know, the most recent one was like is wish. You know a twitter pump. Is it a long? Is a long-term investment? I know i can get a little angry. You know i can get a little shouty, but listen the point.

The the reason i do. That is what you're, what you're embarking on what you're trying to do, you know become a consistently profitable trader is one of the most difficult things. Maybe for you for you specifically, it may be the most difficult thing you ever do and understand. As tim kennedy said, it's a journey okay and you're, not gon na.

Do it in a day you're, not gon na. Do it in a week and you're not gon na, do it in a month, okay and and it takes consistent due diligence. Okay, it takes consistent work and effort, and it could take you a long time. Okay, but that's something i have always said from the very beginning.
You know. One of the reasons that i do this is be is because of unrealistic expectations. You know so many people are convinced because of you know the mainstream media. What you know youtube whatever it is that you're gon na be able to do this in days or weeks, and it doesn't work that way.

Okay, so anyway, that being said, let's get to work a lot of red out there pretty ugly day today, big gap down oracle is a sea of red, but we do have a glimmer of hope and that is btbt um really like. I would i'm hoping btbt kind of slows down here, but look for a whole dollar. Half dollar breaks on this um, it's one of the few rays of rays of sunshine out there um hold on. I got ta launch my i rebooted.

I got ta launch my time. Stamper there we go um, btbt, uh, whole dollar, half dollars and remember. This is a crypto play and and here's the thing you might be like well, tim, wait a minute tim. A day ago you were like i hate crypto plays.

I hate weed stocks, understand understand, we got ta talk, something okay, so that being said i'll say it once. I know i'm the king of repetition, but anything we talk about today. You know understand shaky day out there, a lot of red. You know cei.

You know and understand this is not um unusual when something like cei happens when a you know, when a when a pump dumps like that people get scared people back off so so it's not unusual to kind of have a slow day, plus the s p. 500. The overall markets are capping down. So yes, 24 hours ago i bashed crypto stocks, but listen.

We got ta talk something so seabourns asked a lot of you guys asking about the bounce on cei um. You know guys, you know, listen, i i you can go back and and here's a homework project. Okay, go back for two weeks and count the number of times i called cei the worst stock in the world. Okay, so you guys got ta, understand and and listen if, if you're holding a loser, the best thing you can do is sell it and learn from it.

Okay, so if you lost a hundred a thousand, you know, hopefully you didn't lose thousands, but maybe you lost thousands on cei. You need to understand what happens when the pump ends and the signs were there. Okay, i mean listen. You had three days.

You had three red days, okay, so so that that i think that's the biggest takeaway okay - and i know this is one of the biggest twitter pumps ever and i know we talked about day trading this, but i said it's a scam x pump don't hold. Never. I mean how many times have you heard me say: scam x, stocks are never overnights okay. So if you believed the pumpers after three red days, okay, you had thursday or yeah thursday or no friday.

Monday tuesday, you had wait. No no red day on the 30th. The 30th was thursday yeah yeah, so thursday, friday monday, tuesday, was the fourth red day in a row on a pump. Okay, the signs were there now.
The biggest thing you want you you need to do is learn from it. Okay and if you can't recognize the signs, if you can't understand what cei is and hear me, call it the worst stock in the world and hear me call it a pump and dub and hear me say quick in and outs, hear me say: never in overnight. All of these things that i said for two weeks, but if you still then jump over and hear the twitter pumper say it's going to 20, then learn from that and i'm not perfect. Okay, i'm not saying that.

But the point is the pr. Even if you ignored everything - even if this is your very first pre-market prep, you need to understand what happens when a scam x, american stock exchange stock has two three four red days in a row. It's over all the signs were there, whether you, whether you ne, if this you have never been here before today, the chart doesn't lie and and again that's something i reinforce and reinforce one of the biggest things i want you taking less information, i mean, if you're Here great, but the chart doesn't lie, you know the chart doesn't lie. The chart is the ultimate arbiter of truth.

Only price pays so again learn from the price action. Okay, you don't have to listen to me but respect the chart. What do you think about? Pltr love, love, love, peter thiel love. What paluter is doing, um, basically break a previous day's highs straight out of the ebook, so cei learn to recognize the signs or don't trade.

These that's how i always end these rants. Don't trade pumps? If you don't know, if you can't expect, you know, wish mrin btx elf cei, i mean uh uh uh. It goes on down the line, don't trade them? If you, if you're gon na, believe, okay, hey cei, is a 30 cent stock. Okay ci was a cei.

Is, and was a 30 cent stock? That's all it is. You can't believe in them. So if you, if you consistently find yourself believing in these stocks, buy apple, okay, tesla, google, amazon, microsoft, okay, there's options for you. If you want exposure to the market, if you want, hopefully you don't want, quote unquote action, but listen if you want skin in the game.

If you want exposure to the markets, but you keep falling for pump and dumps, buy apple, buy microsoft, okay, there's options, pltr break of last night's ties all right, one more and then i got ta eat it's leg day. It's leg day. Today i didn't get my six post egg poached eggs, i'm starving, sdc, speaking of pumps, weak open, ready, green on sdc and it's a p sdc is a piece of junk scam of a company okay. So i'm gon na finish on this.

For a day, trade. All caps, okay, smile, direct joke company's a scam. It's probably it's pumped by wall street bets two options day: trade a week, open, ready, green or don't touch it and buy some apple; okay, all right guys, little ranty! Today i get it, but two things. There's a time to go long, there's a time to go short, there's a time to go fishing, it's shaky out there.
Okay, it's shaky! I go back to oracle bleeding red everywhere; okay other than btbt btbt, about the only ray of hope. As long as bitcoin stays up beyond that, you don't have to trade every day, etc. So all right have a good day. My friends and we will uh check out the steady trade team.

Oh i got a webinar tonight, 7 p.m. Eastern um check it out. Otherwise, i'm starving see you next time, so it's a date. Sixth.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

10 thoughts on “Pre market prep- stock market 10/6/21”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sifu Investments says:

    I saw you on his Instagram stories one time I was juiced to see you training with a beast

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JORGE GARCIA says:

    been trading for 2 years im still learning alot from these videos, thanks Tim

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spearsg says:

    "You don't have to trade everyday" <—- wisdom — thx Tim!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Blazing Knights Gaming says:

    I'm an idiot but looks like I'm taking my biggest loss so far and it really hurts ๐Ÿค•

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anthony says:

    Lmao the chart donโ€™t lie you might want to go back to yesterday premarket prep and listen to when you were hyping cei up saying it ainโ€™t over itโ€™s not dead

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Pettigrew says:

    Thanks Tim!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dangitboy says:

    Good stuff man

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Campbell says:

    CEI was a .30 stock in mid August. Of course it's going to crash. Check the charts. back up and see the forest for the trees.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Huntsman says:

    Thank you for what you do every day.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Smith says:

    I told so many people that cei was going to dump . CAN YOU GUESS WHAT I WAS CALLED? LOL. YOU GUESSED IT.. A CLOWN

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