“The HEROES Act focus on three pillars: opening our economy safely and soon, honoring our heroes and then putting much-needed money into the pockets of the American people," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday. What do you guys think of the HEROES act? Agree or Disagree with the bill?
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#StimulusUpdate #HeroesAct #1200RoundTwo
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Yodas going on you guys, welcome back to another video, so today is Thursday May 14th, and tomorrow, on Friday, is gon na, be the big day where our Congress leaders are gon na get together. Republicans, Democrats and they're actually gon na vote on the heroes Act which was recently passed. So this is pretty much like the cares Act for anyone who hasn't been following with the news pretty much on steroids. It costs a lot more money.

There's definitely more benefits to this, and it's a lot bigger, build and we've ever seen before in the past eighteen hundred plus pages to be exact. So what I wanted to do in today's video is really talk more about what we should expect in the current situation. That we are in right now with this new proposal to get start with this video. I just want to bring out a quote that House Speaker.

Nancy Pelosi actually said a back on Tuesday, pretty good stuff. Here, the Heroes act focuses on three pillars. This is their main objective. Number one is opening the economy in a safe and soon manner.

So I know that, depending on where you live, your state may actually be lifting regulations or, if you're someone in California, they actually may be tightening it for even a longer amount of time. I live in the state of Maryland and governor Larry Hogan actually announced that in our state, we're actually gon na be lifting our stay at home orders this Friday at 5:30 p.m. except for the combination of a couple counties, one of them I actually do live in We're gon na have cities with so many different types of landscapes. We can have major closeby cities or we can have farmland or we can have the suburbs there's just such a big variety of these things happening, and I know within our politicians they like to bring up the state Georgia saying look.

Georgia has been open for like a week or two already they're fine. They haven't been exploding with cases right now, so other cities should be doing that. But that's really like an apples and oranges type analogy. We can't be comparing different states opening with that type of population density compared to something like New York or San Francisco or even something closer to the DC area.

So that is one of the things that they want to focus on. The reason why I bring that up and the reason why I relate that to what Nancy Pelosi is saying is because that is one of the pillars that the heroes Act is trying to accommodate towards. They want to open the economy up in a safe and soon manner and we're seeing such different disparities within different states that we have right now now. The second current pillar that Nancy Pelosi mentions is honoring our current heroes.

Now, what does that mean? There really has been that much talk on YouTube talking about our essential workers and our frontline workers, and these are the guys that need to go to work that don't have the orders or the capability of being able to stay at home. And when our people who drive our economy, the ones who maybe even take out our trash or do the day-to-day things that we often don't expect, people to do, may be involved in construction, water, utility phone bills. So many things that we need on a day to day basis that people just do not think about when Nancy Pelosi says she wants to honor all of our heroes within this next heroes act that is looking to get past on Friday. She's talking about all the people that are putting their lives at risk right now still going to work and doing the things that often people don't really give us too much glory and value too.
We got doctors, we got police officers, we got people still doing their job, regardless of the idea that they can possibly get infected and and potentially die too so honoring our heroes definitely has a big component to the heroes act. The way they're gon na do. This is provide additional funding to people like our frontline workers, so the third pillar that Nancy Pelosi mentions is putting much-needed money into the pockets of the American people. Now saying that I know the first thing that comes to mind is stimulus checks, but when Nancy Pelosi also says this too, there are different aspects of the way people can get money into their pockets without directly getting a direct deposit or even a stimulus check.

There are different aspects of this bill that not many people are putting too much focus on right now, because this still hasn't passed yet. But it's still interesting to know. Rent evictions mortgages forgiveness on payments. These are all things that in essence, puts money back into the pockets of the people regardless, if it's not a direct deposit amount, I feel like we can all agree.

Those three pillars are something that we can stand on a common ground with now. Here's where the issue actually arises. The problem right now is that the Democrats came out with with a huge bill, 1800 plus pages and they're. Definitely gon na have to do a lot of digging to find different things to negotiate properly and to pull things out.

That aren't properly necessary within this bill that is being proposed by the Democrats. They did include quite a bit of other things as well on the loke. They wanted these things to go in during election year or throughout the year, and now they want to be able to squeeze it in right now, with this whole three trillion dollar stimulus bill and now, if we're able to go in and squeeze some of our hidden Directives that we've had throughout this whole year, like funding for Planned Parenthood or giving money to cannabis or even giving money for post offices. These things may not be completely necessary and we're about to spend 3 trillion dollars anyway, and money is getting set here here, and we've never had an opportunity like this in history ever before, where we're passing stimulus bills.

To this extent, why not throw in some of the things that we've wanted passed for a while? The Republicans are coming out and saying, like? Are you kidding like this? Is? Are you guys sick, like eighteen hundred page - and you guys want this this and this? Let's be realistic about the situation, let's get funding where we actually need it right now, instead of the places that we want as well, that aren't completely necessary. So that really is a debate right now. I think the biggest thing is that the Republicans are gon na. Do some heavy heavy negotiating with the Democrats, vice-versa trying to get the bare bones on the essentials of this bill that is gon na get passed? Hopefully I I say that optimistically law of attraction.
You know how it is, hopefully, okay I'll be realistic. Hopefully, there is no doubt right now in anyone's mind that additional fiscal support is gon na, be completely necessary to move forward and to have a good economy, hopefully to where it was before this whole pandemic actually started. Now I really want to hear your guys thoughts. I mean that's the current situation with things going on, so I definitely wan na hear your guys thoughts.

Do you believe that this bill is actually gon na pass, or do you expect some huge revisions to be happening? Are you in favor for something like this to pass, or are you on the other side where we like, like nah like I do not want this to pass. I want a completely different bill and I'd rather have nothing than this right here, because I understand that this may actually put a dent in our economy more than anything due to inflation and any other things whatever your theory is so definitely let us know down below Are you in favor for this bill, or are you not it's a yay or nay, definitely very curious to see what the mass opinion on something like this is. Regardless of what happens in the decision that is made tomorrow, I do expect some type of stimulus still to get passed. I've been saying this since day, one we are going months and months right now entering probably June within a few weeks without any update, since our first cares Act, which is going to be very unlikely.

In my opinion, we're gon na see some type of support. I'm really curious to hear what you guys think, like always don't forget to drop a like on this video if you guys did enjoy it and in addition to that, don't forget to check out the links down below. If you guys sign up for weeble, you guys can have a chance. I don't know they brought this back for some reason, or they went to two stocks back to one stocks.

Now, they're going back to two stocks, if you guys want to have a chance of winning two free stocks with weeble they're, doing it again, valued up to $ 1400 after you, deposit $ 100 into the app whoopsie check out the link down below free money right There I will also have additional products and people keep asking me like where I got this No Limits background canvas from. I know people out here struggling. I don't recommend people to be spending money on things they don't need, but you guys want to check it out. This is actually from a company called iconic.
They work with other influencers like Gary Vee and they've got some pretty cool stuff, so they actually sent this to me a while ago. People just keep asking me, I usually have it listed in the description of my videos. So check that out, if you guys want like always thank you guys again for all the support you guys are all awesome. Hang in there keep practicing your social distancing or those masks.

If you can and stay safe out here until next time have a good one and hope, I see you guys the next one peace.

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34 thoughts on “Phase 4 ‘heroes act’ bill passing tomorrow ??”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SuperDexteroo says:

    Any stimulus money we get will be taken back from us through taxes and other govt fees. At least 3 states already doing cutbacks on medicaid. Only the banks are going to make money through transaction fees like the first one. Unless you are not ever going to work or you can get paid off the books,you're not going to make out. Stimulus is short term,but taxes are long term ,if not forever!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stu Gabardine says:

    Pay our rent for 6 months and give us $700 a month stimulus

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jackie Marini says:

    My best friend who works at a big grocery store is a Hero she has worked everyday since this began. One thing she did say ppl act like they are crazy . Screaming at her all the employees no respect at all. Yes she is a hero. 🇱🇷🇱🇷🙏✌️

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sexicana G says:

    If the Democrats can get out of the way and let the people get back to work, the economy will do much better!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sexicana G says:

    Take anything that does not help us get over COVID. If it doesn't help small businesses and the individuals then take it out!
    This Bill is trash! Really giving money to immigrants… or changing laws regarding mail in elections… How does that help the ppl.
    Ugh! Democrats I swear!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dragonking1984 says:

    The dems are setting this up filling it with their pork so that when republicans vote it down they can scream about Trump & GOP not caring about the people. It's an obvious trap that anyone who looks at what's in this can see coming a mile away.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ni ni says:

    As usual…worrying about things that have nothing to do with the people that need help. Just give the people some help and stop the sneaki g in money for pet projects which slows down the whole process!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy from Bama says:

    I haven't missed a day of work during all this. I sell parts at a dealership. I don't feel like a hero, but I definitely think that I am at risk every day while people I know sit at home and make twice what I do while drawing unemployment and I think it sucks. I'm not in healthcare, or anything like that, so I really doubt I get anything more than another one time check. It doesn't seem worth it, but I don't really have any choice.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mayra Jimenez says:

    I am very thankful for Dr.’s and nurses, but they make decent money already and working so much why not focus on essential workers that work at grocery stores, gasoline stations, and other sites. Keep in mind that they are also risking their own and their families lives. Why not thank them the same way we are thanking everyone in the medical field. Most of them working in retail are making minimum,and still have to work so that we are able to buy what we need. This is why I thank them so much because I know they’d rather be home, but they can’t.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jo Gladden says:

    The government put us in thisshape it's up to them to help us out!!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DTX214 says:

    Is it only for law enforcement and medicals essential workers or all essential workers I work in the electronic Hardware company and we are considered essential, sorry I haven't kept up with this with everyone being at home really put us in a peak season like work environment, I would really like the benefits if it's there for us

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick McGrath says:

    Give me money. I’ve been working 40 hours since this all started. In the mean time don’t count on Nancy for anything

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kleekai Samurai says:

    Love your energy Brian. Amazingly upbeat, optimistic, realistic and keeping everyone going unlike most of the media.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler White says:

    I thought planned parenthood was covered under the “health umbrella” it’s almost like they getting double paycheck.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars no stress says:

    We need a pandemic in student loan forgiveness worldwide. Thanks for info

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler White says:

    It will be cool if states could do there own “stimulus check” for the people that live in that state.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Munoz says:

    I think we all should get some amount of money…especially those who are essential workers.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Johnson says:

    Didn't know you was from Maryland that's crazy I live in St.Mary's

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nguyen CPAs says:

    Totally agree that there will need to be additional funding to stimulate the economy. But if that's really what the government wants to do then stop hiding all kinds of other funding that advances their political agenda within the legislation.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ciarra Flannagan says:

    We will get another 1200 not for us but because Trump feels like he's in competition with Obama who without hesitation gave out 2 stimulus checks in 2008 and he sees people comparing. So that will happen atleast.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cj Pietropinto says:

    My state is reopening,…the choice was made while our numbers were rising. Mini monarch Reynolds has done a horrible job. But the public is ridiculous! They are running full speed at a jump in numbers and another forced shutdown.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael skoufatos says:

    In my opinion first responders should receive hazardous pay.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Full Throttle says:

    The US Supreme Court filed a $20 Trillion dollar lawsuit against China…. Also, with mass arrests coming of big celebs, politicians, etc the US Supreme Court ruled last month if you are convicted of a crime against humanity your assets will be seized and liquidated back to the US economy/national debt then they will be executed….. Yes I want this bill to pass BUT the republicans need to read thoroughly due to the fact Nancy pelosi and the others have included terminology in the bill to release Felons from prison like murderers, gang members, etc so essentially violent offenders, illegal aliens will also receive money…… That aspect is not fair because they get a free US tax payer bonus that the American people have to pay back. In essence…. $1 Trillion will be wasted away like usual going to things it should NOT…. Why else would it be 1,815 pages? To hide the real plan

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars halogod says:

    You could go in depth about bill rather then just regurgitate what it is. Definitely No for this bill.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barbie Nix says:

    Georgia is Not doing well.. I have friends from there and they have spiked again in covid 19 cases. The government or news is not announcing that. The state I live in has extended the stay home order until the end of May and maybe longer in county I live in.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mary Mcsweeny says:

    I expect that there will be some changes in the bill. I expect that the stimulus check will be. Like the. First check.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cara-Lynn Turner says:

    I think it's ridiculous that it is only the Democrats that are pushing for any type of second stimulus. Mitch McConnell and his cronies all enjoy large salaries and excellent healthcare benefits, so because they're good, we're supposed to be good too… in their minds. Remember who wanted to help the little people come November 3rd.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Koko Motion says:

    Retro from Mar 2020 $2000 monthly for all adults and $1000 per child monthly until the PANDEMIC is over and 3 months after

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SUSAN MCCONNELL says:

    Is this bill going to include people that is on SSI ,SSDI veterans and also the people that are still out of work ? 🤔

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paws Not Claws says:

    Yea my state is opening up today actually, I live in Virginia

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Gernah says:

    Do you know how the economy works?
    Evil Pelosi will destroy America with Bills that aren’t grounded in science.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A C says:

    It's not going to pass, the bill is 3 Trillion and only 100 Billion goes to the people lol

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Auer says:

    In time, these Bills are going to be revisited until the people feel good about spending and the economy shows a recovery. A Priority would be $2,000 a month for at least 3 months.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars frank57web says:

    1800 pages! Pelosi says ( you have to pass it to see what's in it)! Be careful when the title of the bill sounds like it's a good thing such as "The Patriot's Act" which actually isn't patriotic at all!

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