The price of Palantir shares skyrocketed by 38% year to date. This is a significant increase, and many investors are wondering if it's their last chance to invest before the price goes even higher.
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All of Tom's strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching Tom's videos, please don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

So it's been a hot minute since I spoke about Palantir I Know, But it's time we raise an important question given the fact that the stock is up 38 year-to-date Is this too late to get into Palantir? now? look I don't want you to click nothing I don't want you to smash nothing I Don't want you to buy nothing. Just listen with me and let's get this show on the road. Of course. a fair disclosure before.

I Get started. I'm a Palantir bull. I'm a Palantir investor. Palantir is my biggest position and none of what I'm about to say right now constitute any sort of financial advice.

Just sharing my own opinion about a publicly traded company you all can research for yourself and I urge you to do so. Now here's the thing. You look at Palantir 38 give or take. For the past few months, you look at the Snowflake stock, a stock which was traditionally hyped to be way better than Palantir almost seven percent.

At this same time, you look at benchmarks like the S P 500 up 8.3 At that same time, you look at the NASDAQ 16 double the S P 500 and then you go back. And you look at Palantir. Now you know that Old Spice Commercial. Look at your man.

Look at me. Hello ladies, look at your man. Now back to me. Now back at you man.

Now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me. This is literally it. Look at your other stocks, Look at the index.

Look at Palantir quietly under the radar. Almost 38 year-to-date now. I'm always not super excited about getting in into a crowded trade because if everybody is actually buying Palantir stock right now, if everybody's hyped as an investor, it's probably not a good time for me to open more position, more exposure during times in which people are flocking into a stock. And that's why the best times are usually when the stock is getting beaten down if you have a strong thesis, which is something I've done consistently over the past two years now.

personally. I got a lot of flack for supporting this stock for saying it's a great investment for me. Over the past few years people have taken some shots at me for saying that this stock is legit. Many videos have been made, many things have been said, and let's be honest: I couldn't give less about what people say.

I Do me, you do you. For me, nothing has changed. So let's take a look at Palantir at eight dollars and 80 cents with a 37. Spike over the past few months is a good investment for a long-term investor named Tom Nash based on my own thesis.

Hopefully it's going to spark a little sparking you to go and research this thing for yourself and decide for yourself now. I'm going to start with the home page here in stock MVP which is my own platform. More on that at the end of the video. I Don't want to waste your time with promoting it during the analysis stage of this video.

So looking at the stock, you can see that the majority of this Spike actually happened over the past three months. So we're at 37 38 year-to-date and over the past three months it's actually went up 27 and a half percent. Now here's the first thing you should pay attention to with the stock Like Palantir, a stock like Palantir have a lot of short activity. If you go and scroll down here, you see that we have over seven percent right here of short interest on the stock.
This is not the highest shortest stock you'll find in the stock market, but it's definitely heavily shorted at over seven percent. And short selling interest in a stock usually applies downwards pressure in the short and medium term on any stock price. And Palantir is no different. And as a long-term investor in the stock, you should be aware of this because if you see fluctuation in the price, you have to understand this stock is heavy on retail participation.

It is heavily shorted and that's why you will see a lot of volatility with the stock. And if you are considering the stock Fair portfolio, you have to have the right stomach for it. It's not for everyone. Now if we scroll down here, let's look at some Basics about the stock.

Now some of you that are long-term presidential investors, you've seen this. But for those of you who are a little bit new to this stock, I'm going to run through it in about a minute just to show you where things stand for the stock. NOW Palantir is a company. Volunteers Management have always treated this segment Revenue as a segment that's supposed to bring about 35 year over year.

They later adjusted it. they backtrack but in our own. Original Gangster Minds We still remember that 35 year-over-year keger. Now they did 23.6 year over year.

And for us, this was a disappointing number because we still remember that 35 they promised back in 2020. However, what you do have to account here is the fact that this has been a horrible year. Business isn't good for anybody. Look at the layoffs.

Look at the economy, look at the cost of capital, Look at the banking sector. Everything is hurting. So in a year like this to give me 23 and a half percent growth in Revenue I'll take it. It's not the best, but in this climate and this environment, it's a pretty impressive number if you actually don't pay attention to what they said before, the economy went tits up.

Now the one impressive part for me here again as a long-term investor: I Love this trajectory. What? I'm looking here I Want to see how much the revenue is growing and at the same time I'm looking at the expenses and I want to say in which direction they're headed and what's the trajectory. So as Revenue growth is in the mid-20s and I expect it to remain in that area for a while I'm looking at the selling General and administrative expenses and I'm seeing 1.2 billion. Now this is a very high number if you compare it to 1.5 in Revenue.

So if I sold 1.5 billion and my Sgna is 1.2 billion, that's way too high. It means I'm still a long ways away from proper profitability I know I know and there is Gap profitable for the first time, but this is way way premature looking at this number. They need to do more work on this. But if you're looking for some good news and this is exactly what I'm about to show you.
While revenue is growing at a rate of 23.6 percent which is right here, Sgna is only growing at a rate of six percent, this is something I personally love to see. It tells me yeah, things aren't great right now, but the trajectory for the revenue is way faster than for Sgna and that creates a lot of Arbitrage for me because investors are not impressed with 1.5 versus 1.2 as GNA. But if you look under the hood, you see that the trajectory is incredibly impressive and the same story even better happens when you expand the expenses and you actually take a look at operating expenses as a whole. If you go and you expand operating expenses versus Revenue, then you see again Open Expresses are 1.6 billion.

Revenue is 1.5 billion. Not brilliant. But look at the growth rate here. Operating expenses are growing at 2.8 percent, 2.8 percent Revenue grew at 23.6 So the revenue of Palantir? This is the part.

I Want you to listen very carefully. Forget about the numbers, look at the percentages. look at the trajectory. The revenue growth of Palantir is happening at a pace of 10 x compared to its operating expenses growth.

Now, as much as you may not like Palantir and I know, there's a lot of people who are bearish on the stock for whatever reason. And that's okay. There's good reasons not to like the stock, but you can't tell me with a straight face that a company that grows Revenue 10 times faster than it grows operating expenses is going to be unprofitable for a very long time now. The other thing I Want you to attention To pay attention here.

Pay attention. pretension. I might patent that I might pretension that Sorry I don't know what's going on and look at this thing here and again. The OG patented investors.

You all seen this a million times I know I know. But for those of you a little bit new here, peep this for a second. Cash in Cash Equivalence: 2.6 billion totaled at 249 million. That means that this company has 10 times more cash than it has debt.

It means that it can literally create that right now. Go to zero debt and send 2.4 billion of cash this second. So the only reason I think they're keeping this debt is probably is cheap. I'll be surprised if they have like what's their interest expenses I Can't see it here.

So here's a great example of how you can customize these things. So this is stuck. MVP I Don't have interest expense here and I'm curious to see how much Palanti is paying. so I can click right here.

This is actually organic I didn't plan to do this. Where's interest expenses? Let's find it. Okay, here we go. You see this: Interest expenses I Add this feature I Do create profile then.
I'm gonna get to see how much I don't have to dig around in the palantir financials to find that out. That's the beauty of my platform. sorry I'm not trying to promote it I'm just showing you how to use this. Okay, so let's go to interest expenses.

Now we have it. Interest income. How the hell do they generate 20 million in interest income with a 249 billion A million loans? Sorry so this means oh man. This means that this 249 million of loan is pretty much interest free.

This is incredible I Every time I look under the hotels company I Like it a lot more and look at the total assets total ability ratio. Again, phenomenal. You'll be stretched to find something like this. Um, look, liabilities are 800 million assets at 3.5 billion, assets are growing at six and a half percent per year.

Liabilities are dropping at 14 for a half percent per year per year. I Mean you couldn't have asked for a better setup as far as the health of the balance sheet and the health of their financial results. I Mean this company is definitely headed in the right direction. Has a lot of problems, but definitely headed in the right direction.

Now again, I Want to keep showing you some of the things that I think justify its incredible run. and I think this time, unlike what happened in 2020, there's no hype around the stock at all. people are on Wall Street Bets are not talking about it. There's not a lot of excitement even.

I Haven't made a lot of videos on it, right? So with the lack of excitement, the company is slowly but surely building its growth. And look, I'm not going to celebrate here. Palantir at 8.8 dollars per share, which is a long ways away from where it should be and still a dollar 20 below the DPO price. But I will tell you that this is a step in the right direction and it's fun to see some positive momentum.

Sure, why not? Um, Okay, so now let's take a look at this thing here. So on second: VP we have this analyst aggregator tool. So again, now that I'm putting a lot of weight on what analysts are saying about anything, let's be honest, take it with the grain of salt, over a spoon of salt or whatever. But here's what they're saying here.

So we got a lot of analysts right here and average Analyst: Target price is 11.67 dollars, which is of course higher than the current 8.8 dollars and consensus is about 9.45 So Based on what analysts are saying, consensus wise, there's still like a dollar in it, maybe a little bit less like 67 cents in it per share, which is still a considerable amount of profit. and for the medium short term. Again, analysts will tell you what this kind of the sentiment is. Analysts don't give you price targets for long-term investing I Understand telling you what the street thinks about a stock.

So if Alice is saying nine and a half dollars, that's a good representation of what the street thinks and what the retail thinks. So that's that. And this is also very important. I Want you to see this and I want you to really, really pay attention.
One of the biggest knocks on Palantir and still is Is this that right here. Follow what I'm showing here. This is the percentage of Palantir shares held by institutional investors. Guys like: Vanguard BlackRock Goldman Sachs The Big boys.

Now as a company, you always want 60 to 65 70 of institutional ownership Because these guys, they don't flip-flop like a Wienerschnitzel they stay with an investment they believe in for a while. They add a lot of stability to a stock. NOW Palantir is nowhere near where it should be I Think the healthy ratio is about 60 percent. They're way below at 34.77 I'm not going to sugarcoat a piece of turret and tell you that this is good.

This is not good. and this has traditionally been the problem of Palantir. But again, let's look at the trajectory because I think the Arbitrage on these Investments where there's gaps of kind of evaluation isn't trajectory, not in the actual numbers. Everybody can see this percentage and they can see it's a low percentage.

but not a lot of investors can actually look at the trajectory. Look under the hood. Be a little bit smarter. Look at the bigger picture, right? We can debate all day about the freaking downfall of the US dollar.

It's an interesting topic, but this actually makes people money. Not specifically about palleteer, but looking at the details. looking at the trajectory. Now on stock.

MVP Here we have this thing called Insider View and you can actually see this chart right here. The reason I Want you to look at this chart because it shows you the amount of institutionally held shares of Palantir since September 2020. And as you can see right here, I mean this thing is going up faster than a tourist is long in a Thailand brothel. Let's put it this way, that's all.

I'm gonna say look at what's going on right here. The trajectory is very clear. Institutional ownership is still low, but it's going up. It's going up every single quarter.

It had a little dip right here and then it climbed back up and now it's past the previous all-time high at a new all-time high. So Palantir institutional shareholding is an all-time high. The trajectory is up. Institutionals are slowly buying up the stock, and if you look at the biggest boys here, some of these names I mean look Vanguard BlackRock This is absolutely incredible names.

Again, this doesn't say anything even BlackRock they own a piece of everything Vanguard Again, but the fact of the matter is, they're buying up more shares I Think that there's a good chance we might see Planetary about 40 institutional shareholding at this space within a couple of quarters and that's again, good trajectory for the stock. now. I Want you to take a look at this tool we have right here. It's called the safe and this is the relation tool we have In addition to this, the CF model.
sorry and I'm not going to go through the details, but this is basically what we're seeing here for the five-year Target price, which is something that Atlas can give you right? So for the five year Target price of volunteer, the bear case is seven dollars, which is about a dollar ninety below the current price. the middle ground kind of Middle Ground is two I just said Middle Ground kind of underground I don't know what I was saying there. So the middle case um, is the plane rental case like 22 and a half dollars and the optimistic you know, the bull case is 38 So Based on this model, you might lose the door now 90 but this is pretty much seems to be. at this point the floor understanding changes.

There's a lot of upside for the stock. if you're willing to wait for that five years again, there's nothing guaranteed about this. The only thing that's guaranteed in this world is two things that we're all gonna die one day and we're all gonna pay taxes every year. Everything else is a variable.

so at least based on these numbers, it seems like Palantir has a lot of margin to give. This is my DCF quick DCF model which I ran right here. Not going to run through the details, but basically my DCF value for the stock is right now and this interest rate environment above five percent interest, which is about five percent higher than what it was when I did my last ECF is about 14 per share. which means at least in my book, as a long-term investor, this is a 50 undervalued stock.

So the short answer here whether it's too late to get into Palantir in these conditions, is that probably not a good time to jump into a stock when everybody's crowding in when people are pouring in into a stock. Probably not the best time to do it if you're a Trader If you're a kind of a swing Trader or a day trader. Probably not the best time, but as a long-term five-year investor, you couldn't be bothered by this. It doesn't really matter for a long-term investor.

the only thing that matters is fundamentals. The question is is Palantir worth more than eight dollars and 80 cents? Based on what we know today, my own personal opinion, which isn't financial advice on personal opinion, is that it is. And that's why I'm absolutely happy with my position. and I Don't think it's too late to become a long-term investor in Palantir.

Is it too late to swing? Traders thing I Don't know I don't care. Simple as that. Now, if you want to use this platform which I help to build, it's my baby. I mean it's my creation, mine and Pete sign up.

There's a link below. You get to try it out for a week free of charge, zero dollars free if you want to stay on and use it later and use it for your daily stock research which is something I do every day don't pay the full price I'm going to put a coupon code coupon code, special coupon code in the description which you use specifically when you actually extend your free trial for proper license. Use that so you pay only half price. Not like everybody else.
Thank you so much for joining me! I Hope you enjoyed this little recap of what's going on Palantir Shout out to the Palantir community I Love you all again. Before you sign off: Don't click nothing, Don't buy nothing. Don't smash nothing but sign up stock. MVP.

By Stock Chat

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33 thoughts on “Palantir stock skyrockets 38% – is this your last chance to invest?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Coupon says:

    Cash secured puts until the 4th Q. Otherwise, deep in the money leap options with objective of long term ownership. Covered calls until the median flips.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B says:

    Should be called Palancrator am i right

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Indiana Jones says:

    Guess not, huh.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EE P says:

    I just don’t see the value here. I hope I’m wrong.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dad_Jokes says:

    PLTR is like Fed – they print their own shares like drunken sailors and dilute existing shareholders. Stop promoting them

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Retro says:

    Down $100k…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek S says:

    Looks like you’ve got another chance. It’s dropped 7% since this aired 4 days ago. Buy before it’s too late!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SlowmoJo says:

    Palantir is living off all the bag holders who bought in when Tom was hyping this it at $20😢

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Y. Sapphire Group says:

    Super bullish on PLTR!! However, I made a mistake (maybe) I bought most of mine when they went public and it was quite up… close to 30USD? Fudgeeee!!!! I don't have a lot of cash now to buy more sadly!! But I am a long term investor in PLTR and TSLA!! I can weather the bad times, definitely but I wonder how and when should I buy moreeee!! Thanks Tom, love your vids!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Mazzulla says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RCMJC says:

    Its only skyrocketing for people who bought at $5

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xiaobiao xu says:

    Seriously, $PLTR is your BIGGEST position? how big? 40%, 20%, or 10%?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tatler Tom says:

    Hi Tom, I recall you saying something like, to you, PLTR is a "$500 stock." I imagine that was just hyperbole. But, I'm surprised at your take on price in next few years. Has something changed? Thanks.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reza Khosrow-Panah says:

    Hi Tom, Very smart to point out the ramp in revenue vs costs to build a trajectory. Thank for drawing our attention to this important point. And regarding Thailand – I've never been ! LOL

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Ryan says:

    Do you see the advancement of new AI models as a positive development that Palantir can amalgamate their systems to work with or as a threat to their business as it will be able to do some of the analytics they were originally relied upon for?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Comes says:

    Does palantir still hold tons of gold?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheMASDrummer says:

    i've got $12 Calls for June 16th expiry…tons

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Smith says:

    You think we're in bad economy?… maybe tech is but that's not the whole economy and we haven't seen bad yet.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doughboy says:

    DCA'd from $36 down to $14 on 6,675 shares…Every day I feel like Mel Fisher…"Today's The Day"

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Leikness says:

    Palantir is going up faster than a tourists shlong in a Thailand brothel. Legendary.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Watters says:

    I feel like I got lucky getting into Palantir kind of late in that initial surge. My 400 shares @ $8.32 are appreciating this rally

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Borns says:

    I don't want 60% of institutional investors for another 2 years as I keep building my position.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel A says:

    Yay I'm up 3% with my $6 buy in 😂

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WJ King says:

    Revenue growing revenue 10x over expenses is definitely a positive. That cash to debt ratio is also very impressive. They still need work on properly telling
    their story. I'm out for now, but am becoming very tempted to start rebuilding a position since it's so far below dd.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Vandeveer says:

    I looked back through my College Econ and Finance books… couldn’t find a reference to the “economy going Tits Up…”, is it a farming reference to when cows and Sows lie on there back? Help me understand. 😅

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Möller says:

    You missclicked on intrest expenses and got the wrong info

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pelle ljungström says:

    Pltr was at 45 usd so I dont think its to late

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MadCrew Airsoft says:

    i bought in at 19.00, -$17k loss at the moment. i've been averaging down, buying low and selling lots for small profits. PLTR is one of my worse buys. you suck.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 💰 Make $629 Per Day says:

    "Do one thing every day that scares you." —

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roman Ressl says:

    Flipflop like a Wiener Schnitzel 😂 I'm lovin it (I am living in Vienna)

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iFly81 says:

    Hi Tom! Great to have another PLTR video, make re-think about my huge and red position 🙂 BTW.. The financial and prospective outlook for PLTR may appear fantastic and fascinating, and their accounts may even be completely in order. However, in my opinion, it remains a gamble and the race towards large-scale commercialization of AI is being lost. Companies, especially small potential clients, do not need a tank, but a baby car. PLTR is certainly not a baby car.. Therefore, this "boutique product" is destined to be overtaken by the first company that offers a simpler, more intuitive "fast-food" product for AI use

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Snd Efx says:

    324 @ $20.75

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davebogna says:

    1,250 shares at $12.70 lets goooooooo !

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