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What's going on guys, welcome back, welcome back happy to have you tuning in with us today, so we're going to be going over sort of another mid-day market review breakdown looking at stocks kind of going over what happened in the market today, um so right now, probably, Should keep your eyes looking at the stock a and why it's traded a significant amount of volume today, so very interesting. Um today is trading tons of volume in comparison to what uh any typically would trade so um. I think we're gon na be seeing this stock heading higher throughout the day and even into the night time as well, so we'll see how it plays out. I believe that right now on the stock and why it's targeting up to 3.41 for the time being um.

That's probably also, maybe maybe a smidge higher. Let me see, what's going on guys, we're going to pop on over here to amc and gamestop in just a second, was waiting for a couple, more people to tune in uh and then we'll we'll, try and get going here. So just an fyi, a uh a-n-y. Moving decent, i think maybe it's next target it's going for on the upside is going to be about 3.41, all right.

So now, let's jump on over to amc and gamestop all right, so amc this morning we recommended that the long target or the bounce of the market on amc today was going to happen. Um actually one second. So today, the recommendation for amc was to be long, biased the stock at these prices when the stock got down to here. So if we look at what the move has been doing, the move has been targeting down to the plus three deviation mark.

So as the markets got there today, that's where we needed to support the stock again to suggest that this move could even come back upwards so right now, this is where the support in the market is currently at. So if we go look at the uh one minute chart, you should see that the market ends up bouncing right about there all right. So you notice the market comes all the way down on the day into that red line. It bounces.

It goes through once more. So check this out, so market sells all the way down to support bounces a little bit drops through. It creates a bullish divergence on the rsi and then, if you look at the volume, the volume shifts pretty much to buying volume. Let me zoom in it makes it easier for you to see what i'm talking about on the volume when we actually zoom in and kind of bring it up a little bit so we're gon na.

Do this we're gon na take this guy down, because we don't need that as much all right. So this is we're paying attention to this red line. Horizontal was the the bottom bound support level for the day, so you see again we get to it for the first time. In the day we bounce we still go through it and as soon as we go through it and create this new low, we end up getting a bullish.

Divergence on the relative strength index and you'll see that the buying volume look at this candle that bottom candle look at how much of that was buying volume. So when we get a candle like that right next to kind of our predicted price bounce level um and we get that volume. That looks like that. That's pretty much confirmation that the price level that we are looking at is accurate and that helps us get into the trade and then.
Secondly, if you look at what was going on, we were coming down so there's selling volume selling volume we get to the bottom and then the selling volume just disappears and it goes straight to buying volume. And then you can see that selling volume just keeps dissipating. So that means people are stepping in and buying so for right now, with amc pretty much. Let me just double check one more thing before i speak too soon, so with amc i would, i would say that, for today we're probably done moving for the most part.

We're probably not going to do too much more movement today back to the upside, and i don't see us doing a whole lot more movement to the downside. So with the way that the market's currently situated on amc, you're, probably not going below the lows today. The lows that we're putting around 39 are most likely the bottom of the day for now, and the bounce has come all the way back up to the nine day moving average. So the bounce has come back up most likely to where it's going to kind of play around for for the rest of the day, if not trickling, back down a little lower.

So you shouldn't see anything really too crazy happening going forward for the rest of the day on amc. Unless something very unusual uh takes place and happens, can i talk about the share count from yesterday? Well hold on joe's, so the what studies the volume bar is buying selling up dalton uh. If you go to the description of uh this video, there will be a link that says uh ultimate volume, scanner or ultimate volume, uh system, that's what it is and it you have to get it from our website. It's a custom coded script.

Um! If you want it, you have to get it from our website, um that specific one now can we talk about the share count from yesterday, so yeah, if you're, if you're, following any of those streams with a lot of people talking about share count. This share count that again um i'm not on like ortex and i'm not checking this daily short interest daily outstanding shares. I'm not doing any of that, i'm just simply watching the stock for the specific levels that it should bounce or sell off at. So i'm not doing any of that, but what we do know again is there's high short float.

Um, you know it has like close to 500 million. Outstanding shares. Outstanding shares are the shares that are owned typically by insiders, okay, um. So for right now, i'm not doing any of that we're just simply looking at the stock from an overbought oversold perspective and then figuring out where it should move from that point forward.

So, for today the analysis was that uh on amc today, the full analysis was in order to be long, biased, the amc market. For now you had to get up and over this red line you got up and over that red line, and you squeezed okay, but we said you have to sustain over the red line. To suggest the market will continue. Moving higher in the immediate you'll see.
We went over did not sustain, broke down and then the market would swing lower to target its next support, which was down here all right. So ideally, the shorts won the battle today and the bulls lost, and now the shorts are starting to cover some of their positions and people are buying the bounce as we've come down into the next support level. All right and now, let's take a quick look at the long-term chart. This was something that we talked about a couple days ago, that if your average was anything above like 35, 40, 42 45 you're, almost guaranteeing yourself a loss if you're holding for a swing, because the markets will naturally want to come back down to the blue.

So the easiest obtainable move for anybody that was recently betting bearish the stock when it was trading in the 60s, 50s and 70s. Let me repeat that anybody who has been trading bearishly or taking bearish bets on the stock amc since it hit the price of 72 60 50 has just achieved. What would be the easiest obtainable move for that short? Okay, the easiest obtainable move for the short sellers once the price got up to here, was to bring it back down to this zone, so the main objective within the current trend. In this short, it's been achieved, so the bears have already succeeded on doing what they needed to do with this setup.

Now the bulls have to hold the price point that we just talked about to force. Another short squeeze in the immediate okay, so there's a good chance tomorrow. Next couple days, you'll try to see amc, supporting and holding right around this level and if it ends up breaking back down through this price point low. That's where you'll get your next leg down, which will probably take us somewhere towards like 33..

So, for the time being, the market needs to stay supported over about 42 dollars and if we start to swing back down below 42 successfully you'll see the market swing down into the mid to lower 30s um uavs. Yesterday, um you bought it yesterday yeah, so we bought uavs like this day and then i i don't know if i was streaming that day, but i sold some into the move the other day um. But if you look at this this mark here right there, that was our target selling point our target for that move. So we'll go on like a four hour chart, maybe two.

So when uavs was coming out of this bottom little flag pattern, the target - let's draw it out, so this flag pattern right there when that broke out the target was up to this dotted trend line which exists right there. So that's why we got the sell. That's why it's pulled back. I don't think it's going to sell down too much more from where it currently is, and the reason being is because it pulled back pretty.
Actually, no, it didn't still has some room down, but still i think it's going to kind of hold in this area, but i'm not that bullish on it anymore, because we did the flag pattern break. We hit the target resistance, error of 650 and it pulled back and the market is so far respecting that okay uh, no, i don't really trade crypto very often um here and there, but but not really much, no okay. So the next thing i want to talk about uh is gamestop, so, let's pop over to gamestop all right um, so the recommendation from today was gamestop had to stay over and support the prices or wait was that today i think it was because we dropped. Let me just double check.

I got ta go! Look at it! Yes, okay! So we came down. Okay, yes, so gamestop needed to stay above and support the prices of these red lines, or else it was going to sell off was kind of like what we recommended for the long to continue in the media. You needed to stay above this price. You didn't.

Hence the roll and sell off down and then of course, amc's going down. So it's just kind of feeding the fire now right now. Gamestop should continue bouncing a little bit we're kind of late to that. If we had saw this a few minutes ago, we could have been long biased.

But let me explain if we look at you know what actually i got ta take a little bit on that because it's probably gon na continue just a little bit just a little tizzy, so um the reason i say that we should probably be slightly long bias Here and maybe even holding overnight for like an overnight gap up is because, if you look at the the timing right now, essentially the market uh, it's it's we're going for a counter trend, bounce right now, right now, we should probably do a counter trend bounce for The rest of the day, if not going into tomorrow, i would be very surprised if you saw gamestop lower tomorrow. At this point, it makes more sense for gamestop to kind of bounce for the rest of the day and probably gap up overnight or something like that, or just be up a little bit more by pre-market tomorrow. Um and the reason being is, if we zoom in there's two reasons: okay, one is you see how the move went up, blah blah blah blah and then it crashed down. Where did it crash too? Look at it crashed all the way down to the statistical trend.

Okay, so the same point here: drop bounce down resistance, resistance break up through pull back two, so right now, gamestop has pulled back to um its long term statistical trend. So it's this is the average price point or ownership of stock over the course of the last 180 days, all right, um now one second. If we go to the daily chart, oh well, let me mark that price point too real quickly, all right and then, if we go look at the daily chart, there's another support level there. So basically gamestop just traded into um two long term support levels that i figured would probably continue bouncing for the rest of the day and then slightly into tomorrow.
So look at how we got those two price levels and then, when we go and look at the one minute chart, of course that's exactly where the markets have bounced, so i would project that the bounce move of gamestop could go. That would be big. That would be really impressive if it did that, so we're not going to suggest that first, that's not really going to help much either so the gamestop bounce could go back to 276.. That's a stretch for right now, just given how things have been going.

That's a little bit of a stretch unless some crazy happens so for now. I would just project that this gamestop bounce has a stronger chance of getting up to about the nine-day moving average as opposed to 275.. So if you're in gamestop you're long this bounce, i'm long uh gamestop i've already traded amc, i'm long again, i just i literally just bought gamestop um not too long ago. So i would not try to get this move up to 275 for right now, because that's just a little far it's a little.

It's just a little far for right now, so i think there's a greater chance or a stronger degree. We would see the bounce move today continue up to the nine-day moving average, which is this blue, dotted line priced at 262 or by overnight by tomorrow morning. The price and the nine moving average have pretty much come close together. So i think we still got a little bit more up from this um.

Nonetheless, slightly more long, biased game stop for the rest of the day and going into tomorrow's trading session. Okay, mr delta, pro master, the more often you tune into the stream, the sooner you're going to realize that we almost always call the price targets well ahead of the market. So it's um so just keep following keep sticking along in the streams, and you should do just just fine all right. So amc is back up to pretty much where we expected amc could get to um.

So that's cool all right now. What we're going to do is we're going to go. Look at the stock. Clove clov was extremely impressive.

Today clove was probably one of the best intraday swing slash day. Trades i've had in weeks worked perfectly um, so today we recommended that you should probably just be bearish on clove. Okay, our recommended resistance mark was right here. This line this well, let me zoom in and then we'll we'll, let's, let's just show you how we got them all first and then we'll go through it real quickly.

One second give me a second here: people just trying to get things rocking and rolling, but they don't. They don't move so quick on this platform, especially this time of day, okay, um, yes, so so today, today we had resistance areas like right at, in which they might have changed a little bit since then, but a right around, like 1870 on the daily chart, and Then, on the four hour chart we had resistance, see these these have updated since then. So it's it doesn't look the same, but just know that during pre-market trading um during the pre-market trading session - oh it is there it is there never mind yeah. It does work.
Sorry so you see where this line's at on the daily chart here at 18.79, when we go look at the one minute chart you're going to see that's exactly where the market topped today pre-market, okay, pre-market, pre-market, topped right there. That is what we call the plus 4 long term deviation. You can't even read that, so i should just type it you know. So this is what we call the plus 4.

mark. So today our short trade was entered here. I don't really think we started covering it till like maybe there i think that yeah. That was our first cover on the short, so we shorted here the first cover was here and then the exit for me was down here and our ultimate target on the day was down to 14..

Basically, 14 was our absolute low point of that target and we ended up kind of stopping at 1450s into a zone. I'll show you how why we stopped here. So our short entry was here ultimate target was here covered most of it on this bottom held a little bit till this bottom all right! So that's how we got the long-term resistance. Now we got the targets by looking at the same thing, long-term charts.

So the first thing we did was, we said to ourselves once the market gets below the price of 1730. That's when we really should start picking up steam to the downside and then the next recommendation was once the market gets successfully through the prices of 16 and oh where'd. It go yeah right here, 16 and 1526. All right.

This is once the prices got through 16 to 15 26. Then we could target to the red line which comes into play at about 14 in 17 cents now hold on. This is getting even better ready watch this okay. So what the hell? Why is it? Thank you just work, think or swim.

So what gets even better is this? Okay. Is that the fact that this worked almost perfectly all day long, so the red lines, the red lines, were our ultimate target on the downside today, the red line on the daily chart comes into play at 14.23 cents. The four hour plus two mark comes into play. Where look at where the bottom of clove is today right off our negative 12 plus two mark, so i'm gon na walk you through this as best i can here, okay, so this was long-term resistance.

This line, let me zoom in sorry i'm just trying to be as detailed as possible, because that's like the only way that you'll ever make sense of this, you have to very, very detailed. So this is resistance for the day. This was oh. What what we would? Obviously view now as a weak support that had to break, and once it did, it would flush you can see, we pushed up, came back down, went below and then the markets flushed.

So this was our resistance. We wanted to get through this point on the day. All right and then once we crashed through these prices, we figured. We could then target down to the 14s okay.
So let me change this a little bit, so these were half deviation, marks, okay, so these levels right here were half deviations. Alright, so long story short. This is resistance. We finally broke support.

You know, beginning of the day here we swung down to what was our next long-term support areas, and if we could break these, we would then swing down into the 14s. So ideally, this was just a beautiful trade. Today, it pretty much worked perfectly uh to a t, all right, the real they're. They are diving, the price down to cover their short positions, um.

No, that is not entirely accurate, um and the main reason. Why is no matter what stocks will go up in stocks will go down and they generally always follow a statistical pattern. So the bearish move that you're currently seeing in amc, it's 100 normal. It's the same thing that would generally happen with any sort of stock.

That was in that position we seen it happen with clove. We saw it happen with amc this week that what you're seeing currently literally repeats itself almost every week in the market, so it's not there beating the price down. It's the market is just doing what it would typically do in this situation right now, so there's not really any manipulation going on sure. You could argue.

There's someone behind the scenes trying to manipulate something there always is okay, that's why bank of america gets fined. You know a couple couple million dollars a year for rigging the forex market and same thing with wells fargo right. Yes, there is market manipulation going on, but there's nothing about what's happening right now, that's any different than what we typically see on a weekly basis. Okay, so the only one! Second, let me before i go into that um, let's see why sell mffers you screw us all when you sell um, no, not really, not really well yeah.

Of course, if people sell the stock, then it's gon na put negative selling pressure on the stock, and then it will go down you're, not wrong about that, but also know that there are so many participants in the market that, even if i myself were to stop Participating in the market today, it's still going to follow the same statistical pattern that we have drawn out on the chart as it would as if i was trading it so, no matter what the stock is generally going to follow its statistical trend, regardless of me or You buying and selling on the day, generally speaking, so if it's gon na break out and it's gon na squeeze it's gon na squeeze. If it's not it's not and me selling a little bit of shares here and there isn't gon na affect the stock. All that much to a degree, but yes, the more people that buy and the more people that hold and refuse to sell the easier it's going to be to drive the price up, but do realize that this isn't an us thing. Okay, this is always an individual thing, though it's a movement and it's a group trying to drive up the price of gamestop, there's nobody out there that is going to share their profits of gamestop with you or their profits of amc with you, because you decided not To sell everybody's going to buy and sell this thing with the main goal at the end, to make money that money being made and or lost is all going to come down to when an individual decides when they want to buy and or when they want to Sell so no matter what someone somewhere sometime is going to start selling these things, and you can't expect everyone to just sit there and hold the stock, because there's no purpose of doing that if you're never going to sell.
So unless everybody that's holding, this is willing to share their profits with the other people holding this that can potentially take a loss from holding too long. Then you can't really stress to too many people to continue holding this for too long, especially when it's at prices that will guarantee you a loss in the long term. Future phil nicholson thumb. But yes, we want this to explode.

Nonetheless, yes, yes, we need more likes on the video, give it the lick, give it a tickle. Do whatever you got to do. I don't care what you like hearing smash the like button, even though i think smash the like button's outplayed, but whatever you know, go, give it a rub. You know that's going to help this video get to more people, which generally means that each day more and more people learn how to exactly map off the stock market, for their benefit ever hear.

Leave no man behind. Yes, i have heard that, but we also have to be realistic about leaving no man behind right. You know if you were one soldier on a battlefield and you had to carry 36 000 dead soldiers, though the right thing to do would be leave no man behind. Statistically speaking, you would probably be leaving someone behind at that point and since there are, you know, 500 million outstanding shares and this thing has 100 million.

Whatever share float, then, i would say: there's probably upwards, of a couple million soldiers on the battlefield right now and do you really think you're gon na be able to protect all of them? No, that's that's foolish thinking! So again it's leave. No man behind until the hits the fan yes mass, sell when the shorts cover idiot. So so can you explain that to me you're saying a mass sell when the shorts cover you do realize when shorts cover it's actually buying? So how could you be mass selling into covering if you see what i'm saying um so please do make me even more of an it. I want to be made the biggest idiot possible.

So if you could leave as much detail regarding that comment down below so that i can dissect it um uh the feyo bear no, i can't there is really no other platform that really allows you to do this sort of analysis. Uh yeah. I could definitely take a look at sos all right. Let's take a look at sos okay, so it hit a high of 434 today, which means that's guaranteed, probably a resistance trend, um.
So yeah it's been trying to break out of a flag pattern. Um. I think you might be just a little too soon for the flag pattern to actually break up. The market on sos has been trying to return the stock towards uh 4.99.

So i'm actually long biased i'd be more long biases. I don't think you have an immediate breakout, that's going to happen right away, but overall you should probably be seeing prices of sos in the future of 550. But it's not something. I'm really willing to trade or do a whole lot with at the point.

So working on me, how don't i understand that, because, based on the way that you wrote your comment, it would theoretically be backwards. Is why is because you can't have a massive short when you're covering that that, if it's going up, then it's not really a big short down, if basically the way you've worded, it is completely backwards. So again, i'm just looking for some clarification so that i can prove to myself. I am not an idiot.

Well, definitely, an idiot have to be we're all idiots at some time. Some point um you're, watching what do you watch and you're watching the 50 ma and the 4r right now on amc? I think it might break here in the next bar, so you're saying you're watching am sizzle. So again, amc has retraced back to the recommended price target of the bounce. So if you had followed along today, we would have recommended this being the buy point today and then, if you followed from just like the 20 minutes ago, this was the recommended selling zone.

Um - and this is where we projected that the market on amc was going to get to after this bounce, and then we would probably remain trading sideways slightly downwards, but not a whole lot more movement after that for the day. What do we have here? Can you look at meds? Yes, i didn't actually trade meds today. I don't think no didn't take any position on meds um. This was our one of our recommended long stocks.

For the day it was the stock that we sent out on our daily watch list. Today. I didn't trade it i traded. I traded ocgn, cciv, mdly, amc, clov, yrd, s-c-e-l-i-v-r-m-v-i-s, g-m-e and a-n-y today, but i did not trade m-e-d-s, so long story short our at most.

What our max price target was for the traders in our room today that we're watching this was to target this red box and then sell into that. Our recommendation was to be long up to that point and then basically sell because this is a common sell-off price. But the market was strong enough to continue squeezing the market over this price, so anything over this red box is seen as the euphoric move that will most likely return back to this area. So i'm expecting that you will see this move downward, stop right into this zone, because this that's just it's just most likely going to stop here and start to bounce a little bit all right.
So if we look at this from the long term chart pretty much meds is back to overbought all right. This is the situation where, if you buy this stock up near 10, this is the same situation as amc. If you have ownership today of meds with an average per share price over - let's just say 7.91, you are super susceptible to to a loss. If you own the stock at 10 and 80 cents or 950, you pretty much are guaranteeing yourself a loss.

If you intend on holding this for more than a couple days in the off chance that you're lucky and it continues higher, then so be it. If you hold it for two weeks, then you're probably going to guarantee yourself a loss, but nonetheless you have entered to the overbought location and we will expect that meds at this point is probably going to go lower. Okay, uh bruno! No, not for the time being. Really no new classes there in the um.

Sorry in the the course nothing too new, at least. If i can have a platform, i mean yeah. If you have a plot, wait, i'm confused mr bear. I mean the course is great you're going to learn a lot from that right, but it's so maybe the question you're asked is: if you can't have a platform, so that's the other thing is if you, if you have a software that doesn't allow you to run The same charting system as me then yeah taking my course there will be a portion of it where it's might it's not useful, because you can't really do any of what we're doing right.

Um! That's where basically like tuning into our chat room every day and tuning into our streams every day would help you more so if you're, a trader and you're in europe or you're in canada or or somewhere or you don't use thinkorswim, don't want to use thinkorswim whatever The case may be, and you can't run this system - that's somewhere, where you would really benefit from watching the stream being in the chat room with us, because, though you can't do the same thing as us, we can still tell you where those price levels are at Because we have them so that's something we're tuning into the stream and maybe the chat room would help you out, maybe a little more, but you know it depends on which way you look at it. Okay, we are going to check p o-r-p-a, lame game. Stop that pull it back all right, so orph. I know i saw this on the high day scanner earlier, but i this is the first time i've actually seen this today.

This is nuts. So look at this right look at where the stock really took off. Again. You see how it got like through the blue and blew up.

So this is a situation where there were a lot of people. They got caught off guard here. There was probably a lot of shorting. Okay.

There was a lot of people sure, because 99 of the time the markets don't break out above this level, very often like 99 of the time, they're gon na do exactly what amc did. They're gon na do exactly what um clove did they're gon na do exactly what meds is doing right now, which is they go up there and then they end up crashing back down 99 of the time in the point: zero three percent of the time you get This bam where some shit's just going down and it just rips through that level and it really crushes people. So i have no idea why this is moving. I'm assuming it's news, related um.
Actually i think i looked at this stock. No, i think i did look at the stock when it was trading at 12.89, and i was looking for shares to short, because i wanted to sell this top and you can see that went from 13 and it gapped down all the way to like nine. So i wanted to be bearish for this drop, but i didn't think that i think they ended up not having any shares to shore. So then i just stopped looking at it and decided not to even consider trading it at that point.

That is exactly what happened. Okay, so um orph. This is something that um, i'm gon na, say i'll, say this when this unhauls it's most likely gon na crash. So if you own this - and you bought this thing down here and you're up and you're winning, i can't say for sure - because sometimes crazy things do happen, especially when the volatility is so high like this, but i got ta stick to my rules.

I got ta. Stick to the way that i would normally analyze the market and the way that i would normally play and not change. My analysis due to me thinking that something different should happen, because this is a different scenario. That's when you get yourself in trouble more often because you will get caught off guard, so i think we're going to crash.

I think this stock will crash now and sure enough. I think we just opened up, crashed and then halted selling down. So that was my prediction that we're probably going to start crashing on this stock. That's generally what would happen? Okay, maybe it didn't get halted.

I thought it got halted there for a second. I don't have level two open. Let's see no looks like we're going back to getting halted on the upside, and this thing had no news right so yeah this stock is trading on no news, so anybody buying this up and holding it is pretty much gon na get their ass handed to them. Um, i'm not gon na buy this there's no way.

You can convince me to buy this that just not happening um, but anything anyways. This orph um anybody who has a per share ownership of the stock. Pretty much put it this way. If you own this, with an average price over 29 you're, pretty much guaranteeing yourself a loss at some point, if you don't sell it, while it's up because the correction or the pullback is projected to pretty much go to 29 and or below that point, everyone orph Will rip until 3 p.m? Tomorrow i hope so i you know we'll see.
I mean this thing is going crazy right now, uh generally, the way that i go about trading a situation like this. Is it's really really really overbought and a lot of times? This thing will end up crashing 50 percent of its up move and then that's what i'll generally buy, because it usually provides a pretty low risk bounce that has a lot of profit potential. You just don't have to involve yourself with the big up move, which you don't know exactly when it's going to pull back on you um. So this is a situation where we might get the 50 crash bounce retrace on the day and the fact that it's ran all the way to 45 or well 40.

If it pulled back 50 percent, it would bring us back down to about 20 and then we'd, probably bounce about five to ten dollars off that bottom. That would make the most sense to me so we'll we'll see. I i think this is going to be very, very fun to watch very fun um everything you need to know about. My company boiler room trading.

All the scripts and studies we use is always in the link uh of the of the stream or the link of any of the videos on our our channel. I use lightspeed for most of my training um. I know i i always keep saying i'm gon na get the merchandise i mean. There's we only have like two shirts on there.

There's a moon one and then there's a white boy, room trading shirt and i just basically put zero effort into making that. So i should really just sit down one day and and really put together that uh merchandise store, falls, halt up and again climbing even higher, and he shares a short hang onto the target. Qqq still 348. um hold on so the target on the nasdaq market.

For me is still the regression trend, so just know that we have pretty much done the whole move that we were expecting to do. There's not a whole lot more upside in the market on the nasdaq until it reaches our desired price target, which is 343 not 348, but 343.. So just know that yes, we're still long biased because we think it can still go up, but we're not buying it. Because the buy point was back here: selling targets are up here.

This is also a breakout level if we get lucky. So if we're lucky, we actually break out if we're not lucky and the market moves, how it normally does we'll. Probably just kind of hang out there for a sec, so 343 is the target on the nasdaq currently so, right now on orph, i have the opening price for right now at 46, so this thing will probably open up with a gap of almost now. It's eight dollars: seven dollars: 705.

750. Seven, all right the market so far in orph, is starting to sustain at an open of dollars. Never mind we're. Okay, back to forty seven still, forty seven harold trading view, question no doesn't work, never does seems like it's just trash on trading view.

How is the market bleeding this hard um? I mean hold on realistically the market's not even really bleeding. This is a an overview of the market from a large perspective, so for the most part the market's not actually bleeding, and if you look at the nasdaq, we're green on the day and we're up so we're not really bleeding. And then, if you look at the spy the spice sold off but came back so we're not really bleeding in the market, we did have a pretty harsh pullback, though in the beginning of the day, so you missed the 650 target um, i'm not really sure what To do at this point i mean i mean yeah, i am sure what you do, you either decide to hold it or you just sell it. I mean, i think, we're saying 670 650, that that was the desired target.
Sell point. So, for now the desired move is down until it gets supported. So i don't think uavs is really going to go below five dollars, but it could and if it does end up shaking down, then you just expect it's going to go to 470., so um. So for now i'm just neutral on the stock.

I don't think there's really anything to do if you own the stock, there's really not a whole lot to do for this point, because you're not really breaking up. You know you're not really on a strong trend, support you're, really just on moving averages, so you're just really hoping the trend continues. A-M-S-T, oh sorry, haven't covered this one yet a-n-y. This is the number one penny stock that we are following on the day.

Currently, not that we think it's all that awesome and it's it's not even really the number one. It's just a penny stock, that's trading with, like stupid amounts of volume. Today stupid. Look! It's trading, 110 million shares on average, it's usually trading like one.

Maybe two million shares a day, but all of a sudden, this thing's, you know cranking and banking on the day, and so you know it makes you wonder why so anyways a y was kind of a stock. We anticipated was going to continue up for the day and or into after hours trading. So yes, and why i expect we can see higher throughout the rest of the day and or into the after hours trading session. Primary reason why we've seen it grind up all day, it's held really well and the volume on is 110 million, so it's just like.

Why is it 110 million? Why is it so big? The dips continuously keep getting bought. The overbought price of the market on a andy is four dollars to pretty much. Oh, i didn't know that we got there, so we pretty much reached what would probably be like the final target of a and y sort of um. So actually, unless we get lucky, i'm not really projecting.

This moves a whole lot more. At this point, i think we have we've either done what we were supposed to do on a n y or we get lucky. So, unless we're really lucky, this is a great selling point to take advantage of on the stock a and y. So let me close that out.

I bought a little bit of this today in uh. I bought a little bit of this today on my robinhood account. So it was a good gain, so i just decided to close it rather than risk losing the gain overnight, because it's overbought not bad kiddo, not bad, not okay, um yeah. So this ams t stock.
Let's go back and take a peek at this because it's going kind of gangbusters right now so could be fun um hard to borrow no shares of short all right. So that means i will probably end up doing absolutely nothing with amst. So you know a lot of times right now is when so, for example, this is a point where a lot of the market probably knows about amst by now, because it's on scanners - it's hidden scanners, chat rooms - are talking about it. It's pumping up.

This is oh hold on. We don't give a about amst, because we got that o-r-p-h stock um yeah. I did trade fcel for a win of 18 bucks. I haven't seen it since a while ago.

Let me just double check it so yeah. What i wanted to see today was fcel swing down to this 9 32 to 9 12. um, but it just didn't. The market was just holding too well and i realized it.

Just wasn't going to wasn't gon na. Do that it kind of, did it, but not quite remember how i said i wanted to get it down to here. Well, in the morning in the beginning, we took a short like right here, trying to get this to break down to that level, and i could tell it was just being dumb and it was holding. So i just closed it for a small win and it just consolidated most of the day and never really reached that target.

So this is one where we wanted this, but the market was just too strong and it just kind of kept holding it. You can see. We even tried to get there and the market was like meh, so no real, successful, great trade on fcel today, uh so orph looks like it's halted again. Maybe um is it.

I can't see hold on halted again, very nice, very nice. So i know i did say that i'm like, i think it's gon na crash and it hasn't crashed, but still i think it's gon na crash. I mean there's no doubt about that again right now. My expected crash price for the stock orph is back to 33.70.

For now and or lower so you're saying we have a healthy market today, yeah for the most part, the the market was healthy overall. Actually i stu, i still have the the cobalt. I still have it, but i'm just not driving and it's actually parked in my dad's house um, but i'm supposed to sell it to a friend but yeah. I still have it.

Orders that were delayed on weibull last night are still delayed. What studies do you have in your chart? Ultimate volume system only available at ttm squeeze it's a common indicator available on all charts relative strength index common indicator available on most all charting softwares trend lines. You see on the chart that are diagonal. Custom standard deviation system for boardroom trading link in the description, blue, dotted line, purple, dotted line green dotted line red dotted line gap, finder system available from
What's going on with the amc stock, all right, let's go back, let's take a peek at it. I know the title of the video is amc. We probably have people coming in wondering about amc, but then we're looking at orph like this kid's, an idiot he's got a title. It says amc and gamestop and he hasn't even looked at any of those.

Since i've been on the stream well sorry, ladies and gentlemen, so to put it simply, amc has bottomed for the day it will most likely not go below the lows for the day. Current support for the amc market is a price zone of 41. to 38.38. So you have 41 what i say: 41, 30 to 38 30., so 41, 30 to 38 30.

Is your price support level in the downtrend? Remember that we are down trending right now. We are not uptrending, okay, we're up trending, maybe the longer term trend. You could argue is up trending, but we are currently down trending, so each support level on the way down is a counter trend, bounce that hopefully establishes a true support system that then leads to higher prices in the future, but until it does that each way down Is just a counter trend, long bounce that will end up getting sold in two phil mickelson thumbs? Okay, so for right now your price support zone is here. Are you gon na get the opportunity to buy that support zone? Again, i have no idea.

Okay, you already missed it right, that's how quick it happened. It came down here today, so unless you were buying there, you might not get an opportunity to buy that again and if you do get an opportunity to buy that again, it's because it's sold down again into it, which then means there's actually a stronger chance that It's going to break the next time, so you might not want to be buying that as support next time around, because it doesn't matter so for now amc. You should just expect that for the day you're not going to see a whole lot more selling action, you're not going to see a whole lot more buying action. The stock will most likely just consolidate and hang out for the rest of the day and then tomorrow morning, make sure to tune back into the stream at 8.

30 a.m give or take a couple minutes, depending on how quick or slow i'm moving for the morning. As we will give you, the new, updated price targets that you're going to want to follow for the day going forward, and really you would re, you would probably want to use our analysis if you're someone who isn't holding actually no, you could still want to use. If you're someone's holding, but it's better for people who have yet to enter something who are thinking about exiting something? Because we give you the entry and we give you the exit price for that day and time or how we believe the stock is most likely to move. So if you're someone who's holding because you're going for a hundred thousand dollars, then it doesn't really matter where these entries and exit points are for the day, because you're never gon na use them.
The only thing that would be good for you to know about is that when they cross or go below, you're gon na either see bearish or positive selling pressure. So you can just anticipate when the moves gon na happen, but you know that's. That's probably you know what i would say about that apes diamond hands baby lego um, pretty much. As you mentioned, the comment, the more easy to borrow something is generally the easier.

It is that you'll see it trying to trend up versus hard to borrow stocks but yeah. Why don't you trade, crypto so much volatility and easy to predict um, partially stuck in my ways? Secondly, really just haven't opened up an account in a long time with any of these um. So again i don't really have a coinbase account that i log into a binance account, even though i could set one up. I know i can set one up.

We don't have to talk about that um. Secondly, i have not found any crypto platform or any sort of platform outside of td ameritrade. That allows me to run my trading system, which i believe to be of some of the most accurate trading system out there to predict price levels. So if i can't use what i feel to be the most accurate system that i've come across, then it's not going to be extremely beneficial for me to use crypto trading platforms that don't have what i have in order for me to do my analysis, so you Could say that i'm very very dependent on what i've built for my trading.

So when i don't have this, i'm really lost and i'm in the blue, which sucks. But it is what it is. I mean everybody's dependent to a degree. I mean you're dependent on the internet, you're dependent on finance or dependent on robin hood, making your trades and executions when they do which we know they don't sometimes that being said so we're all dependent in some way shape or form um.

So, that's that's what to say about that. Czar. Let me take a look at your comment here. I was looking at a few things for amc on bloomberg, terminal and ice.

Wallow was there. What does that mean? I have no idea what that means or if you're, just joking about ice swallow come because that's what it sounds like bud. That's what it sounds like and that's a good one. I love it because, yes, i do swallow calm there.

You go thumbs up bob um, but that's a good one. I i got ta say that's probably the best paid comment i've ever had on the channel. I'm gon na use that one in the future, but have you heard of uh sugma, mr mike oxmill's, grim ever heard of sogma sugma balls bet you haven't, but you have now or bud about candace you ever heard of candace. You had a herd of candice.

Can you candace fit these balls in your mouth? What stock we looking at now? It just came to the stream um. Why don't you trade crypto literally just answered that question just answered it? Platforms are trashed 10 times out of 10.. No, i'm kidding but platforms. Just really aren't all that great for my analysis, if all crypto was able to be analyzed on or thinkorswim, then i'd be trading crypto all the time.
Probably hey. Would you blow me? I love that one, that's a good one! Um i mean yeah. You can argue the fact the bond market or yeah 10-year crashing bomb market down is driving growth into stocks. I mean yes, yes, generally, when there's a low rate of return in.

You know something like bonds and people put money more into equity markets because there's a higher degree of return, and so yes there's always this shift in the market of bond prices down money into equities equities, you know becoming more high risk and we move into bonds. So there's always a shift of money flowing one way or the other, but um yes, bullish market we've been bullish, since the last we've been bullish for a long time. We're long-term bearish, as in like long-term one day, we're all going to wake up and be um. So i mean really right now i mean yeah, i mean like right now, everybody in the market is just like.

You know it's like it's like a group of toddlers, all cracked out on kool-aid. We got we got matches in our hand and a pile of gasoline in front of us and we're all just dancing around flicking matches thinking. It's all joys and funs and one day we're all going to blow ourselves up and sing kumbaya together, but until that stonks only go up - and we know i mean it's no secret - the federal reserve, the they's. We call them the they's, because that's what they are they're the string, pullers um, so the they's - which we don't really know who they are.

You think you know them because you see them on the tv, but that's not really the days. The days are behind the themes. Those are the themes, the themes you see on the tv the days are behind the themes, okay and uh. Right now, the days are throwing you know like what is like 120 billion.

I lose track, it's so much money, but it's like 150 billion dollars a month at the market or whatever. Okay, when you stop throwing 150 billion dollars a month at the market, we're definitely going to see a dynamic shift right, i mean just think about it. So um long term yeah, i think, we're just a bunch of kids dancing around a fire with gasoline ready to blow ourselves up and sing kumbaya together. When does that happen? That happens when the dude with the most gas throws it? It's actually reverse it's.

When the dude, with the most gas stops putting gas in the fire that it goes out, but the blow up would be because that guy dumps all this gasoline theoretically but anyways. So when our friend mr j money powell, printer printen of the printer stops printing, which really isn't even printing, it's just him taking his keyboard and typing and then just digitally moving money through the world that doesn't actually exist. And then we actually pay interest on money. That was created that doesn't actually really exist, because that makes a lot of financially makes tons of sense.
When that happens, then, probably the world won't okay, how to trade orph you buy it with the hopes it continues higher, while simultaneously knowing you're most likely going to lose. That's how you trade that with where it's currently located now? Okay, that's because of the now the situation that it's in now would be buy it with the hopes it continues higher, while currently knowing i'll most likely lose. If i win it's because of luck, that's it there is almost not almost. There is zero skill involved with trading orph right now: zero you're, going based off of momentum, luck and height.

So if the psychology of everybody buying that market or the market makers decide to flip, spread and screw, everyone you're just really running on luck and hope. Right now, so you know, if you want to have sex with 100 women unprotected, be my guest, not saying it's, not a good idea and you're not gon na have fun while doing it, but just know that you're, probably gon na come home with something it could Be a kid: okay could be a kid or an std. You don't want either depending on your situation. So if you want to buy or ph let it rip tater chip but, like i said uh, the projected crash price correction price for right now is going to be a decrease from 51 to 33.

So again, 51 to 33 is the projected crash price right now. On uh on orph, so unless you have an ownership on orph above 30, now 38 you're pretty much guaranteed a loss at some point. Well, unless you sell before it crashes of course, now it's up to 64.90, damn you can't even like you really can't even buy that without it doesn't even matter like, like. I said i almost unless i've unless i was in this from the beginning, i would i never buy these, never not myself.

Some people do, but just just not me really need to know what volume you are using saber link in the description of this video. It should be titled ultimate volume scanner, something like that and if you have trouble finding that, then just go to or there's a link in the description the volume is provided by our company. It's a custom coded script, go check it out. Pay me your money, open your wallet, swipe your card and then you can have it or you can just use regular volume.

Of course you don't have to have it, but it's a very cool system study. I live and die by it. So um. What's the name of the vault? Oh, you just said that never mind it's a question.

I just answered new to think or some platform down a different channel site. What settings you have in your chart, mine, not as clean as yours, so the only other thing you probably have to do once you put the deviation channel on it is just make sure that under your price action, you have unchecked fit study, so you have to Make sure that the fit studies box is unhighlighted or unchecked and then it will generally um. It will probably fix your issue. I would assume if that doesn't fix your issue, then i have no idea what you have done or what is different.
What is the difference?.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

14 thoughts on “Orph stock up 1238% live trading”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Devin Bradford says:

    How do I get the horizontal lines on my chart is it the same as the deviations?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amy Frewin says:

    Very detailed and precise video you put up mate I love your contents, it's funny how some folks out there still haven't accepted the fact that cryptocurrencies continue to reshape the world globally, It's hard for anyone going against it these days, though from a trader's perspective I feel we really need more experts in the field updating newbies/investors on how the community works, lately the price of BTC has been fluctuating which means the market is currently open and you can't tell if it is going to bearish or bullish, this uncertainty pushes most traders away and forces investors to hold, I'd say it's outrightly wrong to just sit back and wait maybe incur some losses along the line, that's a wrong mindset for an investor because as an investor finding ways to always increase and stock up more coins should be our ultimate goal thereby making profits, it all depends on the pattern with which you trade and also the source of your strategies. I started with 2 BTC and I have accumulated over 5.5 BTC in just 4weeks, with the right trading strategy given to me by an expert trader Mrs Kiana Danial. Her methods are top-notch and profitable and he can be contacted easily on T e l e g r a m [ @investwithofficialdanial] for Crypto and forex related concern.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahmed BS says:

    Extremely Point by point video 🚀 Well I will also say this here, Most people don't understand the concept of "buying the dip" buying the dip is all about buying digital assets when their prices are down and selling off when the price rises just has the current markets is down. Holding is great, although trading is far more profit able. I was able to grasp the knowledge of trading crypt0 assets early enough, but I was still limited due to my lack of technical under standing of how to analyse the digital market, all that changed when I encountered Randy services, I must confess it was easier to understand with the assistance of Randy Douglas that has made me over 13ʙᴛᴄ. This is his details on 🆃🅴🅻🅴🅶🆁🅰🅼; (@randy_signals) or or Whats🅰️🅿️🅿️ +15-20337-2631 for her assis tance on strictly crypt0 related plans.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moe says:

    I have been watching you on and off for a year and the standard deviation methodology you are teaching didn't resonate with me because the Standard Deviation Trendlines would be going in one direction and price would go in another direction. However recently your teaching is making sense to me. I can see myself utilizing this method daily on spy, qqq, /mes, /mnq and newsflow momentum stocks. I will be coming by more often to this channel and to your live presentations.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prince Oskydo says:

    Thanks for the video

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stocks Now says:

    CRWD and ZS ready for take off! Mild accumulation day in Stocks today.
    Uptrend remains intact in the Market indices. NASDAQ being the Beast
    it should be. High Growth Stocks starting to break out from Bases. Big
    Money rotating into Technology and Health Care. Strongest industries
    being Software, Pharmaceuticals, and Bio Technology.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ChrisHowell414 says:

    What screen recorder do you use?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Astralis Lux says:

    I watched all of this on replay. Yeah, those halts dry up demand at the end of the day, apparently.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Cody Burson says:

    Looking like gme found it’s bottom

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slap Tastics says:

    SWEEEEET!! …another cool thumb nail face pic!!!! i like this one! very different, looks like a lot of face muscles were needed for this one! BRAVO BUDDY, BRAVO INDEED :OP

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Deadlifts says:

    All the people who sold amc are missing out that’s depending on your position size I’ve bought and sold many times over this battle of the memes. Overall 25% gain. Trust me if your not consistently taking a minimum of a 10% gain of amc that’s an issue

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Alfred says:

    Very impressive video but My advice to everyone is to invest in Bitcoin now it cool opportunity for everyone to buy and hold .It is a life changing investment with a rapid growth .

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Landivar says:

    I said it before , best faces ever! Where are all your girlfriends ?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1ofnoother says:

    Would you be amenable to adding chapter titles to these streams so we can quickly identify which part to look at if we don't have hours to watch? I work during the day so can't always watch all the live streams. Thanks!

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