Oracle Stock: Strong Fundamentals But Worth The $86 Price?
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I do not have a position in ORCL.
DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Five months ago, everybody were laughing at me literally for saying that this stock is insanely undervalued. Now, the only thing i said is hold my dcf five months later, we're up 32 of the stock and in this video i'll show you how we did it and what's the next step, my name is tom nash, and i quit my corporate job as a senior Financial analyst to break down companies for you there's one thing you need to know about me: i don't take from anybody. This video from five months ago is living proof that you should never listen to doubters if you're, confident about a certain stock. After you did the research now check this out.

This is a video that i did five months ago and in this video i said that oracle is 22 undervalued at 62.. This is from january 18. 20. 21..

If we take a look at the stock price, let's go to january 18th january 18. 2021. Let's find it real, quick boom, 19th good enough 61.29 cents. As you can see, this is what the stock has done since pretty much went through the roof.

Currently at 81.82 cents, and actually i'm tracking it on my tracker file like i do all my stock and that's available on our patreon page, for you guys to go and check it out, it's always there for my own accountability and as you can see right here, We're up 32 on oracle for the past five months now. The funny thing is, if you take a look at the comments section of this video, it's going to blow your mind by the amount of experts that told me i'm wrong now. What i did in this video is actually something very simple. I took their numbers.

I did my own dcf and i reached to my own conclusions and right here you can see the price now it's currently shot above that price, it's at 82 dollars. I said it should be at 75. So i'll tell you if i'm updating my target price or i'm actually leaving, but that in a second, so take a look at the comments, because they're really amusing here so check this out, philip temple says the problem with oracle is the moment they offer something competitive. Then they start to cannibalize their own sales they're.

So far behind the curve, i can't see them catching up. Somebody else made the eevee comparison and it's a good one, essentially he's comparing them to ice uh. You know legacy automakers, they're, outdated, they're, not gon na do well, and my response here is giving them a heart and look at the other guy here. He also gunther is agreeing with him fully agree.

Technology wise oracle is far far behind on almost all aspects. I don't see how they have a bright future. Customers get angry more and more due to their strategy and how to milk their customers even more. That's the thing that people don't understand and you can stay mad at a company for being aggressive, such as facebook or an oracle, but if they're, making money and they're growing and the product is actually being used so that almost becomes irrelevant same thing from zagabok oracle Are a nasty toxic company to deal with? They have a legacy product set which is deeply embedded.
They use their revenue to buy more products, to move from rising star to cash cow, i.t, community generally dislike oracle and look at the moving dependencies upon their products. Mike chen, actually a nice guy, i love your videos tom, but as a data engineer, i strongly disagree. Investing in oracle is like investing in big auto. They have a strong hold on dying industry and will not be able to easily transition to cloud services.

In the same way, toyota will not be able to easily transform to making evs. Now it just continues on and on said money says the problem with oracle. Is they like ibm everything they touch, becomes bulky heavy and slow and there's more of it? Oracle is where software goes to die says the arthrit. Whatever his name is brian doblick is saying they are lousy, business to get involved with the reputation of suing.

For so basically, you can see. We just took a sample of a few comments, the most popular ones and the whole comment section was pretty much the same people saying me: i don't know what the hell i'm talking about, but, as you just saw, we already did 32 of the stock. This is from the moment we actually talked about the stock on january 18th right here, all the way up to 81.82 dollars, actually almost 82 dollars in the aftermarket before the long weekend. So it turns out.

I don't need to be a data scientist or a data engineer to know what the hell i'm talking about, because it's all about the numbers. It doesn't have the best growth, it doesn't have the best reputation, but it's printing money and the reason that it's spiked so high is because that what exactly i said is actually happening. Their cloud business is actually starting to pick up pace because here's the thing they don't have the best cloud services. They don't have the best cloud solutions, but this market is so massive and they have so many existing b2b businesses that they have access to.

As far as marketing their cloud services there's so much meat on that cloud bone and in fact i think they grew by 52 from last year to this year's quarter on the cloud business and it's now getting better and better as far as generating more revenue. So it's only a question of time: they're never going to be the leaders in cloud services, but there's so much meat on that bone and they have so much clients. I mean it's just unthinkable to think that these companies would just go away now. Obviously, it's not the best company, but look at the numbers here, because the numbers don't lie.

Look at this short interest under two percent nobody's shorting them. If this stock was nobody should give it 82. I was talking about it when it was in the 60s. Look at this stuff, it gives you dividend yield of 1.56 percent, which is steady up cash look at their profitability.

I mean. How would people argue with me about this? Almost 81 gross profit, 44 percent ebitda net income of 34? Who was arguing that this is not a good investment? I mean look at this again. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion, might be, an accurate might be wrong, might be the remedy of amendment.
You got to do it in research, but i mean i look at this and i see money now. This is where people actually attack me. Well, look at the growth rate right. It's like pretty much inflationary right, that's pretty much inflation.

This might be even lower than inflation, but i mean who cares? They're, printing, so much money? Look at their financials, they don't grow, they don't grow, they might grow now with cloud, but look 37. 39. 39. 39.

40.. I mean they don't grow, but the numbers are phenomenal and look at the valuation. Again, you have to look at the multiples. You can think that the companies are amazing but look at the multiples.

They seem to be kind of reasonably priced. But if you look at pe gaap, they're, 47 or 48 on the value, so whatever the case may be they're reasonably priced, they generate cash flow. They give out dividends and they're developing a good, solid cloud business which will definitely perform and actually add to their existing revenue. I mean this was a really interesting play for me.

I really like oracle still, however, at this point i'm going to say that at 82 this is getting a little bit too steep for me. I liked it at 75. I would have lived with it at probably 78 i might haven't even stayed at 80, but above 80 with everything i just said here. I love this company, but above 80 it's getting a little bit steep for me.

So my target for this is 80, so the bottom line here is that 82 might be a little bit too high for this company. Anything above 80. Right now, until we see some further information is a little bit too expensive and, as always, a huge shout out to the channel members and the patrons for making this possible. If you want to follow this tracker file, which we have right here for all the stocks we like or don't like, you can grab it from our patreon page or the channel members section.

It's wide open to aura, patrons and channel members, and also we're doing a really cool project right now on patreon, where we actually share with you the top 30 stocks to invest in during inflation. That's going to come up on our patreon, we're already at 10 companies and we're going to go to 30 companies, which you should consider during inflationary times to hedge, your portfolio against inflation. And if you want to check it out head to our patreon page or the channel member section and check it out, it's five bucks per month and i think you're getting really good value for that. But again you do you you decide for yourself.

Thank you for the existing channel members. Thank you for the existing questions and we'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “Oracle stock: strong fundamentals but worth the $86 price?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zagabog says:

    Good point well put. It's the phrase 'I love this company' that has triggered all the IT guys who have had to deal with them. A further lesson not to allow emotion into investing decisions, thanks for pointing this out.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taylor Skidmore says:

    You deserve to pull your nuts out once in a while bro. Congrats

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rob Newland says:

    Tom it feels great when everyone tells you you are wrong and then the stock rockets, tastes so much sweeter haha

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Aaronโ€™s OnlyFans says:

    I love the Told ya so video.
    This will be my favorite series.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aidis Stukas says:

    Tom, were you into this stock for a long run or just getting excited about the fact that the value increased for one time?

    I think that the comments in the previous video were targeting the technological shortcomings of the company.
    Noone claimed that the company stock cannot rise x0.00%.

    But there are many doubts that Oracle can keep up with the competitors in the long run.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arlin Sansome says:

    Lmfao that's a Canadian "I told you so"right there!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marwan Chergou says:

    not sure how your engineering degree gives you moral highground ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stickersadd20hp says:

    This is why I always watch your videos Tom. Always wrong. As if you weren't Russian. We have to remind these haters they are only following the leader.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Mac says:

    Nice! Are you still bullish coinbase? Think I was in the comments section on that one ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vincent Garzoli says:

    "I look at them, and I see money".

    That phrase is one I have used throughout my career in the Logistics industry to make crazy profits, because my competitors would look at the same contract or assignment and only see work, while I would look and see money!

    Being able to see the potential in something often means looking beyond the surface level, not accepting the Conventional Wisdom on the subject, and then determining if it fits with your goals.

    Too often, even colleagues of mine have voted to pass on business that at first glance appeared impossible or not worth the hassle, but later turned out to be easy and highly profitable.

    Success comes from what we see.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigAssMuffin says:

    I don't think you can make much of a conclusion based on 5 months, quite short term.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessicah B Milien TV says:

    Cloudera is a cloud service. What do you think about that stock?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garrett Lamb says:

    Fun Fact: Tom Nash just doubled his position on BCRX – and so did I!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zSage says:

    Tom i really like your videos and would love to hear your thoughts about $HGEN. Are you following it already?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel-Andrei Ionescu says:

    Oracle is a robust company, but I would not bet on them in being in the same position in 10 years from now. The data world is evolving and they have already lost this battle.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Top Ev says:

    Yes Tom they were growing but I believe they are about to tap out and when they reach the highest they can go the only place from their is down, itโ€™s like when you throw something in the air it goes as you can throw gravity grab hold of it pull coming it back down all the way.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Natty Dred says:

    As an IT professional, I hate Oracle and refuse to personally invest in them out of spite (aka ethical reasons). Despite our best efforts to keep them out of our data centers, their sales people still manage to occasionally convince the people that control the purse strings that their solution is the most cost effective. And this is generally for the biggest multi million dollar items we buy.

    The last fiasco was for a tape storage system that once the contract was signed, and the robots were installed, had the price of tapes ratchet up 7x. Tape drives have been out of commission for months, with multiple failed efforts to repair them. And then last year Oracle announce they were getting out of the storage business and so we no longer have an upgrade path and our purchase is a stranded asset.

    To add icing to the cake, we got an invoice for support renewal 30 days before support ended and when we immediately turned around and said we didn't want to renew it because we are discarding their equipment, we were cheerfully told that contracts renew automatically 32 days before they end.

    An opinion was voiced that we should just not pay it, but we decided against this because suing customers for beach of contact was likely a part of Oracle's business model.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Hudsons says:

    My favorite mad man on the internet ๐Ÿคช…. and there are a ton of them! I do believe that you can learn anything from a Russian YouTuber … fact I re-soldered and add a jump cable on the motherboard for my dryer and it's been working for 2 years now all from the ramblings of a mad man's Russian YouTube channel. Keep it up Tom

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jp Visscher says:

    people often have ridiculous expectations when it comes to growth. also, if there is no hype it must suck right? herd mentality.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salva Gn says:

    From time to time…
    Could u cover some of Gnog….
    Ur last video said 47% upside… all the egaming Undervalue? What's ur thought of this sector! Thanks

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MANDY says:

    Canโ€™t wait 5 months for 33 percent increase. I respect you video nevertheless

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jenner B says:

    I actually bought Oracle when this video came out but I took all my profits on one of the first little pops.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Disc Golf Speedruns says:

    The fact that you, a long term investor who doesnโ€™t swing trade, ended up swing trading Oracle, makes me feel like we were right ๐Ÿค“

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Gurnett says:

    Thanks Tom. What do you now think of BNGO? You were very bullish in January. Update vid ?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D R-K says:

    This is a lesson on separating the reputation of users of a company/product with the FINANCIAL NUMBERS of said company. I don't like Facebook, Amazon, Google, but if someone wanted to buy their stock to make money… I wouldn't confuse my personal feelings with their actual numbers! Learn to separate your personal feelings from doing the research to find winners. Obviously Tom did a great job on this and it's a lesson we can all learn from.

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