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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well red lights behind me right in the P&L One step forward, one step back. I'm back to Red on the month Oh, this has been this has been a crazy month and something that I'm really thinking about right now is you know what has kind of led to this just whipsaw that I've seen this month. you know, $47,000 in a couple of green days and then you know, giving it all back across a few red days took down to Red on the month I mean this is some really kind of wild stuff. My PL or my proper loss ratio this month is going to be awful.

It will be terrible I don't know what my accuracy is that right now cuz I didn't want to obsess over it, but it's my accuracy Actually might be okay. buts the profit loss ratio that's bad is because I've allowed a few trades to go against me so far that the average losers are gonna go down and it isn't that always the case. You know that it's that one trade that you hold where your stop is 400 and next thing you know you're down 800, 1200, 1600, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000 and you're just like, well, doesn't matter that I'm right 90% of the time when every tenth trade I lose ten grand. How many you guys can relate to that? That's kind of where I'm at right now.

and this month has been. This month has been interesting for sure. So in any case, you know this morning I started with Apop Tesla These two were kind of on watch. Apop was actually gapping up here about 37% and Tesla large cap stock gapping up 17% which is a huge gap for a $300 stock.

I wasn't seriously watching it for a trade, but I knew that a lot of traders we're gonna be focusing on it and it would be a magnet that would take attention out of the small cap market and I think that that is essentially what happened. A lot of traders were focusing on this today, but if we looking at Tesla in the first, let's just say the first 10 minutes of trading our first 15 minutes of trading I'm going to take off some of these line here just to clean up the chart. What you'll see is that the bell rang and I know Mike Was watching this for a short for a drop below 295. So the bell rings and this thing squeezes up to three hundred and four dollars.

so it goes totally crazy and then it drops all the way down to two. Ninety four comes all the way down to 94, then it rips back up to 303. then it drops back down to 289 and then pops back up to the view app like this thing is just whipping all over the place. Very difficult to trade of course also with big spreads and that was Tesla Apop wasn't much better.

Apop A really nice clean gap and go set up. I'm watching it long over for ten for a break of the pre-market high. the bell rings the price. The open price is 371.

It dips down for a second and then it surges up. I buy it squeezes up to 403. Boom! I'm out with just about $1,300 a profit. so that was a solid trade.

Let's look at this on the 1-minute chart. By the way. I traded this one yesterday made four grand on it. Its second day continuation on a recent reverse split with room on the daily up to 634.
So I like everything about it for the most part. All right. So my first trade on it was right right here and then this month one-minute micro pullback I added and sold at 4:03 I actually on this one I took 15,000 shares I started with 9,000 and then I added 6,000 for the break of four I thought it was gonna rip right to 410 420 and so 15,000 shares to only make you know $1300 It's kind of disappointing. It flushes down here to 375.

it holds for a second and then I added around this blue circle. here on that. what ends up being this red doji because I was expecting the first 5-minute candle to me new Hi would give us that rip through 410. I Really thought so wrong Again, pops up to a high of 397 and flushes down.

And just like that I go from up to 1300 to up only about 600. It then drops down, sells off and as it curls up right here and as it broke over this let's see as it broke over the half dollar of 350 I got in with a target of it tapping the V whap and maybe breaking through the V when it hits a high of 59. I made back like 400 bucks so it puts me up 970 and that was it on Apop. So hey 970 bucks.

give yourself a pat on the back. not bad. You know that's some good progress. Well it you know obviously did instead and stay green on the day the next trade was o PG N O P GN was a gap down reversal.

the stock had a secondary offering I treated this one yesterday and also made like 2,000 bucks. but secondary offering and the stock tanks overnight. This is why I don't swing trade these stocks I Don't hold them overnight and it is one of the reasons that some short sellers will hold them overnight because they're hoping for this type of news. and you know this is a big win for short sellers.

so you know of course here's the drop down to dollar 68 and is it starting to curl up I Thought maybe we get a little bounce just up to 2 I Was only going for a base hit on it, but that was a small loss of a hundred dollars so that's fine. My next trade was PDS B PTSD was on the watchlist. it's a gapper right here. 367 up 16% 3.7 million share afloat, 1.2 million shares of all you mess up right now.

So the bell rings and all of a sudden starts to rip up and so I bought it on the break of four I think I got in at about I don't know what it was 405 or something like that. it squeezes up to 433 and I was tempted to add I was like guys normally I would be adding here but I'm gonna take give it a second. it dips down right here and I stopped out I was like you know what? I was gonna take my profit $300 so that put me up 1,300 or 1,200 on the day after apop. So okay, not bad there.

maybe 1100 whatever. green day. Then I take the first five-minute camel to make a new high which was right here and this one, you know I decided to add on. so I took my three thousand, went to six, went to nine, it flushes down and I'm down two grand on it and I'm like you know again, like god dang, so that was PTSD So just like that I went from up a thousand on the day to down a thousand.
That's trigger. What kind of trigger is it That is a FOMO trigger right back there. That's where we've got the FOMO chart you can see right there. and we now have zero days since FOMO because today was a day where basically I gave into phone.

so so I got back into here, got stopped out frustrated I then got back in a second time or third time right here and got nailed again $2,000 So now I'm down 3,300 on the day and I suppose this is the point where I go from being calm, cool and collected once again to you know, just like God really frustrated and this is a month where you know I'm looking at my calendar here and almost every day this month I've either been up or down more than $2,000 I haven't had small days, this month has been has been big stuff you know. yesterday was a nice bounce back up five grand and then today it's gone just like that. So I'm I'm really kind of going through it here and I'm disappointed I'm frustrated and I shouldn't have traded s LG G s LG G took a trade on it. pass my go-to time of day and look at this.

look at this false breakout. I mean this. You know this is a this is a valid five-minute bull flag. There's no question about it, it's a valid setup.

I Saw some students in the room actually made money on it either through this area or through this area here because they took profit. But here's the problem. once your read on the day: a base hit will never get you back to Green. You need to get a good solid homerun to get you back.

and I did it yesterday, you know. yesterday I got a good home run, an OPG n a decent home run on Apop and I went from down 3 grand on the day to up 5 grand and I thought this was gonna be the one and I was wrong and that's part of training. You know admitting when you're wrong and taking those losses and that's why I'm not still holding it, but it is no doubt disappointing to have that kind of loss. and what's disappointing is to throw you know good money after bad I'm already down on the day I'm already not having a great day so you know the moment of you know kind of mindfulness of is the market hot today.

No. Have I seen other home runs today? No. Have I made money today? No, you know, are other people making money today? Maybe that's not even an important question, but I know I guess you. it's how do you ever really know you know people say what they say, you don't really know.

So refrain forget that question. For the first three questions, the answers were no, no, no. So then you know looking at this trade here on SL Gg we've got this pullback. You know we have this rip up here to a high of 39 which is a big move, no doubt about it.
And when you see something like this, when I see something like this, it makes me think that someone is trying to accumulate a position. Is that a hedge fund is an activist investor? Is it an insider who you know legally is buying because they want to buy? They can do that at certain windows. You know. Is it someone that knows something? I don't know, but you know that kind of approach of follow the money is you know sort of what I was thinking on this.

Okay, someone jumps in here with 30,000 shares Wow and then it pops up here. and then it's halted. and then it pops up here and it pulls back a little bit. This is a nice pullback opportunity and you can see right through here on this candle in this candle.

right here. 20,000 shares of volume on that breakout right here. another 4,000 You know what? You know that that was me I was the only one looking at it I mean no one else is really looking at this stock because today the market wasn't hot and once again I'm sitting here in the red feeling a little frustrated and looking back on them on my Month and wondering where would I be this month if I had traded with you know, 2,000 shares on every single trade I took I brought down the emotional stakes and I wasn't swinging for home runs and chirps. There would be some decent wins with 2,000 shares and there would be some losses.

But I am now red on the month again and this is gonna be potentially my second red month of the year. The last time I had to read months in one year was in 2017 was a 2017 right now I can't recall I'll have to go back and look but I think it was 2000, it might have been 2016 I think in 2016 I was read in May and then I was read again in September both by about $5,000 in 2017. I I was Green I know I made one hundred and seventeen thousand in January and then no, that's not true. 2017 was the beginning of my small account challenge 2017.

I think I was green all year to January of 2018 I was a 117 grand February of 2018 I lost about 10 was green the rest of the year and then I was read March of this year I can't remember exactly by how much I've got my calendar here, but I don't think I totaled it at the end of the month, at least on the calendar. So in any case, this none of this is really all that important and it's just to say that this is. this is fairly significant for me to have potentially to read months in a year, it's been a good year. I've made $300,000 No one needs to feel sorry for me and I shouldn't feel too sorry for myself.

Someone commented and it was a great comment that Ross you're not down, you're you're still up for the year. Sure, you're red today, you were red yesterday or whatever in red two days ago, but you're still green on the year. You know thinking of it in the daily that red to green, red to green I've been green since January first. Basically just it's you know, the ebb and flow.

but I had high goals for 2019. I'm not quite hitting them with a month like this, so adjusting expectations, not having expectations, just trading the market. I'm in and today I Once again traded a hot market strategy in a cold market and it got a splash of water on my face. So this is kind of a struggle that I'm having right now and I'd like to break out of this cycle and we talked about it in the video I posted the other day about the emotional trader in the $20,000 loss and I'm still kind of churning in the sort of wake of that big loss and trying to regain my balance and refocus and it's gonna take a couple days.
That's the way it is. But one thing that you guys will know about me is that I always get back on the horse I Will be trading tomorrow and being a successful trader, it's not about how many times you have red day, It's not about how many times you get knocked off the horse, It's about how many times you're willing to get back on. You know if there comes a day where I take such a big loss and I'm like, you know what? Um I can't even bear to get back on the horse? Well I Hope that day never comes and in order to prevent that day from ever coming, I've got to make sure I keep certain risk parameters on my account. and so as I grew my account from $583 up to a million dollars, I was consistently taking money out.

So I've got a hundred thousand dollars in this account right now. You know the remaining nine hundred grand I I was taking out consistently taking profit out. So you know God forbid I even took a fifty thousand dollar loss or a hundred thousand dollar loss it would not. It certainly would not end me it, you know.

I think one of the worst things a trader can do is just let their account grow indefinitely without pulling money out. And that brings me to the 100 million dollar loss. I Don't know how many of you guys watched my video about a trader who lost a hundred million dollars greevey account from basically next to nothing up to over a hundred million dollars during the dot-com bubble and then let the account come all the way back down. I'll put a link to that video below.

it's a Driving With Ross episode in San Francisco And so really, it's an interesting story and it's certainly a good reminder to draw profits out. Keep your account small and maybe it's time for me to. Maybe it's time for me to draw some profits out of this. shrink the account a little bit enough.

Didn't about that. All right? Well, that's it for me. And this has been a longer video than I was expecting. So questions, Comments: leave them below: Subscribe to the channel if you like these videos.

Thumbs up if you watched until now I Hope you give me a thumbs up and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. Alright, see you guys tomorrow! You want to learn more about trading? Check out some links in my description and if you have questions, ask them in the comments. I Personally respond to every question posted on my channel. And don't forget to subscribe.

By Stock Chat

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29 thoughts on “One step forward, one step back -$5k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frankie Figz says:

    Pennies make dollars!!! This was told to me by an old timer when I had a heavy red month in 2018.. you may be in the red … BUT!! Pennies make dollars, Ross! You say a base hit isn't really worth it, but..if you took profit on 3,4 or even 5 base hits off 1 or 2 stocks , you could go from a red day to a green day quite fast. I trade the emini nasdaq 100 and the other day I was down several hundred and remembered this..pennies make dollars. Over the course of the next 2 hours of that day I took 2 to 4 point profits on every trade and ended up green ..you trade higher volume then me so, I imagine you could come back doing this as well! You've seem to have reached a point where you think a few hundred isn't worth it to you, but a handfull of those could maybe at least bring you to breakeven! Just saying buddy!! Pennies make dollars!!!! Sometimes it pays to take the base hits!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Tabb says:

    Ross, thanks for being so transparent, I know it’s definitely help me be successful trader and not be so hard on myself.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Tabb says:

    Ross can you set a maximum daily loss amount with your broker? I’m with lightspeed?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars randy king says:

    You honest feed back on the red days is the reason I'm still trying to become profitable after two years.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Transform Thought says:

    There are things that NFL Kickers, tennis players, test takers do to achieve more mindfulness in the heat of it… they follow a visualization protocol. Have you tried something like that? Let me know if you would like me to write one for you.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry M says:

    i think your baseball analogy might be wrong, how many ball players consistently get home runs
    You should be happy to at least hit the ball and make it to a base, only add more risk (stealing base if you can run that fast) and if you get a homer – great –
    that said, i guess thats trading lol

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodney Baylon says:

    better times are coming!!
    keep it going..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MegaLordBane says:

    APOP was wild, I feel disheartened because I have a lot of days where I haven't been trading. At the same time I'm happy to know I haven't blown up new account in new broker. I don't have many strike outs and I encourage anybody who is in the same position to be vigilant and careful.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr. A. Rosenberg says:

    Just say no to FOMO !

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lukas Geissmann says:

    ….is the market hot today – no. Are there other homeruns – no. Am I up today – no. ahahahahah Sorry for your loss Boss.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ScrapMetalJoe says:

    bud, you are too good to let this get the bett er of you. I do feel that your break out strategy "possibly" had a very very good run and who knows may continue too however, those massive break outs with 200% gains are few and far between these last few months and hence is having an affect on your profits. Just like the weather things change and so you might want to tap into Mikes strategy after Christmas if things dont change back. Also, take on board – who am I to comment on a chap who absolutely has kicked ass over the past 3 years and also has other sources of revenue coming in bucket loads via your subscription base so, you are fine Ross truely whistling dixie.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Serena Fennell says:

    If you don’t fallow your own roles new strategy’s can’t help you.
    Finding a way to become aware of your emotional state in the moment seems like the skill that is needing to be worked on here. Meditation is helpful with that, but it’s not a short term fix.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Bolton says:

    Thanks for another great recap. These in depth red day videos are great lessons. Can’t wait to see the bounce back!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rgasta says:

    Thumb up for Ross. I agree he should take some money out and restart small as I sense he's trying to push it a little too hard. But this is just my perception. The penny stock market 9.30-10am is very hard to beat

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raul Cordero says:

    I love the recap!! Thanks. This is good motivation.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Loggem Loggem says:

    Try to short your video

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JEDI KNIGHT says:

    Hello Ross what platform were you using ,I know you said that you would not use e trade any longer; I am using TD Ameritrade. Thanks for sharing your experience with e-trade I will not ever use it.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D on the Farm says:

    People think trading is easy. It's hard work. Its good to see this video because I watched you for the last week just thinking Holy cow this guy is all over the place. Emotions and money management are key. I also watched the video you posted in the description…one very important thing you mention is to scale back when the market is calm. Volume is low and its just cosolidating. Its scale back time. I am in TVIX and waiting for a return of volatility. Faded Tsla today. That 294 you mentioned was my partial fill to close…lol. Rest closed at 296. Very whippy as you said. Not an easy business.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EASY_WIN_123 says:

    Breakout or bellout is Easier said then done

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! esgualdo says:

    keep your head up and keep striving this may be just another comment for your millions of comment that people give you i watch your video everyday since 2015 when start been curios about the stock market i was never able to combine my military life with been a trader so as soonest i got out i start saving to be part of the Warrior movement !!! you don't know how much you have impact my life for the better currently i am studying the Warrior Starter and within a couple month i will be upgrading to Warrior pro for the whole year ..You have made process of been a day trader so Smooth achievable that is hard to fail… looking forward to meet you in the future in one of your seminar. much love from Denton,Texas…

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zach Trades 818 says:

    It’s ok Ross tomorrow is a new day. Try to end the month on a green note. You can do it.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lou.Max says:

    That fomo when I'm down trying to get back up is a self inflicted demon I'm trying to overcome. I wrote in my journal today "Never load up on size out of emotion." It seems to never work.. and even when it does occasionally work, it's actually a bad thing for me because it reinforces bad behavior. You'll be fine big Ross!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed says:

    This market environment is the toughest in the past 5yrs

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaphaba Ch says:

    Fomo must be a enchanting brunette. Ross can't seem to get over with her

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DojiDude says:

    this was me today (1 bad day) APOP was a piece of shit today

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andraio says:

    Hey Ross, can you discuss the TAZ boxes your Futures guy promotes and I noticed you use as well? They're some kind of volume profile indicator?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HudaET says:

    Thank You for being genuine Ross!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maddy Melnyk says:

    Love your videos!! I love the advice you share with us 🙂

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fernando Antunes says:

    Thank your for your videos! You buy the stock when it's breaking out and you get slammed down. Pay attention to what happens when the stock finds a base, starts to curl up and breaks out. Look how many cents it goes up. Just a thought. Successful investing.

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