Janet Yellen has just said that the US Government will go bankrupt if they don't increase the debt ceiling by June 1st 2023.
This gives President Biden and the Congress 2 weeks to agree a deal before the US defaults on paying its bills.
How much more can the United States borrow given the total debt pile is already at $31.4 Billion?
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Hey guys, it's Sasha. Yesterday Janet Yellen wrote a letter to the US Congress in which she said that the U.S government will be bankrupt in two weeks. If the debt limit is not increased, the U.S treasury will be unable to satisfy the government's obligations and pay the bills. potentially as soon as June 1st Technically, the US government would already have been bankrupt back in January.

But on January 17th, the U.S Treasury enacted something called Extraordinary Measures so that they could continue paying their bills even though they didn't actually have the money to do it. The way the US government normally pays their bills without having any money is by printing more money by dishing out new bonds. People go and buy the bonds. they have money to spend on other things.

It's a strategy that has been so successful that the US now owes 31.4 trillion dollars worth in debt. In fiscal year 2022, the US Federal government spent 6.2 trillion dollars while only collecting 4.9 trillion dollars in Revenue Basically tax, The difference aka the deficit was one 0.3 trillion dollars. So for every dollar collected in taxes, the US government borrowed an extra 28 cents on top, and the total debt power of the United States is now the equivalent of 6.4 years worth of Revenue. So if the United States earned a salary of a hundred thousand dollars, they would owe 640 000 on their credit cards.

And the problem is that the credit cards are now maxed and they have been maxed since January. There was no more that you can put on them. So what do you do if every single credit card that you have is maxed and you have no money in your bank account, but you have to pay bills on Monday? Well, this is where the Extraordinary Measures come in. These measures include the suspension of payments into the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund, as well as stopping paying into the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund.

It also includes a suspension of payments into the Government Securities Investment Fund, which is the defined contribution retirement fund for Federal and Employees. So, because the US government has completely run out of money, when federal employees go and pay into their defined contribution pension from their salary, the US government has basically been taking that money and appropriating it instead of putting it into their pension. This money will eventually have to be paid back into the pension fund because as it stands, it's basically been stolen by the US government. Remember, this is a defined contribution pension scheme so the situation is pretty desperate and after five months of the government stealing money from federal employees from their pension pots, from a disability fund and from the Postal Service Health Plan and dishing it out as grants to people buying new Teslas, they have finally run out of money.

This time for real. And according to Janet Yellen, there are no more places where they can steal more money from. So the US government has to raise the debt ceiling. There are two main problems with increasing the US debt ceiling.
The first problem is that politicians do not give a about fiscal management or actually trying to fix the economy do the right thing. Politicians only give a about one thing and one thing only getting re-elected and it is a heck of a lot easier to get re-elected Have all the perks of being paid for by the taxpayer on the back of promises of increasing spending, of increasing welfare, of increasing benefits, and lowering taxes. All you have to do is borrow a bit of money to pay for all of that and kick the can down the road for the next guy to worry about. The second problem with Us debt seating is that the people who decide under that seating are not Finance professionals.

They are not people who have extensive business experience or financial management experts. It's the guys in the US Congress where the majority don't have the faintest idea about Finance have no relevant expertise and no relevant experience. So instead of debating the best fiscal approach, they begin acting like four-year-old kids in the playground. Instead of analyzing the budget, trying to understand where genuine savings can be made instead of maybe you know, subsidizing people buying brand new Teslas and maybe coming up with a reasonable path to not running a huge deficit.

Instead of doing the thing that you know the government should be doing, the US government is busy pointing fingers at each other and saying, but basically it wasn't me, it was Janet. Instead of working together on an actual solution, the two sides of the house begin doing Shady backroom deals. We'll vote for increasing the debt limit if you scratch our backs and pass these completely unrelated laws over here and give us these extra perks. And of course, nobody wants to discuss these things in a timely manner because time pressure means that both sides will have to make concessions.

It's like a first year college student who was given a two month long assignment remembers that he has to hand it in the night before. So pause an all-nighter and the end result is woefully inadequate. There is no practical benefits to leaving the sort sort of thing to the last moment, In fact, is actually a pretty bad thing because U.S treasury is maturing in the short term spike in borrowing costs because people don't want to buy bonds if the US government defaults and doesn't pay the interest on those. Bonds In her letter, Janet Yellen says that if Congress fails to increase the debt limit, it would cause severe hardship to American families, harm the United States Global Leadership position and raise questions about the ability of the US to defend National Security interests.

I Guess if the border patrol Army stopped getting paid, they might not be quite as Keen to put their lives on the line to defend the country. Now the media is of course very excited by all the shenanigans because the United States going bankrupt makes for great headlines, but we all know that as happens every single time, the White House the Congress the Senate will around hold a million pointless meetings and at the last minute will agree on increasing the debt limit because that's what they always do politically. they can't really afford not to. They will definitely make a big song and dance about it.
They'll make threats at each other and make public statements and speeches, but they will do a deal. The reason that Janet Yellen wrote the letter yesterday I think is to give them a date because before now there wasn't one and now the deadline is June 1st The slight issue with having used Extraordinary Measures since January is that the increase this time around has to be relatively more substantial than before because the US government has already stolen all of that money from the retirement and health plans of their employees. so they kind of have to put it back. Or at least they can't steal any more of that money and everyone is panicking because the rate at which the US is borrowing is exploding and showing no signs of ever being properly managed.

Imagine if you're earning a hundred thousand dollars a year and you have six hundred and forty thousand dollars in credit card debt and instead of thinking how you could maybe stop spending quite as much money so that you could start actually paying those credit cards back, and instead of focusing on trying to maybe figure out how you could earn two hundred thousand dollars so that you would have a bit of extra money to pay the dead back, instead you stop paying into your pension, you stop paying your health insurance, and you sit at the kitchen table with your wife discussing which new credit card you should apply for. It sounds Bonkers Except the same exact argument could have been made back in 1990, when the U.S debt pile was 90 percent smaller. So the big question is, how long can the US government keep borrowing money before it becomes an actual problem and the country spirals into a financial meltdown? The debt has increased 10 times in the last 33 years, so could it, for example, increase another 10 times in the next 20? Where is the line Beyond Which The debt is completely unsustainable. You can see that in the last update from the Congressional Budget Office, the US government expects to earn 4.8 trillion dollars in Revenue in 2023, a bit less than they did in 2022, and they expect to spend over 6.3 trillion dollars, a fair bit more than they did last year.

So far from trying to manage things, trying to solve the problem, the inability to manage the budget is only getting worse At the same time. The US government is projecting that the revenue will increase to 7.1 trillion dollars in 2033, which is an average growth rate of over four percent per year for the next 10 years straight. Which is extremely unlikely because it is far far above the typical rate of growth of the economy. So, as well as being grossly incompetent in managing finances right now, the very same people in Congress are completely incompetent in making any reasonable forecasts for the future.
Anyway, the big issue is this line down here called net Interest. According to this document that was updated just now this month, the US government will be spending 663 billion dollars on interest payments in 2023 and 745 billion dollars in 2024.. This is pretty bad because according to this data, 15 of all the money that the US government earns in all kinds of taxes is spent on paying just the interest on the debt, not paying any of the debt back. Just the interest alone is one dollar in every seven that the US government makes.

But a quick look at the Saint Louis Fed data on current expenditures shows that on an annualized basis, the US government is already paying way more. You can see that this chart explodes on the right just because the FED has been increasing rates to 5.25 and the cost of debt to the US government is now going through the roof. In Q1, the annualized amount of interest payments was 929 billion dollars. And remember that the FED has said that they were categorically not reduce rates this year.

No way there probably will reduce rates later this year with the tail between the legs, because they'll have no option but to say face, they won't do any decreases of the next two meetings in June and July and the next meeting after that is at the end of September. So this run rate of 929 billion dollars in interest payments isn't going anywhere in Q2 or Q3. In fact, the problem with the way that Us Data structured is that even while the rates are flat, the interest payments on the debt will keep increasing. Because bonds are issued over long, fixed periods of time, you can have two-year bonds, you can have a few months, you can have five year bonds, you can have 10-year bonds, and these bonds have fixed coupon rates.

So when the government sells the bond, they fix the interest that they all have to pay over the next two, five, ten years. whatever. And when that Bond comes to maturity, it has to be repaid and full. and you US Government doesn't have any money to actually pay back the value of the bond because they are in a Perpetual state of debt.

So in order to pay back the original Bond, they have to go and issue a new Bond And the old Bond was maybe sitting there at one percent or two percent interest or whatever because from way back when when everything was great and people were trading jpegs of monkeys wearing funny hats but treasuries in the market now are paying more like 3.5 to 4. So every month the old cheaper bonds are being replaced by the new, more expensive bonds. and if investors are concerned that the US government will default and not pay the interest, that makes things a whole lot worse because that means that investors will want to earn more interest to cover the risk of the US government going bankrupt. and there is a decent likelihood that instead of paying 600 or 700 billion dollars that Congress came up with, the actual bill will climb to 1.3 trillion dollars.
We're already seeing it in the date. Just take roughly four percent of the 31 trillion debt pile and you'll get there. So the US debt might become more like 27 of all the tax that the US government earns more than one in every four dollars. And the question is, how high could this number go? Because a lot of people will compare this number to a household budget and say it is already completely insane, The 27 of all the money the US government earns is now going to be spent on just the interest payments alone.

That's nuts. But on the other hand, the US government budget does not work in the same way as a regular household. Even though we like to liken it to something that we kind of understand in our daily lives is just not the same thing. In theory, the total sum of debt payments could climb a lot higher, could theoretically go above 100 of the total tax revenue.

It sounds absurd I know, but the current situation would sound absurd. 50 years ago, the US government is already running a 34 deficit, and theoretically there is no real reason why you couldn't go a heck of a lot higher to 100. and Beyond The United States has a relatively unique position where eventually all of the debt that theyo is in the currency that they also happen to control US Dollars. And the theory is that on average, over time, the US economy can grow faster than inflation and can outpace the growth in the interest payments on the debt.

The only precursor here is that the US dollar has to remain a global Reserve currency and a lot of newspapers and YouTubers are busy saying that the US dollar is about to be replaced by the Indian rupee or the Russian Ruble or maybe Dogecoin. The truth is, in the short and medium term, the US dollar is going exactly nowhere. not only because the U.S completely dominates the global economy, because the U.S also dominates Global geopolitics. and while every Empire eventually Falls the process does not happen overnight, the Dynamics of the US debt situation are ridiculous.

and the thought of the U.S debt interest payments overtaking Social Security and health as the number one expenditure item for the US government seems bananas right now, but practically it would probably not change as much as people think, because even as it stands today, the debt is already fast becoming just a random number on a piece of paper. And in the long term, there are definite issues around the US dollar as a currency's valuation, the ability of the US to compete globally, blah blah blah. But is this a problem that is likely to blow things up this year, next year, or the year after? Well, the answer is probably not.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Oh sh*t: the us economy is about to collapse”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ayu Hafiz says:

    what can I do? I have been disabled since 2009 and I am 58 years old at the verge of retirement. My portfoliio of $750k is down to $492k, How can I profit from the present market" , I mean I've heard of people making upto $250k in couple weeks during this crash and I'd like to know how.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bennett Butler says:

    Still with Tesla stock, investors can never be sure what will happen next, bearish periods ultimately establish a new set of stocks to buy and watch while setting the stage for a robust new uptrend. I have been reading articles of people that grossed profits up to $250k during this crash, what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maxinne Ramirez says:

    Tesla stock dipped severally , resulting to about 23% drop in the shares value this month. I seriously need suggestions on how to diversify my $400k portfolio made up of volatile TSLA.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Nicholson says:

    We still have agenda 2030 to go. We’ve already had agenda 21, so they need to keep the $ around at least until then.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Issac says:

    So is Canada

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samso Nite says:

    who is america owning this money if the FED is really federal? unless….

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maríe Calascione says:

    I wonder if people that experienced the 2008 collapse had it easier because this market conditions are driving me to insanity, my portfolio has lost over $27000 this month. alone my profits are tanking and I'm don't see my retirement turning out well when I can't even grow my stagnant reserve.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Krizovnik says:

    Probably not…is not 100% sure. .better prepare yourself because every game has the end.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Waycap says:

    There's going to be a great reset coming, not too long now

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars martin gray says:

    Why would it collapse when they have the money printing machine in the next room 😂😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wai chong says:

    This guy has a great voice. He should stop talking thrash and do some rap . The world population knows amurderca is a disgrace. Racist western media spreading lies and hate. If the American media can not say nice words. Is best not to say anything. From Asia to the uneducated inbred racist American government.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wai chong says:

    The corrupt American politician Hitler's needs to get paid to fight proxy war's and bombing women and children around the world for profits. Tent city's America is slowly becoming a third world country. Africa is building houses and high speed railways with 5G. Amurderca is building tent city's with food banks. 😢😮

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammad Rabbi says:

    Stop financing Israel. Stop financing Ukraine. Live first before you kill in Palestine or in other countries.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Dickson says:

    Some countries are already trading in their own currencies.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Hunziker says:

    The debt ceiling crisis is entirely manufactured by Republicans. Full stop. This is never an issue when Democrats are in control of Congress or there is a Republican president. Surprised you don't mention this. This is hostage taking and extortion by the House GOP, plain and simple. Not using the words "Democrats" and "Republicans" here, and instead masking the crucial difference between the two by using words like "both sides" and "politicians," is not helpful.

    Also, why is there never a discussion of revenue? It's always "savings" on spending. The problem is Americans like a lot of the government they get – entitlements, a big military, subsidies for Teslas. There is simply no way to cut spending to bring the budget into balance, or even substantially reduce deficits. It's not going to happen. There must also be more revenue. And this is completely off the table for – wait for it – Republicans, who again are not negotiating in good faith, but simply trying to extort one-sided policy concessions by holding the global economy hostage.

    The United States is a fabulously wealthy country. There is plenty of potential revenue out there to finance the government Americans have come to expect – and enough to service accrued debt. But there is one party that will not contemplate any revenue increase, especially not on those – large corporations and the rich – where most of it would come from. Instead, it wants to make irresponsible tax cuts from 2017 permanent. But revenue must also come from the middle and upper middle classes, something neither party seems willing to consider.

    Biden should just invoke the 14th amendment, throw this to the courts (which would rule for him because they wouldn't want to destroy the economy), and render the entire stupid debt ceiling law moot. This is no way to run a country.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frederick Peter says:

    I started investing during a period of higher inflation, and while it seemed daunting at first, I learned to navigate it by consulting with Joseph Sullivan Anderson, an investment analyst, who devised a strategy to shift my fixed-income investments that weren't providing adequate returns to a diverse portfolio that would provide higher returns.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hudson Mickey says:

    Making money is an action. Keeping money is behavior. Growing money is knowledge I found out a week ago after earning $14,500 return on my $3000 investment in 7 days..

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Schmozzle GTO says:

    This stupid debt ceiling dance is brought to you by the special brand of stupid that is muurrrcan [borderline] "deomocracy" aka toxic bi-partisanism- coke or pepsi politics in a land of polarised loons and a minority of stable folk bogged down in b.s… as for the solution to this borrow borrow borrow "problem"- INCREASE TAX on the richest and rich, and and FFS, that helps balance the books…. Described as "grossly incompetent at balancing books" translates to perenially aiming to cut taxes for the richest, due to unregulated media peddling inflammatory b.s. (peddling Ayn Rand "no regs no tax" lunacy- a work of fiction has poisoned the country's mind), financing endless war and a massive war machine that ever expands while gutting socially valuable investment that grows a country's human capital, like free education, keeping people above poverty line, health care… murrca is doomed if it doesnt snap out of it but this debt dance is nada, hot air, going nowhere.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Stringer says:

    Congratulations, Sacha. This is brilliant content. Both educational and forthright, it paints a picture of economical mismanagement that should alarm all who listen.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lunar Thief says:

    Don't worry. Everyone will yell and scream for a bit, blame the other side then kick the can down the road again. Why fix it how when you can let the next guy deal with it. /s

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Topolsky says:

    Dont worry as long as you have Biden DEFAULT is ASSURED

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nero Marini says:

    Forgive me for being stupid but won't they just print more money? After all, a catastrophic level of inflation is better than total existential collapse of the financial system…

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HavenCat says:

    its crazy that people all over the world still bealive the stock market in US (rougly around 50% by valuation) and own their $$$ (pay the inflations in US) its the way to go….

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LightSpirit24 says:

    Every election we, the voting public, elect smooth talking idiots as our leaders.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars statistics says:

    Making money is an action. Keeping money is behavior. Growing money is knowledge.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fact Analyser says:

    Same circus again.. just switch on printers

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Sawyer says:

    Sasha – who is federal interest being paid to? Do you think the recipients of fedral interet spend any of it? What effect would spending that interest income have on demand in real economy? Does spending thst $1T annual interest make recession more or less likely? What does it do for inflation?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JayMac says:

    Explain to me in simple terms how raising the debt ceiling of your your own nation who is the federal reserve currency and knowingly “kicking the can down the road” isn’t another way to describe “POWERFUL PONZI SCHEME BASED ON GEO POLITICAL POWER STRUCTURES”… this is why BRICS is about to eat our food on the west lol

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars charles rose says:

    It just occurs to me that Sasha, in calling it like he sees it? Must have a Ouija Board or a crystal ball…he sees and speaks more clearly than half a dozen others on youtube, and more than any 100 politicians….this guy is a deep thinker…either that or hes just that much smarter than the people trying to shade the truth……sharp kid

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Topolsky says:

    US does not have any fundamentals to be largest economy. Everything is overvalued and on credit, largest economy should have been China long time ago

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