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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so finishing the day here in the red, but not by much. Today is one of those days where I only actually took one train I took one trade in my main account, one trade in my IRA I got a partial fill in the IRA which was so disappointing I got in the stock which I'll talk about in midday recap at 395 or no sorry, it was three dollars I got in I got filled like 275 I tried to get 6,000 shares and they only filled 700. It ended up hitting a high of 395 that would have been a $6,000 winner but I missed it so ended up only being like a $300 winner. And then I got in the trade in my main account a few minutes later and took a small loss there.

So yeah, you know it is what it is. This has been an incredible hot streak eighty four thousand dollars from the last two weeks. basically of trading. So I can afford to.

You know, be in the red today and sit tight. sit on my hands. no pressure, not gonna be aggressive. I'll just be back at it first thing tomorrow morning and hopefully we see good momentum.

and I can finish the week with two more green days. Alright, so we're gonna break it all down in today's midday market recap. So we're gonna break down the trades from this morning. and yes, whoo! Today's the first red day for me and I had 13 green days in a row and $84,000 a profit.

Today's a red damn down 1549 dollars and all things considered, that is not bad at all. So one of the things that's really important for for your long-term survival as a trader is to be able to know when to be aggressive, when to put the pedal to the metal, and when to slow down and ease up a little bit. So today's a day where I actually had I really didn't have a lot on my watch list I had very few stocks I was watching closely pre market we had. let's see it was due to due to I'm trying to remember because we didn't take those trades.

Um, let me pull up my Gap scanner here. All right there we go. D car D CA r was on the watchlist pre market but by the time the bell rang it ended up fading so it didn't hold up very well at all. MD GS was on the scanners but that didn't hold up either.

it sold off and so neither of these ended up working out. So I'm sitting here 939 33 waiting for the first stock. Hit the scanners and someone in the room mentions Ize A So I pull up Ize AI look at it and I think okay I like it because you can see here it was doing a one-minute micro pullback. so it's doing a one-minute micro pullback right here under $3 and even though it had a little bit of resistance up here, at 376, the 200 moving average I thought that it had a good amount of room.

you know from getting it at $3 in selling at 376 would be a great winner. So I wasn't too worried about that. All right. So I go here into Interactive Brokers and I press the order to buy.

Let's see this was at 9:33 and 56 seconds I Pressed the order to buy six thousand shares. As you can see, I filled only seven hundred. so I got a partial fill only 700 shares filled. and what's crazy it's crazy is that my orders I put the order at three dollars actually I had it at 303 and I got filled 700 shares at 279 and 280 and I was like I'll fill the full six thousand.
So I pressed the button and I'm sitting there and I'm watching and nothing's happening. Nothing's happening and I'm like this is crazy at six thousand shares. Come on and next thing you know, boom volume comes in and it's at three dollars and fifty cents. I don't know what happened I mean I know what happened I mean I didn't get filled on my order, the routing is slow and this keeps happening.

It happens every single time. I Try to trade with Interactive Brokers and it sucks. It's really, really frustrating. I'm trying to trade in my IRA account here as soon as I get it above 25,000 I'll move it over to Lightspeed you know, but right now it's just.

it's just so frustrating. And you guys know, yesterday I took a I don't know. It's like a fifteen eighteen hundred dollar loss in this account and you know it's like every time I miss a winner like this. It just hurts more and more because if I got in filled six thousand shares, let's say I filled all the way up at three dollars, right? Fill it three dollars.

That'd be fine. Well it squeezes up to a high of 350 and then up three seventy four and was halted. It resumes and taps 398. Alright, it taps 398 and I'm like I'm holding 300 700 shares and whatever, it's no big deal.

I'm gonna just hold it. Maybe we'll go into a second halt and so in my main account I jump in with 2500 shares at 96. I literally like at high a day I thought it was gonna break over $4 so I jumped in with 2500 shares. it ends up dropping down to 3:30 and I stopped out at 3:15 and 303 and I accidentally shorted a thousand shares and then filled it at 288.

So it was just like super sloppy. and so I lost 1,800 bucks and I made a count on that trade which again, this is a hundred thousand dollar account. eighteen hundred dollars. It's not a big deal, it really doesn't matter, but what's really disappointing is that I could have easily been selling 6,000 shares at, you know, 384.

A $6,000 winner? A $6,000 winner. That would have put me up close to $25,000 So it's just so disappointing. It's so, so frustrating. It's it's actually, you know and I'm just getting frustrated because this isn't the first time it's happened.

This is like the, well, what's today, the 67th day of the year. so it's probably like the 50th time it's happened every time I try to take a trade. this is what happens and sometimes I get filled but the the fills are very very slow. I am direct routing I'm not using smart I'm using bats I direct route my orders and on this one I Just you know I didn't get filled so that cost me six grand and I'm I've probably lost thirty forty thousand dollars in missed opportunities this year.
This happened on here. remember last week HEA are only got a partial fill. You see how many shares I get on that trying to remember in my main account I think I made $12,000 and in my IRA only got a partial fill and so you know I only made a couple hundred bucks, but whatever. $310 total profit.

sold it on the way back down 324 and you know it is. It is what it is, So that's a bummer there. It's disappointing, but at the same time I was like okay I'm a little bit frustrated so I'm not gonna push it I'm just gonna slow down a little bit I can sense myself getting irritated FOMO I missed a good opportunity no fault of my own I missed a good opportunity because my broker didn't fill my shares. so that's just the luck of the draw or the choice of my broker.

and again, the only reason I use this broker is because they offer settlement margin. That means that I don't have to wait two days for these trades to settle I can go and trade another trade right now with all this money I don't have to wait for settlement so that's what's awesome I could trade 3 times in a day if I want to. but the the downside is that the the executions are very very slow to the point where it almost makes my strategy untradable with this with this broker which is very disappointing. So so I was like okay I'm feeling agitated I'm feeling upset I missed opportunity and then I got in hi in my main account lost 1,800 bucks so this is just getting really frustrating.

I saw VT VT popping up and hitting the scans and on this one I just sort of was like you know what? I'm not sure about it because it's looking like it's gonna be a little bit of a tug of war. You can see VT VT now as 20 million shares of volume and so what I've sort of found with these is that when they start to get crowded, they start to get really high volume. You start to see more false breakouts. and so things like 1-minute micro pullbacks like what you have right here.

they don't work as well. It pops up in fades, pops up in fades. and often times when stocks have this level of volume, it's almost like you know as soon as they pop up, there's some big seller trying to short it. As soon as it drops down, there's some big buyer wanting to get in and it just creates this grinding action where you don't usually get 15, 20, 30 cent moves in one breakout.

You get like a 5 to 8 cent breakout. Maybe a 10 to 15 cent breakout if you're lucky. So as I watched it here yes, I saw this was the first candle to make a new high over. At that point it was 84.

But on the level - there was a 50,000 share seller at 93 and so I saw that seller there at 193 and I thought you know it's probably just it's probably gonna be an issue. it's probably gonna not be able to break over that level. So it hits 93 and it pulls back. it comes back up again and I'm like oh there it is.

There's that seller he's getting bought up so it goes from 50, 40, 30, 20, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 3 it pops up and there's another 50,000 share seller at 95. So it's like you think you're getting headway and then pulls right back so it dropped back down here. It then kind of consolidates and curls up right here. Let's see again, gives us a second try.
but at this point I was just like you know what the time here is: 10 away. Usually if I've had really good trades by 10:00 a.m. I've I'm already at my daily goal I'm in really good shape. So the fact that it's 10 away and I'm down 1,500 bucks.

that's a red flag or that's a caution flag. And the caution flag means be really careful what you're willing to trade because it's much better to be down 1,800 bucks on the day than to be down 4 or 5,000 and it doesn't take much for the day to spiral out of control. Remember when we talked about how day trading is risky only when you choose not to manage your risk. You can reduce the risk of trading just by managing your risk on every trade.

And so that's what. I sort of decided to do it. say. you know what? I'm gonna sit tight here I don't know if this is really gonna work.

It breaks up and hits 205 and then drops back down to 195. So you know it's kind of pinballing. Pops up, pulls back, pops up, pulls back, and then it pops up 209 and then it drops back down to 96 and then right here it starts to open up and so this is the spot. over 209 where? Yeah, in hindsight, maybe I could have taken the trade, but at that point it was coming up on 10:20 the end of the first hour.

I was not in the driver's seat with my I had no profit cushion today. So if I didn't make money on that trade, I would have been just going deeper into the red and by that point the stock had more than 10 million shares of volume. and typically when we have more than 10 million shares of volume. I don't trade very well because we get into the tug-of-war So I didn't really think that it would make this type of move here, but it squeezes up to 37, it pulls back.

It does do a one-minute micro pullback at 36, pops up to 54, drops back down. You know, a little bit of churn here and so yes, in hindsight, there was an opportunity there. But I feel like because I didn't have a profit cushion on the day I couldn't afford to take the risk to take that trade because it wasn't really my go-to setup. It wasn't for me.

what I would consider to be an A quality setup and so that's what's really important to know: when to put the pedal to the metal and be aggressive and when to be a little bit more conservative and say you know what? I'm a little off today I'm a little agitated I'm a little in the red. This might be a better day just to step back and slow down and not try to be as aggressive and look I Can always look. come back tomorrow and if we see good opportunities, a good gap scan I Can go right back to five ten, fifteen thousand share positions. but in total today I only traded 2500 shares in this account right here 2500 and I only traded 700 in my eye, right? So it was like today was almost like a non-event You know when you're averaging seven thousand dollars a day, losing 1,500 is is nothing and I know like these are big numbers, but just think of it relative to whatever you're doing.
If you're averaging seven hundred dollars a day, then this is a day where you lost 150 And so that's why I don't care I'm not I'm not annoyed I mean I'm annoyed of what happened there with the Phils. but I'm not annoyed at myself I didn't break rules I didn't get aggressive and try to take 20,000 shares out of the halt and then lose $15,000 I Just you know. took a trade out of the hall-small sighs I lost on it. No big deal and I didn't get filled here on this order so you know.

Definitely a lesson for you guys anyone who's trying to trade really aggressively. If you're trying to trade fast, you have to have the right tools because there's just no way you know. It's like it's like anything else. like trying to build a house with a screwdriver instead of a drill.

a power drill, you know, or trying to I Don't know. Go skiing without a good pair of skis. I Mean it's just if you don't have the right tools for the task, you're not gonna do well trying to go downhill skiing with cross-country skis. It doesn't work well trying to ski on.

really. You know, in the terrain park with telemarket skis is not gonna work well right? You have to have the right tools for the application and this is not the right broker for the strategy that I'm trading and I'd heard a lot of people say that over the years that the Phils were slow with interactive brokers and stuff like that. and you know I see a first hand and you guys can watch all the recordings of my trading in the warrior pro classes and you see how I press the button and it just stays there. Nothing happens, nothing happens, nothing happens, you know.

and then finally it it fills or whatever. it's just it's it's really disappointing. So anyways, you know it's for me. I'm trying to I guess build half of the house with the screwdriver until that new power drill comes out on the market and that's going to be light speed.

Offering settlement margin on IRA accounts and they said they're going to bring it their brokers soon. So maybe it's three months away, maybe it's four months away. And the meantime, I'm just gonna have to deal with trying to build this house with a screwdriver and getting frustrated from time to time and trying to make make the best out of a difficult situation. Now if you trade a different strategy, if you swing trade, maybe a trade Mike strategy.

this might be fine for you. It may not be an issue, but for me, seconds matter. So I need very, very fast execution I mean milliseconds matter and so for me when I don't have that, it's a problem. And unfortunately today I was focused on trying to get filled in the IRA because you know I'm trying to build the account up and so I didn't take the trade in my main account before the halt and then you know.
So I ended up basically missing it on both sides. but it is what it is I'm not gonna. There's no reason for a pity party for me. I'm still up 73 thousand dollars this month.

eighty-four thousand dollars since my last red day before today. So you know life is good. It's no big deal, this is just you know, one of the things that's best part of trading and you all probably deal with it at one point or another. So you know I just I'm throwing that out.

There is what I'm going through today. the experience of you know, my morning. All right. So anyway, sixty seventh day of the year down fifteen hundred bucks.

but I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning and hopefully we'll build a finish this week in the green. Alright, so that's it for me. I Hope you guys have a great afternoon and I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning if you're still watching. You must have really enjoyed that video.

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23 thoughts on “Nooo! the winning streak is over”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremiah Apple says:

    I usually don't comment but aside from your routing issues with Interactive Brokers I had a horrible experience with them. If I had to rate Interactive Brokers from a 0-5 it would be 0. Their customer service is horrid and they won't help you with any issues you are experiencing. Unless your a very experienced trader and know exactly what you want and need SAVE YOURSELF TIME AND MONEY, AVOID INTERACTIVE BROKERS!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sickem54 says:

    Hi Ross, Is there a reason why you direct route to BATS? what's the advantage and disadvantage of direct routing to BATS vs SMRTL. thanks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Levente Lambert says:

    Losses are part of the game. Go on Ross i keep watching you 😀

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karim Rezk says:

    Hey Ross I been one of your followers long time ago but I was away for a year now did you stop using speed trader ??

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Botello says:

    You should focus your IRA accoun on Gap and go strategy and leave The volatile stock to your main account, Im just saying 😛

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Cheng says:

    When you mention IZEA had a micro pull back at $3. do you mean the red candle stick that formed a T?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle wesker says:

    Good morning

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zoltardo says:

    Hey Ross, What is the name of that little clock app you have running?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shein hunt says:

    Lost 300 pound on my 1000 pound account a lesson learned for sure

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stock King Fatz says:

    Ross will you ever go back to sure trader

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meh Meh says:

    Oh man. Sorry to see the streak end. I was living it vicariously. 🙂 On a side note, it's funny to see you made a similar mistake to me today on the accidental short. I had shorted and covered a couple of times today and then when trying to cover a long trade, I accidentally bought instead of selling. Thought I was probably the only one to make such a mistake today when it happened but lo and behold, even Michael Jordans make mistaks! Especially where Interactive is involved I guess. 🙂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars so ho says:

    Let us know what your going to do about your IRA account. I just use IB for Large caps.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davron Abzalov says:

    What about Speedtrader, i know you traded there. Would you say the fills are as fast as lightspeed?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sonicmax says:

    its easier to find the stock that will spike before it happens

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ramneet K says:

    Thanks for everything you do Warrior Trading! What would be the best broker for day trading for Canadians? I was just thinking of opening an account with interactive brokers, but after seeing Ross's struggles with Interactive Brokers I am no longer sure I want to pick them as my broker. I want excellent execution speeds and low commissions, but I care about execution the most.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott B says:

    Does anyone know can I set up hotkeys with fidelity ? Thanks

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Delano says:

    Good job keeping losses small.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corrie Osadchuk says:

    Yes don't let ego do your thinking, good for you Ross

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cameryn Worden says:

    How do you feel about E*TRADES executions??

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FUNNYZEN says:

    So light speed is better for fills the IB?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ismail Dal says:

    Not far from 200k subscribers can remember when this channel was at 10k great work Ross keep it up 👍🏼

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kms386 says:

    What didn't your order not get filled because there was no counterparty willing to take the other side of the trade for the price you wanted? The next trade at volume you noted was above your limit price, so maybe there was no market at the price you had your limit at. Please let me know if you think I am wrong with my thinking.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blaze Garcia says:

    I wonder if he will get a fill at Interactive Brokers if you use Smart routing.

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