Join me this week in the life of a high producing mortgage loan officer as I show you what I do and what it takes to be in the top 1%. From focusing on clients to managing a team, gain valuable insights into the daily routines and strategies that drive success in the world of mortgage lending. Enjoy!
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It's going all right. We'll let it stay alive for another couple days. I'll tell you what though I'm gonna shave it all besides the stash. I'm gonna walk into the office and act like nothing has changed.

I've also never seen myself with a stash. won't get into the office early like seeing that Oh good morning, good morning this chop alone I Looked at the approval and I couldn't see anything about those liabilities. Did they put them in like a prior to fund or something like that? No, you said they were closed though, right? All right. So the collection account we should be able to get payoffs so you just have to call like those numbers like at the bottom changed I worked I worked some magic I said um, Spelliamos.

oh man, yeah, you got me right there. What should I have said? it's an outrage. it's a scandal I mean I watched him oh I though I did hear the game was like really good. Oh what the? Chris The mortgage insurance is way too high.

It's really hard as a loan officer. If you're not doing a high volume of deals or you're focusing 100 on producing loans. it's hard to remember like oh what are the new guidelines? What changed? What's this? Because like if you do loans and you only do a couple a year, you're gonna have like a cheat sheet. Or you're gonna like remember old stuff right because like you're not in the thick of it every day.

0.85 was FHA Mortgage insurance for years Like 10 years. Okay so Lock 6.25 45 days I'm gonna call from Brian until we need to keep the premium under foreign Tuesday Morning into the office Mega Late start I Got caught in a little bit of a whirlwind of diving into AI this morning I Know everyone keeps talking about you need to be using it for your business. You're gonna be left behind I guess I don't really understand the potential of AI yet outside of like chat. GPT So I don't really know how it would impact my business yet but I need to start learning.

So I pretty much spent like two hours researching a bunch of AI and how it can benefit our business. in particular, what we're doing well I don't know maybe we'll be implementing some of that soon, but still in the mega research mode I Know you wouldn't miss me so I had to call you. Are you Are you doing more of the refinance lately or not? Um yeah, so it kind of depends on the type of refinance. um I Decided to call this guy back although I was still going to go with you.

but I just want to hear what he had to say. What about refinancing reverse loan? Uh yes. So if you're saying like being in a reverse mortgage and then going out of a reverse mortgage or going into another reverse mortgage another, yeah, you could do that. Um, most reverses.

With your age and your um Equity position, the equity is going to be a lot harder because you're still like considered. you know, super young for a reverse mortgage. Okay, what if we've been a year from now, would it would I be able to do it or still be the same scenario I would say yeah, we could re-look at it and see if it would work at that point or if it would make sense. Really, All right I won't keep you any longer and we can always refinance later.
Yep, yeah, exactly. I was talking to my husband. he goes I hope you're calling Sean I Go of course I'm calling the shot I don't do anything about that and I wouldn't go through anybody but him I Love that. All right? I'll talk to you later.

All right, Bye bye. In terms of what we got on the docket today though, it's crazy what a whiteboard would do. Remember, we were kind of hanging that whiteboard in Rebecca's office to try to get um, some recruiting numbers out. Well teed up an interview today so we got that I think around like two ish 2 30.

I didn't do too much research into the Lo who's coming in that I'll be talking to so I gotta look at that at some point today. but I'm excited that she's making some progress that's really exciting not only for the company but also for her. So good for you! Rebecca I've also got a couple meetings today. some I'm looking forward to some I'm not really looking forward to so Another Day in Paradise What's the highest she can go? Yeah we got an approval.

Yeah so you could do 337 15 down and it was a walk-in So I showed up at 9 15 and yeah, it took me 30 minutes to get into even that without. yeah, it took me 30 minutes to get the chair. Wait you you made an appointment though. No I I was calling like yesterday I was calling like four or five places.

Now we're walking. now we're walking and I'm super particular about to cut to my hair now I'm on the hunt. This guy even paid my beer now I look like a Hezekiah I even notice that she said it. It's funny right? because my head I'm like I can't shoot this content and look like a hole again.

So I did my I did my beer myself and I was like okay I just squeezed the haircut in before coming in. it's like we just dick lying stop bro. just give me that did you not see it? Did you not? Did he not give you the beer and you're like yeah but you know I'm trying to get the out of there bro and I also feel like when they're like what do you think and then it, what do you want to say oh I think it looks like you're like yeah it's like I didn't even pay attention I was just looking to make sure my fate looked okay I had recently I had the length I wanted on top I didn't I got in the car and looked I was driving I'm like oh for sakes oh that's pretty funny. So are you gonna shoot today I mean you got the you got the costumes I'm prepared but now I just feel my now I'm a little self-conscious about it because it's like it's like a line I think it looks fine I didn't know there's a whole lot of sense I didn't I didn't notice it until you said something and then now like now that I've noticed it's like oh yeah they should have probably faded that down dude.

all you need is like but you need a little bit without you saying anything I would not have noticed don't like me songs What's the networking event tonight? Real Estate Mixer. It's a nice venue so I imagine some decent people will be there like somebody had to pay to put you know it's like a it was free to go Oh this place looks nice people. just read all you. that's all it is is an open space really so that's I know that's what my gear started turning to because I saw it and I'm like What's the nice event space too plus an Insider just that brother I've never been this.
hey look listen I think so you did your research I stopped I from the look of it I Go Yeah, that's A and it's in. Literally it's an old town so I'm like you know, some people are going to be there in theory. All right I might have to swing by for a bit with you. Yeah, what's it called on Eventbrite just real estate like within the shade with like Cinco de Mayo quick little fit check getting the yard work in before it gets too hot.

All right, how's it going? I Live in a neighborhood where the average homeowner's age is like 67. so all my neighbors are Mega old I have no idea what they think of me, but I'm always like your jolly old like top of the morning to your neighbor. All right I'm not sure what kind of shenanigans we're gonna be getting into today with Cinco de Mayo but I am starting my day out doing something that I said I would be doing for a long time now and it's something I was telling everyone at X2 to do but again I hate telling people to go do things if I haven't done it myself. show because I Live in an area where there's a lot of older people around.

There's a lot of single, wide manufactured homes in like mobile home parks and some are pretty nice. and we're like one of four companies in the state who are doing loans on those types of properties. They're called Chattel Loans. Talked about them before.

We don't make a whole lot on them but pulling into a complex right now where that's all they do and I don't know I'm just gonna try to go talk to someone and see what kind of financing they offer and they have have and we'll just see what happens. Hey there! Um I Was gonna go into the sales office and get some information about some of the houses for sale. Oh is that right there right there? Oh perfect Thank you I Haven't really thought of my pitch yet so this is awkward. I forgot that I live like half a mile away I was gonna do it in the car.

We'll see how this goes. A few moments later, it went pretty well. you know I Always had an inkling that these types of loans would be Mega easy to get tons of business on, but that meeting right there just solidified that I am going to drive around the park real quick and just make sure these are the type of homes that we can Finance it does look like it. I basically went in there and I was gonna film it but I think that's just really awkward when you're meeting someone and then you're like holding a camera in their face.
like super awkward. I Went in there and pretty much just came from a mega humble standpoint, which is how I do everything in my business I Don't think I'm good at sales at all. so I always go into a conversation as education and humbleness of like learning or something like that just because I Focus on a relationship I don't focus on like trying to sell someone right away I focus on like learning about the person getting to know them, making sure that we're going to be good to work together like everything like that. And it's how pretty much everything should be started.

Every type of relationship. You shouldn't just go directly into business with someone. you should become their friend first and that's just not an easier way to like get business. but in my opinion I don't want to work with someone that I don't enjoy talking to or that I could even see myself being friends with I don't want that.

So anyway, that was a bit of a tangent. but the other thing that's Mega phenomenal is the fact that she gave me like all the info on how this stuff works, what people are looking for, what type of information they're interested in when it comes to financing, how the buying process works in these major parts. in this company they own like 12 Parks so there's something like 8 000 models that they have that is a huge Flex good foreign research On all this, we come up with our plan of attack one. I'm gonna hit this so hard with everyone at X2 It is so easy to go into a park or to go network with people who need financing for these types of properties because no one in the valley or even in other states are really offering this.

They said they literally have like two lenders and that sounds like a lot, but usually when you talk to a referral source, you know they've got like 10 or 12 different lenders that they know and they work in their repertoire. and they're doing over probably like 300 to 400 transactions a year out of this park alone. That's a massive massive Market We gotta get our growth team. By the way I Refer to our sales team as Growth because sales is just such a trigger word for me.

but we're going to attack the grow team. Make sure everyone's getting out there and networking with these because even if you could do, you know two or three of these a month that's going to pay as much as one traditional loan would do, We're gonna get all them on that. I'm gonna get Tanner on making some good marketing material for these types of loans. Already know which kind of items they want to have in a flyer.

So we're going to put together a really good looking flyers I Took notes of all the other flyers that they had out there and they're all trash so we're gonna make some really good ones stand out. I'm gonna bring a bunch of business cards by I'm gonna build like a whole department for this I Feel like because I Personally don't want to be spending tons of time on these loans, but if I'm getting the phone to ring, you know, five times a day for a loan like this? Now we're talking this one. Park alone could be another 50k in Revenue a year and they have 12 Parks that's 600k in Revenue a year I'm sorry, but there's not many referral Partners out there that's going to generate you another 600k in Revenue to get 600k in Revenue you typically have to get an army of referral Partners like 20 to 30 referral partners and these parks are everywhere I'm literally driving by right now. Look at this.
There's another park right there I could go into there I'm gonna go into there next week. Actually, you know what? I'm it's done. This is just the State of Arizona or even just my city that I'm in right now. We're licensed in five states right now and they even told us that some of the biggest markets that they have are some of the other states were licensing.

California Florida Colorado This could be a pretty big business opportunity I'm pretty stoked about. Can't wait to tell everyone about in our Monday meeting next week, but for now it's 9 40. no one's in the office Sabrina's probably just curled up in a ball on the floor just being scared right now I Don't know what she's doing trying to get over there start cranking away on the day, but I'm excited I'm excited Monday morning still driving the truck. One of the major downsides of these new diesel engines is you have to fill it with death.

So while we get really good gas mileage and a ton of Power with a diesel engine, it's just kind of annoying that you have to worry about not only your diesel gas gauge but also your gas. but I put one of those jugs of death in probably once every three to four tanks and each tank lasts me probably 600 to 700 miles. Unless I'm towing the boat, we're just gonna get like 300 miles. Not gonna lie.

I'm kind of pissed about that calling in Arizona This is the prime time to be going to the lake like April May even like kind of beginning of June I don't know. hopefully we can pick up the boat this week. I Am pretty stoked. However, for this week we've got some pretty big meetings, especially tomorrow.

Hopefully can lock down some pretty big Partnerships talking like big big Partnerships Because this year I really want to take us from doing about a million a million two to like two million just double. And it's pretty big, especially in the market that we're in right now, which is a declining mortgage environment. We have some pretty cool things in the works and I think we can reach that two million dollar goal. Despite how every other mortgage coming right now is like either going out of business or just struggling, we're always keeping it fresh at X2 baby four o'clock Monday meeting Luke how many people you think are gonna show up since I've lost it everyone today I think um, you really laid the hammer down I'm going for six six people I think I hope there's eight for yourself.
eight out of I hope there's eight out of 12. there's gonna be a real nasty follow-up email coming from 4 45. hey, you know you're not wrong. you're not wrong.

So one thing I want to start out with is I know we chatted a little bit about chattel loans I literally cannot explain how easy it is to get these loans I walked into a a park and I literally just went in and said all right there guys later thank you All right so forgot to ask you the hard money lending Is that actually possible If you find a hard money lender willing to do primers yeah, let's see why not I mean I've done one I've done uh, he just threw me another hard money. let's do the hardest money in London not the last one leaving the office today. Good for you Luke time if you want to make that time. Kind of a slower day when it comes to work.

if I'm being honest, it's very rare that I get lunch on my way to work. but the reason I'm going in so late is because I had so many people at my house this morning. when it rains, it pours apparently. but I had the maids there this morning.

got a guy putting in screens there this morning, a plumber fixing that ball valve in the backyard I swear it was just like Sean writing a check and another check and another check. and all in all I probably spent like a thousand bucks today, but it's worth it I absolutely love having my house clean. Hopefully those screens are gonna make it a lot cooler this summer in terms of the house temperature. I'm gonna try to slam through a bunch of work in the next five-ish hours and then I need a very much needed haircut that I'm really looking forward to tonight because I'm having the absolute best of the best cut my hair.

Hello welcome to uh you ready to do this thing? Oh yeah, FedEx is way better than haircuts? Okay I don't know how this is gonna look foreign I'm excited. Yeah yeah, what are the thoughts? how's it look? Oh dude I know. kitchen cut off fire. What do we got going on out here? I'm telling you, the Cleanest cleanest haircut Ever! Rachel What a scene Can I help you? It's all right, sorry video, It's all right.

just all right. Foreign.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

3 thoughts on “Nobody is doing these real estate loans x2 ventures 005”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JohnG0034 says:

    Give you 6 mo… Before you close the doors….

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zane Ogan says:

    FedEx is better 🤟

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ishzy says:


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