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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well here we are: No Trade Monday No trades today. Well, uh, I could give you a hint at why. We can look at the Gap scanner and you'll see that the top three leading gappers are all with floats above 20 million shares I prefer under 20. So just based on float alone I shouldn't really trade any of these stocks.

Lfcr this is actually top Gainer So let me just hold on. Let me Resort this to top Gappers Um, Top Gappers? Um, right here. Tmpo So this is as of Um 9 30. these were the top gapping stocks and these three were our top Gappers.

And although I and M uh was the right full out, under 10 million shares, and certainly under 20.. uh, the price was too low. So price too low. Float too high on Ncyb right here.

Low too high so that's no good. This floats too high. This one's okay, but the price is too low. Invo price is too low.

This one. um, wasn't trading that this is a bank stock Bank stock Rsls Okay, float's all right. Price is okay, but it's only gapping up 16. It's not the leading or most obvious stock today.

So the fact is, last week was a red week for me and I said, you know what? I need to stop right where I'm at I Don't want to keep trading I don't want to trade Bank Stocks These are too choppy, They're not safe, and they're taking all the attention in terms of leading volume today Bank Stocks Bank Stocks Bank stocks. And this was at when we were looking at the scan as of like 9 15 it was all Bank stocks at the top. So the and I talked pretty extensively about why I think Bank stocks are too too risky to trade right now. So I'm not gonna go over that again.

But um, I'm not going to be trading them and so that leaves me in a position where I have to sit tight. So I'm going to batten down the hatches I'm going to sit tight I'm going to wait for stocks that actually fit within my strategy within my wheelhouse and then I will happily trade those. But I am not going to churn and generate losses. Trading stocks are outside my strategy so my strategy: price between two and twenty float of under 20 generally lower is better and I want to trade stocks that are obvious obvious leading gappers, leading gainers super high relative volume moving quickly and if we don't have it, then the right move for me is to sit on my hands and be patient.

Discipline is what's going to get you through this market. Now the I'll say that those of you trading the bank stocks and losing money trading them and just digging the whole deeper and deeper and deeper you are showing your true colors because those are not the right type of stocks for retail traders to be messing with. I'm sure there are some out there that have made money on them, but I've seen Traders bigger than me losing six figures, even seven figures trying to trade these both long and short. They are very, very difficult.

So all right. Well, unfortunately, that's siphoning off a lot of volume and a lot of attention. You know, some of the degenerate Traders out there are just still all in on the bank stocks, so they're focusing on that stuff. and when something does pop up, that might have on another day been a good opportunity.
There's none of people focusing on it and there's not a lot of momentum. And there's to the upside. and there's not a lot of fomo. To the upside, there's fear.

Right now, there's a little bit of greed going on with people trying to make money on the bank stocks. but this is a market where there's been a loss of confidence and there's more fear. This is a market where it is more difficult to make money. Period.

And so for right now I'm stepping back. I'm going to be watching carefully looking for something that fits within my wheelhouse and when I see it, I'm going to jump on it. I'll be aggressive when I see it, but I even hesitate to stay super aggressive because if I saw something right now, that's a quality. It's still presenting at a time when the Market's choppy and difficult, so even a quality is probably not going to be as close to as strong right now as it would be if the market was hotter.

So this is a tiny. patient, patience and discipline will get you through I Get if you're a beginner Trader you might be saying Ross come on I just got started I Want to be trading I Want to be making money I can't afford to just be sitting tight, you know I haven't made 10 million dollars I can't just sit back and relax and watch stocks you know that are choppy I Gotta trade them I Hear you. But learning a trade right now in an atypical market experience is valuable. So experience is good.

But if you had a strategy that was working really really well in an atypical Market, it's kind of hard to say how that would work in a more normal market. So anything you would be doing right now back testing. you know, doing one trade a day, you'd probably have to repeat it when the market is a bit more normal. So this is a good time to be getting experience.

if you're a new Trader it's better you start now then wait for six months or a year because you're in the market. You're gaining experience. But also you know, look around you. If you see other traders who have been doing this a lot longer than you saying this is a time to be a little cautious then I would hope you're you know, listening to that and reducing your risk.

So like I don't want to hear of Traders blowing up their accounts this week, you know and I saw some Traders take some huge losses last week and I'm like you guys, come on, this is not the time to be swinging big. If you're going to take that kind of risk, at least do it during a Time when the payoff could be like substantial payoff's not going to be substantial right now. So this is a time just to settle down. Be patient, wait, gain experience in a simulator.

That's fine. Watch price, action, get a better feel for Market sentiment and sort of how these things are moving. But don't try to be a hero right now. it's just it doesn't make sense.
So that's where I'm at here. Um, Monday morning. It's a no trade day, but certainly better than a red day. and there just simply wasn't anything to fit within my strategy this morning.

So uh, no trade. Monday All right, that's it for me. Reminder: As always, trading is risky. Manage your risk, take it slow, and I'll see you back here first thing tomorrow morning.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “No trade monday!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alaa Abosrie says:

    This video equals thousands of learning hours about market nature.. Thanks Ross

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TM says:

    I believe what you were trying to get across is that this is a good time to go harvest tree sap?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WiFi Woman says:

    I felt the same way! Being new, I wondered if I was missing some! Guess my instincts are right on…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! 💰 Easy $680 Per Day says:

    Successful entrepreneurs are givers and not takers of positive energy. ﹥

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FishnTrade says:

    The stocks around $1-2 is where it’s been at for me the last few days. Quick scalps but I did leave a lot on the table on a few Fri yesterday and this morning . Somehow I’m becoming a scalper ??? But I never thought I would scalp

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Binetti says:

    I've recently got into day trading on webull using the paper trading, Im wondering how to make bigger profits like 20-50$ when the candle barley moves?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shirley Billings says:

    Only thing I’ve done today was buy a small share size of Nike. Earnings after close projecting a beat from what I read.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle D. says:

    Playing it safe. Nice!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Michelot says:

    When you trade futures you don’t have to worry about that

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bri Guy says:

    Ross big fan ! Love your video. Fellow new Englander

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wall streets says:

    People making big money on fcr

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M. ds says:

    went to the beach early on… seems like a good decision in retrospect

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Radwan Siraj says:

    This guy is legit , he’s showing the ups and downs

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Butler says:

    So correct

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T says:

    Smart to not trade. I ended the day red!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars says:

    Sometimes the best trade is no trade, you profited all the potential loss for the day! 💪

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Limited Time says:

    Appreciate you Ross. I don't want to trade the banks

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars austin men says:

    Noice! Ty.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim H. says:

    I found 2 trades 1 on ENPH and 1 FRC up $700.
    Small winner. But green is green !

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars issa says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liberty Now says:

    NVDA AAPL QQQ all made over 4 points bullish. I think it's important to know how to trade small and large caps long and short for times like this.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xaiyeon says:

    i agree, same; nothing today; ty sensei for the advice; sitting tight like a hawk

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Mills says:

    I didn't see anything I could feel confident about to day trade so I added to my long term PLTR holdings, sold some covered calls, and ran errands. Thanks for reminding us, Ross, that it is better not to trade than to churn your account and take losses

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clark Rumsey says:

    Do you ever go short?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B - 13 says:

    Boxd paid

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XRP1SK1NG says:

    Caught 24% gain today on LYLT, was looking pretty boring PREMARKET on price action but Volume looked good & caught the move when Market opened

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rai Stock trading LTD. says:

    Which brokerage and platform. For technical analysis you use? You’re gem..no doubt

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Parker says:

    $LYLT was on fire today it's cheap but there wasn't much moving other than $AMBI and that was choppy

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Blue says:

    Same here, no trades Monday. If my setup isn't there, I'll sit out

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Hernandez says:

    What's up Ross!

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