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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? Alright, well here we are. it's we've got. We've made it to the end of the week so I'm out by the pond as you guys can see and well I just finished my worst day and I guess we knew this was gonna happen at some point. you know, can't have twenty thousand dollars a day every day for forever.

But yeah, I'm finishing today up only four thousand, four hundred dollars. Hertz was the biggest winner you know it's Friday and Hertz is 142 million share flow of stock trading with over two hundred million shares of volume. It's had a lot of volume, but it actually has been trading in a fairly narrow range since the market is open mostly between like 280 and 330. So I took a couple trades in that range and made some money.

but I just didn't feel like I was really able to get to get it dialed in and we weren't any big breakouts or anything like that. So and I actually stopped today after having three consecutive losers. I had three consecutive losses and I was like alright, that's that. I got it.

I gotta shut it down. So I was up fifty nine hundred and gave back a little profit up to 44 hundred, but you know that's still a hundred and nine thousand on the week, which is incredible. The market generally is still pretty hot and having three gaffers this morning up over a hundred percent as an indicator of that. But yeah, today was today was a little bit a little bit slower and we're at a point now coming up on almost 11:00 A.m.

We're honestly, even if I wanted to keep trading, there's really nothing that looks good right now that you know that might change in a little bit. You know we might end up seeing. We might see some stocks open up and see some nice opportunities, but at the moment it seems like we're kind of having a period of rest and it's slowing down so I'm just easing off the throttle. My kind of opinion on it is I've got better things to do than sit and watch a sideways market on Friday right? it's Friday I Wish there's a little sunnier out, but that's okay because I got a jump into the Warrior Pro classes.

so starting right at 11:00 A.m. I'm gonna jump back over there with resume classes for students that are part of our Summer School program. Haven't heard of the Summer School program you say? Well, that's crazy cuz I've been talking about it every day. but in any case, check out the link right down below.

Summer School started on Monday So those of you guys who are thinking about registering you can register. you can log in. you're eight chapters behind. It's about 30 chapters that we'll be teaching this month, so you've missed the first eight, but you'll be able to watch all the recordings so you can actually catch up over the weekend.

Chapters 1 through 8 or 1 through 7 12 We're teaching it today so 1, 3, 8 & back on on Monday When we get back into it, you'll just be jumping right in. So I encourage you if you want to be part of summer school program, you want to learn a little bit more about my strategy. How I navigate the markets. Check out that link below and join us for summer school.
So I'm gonna be doing some work out here once. I finish class I Actually I hurt my wrist yesterday like moving one of these rocks and it's kind of bummed out about it. So I'm gonna try to take a little easy but I am gonna come out here and get some work done. this is it's important to have things that you do outside of trading that give you the ability to sort of decompress a little bit and you know being in the market trading is obviously so.

I'm just looking at these the numbers if you can just get you really like kind of stress headaches I mean I get them sometimes and maybe not everyone does, but I certainly do So getting out of the office, getting into sort of this nice space with all this greenery. Now this might be a urban legend, but I've heard that humans can see more shades of green than any other color. How many shades of green do you see on this guy? Look at him. Oh he's looking sharp.

Oh and look at that guy. He's looking really good today looking good, bud. All right, So that's it for me. I Hope you guys enjoy the recap and do check out the Links for summer school.

If you're thinking about getting into it, you want to learn a little bit more. I'd love to have you and we've got a great group right now and we're gonna be continuing summer school. So get in there and I'll see you on Monday morning. All right again.

If you have a moment, hit that subscribe button and thumbs up for the video because that's how you tell you too that this is a video worth watching. All right. I Appreciate it. Thanks guys! I'll see you on Monday All right everyone.

So we're gonna do midday market recap here: Finishing the morning up four thousand, four hundred, forty-five dollars and forty seven cents and finishing with three consecutive losers to end the morning. I was up about fifty nine hundred before having a loss on FRS X of eight hundred, top of four hundred and hurts of three hundred. So I gave back about fifteen sixteen hundred dollars of profit off of my hi of day which is acceptable I was actually questioning whether or not I needed to walk away after those three losses because I was still up forty four hundred and perhaps if we saw a good set up unfold on Hertz I might have been able to take another trade on it. My last trade on Hertz was actually along right here buying this sort of pull back at 312 313 I was looking for to hold the V whap and then break through this consolidation the top resistance level of 325 for possibly a retest of 348 maybe 360 370, 380.

That ended up being my 310,000 shares 3 cent loss which is not bad. My biggest winner on it was earlier in the morning when I took a dip trade. It was a double bottom right here, which I bought 15,000 shares up double bottom support right here and sold as it came back up towards 3:00 and I had another trade on it this morning right here. First candle to make a new high so a couple nice setups on it.
dip trades being easier than breakout trades, but ultimately the biggest move was pre market and it didn't trade pre market I it had more than enough volume, but I just I just didn't I don't know I just wasn't feeling it I saw I didn't trade it you know in part I suppose the bankruptcy headline is a little I mean it's I just felt like the upside potential was very limited. you know I was like how high is this really gonna go? They're announcing they're going in a bankruptcy protection you know I mean it's not gonna go back to 20 bucks so I just kind of scraped a little bit of profit. you know off of this stock. So Hertz ended up being the biggest winner with 20 20, 300 total ent.

I Did take a train on this off the hide a momentum scanner at the open. It was a continuation set up for anticipating a break of the previous day's high. It didn't end up breaking out and holding that level. so it popped up here for a second and pulled back.

That was $1,000 GN Us had two trades on this one. Let's see actually no, it's just one trade. It was first one minute pullback right here at 6. that was the entry and then actually I think I did a dip trade on it around somewhere in this area.

so a little bit on G in U.s. X ba this one was a gapper. It was looking interesting and sold off at the open. I Tried two trades on it, a breakout right here and I think there was one other one and he was.

You can see how high-volume on the false breakout candles just not holding up really well. LK This one my first trade on was a loss. The second one made back the loss on my first trade. I Tried to buy this dip right here at about 629 to anticipate it ripping back up through the highs.

I Stopped out at about 610 for I don't know is like a $900 loss. It then dips down here I Got long on the top of the V whap the volume weighted average price and then souls that popped back up through here so made back a loss. got myself green but only by $700 Tough. This one hit the hide.

A Mo scanner got halted I tried to buy the dip on resumption, got in a 65 looking for it to rip back through the highs again. stopped down on that one, did not try to buy the V wife just left it alone FRS Ex I did a breakout trade on the breakout. Was buying right down here for the first camel to make a new high. That was a false breakout, stopped out, took the loss and that's it.

So six stocks I traded two four six seven stocks 4445 dollars and 47 cents. Lots of force on the P&L today and it's the first day since last Tuesday that I've made less than $10,000 in one day. So I'm not gonna say that it's discouraging I'm not discouraged. but I was thinking that today might be a little slower and so this morning I was up a little on the early side I had some things to do I had an errand to run so I drove downtown, came back up I got here right around like 8:45 and I was sort of feeling like alright while I I definitely definitely am NOT trading pre market I'm kind of just coming in a little later than usual so as I looked at the Gap scanner I was kind of like I don't know, this doesn't look great.
You know the leading gapper hurts I mean that's that's a it's nice but man that's 140 42 million share flow and the catalyst is that they just filed for bankruptcy. Well second Gap or FRS ex pre market already looked like it was coming back down and - it's a cheaper stock at $2 so you know as I was going through I was like I don't know an X spot, it's already got 27 million shares of volume pre market. it doesn't I feel like it's gonna be choppy and in fact that was the case today so that's fine. Sometimes you need a day of rest in the market to let traders you know kind of digest the action of the last few days and start to get hungry for the next opportunity.

And I think today people probably said you know what, it's been a phenominal week. Probably the best way to end the week would be to go into the weekend with just a small green day. The last thing you want to do on a Friday is take a big haircut and have a big loss. So I and I never went red.

Today my first trade was on and I was up 1100 on that then Hertz So I just pretty much went into the green today. but I didn't have any big winners. Lots of base hits and that's fine. You can make $4,000 with base hits and it's still a great day.

So as of let's see yesterday, my P&L on the month was a hundred and four thousand dollars gross profit. So with today that will be a hundred and nine thousand dollars gross profit in the last five days Average Winners: $1300 average Losers 340 for my average losers might go down a little bit. Today the number might go up and that is from this loss and the loss on LK But we'll see accuracy is probably going to go down a little bit after today because I had at least let's see one two three four losses. if not maybe five.

So you know, a couple more losses today. But all things considered, I've already hit my first profit target for the month which was a hundred thousand dollars. My best month of all time is two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars gross profit. That was last month.

My second best month of all time was I Believe a hundred and twenty five or a hundred and thirty thousand in gross profit. That was January 2018, right? is sort of the crypto currency. We were just seeing this bubble in November in December where I had two really good months and then January was incredible. So at this point this is looking really good to be my second best month of all time.

and I just need to I Guess at this point stay disciplined. I've got five green days I need to be green every single day until the 19th in order to break a new consecutive Green Day hot streak which has previously set at 56 days. So today is day 45 I Need let's see day 45 or 6% Yeah, so these ten more days to get me up to day 56. so that's the goal right there.
And if Monday the market is a little slow and I take it you know, little slow to get started and I only make $2,000 or $3,000 days is totally okay. I I Do think today that if I had continued trading and continued trying to be aggressive with a I don't know maybe the thought of I want to make at least ten thousand I think I probably would have given back maybe even the rest of my profit. It seems at this point like even if I wanted to keep trading, there's not really a lot that's looking good right now. You know there's a couple things popping up, but we're seeing false breakouts you know, popping up and selling off.

so I think I think this is probably a good place to call it a day. And and you're right, I mean relatively speaking, $4,000 is not a small green day. If I go back to out of the month of April you know the best day of the week here was 2,900 I didn't you know had a couple four thousand dollar days in a row? This was a really nice week. You know this was a nice week, but you know $4,000 days were like really solid.

We're just in a market right now where we're getting a little spoiled where for me a $4,000 day is kind of a small green day and anywhere from you know fifteen to twenty-five is like nice and I'm still looking for that day where everything comes together I step up to the play and I can you know put together a fifty thousand dollar day? ABI o was the last one that I feel like I I had a good shot at and I sort of screwed it up. This was the day that I was up 48,000 and then I had a couple of trades that instead doing dip trades I bought breakouts. they ended up being false breakouts and then I got some some big losses as a result and then I felt like I needed to stop trading rather than risk giving back more profit. But you know when you have a stock that goes from pre-market seven dollars up to 13 14? I made 40,000 then I made another 8,000 through this move and then think on this red candle.

I lost like five grand so I dropped back down I tried to get back in up here, stopped out a second time and then I didn't go back to it and I think I that's an opportunity you don't see every day and I don't feel like I fully capitalized on it, but that's okay, we'll get another one. You know it's only a matter of time before we get another stock that does another three four hundred percent intraday move. So when it, when it comes, I'm gonna try to really capitalize on it and do better than I did last time. you know it's it's not I mean for me, at least it's a competition inside me to try to be the best that I possibly can to try to be better than I was before.

and you know the money is kind of the the measurement of how well you did. In some ways, although you can obviously make money and it was pure luck or it was a crazy risky stupid trade and you just made money on it. and obviously if that's the case, that's not gonna sustain through a career. So I'm at a point where you know if I really am in the zone and I'm just like totally dialed in on stock and I'm really crushing it.
That's where I'm gonna have some really good profit. It's not going to be just reckless risk-taking It's gonna be very measured risk-taking and you know I I think that when at the end of the day when I look back on how I did I sometimes will say man, I could have done better and you know one example today on Hertz for what it's worth I bought this dip down here at 80 I said took a starter 87 and then I added at 82 the stop was set was around 79 75 maybe. so I have pretty tight stop on about ten cents. it then pops back up here first Kaylin make a new high up to 93 and because I had been read from my first entry at 87 I said you know what my cost basis is like 84 I'm just gonna get out at 92 93 I'm just gonna take it off the table so I took it off the table and then it pops up here to 305 and I was like an extra 10 cents.

that's annoying 3:15 3:20 and so I actually left almost 30 cents on the table by selling too soon. And what was the indicator to sell on the one minute you don't really see it but on maybe a 10 second chart which is not something that I was looking at but is something that can kind of reflect what you would be visually seeing in the level - this was where I got it all right. So now it could be a little more clear why I sold where I sold I sold right here after this red candle it hit a high and then pulled back and then a pop you right back up. So I got faked out and I was a starter along here and then added right here.

so that's where I was in and my stock was basically the low of this pullback just down here. and yeah, I sold the whole thing right there and then it goes up that much further. So I could have done a little better on this, but at the same time, the strategy of taking profit quickly is a good strategy when you're having a day where you feel like the markets not really hot and not really cooperating because you may have examples where no, no, you know you take a trade and if you don't take profit at the table, it ends up becoming a loser. So I'm walking away green but still you know humbled by the fact that the market is a puzzle every day and it's not one that I don't know if there's ever such a thing is you know a perfect You know, like perfectly solving the puzzle it's a it's a puzzle of where there's a lot of different ways you can solve it and there's a lot of different outcomes.

in terms of you know your reward or you know your penalty of how much you pay if you lose. and so I you know that you could I guess, compare 15 or 20 people and say okay, well this person solved the puzzle the best because they made the most money, but there's a million different ways you can solve it so every single day it's kind of that. That's what's so captivating about trading is that every day is a new day, a new opportunity to try to solve that puzzle. And and truly, when I go to bed at night I'm just like I can't wait to fall asleep.
so when I wake up I can get ready to trade. So this is actually one of the worst days of the week for me because tomorrow is Saturday and I'm a Camille trade Sunday gonna be a disaster I'm just gonna sit around all day waiting for the market to open and then finally Sunday night I'll get to go to bed early so I can wake up and it'll be one Monday morning and then that's a good thing I mean that means you really love your job. You love what you do and it's not a job. If you really love it, it doesn't feel like work at all.

I Coming in here and trading every single day is a joy. Obviously there are periods where it's a little bit where it's stressful and that's when you know you I have or anyone has a period of losses or you know you're coming in. You're doing the same thing you do every day. but man it is just not working.

you're just not making money. And that happened to me back in the end of February Going into March and I had six red days in a row. the longest red streak I've ever had in my entire career and it just happened basically a month before the longest green streak I've ever had. But sometimes that happens.

Sometimes you need to get punched in the face and you know, fall down really, really hard in order to shake things up and be like okay, you know what? what I've been doing hasn't been working I need to change something and so I started making change in March changes in March to address that frustration from from February and there were a couple things I did. One was hiding my P&L So while I was trading I wasn't looking at it and the reason that I have that covered there is because I'm not wanting to show real time market data because you guys haven't. Some of you who streaming this haven't paid for the real time market data so this I have to pay for so I don't want to. you're not really supposed to share it with people it didn't pay for so I just hide it like that.

But in any case, so one of the changes was hiding the P&L So while I'm trading, I'm not staring at the number I will I will glance at it sometimes, but not always. Sometimes after a winner I'm like where am I okay, good, fine, or after illusional beck. how bad was it Okay, not too bad and then I keep trading. but I don't stare at it.

That's that's one kind of change that I made. and then the other was getting more comfortable with buying dip trades and pullback trades. and that was based on something that I learned through the market crash in March. So I learned something through that experience that has helped me really turn a new leaf here.
Starting I guess really in April and earnest. But the last week of March was not bad either. So got chipmunk running across the deck out there. he I think I'm as I said yesterday I'm trying to get a little bit better at identifying them just by their and by their patterns.

oh he's he's run off there but that one's that one's Captain Red Bottom and I can identify him because he's got like a really red hindquarters like super like, very like Oranjee red chipmunk and then the front is totally gray. So yeah, that's Captain Red Bottom. He just was ripping up that way and back up through the stone wall. So we'll check on him later.

and but I will we're gonna switch gears. Warrior Pro Students: We're gonna jump into class here. So those of you guys who have not already gotten into the Summer School don't worry, we've gotten through right now up to chapter 8 of what is in total 30 chapters of content. so we are still very early on and classes from this week will be available I Believe by early next week for you guys to stream.

So those who signed up today, you could rewatch classes chapters 1 through 8. Even over the weekend, you to rewatch the last live classes I taught and then jump right in on Monday All right. so I Hope to see you guys in summer school does you guys watch them on? YouTube and Facebook I Hope you guys get this recap with a thumbs up and or subscribe to the channel and I will see you I might tune in live over the weekend. We'll see you never know.

But I'll definitely be back on Monday morning and looking for a 47 consecutive green. All right! I'm gonna pop up my disclaimer here on YouTube or Facebook and I'll see you guys on oh hey, I didn't see you there. Help us hit 750,000 subscribers by hitting that subscribe button and stay tuned and check out some of my other awesome uploads right here on YouTube.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “My worst trading day in a week ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clustr6 says:

    I know this is off topic lol but what state do you live in? it's very nice there.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Patrick says:

    Ross i knew you liked good music lol a dead head can always be spotted by another lol keep up the good work I’m learning as much as I can!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeAndre Emerson says:

    Does Robinhood give margin?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Sausville-Graca says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lukas O says:

    Do you call all your trades live in the chat and show them so people can follow?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Forex Mamba says:

    is your June's always this hot?? thanks 🙂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tripp550 says:

    I love your videos and love that you respond to every comment. I have a little bit of money to invest and was hoping to get into your program but I can’t afford the $1,197/year price tag for your bare bones training program, or the $997 Warrior Starter Program, let alone the $5,997/year Warrior Pro program.
    I’m sure that the value for these programs are worth way more then what you’d be paying. Especially if it’s true you can go from $500 to $100,000 in acouple months.
    But I can’t afford that kind of investment right now. I wish I could. I don’t think I know any of my friends or family that could.
    So I’ll stick with what you post on YouTube for free and hope that gets me somewhere. 🙂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Happy Travels says:

    Good stuff! 😁👍🏼 By the way, what do you think about banyan hill? Are they legit? Been watching their videos so far. And their upselling some subscriptions. Their claims look too good to be true. But I really don't know. What do you think?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Agliata says:

    Great shirt bro! Might have sold it to you on tour!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Some1 Some1 says:

    i really like your approach to everything and i would of really to be a part of your school. its just to expensive for me just starting out and actually trying to transitiion to stocks because of the lack of money. appreciate the youtube videos though. Hopefully the class i do go ion be as good as you!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harsha Vithanage says:

    Ross, I wanna open a Roth IRA account. I also have TDameritrade as an beginner.
    Any advice, please.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael McNeil says:

    Ross and/or Team Warrior…Please be brutally honest as much as possible, as I realize there are careful considerations you must exercise in your speech before responding to the following question about a particular broker: I've been trading since late March/April of this year and for the first time. I chose Fidelity for my brokerage account because my employer uses them for my 401k. If we just assume that I've hit the $25K mark per the PDT rules….is Fidelity a good platform? I ask because I realize you've recently discussed TD Ameritrade alongside your other suggestions. LASTLY…when is a good time to consider a margin account? Should I be as leary my 10-week success as I feel I should (is the Covid dip's recent profit offerings a dangerous place to hedge our expectations about the future?) I'm at a 35% profit rate, and am scared I'm suckering myself.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry says:

    Hey Ross, i'm 16 and new to the stock market, Ive watched a lot of your videos and learned a lot. I have saved up around $550, and I'm going to practice paper trading for a while but the problem is, I don't have the money to pay for the programs you use to trade. I want to work but can't because of corona and the protests. I'm wondering if you can give me tips to trade with a low budget account.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liz Trader says:

    4k is great! No plays for me. Saw HTZ, GNUS, and XSPA, but stayed in cash. Ended week being green on 2 out 3 trades. Is there a max amount you keep in your CMEG account? If one wanted not to use the levy, how much money do you recommend for an oversea account?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ubay Uddin says:

    Hey Ross do you read level 2 on higher volume stock the same way as you would do with low volume stock?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Gonzalez says:

    Man worst day and 4K thats awesome It takes me almost a month to make that money…great job Ross

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zinger1010 says:

    you recommend 6139gig sd ram for think or swim settings. TOS recommences no more than 50% of available of ram which suggests 12 available. Is 12G over kill? will 8g give full potential for TOS?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J.R. Grassby says:

    Thanks for all the advice and great tips this week. You gave one simple tip this week that almost doubled my profits. Hey judging by your t-shirts and assumed musical taste have you listened to Jonathan Wilson? I think you’d like his body of work. Have a great weekend and thanks again for all the pre market scanner set up advice.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kelly Canavan says:

    Yea yesterday was definitely more of a large cap day. O well you can't win them all right? Have a great weekend!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Good Chad says:

    Ross, where I go to buy real time marker data?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asland Hunt says:

    Hey Ross, I am considering becoming a student and I was wondering if you share your potential/active trades with students? Also would you recommend your students to mirror you if this was the case?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dbxnetwork says:

    i got in $HTZ when it was $1 Thursday killed it on Friday

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RealJimSmith says:

    Hi Ross – $4k still great, but sometimes I don't understand why you don't make it easier on yourself. You could have made $100k+ by trading, for example, airline stocks that ran last couple days rather than bother with HTZ and such volatile/unpredictable ones. Why make it so hard? There are many $6-$15+ stocks that don't flush you out and are much more predictable… ? Plz help me understand… DOW up 1000pts Friday, seems like you could throw a dart and make money. Thanks!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aloha Parsons says:

    If I could make just $100 a day, I would be happy! You are the best out there. I love your videos!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars barnchips says:

    whats the name of that song in the first couple minutes ?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yusufAhmed says:

    Love the updates on the chipmunks!!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Menachem Sahler says:

    How do the koy survive winter there?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tropicalpnch says:

    Weird day, 0 trades for me. BTW nice pond! Any problem with herons snagging the fish? I had to run some string over the one I had to keep them back.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angels Fighting for us 942 says:

    I bought 1 Share of GNUS yesterday at 5.48 and sold at 7.00! Couldn’t bought more because Webull take a life to settle cash after a sell transaction like 2 days or so! It really is a pain in the ass!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peppercorn Fury says:

    Your superior gains are frustrating me but I still like your videos.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 843FishingAndOutdoors says:

    Do you give stock tips ? Like do you help other people

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! DOUNUT TV 🍩 says:

    Our LK trade was similar. I bought the bounce off VWAP at 6.09 and sold my highest exit at 6.40.

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