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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well this is the man. This is my least favorite part about being a trader is having read days. My least favorite part about trading in front of thousands of people every single day is having to do read day recaps. and today is the worst of the worst.

This is gonna actually be the worst read day that I've had in probably five I don't I didn't remember what year it was I had my all-time worst trade but I basically topped that today. So I would pretty much round up and say today's the worst day of my trading career. it's actually a second worse, but they're pretty much tied and this month has been a disaster for me. It's starting to by losing 9 grand on the first day of the month.

got made it back and it made a bit. make it all back. got myself up like 15 grand on the month and then lost 7 grand. another big red day, made it back and then boom today down almost $30,000 this month.

Like I said, it's been disaster I've let FOMO get the best of me I've been way too aggressive in the wrong places I've been stepping up swinging for the fences on almost every single trade I've been taking I think for me right now my emotions are running really high because I'm coming to the very end of this $583 to 1 million dollar challenge. It was about two years and three months ago they started by a small count with $583 I mean it was ridiculous. 583 dollars and 15 cents. and as of this morning before my thirty thousand dollar loss I was at like nine hundred and ninety two thousand dollars.

So I knew I was just getting so close that finish line I just want to, you know, cross it and I've been mined I mean I've been mindful or aware of the fact that I've been trading very aggressively this month. Of course starting was such a big and continuing with a couple of really close calls, but I haven't been able to fully get a handle on it I'm aware of I'm aware that I'm doing it. but I keep doing it. and that's like the most frustrating thing and something that a lot of you guys who are trainers can relate to is just that.

that frustration trying to break a bad habit that you start getting more and more aggressive. And of course the market is so frustrating in the sense that sometimes you get positive reinforcement for negative behavior. you do the wrong thing, but you make money on it, you hold something too long, but it comes back up and hey, you didn't take a loss, you know and or you chase something and it keeps going higher and you get away with chasing something. but the market always corrects you and I keep getting these big Corrections and today's you know it's a big hit, no doubt about it and my instinct is just like to just step back and you know, kind of just I don't know.

Step back a little bit and kind of think about what did I do wrong We're gonna talk about during the recap and what's the plan moving forward. And if you have a red day and you know you're watching this, it's gonna help you a lot. If you watch the six months from now a year from now after a big red day, this will help you. You know, just kind of get the sense of what do other traders do when they have big red days because you're not alone.
It happens to all of us. it's impossible to avoid red dates. It's like being a box are trying to never get hit in the face. It will not happen.

You will have red days. You will have losses that get away from you. That's part of the deal. It's a hard part of this career.

It's one of the hardest parts. If you can deal with that, you know you can be really successful. So I'm someone that you know. The end of this challenge I'll probably have made about I don't know, maybe 1.5 1.6 million dollars and then had six hundred thousand dollars in losers which gives me a net profit of a million bucks.

and I guess that's the question for you. You know? would you be okay with a net profit of a million dollars knowing you made 1.6 million and then lost 600 grand over the course of you know, a few really really bad days? Maybe a hundred really bad days or whatever is. so you know that's that's the challenge. But anyways, we'll break it down in the recap.

As usual, give me a thumbs up for doing the red Day recap. So you know this is the hard part of you know being a trader, especially being on YouTube and doing this for all you guys. So I hope it helps. You give me a thumbs up for questions, Comments: leave them below.

You want to give me you know some smack talk and tell me I'm a crappy trader. You know that's fine Today I was not on my on my game. All right everyone. So um, today is a red Day recap.

Uh, so disappointing. This has been. this has been quite a month, no doubt about it. Started with the worst red day and of the entire year guided back then lost money last Wednesday made it back and now I'm down here This: Wednesday how did it happen? Well I was actually up about twenty-five hundred dollars as of 10:00 a.m.

I Had a terrific start to the day here but estr this one got me good and and and we'll talk about you know this this specific trade. you know we kind of break it down but I'm you know I'm having one of those days where these are the the peaks and the valleys of being a trader and the the ups and the downs. On this journey to try to make a million dollars with a $583 account, you don't turn $583 into a million dollars without taking risk and today's gonna be the biggest red day of the entire challenge. Because not only am I red by ten grand here in my main account, I'm also down eighteen grand in my IRA.

So I'm down twenty nine thousand dollars today, making it my second worst day of all time To gain a little perspective of other things I could have done with thirty thousand dollars I could have bought 2010 Corvette could have bought a 1971 Chevrolet pickup truck 1973 Chevy Camaro well that's a Chrysler 300 Ford Mustang that's a nice one. this was down in Florida it's that dark green. Yeah, it sure is dark green. Hmm, that's a pretty looking car.
Well I could have bought that today. could have got a Ford Rancho Ranchero But unfortunately I'm gonna have to sit with the biggest single trade loss of my trading career and you know there's no doubt that I am probably experiencing this loss because I was so determined to try to cross over the million dollar mark today today I was only 6500 dollars away from crossing the level and so I was at 993 thousand dollar 993 thousand dollars of total profits. and you know I was kind of frustrated that I didn't do as well as I could of today. I Started the day with my internet being like totally offline.

I only had about five minutes to prepare for trading. started at 9:25 preparing for trading. FC SC was on the watch list right here as was M t FB both of these were on the watch list and on Mt FB the bell rang and I jumped into. As you can see it was grinding up pre market here and at a pre market high of 334 the bell rings and it surges up and I jumped in it pretty much right away at 337 339 and then a I added at 375.

So I had basically ten thousand shares of this stock at an average price of 350. and we'll just look at the ten-second chart on this here. so let's just pull the back here. So on Mt FB I had 10,000 shares of it and you know in my head I was like I want you to make $6,500 today and you know I'm gonna cross that big level and so I'm in it right here.

My average price is 350 and it comes down right here and stops me out. Got out break-even and then it rips up to 4 bucks. That would have been five thousand dollars of profit so that you know the combination of the internet and then getting kind of hit on this one. I was just like you know dang, that's super frustrating.

So yeah, so I got So I ended up getting back in and making a thousand bucks or whatever but that's obviously not what I was going for so that one didn't work out super well. This one hit a high of four dollars and 20 cents and then gave back all the games FCS See this one I also jumped into out of the gates and you know I I did okay on it I was a little conservative at first I wasn't totally sure it was gonna work I'm only on the ten-second chart here really cuz I was showing something to one of my students this afternoon. You know one of the things for me like I I'm pretty good at knowing when to just throw in the towel for the most part you know I stepped up to the plate with one really big tray, got knocked out and I didn't come I didn't keep trading I was like alright, well go switch gears I've got to work with my students this afternoon and get my game face on for being a good teacher and you know and and you know just kind of let that the dust settle and come back to it later which is why I've come back and doing the recap now. FCS See you can see this move up here.
Popped up to a high of 280, pulled back, popped up again to 280, pulled back, broke 280, came back to 260, then squeezes up to 328. So kind of coppy moves there I was able to make 1500 bucks on it, but nothing to be super excited about. Around 10 a.m. we had Solo that came up, started to make a little bit of a move, made two hundred and seventy bucks on that one and then I took a trade on Fuv and I lost 270.

So at before this trade I was up $2,500 today and I was like alright, you know a bad day doing all right. still have a little bit of ways to go to hit that that big goal but you know, making some money so whatever and I was just watching the scanners now I'll say that I and probably this month having a higher level of FOMO than usual. Um, you know I had a great month of February made about 75,000 80,000 dollars or so in February Let's see what did I finish February at 78,000 So February was a great month I want to, you know and I had a goal of crossing the the million dollar mark in February but I needed to make about you know, a hundred grand and then it fell short of that goal. So you know here in March I really just is so fixated on crossing this big milestone.

First day of March I lose 9 grand I spend the whole second week getting myself out of the hole. got myself out of the hole, got myself up about 15 6 grand, 15 16 grand and then lost about 6 grand last Wednesday Maybach 7 grand on Thursday profit on Friday profit Monday made 8500 yesterday. so back to up 23,000 on the month and then losing. you know, a bunch today I'm now gonna be red on the month which is really disappointing.

so I think that for me I'm kind of having a combination of FOMO for missing out, frustration of missing out regret if missing out which is in part all from this big move on BP th that I really didn't fully capitalize on and then of course earlier in the week we had video yesterday we had VXR tea I was watching the stock at 2 dollars and 30 cents I mean I I had it on watch at 2 dollars and 30 cents right here I had a 10,000 share order ready to go and you know it ripped without me and this is a really frustrating thing. So this stock yesterday goes from 2:30 all the way up to 4 dollars and 40 cents without a single one minute pull back. I mean this thing just went crazy. It just totally took off without me and you know it had a micro pullback right here and a small micro pullback right here.

If we looked at the 10-second chart you would see those little pull backs but but they were so small if I hesitated on them and next thing you know it's up. Two dollars a share and I'm like that would have been $20,000 You know that would have gotten me over this big line and would have been a great day. and you know I still made 8,500 yesterday but but it wasn't It wasn't nearly as as good as I hoped it would be. So today I was looking for the stock.
you know, kind of like this that would start to take off and show some really good momentum. We didn't get it super well in. FCS See you know this one as you can see here you know it did take off but it kind of struggled a little bit. It certainly wasn't as like straight parabolic as the Xrt mt.

m ft r mt FB that one didn't do it and so then we had est our hit the momentum scanners and when this thing get the momentum scanners back here at about 289 I initially was like initially I didn't even look at it I didn't look at it because didn't hit my low float scanner so I didn't look at it and then it hits a couple more times, a couple more times and then I pulled up the chart or I pulled up the level 2 and pulled up the chart and was like wow this stock is actually moving like really fast I mean this thing is this thing is taken off so and so where was that? um is that? right here? Yeah yeah so I guess I must I was looking to the five minute I didn't I don't even know if I really looked at the one-minute chart I think I had the five minute chart really the in focus So I looked at the five minute chart and I was like wow, this thing is taken off and let me pull up my live trading recording of it and let's see I think it's right here Yeah so alright. um okay so I pull up I pull up ETS are and so where is this? So as soon as I pull it up right here I look at it and I I kind of just this is what I looked at I looked at this right here so let's go ahead a full screen I Looked at this right here. the fact that it squeezed up for a dollar fifty eight to three sixty six. it was moving fast.

so I was like wow, this thing is actually moving really fast. this was it. like two fifty and now it's at 366 I Saw that it was about to get halted right here and it was up a higher 33% on the day I didn't even look at the volume I don't know why I didn't look at the volume I just I just did I I looked at the chart I saw I was moving and immediately I was just tunnel-vision fixated on the level too and I was looking for an opportunity to get it and so at first I'm watching to get in. You know, right here around 74 going into the halt but I kind of hesitated for a second and now halt level moves up here to 410 and I'm like, okay, that's better because I don't always like buying right into a hall like this I kind of I prefer to be able to be up ten or fifteen cents before the halt goes through just because sometimes we'll see stocks resume from a halt lower and then just fail.

So anyway, so I'm getting in I'm thinking I'm like okay, halt levels for 10 this has room on on the daily up to 534. I Can tell you right now what I didn't do was I didn't do my full due diligence of a stock to have home run potential. For a stock to have home run potential. We talked about this in Chapter two of the day trade course.

We need to have a float of less than 10 million shares floats 18 million shares. Okay, well, we need to have news today and there's no news today. It needs to be a former runner. Ideally, and it's not a former runner.
needs to have a good daily chart. Well, it's okay. the 200 moving average is here at 534. It has room up to 534 so that might be okay.

It needs to show fast rate of change. Okay, it's showing fast rate of change. It is showing that. but out of my five point criteria, it really only meets one of them.

So you know why did I you know why did I bypass my kind of checklist and the reason I did that was because I think I I got sucked into it so quickly seeing the potential opportunity that I just sort of was like ooh I gotta just focus on this. it's going. it's moving fast and yeah I recognize that the float was was higher but I was like that's it's fine because well hey it's moving fast so if it's moving, it's moving. what does it really matter And next thing you know, I'm in the trade.

So I jump in here with 9,000 shares at Ninety Eight. Go thinking I'm going into the hall so I've got my order there at Ninety Eight and you know at this point I'm like okay, well that's not what I wanted to see, right? and so let's just go back one second. So I didn't want to see you know, buying 9,000 shares and then have it drop. You know, to the 60s.

However, we've seen that happen before and you guys who have traded some of these big movers can certainly attest to the fact that sometimes they drop down to 59 like that and then they rip back up, break through for 10 and you know they're You know the it's off to for $55 and it keeps going. So the stocks like this that move fast inherently have more risk and I stepped up to the plate with with big share size. What the problem with this light volume is that it tells you not enough traders, we're watching it, not enough traders were interested and I I just didn't look at it I just was so fixated on how much it had already moved too a hundred thirty percent and the fact that was about to get halted. But I just jumped right into it.

So you know that's kind of what I was. You know what I was thinking on that. So anyways I jump into it, it dips down and I'm like okay it dipped down. but if this thing breaks over for ten and gets halted, I'm thinking it's gonna go for fifty.

So I decide to step up to the play and buy into the circuit breaker haul. So I go ahead and add in my IRA account. Usually when I and at this point right now looks like it's about to get halted, it looks like it's gonna get halted and I ignored the first red flag. However, when you look at this 5-minute chart, this type of stock getting halted right here I mean this is this is parabolic potential.

We've seen stocks like this get halted, resumed at 450 and squeeze right up to $5 And for those you guys that haven't been following me for a super long time, although this is the biggest red day, it's the biggest loss I've ever had them on one stock. I've also had days where I've made $40,000 in one day. So you know I'm I trade with big size and that means I'm going to occasionally have some really big green days and some really big red days and it goes both ways. And that's the hardest thing about being a trader is that you can come in and you can.
You know you can have a day where you give back a month of progress. Ultimately, if you're a beginner trader, you don't want to be taking the level of risk that I'm taking. You know you have to adjust your risk tolerance to your account size and where you're at in your career and everything else. But in any case, So now I'm in this thing and I'm thinking it's gonna haul to 410 and at this point this video could go either way.

You know what I mean Like this video could be guys. Today I made $25,000 it opened it for 40. it broke through for 50 it hit 460, 470, 480, got halted a second time at 490 and I'm up 25 grand, right? You guys cannot see that happening because we've seen very similar setups that resolve in that way. This one's going to be the one that went the other way.

So what happens here is it's about to get halted at 4:10 But I'm already in this thing. I took nine thousand shares in my main account. Now realistically, if I wanted to just keep buying it, certainly I could just keep buying it. but I'm already in this thing pretty deep.

like I'm not going to keep adding on it at 410. So so I give up I'm like, okay, I'm not adding more. Let's see what happens. It looks like it's gonna get halted.

and at this point obviously the fact that it's not getting halted is because there's not enough volume. There aren't enough other people that are seeing this on the scanners and are interested. The floats probably not low enough to trigger most people's scanners. There's not a news headline on it.

You know, the fact it's only got 230 thousand shares of volume by itself just represents the fact that people aren't looking at it. So that was a really big oversight on my part. And you know, the try to hit a homerun. You know it's one thing if you're gonna swing at a good pitch, but you know I'm swinging at a ball that's basically already touching the ground and you know it's like, what the heck's the matter with me How did I miss something so obvious? You know, But sometimes you're you're at the World Series and the pressures is high and you just you make a mistake and that's kind of what happened.

So in hindsight, I shouldn't have I shouldn't have have taken that whole new position in the IRA. So now I'm down like you know, four grand on both in both accounts. You know I'm in this at four dollars with twenty five thousand share, twenty four thousand shares and I'm like, ah, All right. Well, let's give it the one-minute micro pullback.
and realistically, we have seen one-minute micro pullbacks that dropped down to 350 and then still end up working. So technically right now they're still, there's still a chance, there's still hope you know. So I'm watching it. I'm like, ah, right? Well, let's see, here you go.

look at that right back to four. Okay, so now the only problem is the halt levels at 441. So you know it's not gonna halt until 441. That's gonna take a bit more to get that to that level.

And the whole thing with a circuit breaker halt is that when a stock is halted on a circuit breaker, it's gonna bring in a whole new round of traders who you know are like, oh, there's some blood in the water. There's something going on over here, you know? let's I'm gonna jump on to it. And so that's why we've got our halt scanner and which is specifically telling us when stocks are halted because we get these opportunities. But a lot of this trade ended up going into the the spot of hope and that's not a not that's not a good word as a day trader.

So at this point I'm holding through the one minute micro pullback, which you know also makes sense because I've got 24,000 shares I can't just bail out of it like hit the bid without getting at least 20 cents of slippage. I Didn't get a lot of slippage on my entry, but I'm knowing that I'll probably get slippage on my exit, so you know. So anyway, so I'm in this now. Both accounts kind of flipping back and forth between them looking at the loss, watching the one-minute pullback and I'm thinking all right first, one minute Kaylin will make a new high, right? That's the setup.

That's what we're looking for. so we need to see a break back over four bucks. So it's like 69 on the ass. That's 85, you know, 83.

So through this point, I'm pretty much like, okay, you know this, might this might work now I'm gonna, you know. I'm gonna be really, really grateful if it does. It's probably gonna be a little bit of luck if it does. but you know, let's just see what happens.

This is a 1-minute micro pullback. It's a decent setup from that perspective, but I'm in it with way too much size at the wrong position. So what I should have done is I should have waited for the pullback. So why didn't I just wait for this pullback? You know I jumped into it right here and then right here instead of waiting for this pullback because then I wouldn't be in it yet and I'd be looking to add it.

You know for the break over $4 you know which would have been safe. The reason I didn't wait is because I was afraid I was afraid if I missed I was afraid if I waited that I would miss the move. So fear of missing out and you know it's that fear of missing out. You know is a run that emotion runs high with LA traders.

When you've got a market where you've got some stocks that are being irrationally strong, you know you know where your BP th VXR t This can bring out emotions and traders. Even traders have been doing it for a really long time. So anyway, so here we go. So watching the pullback and the pullback right now you know it hasn't resolved yet.
and when it breaks this level here of 360, you know, watch what happens. it's gonna break 360 and drop pretty much 40 cents. You know, like that down to I think 335 or 327 and again, you know this right Here is probably the right place to sell based on that pattern failing. But you know you know now I'm emotionally tied to it and there we go.

There's 335 now I'm going red on the day 326 331. Of course it's 355 on the ask. Now we've got this forming as a topping tail, so pretty much everything on this setup is looking bad. However, the first pullback popped up to 270 and drop back down to 2, which was a 70 cent pullback.

There's a pretty steep pullback and then the bull flag resolved and it went to the high side. And we've also seen that type of thing happen. works last month or the month before. a little bit of a lower volume stock and that the first move was, you know, kind of a little bit choppy in that same way.

let's you know, take a look back at it. What day was this it was February says right in here. Okay, so right in here. So look at how much this dropped, you know and this is kind of what I was remembering.

You know some of these stocks can be pretty crazy. This is a stock that went from $5 to $10 came back down to $7 and then we bought it at 7. or we bought it at 8 right here and sold it on the move back to 11. I mean this ended up being a $20,000 day.

This is a great trade and so then I'm like, well, if I was in this stock here and I'm and I'm still holding it coming right here at that point, maybe I might as well just wait for the five-minute pattern, you know, and rather than stop out on support only to watch it rip. So I was like at this point I'm pretty much you know I'm I'm married to it so I got to see it through so you know I'm like basically like I'm down so much that I if I come back and see that this did go up to 5 or 6 dollars in the afternoon I just be so frustrated. So this trade is pretty much just gonna be a big loss you know or or it'll work. but I'm gonna see it through.

So at this point I'm waiting for the five-minute pattern to to resolve. So we've got consolidation here happening on the one-minute chart. I'm just holding it during 1 minute consolidation and at this point it's looking ok, you know, obviously ok as a relative term in this context, but it's above the lows and we're consolidating here sideways. It's a flag pattern hi a day.

volume is on a green candle which is good. it is a shooting star but you know, let's let's see what it does. and so I'm like thinking I'm gonna probably have my sip my stop at $3 which is right around where the nine moving average is probably gonna come up too. So I'm still holding it, still holding it.
oops. Oh I ended up switching to just look at a different stock. not really because I was thinking about trading and I just sort of trying to distract myself estr get this back on this time frame. So basically you know at a certain point it just is going to read for me to keep holding and I'm just like well this is no longer bull flag pattern, this is just it's selling up and it looks bad.

So you know we go back to here. So this is where we broke the bottom of the support level right here. This is where I pretty much knew it was bad and this is where I stopped out right here and of course stopping out with this type of share size. you know I got slippage and so you know you can see as they bail out as I finally bail out right here.

So it's at 281 that I decided to start selling I'm down 18 grand and I'm selling to 66 260. So that's about 20 cents of slippage now. I've got to sell in my main account I'm down 11 grand. so I give it a second I put out an order on the ass because I'm like, well you know maybe there'll be some pops.

Back to the upside: So I put out the order on the ask here and try to sell I think I get filled summit whatever 84 there's that order to sell half filling slowly and you know that'll that'll end up doing it. So selling the rest at 51 it ends up going down to 220 before it comes back up so you know that's in one trade. $30,000 out the window with a loss is the opportunity for a lesson. So down 18 grand in my IRA Now you know my IRA this year started at $29,000 I've made over a hundred thousand I've made over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars this year before today.

So it's been a good year and but you know, so you know it's keeping things in perspective. It's been a good year. Today's a certainly a big red day. When we talk about trading the majority of days where I'm doing midday recaps, they're somewhere in the middle.

You know it's neither my best day nor my worst day. It's just something in the middle. and if it's a red day where I'm down 4000 or I'm down 8000, you know it's just a red day that's kind of in the middle. It's not my worst day of all time, but you know it's a it's a bummer of a day a day that I'm up 10 grand, 15 grand, 20 grand.

It's not the best day of all time, but it's a decent Green Day You know that's kind of what 99% of my days are, but today is gonna be the worst red day of my entire challenge. from when I start with 583 dollars and it's the biggest single stock loss I've had. It's also probably like the only time I've had 24 thousand shares of one stock in a really long time and again, this speaks to why: I was ice to winging so hard on a setup that wasn't equality? so I obviously allowed emotions to cloud my judgment and reduce my quality filter because I was really fixated on you know, finishing this big challenge and I really wanted to do it today I really thought I was gonna do it today and so that that messed with me. That guy got that in my head probably like you know Tom Brady at the Super Bowl not this last year but the year before when he's like this is going to be yet and you know everyone was all hyping it up and he was doing the time.
what was the time with Tom or Tom well what was that thing he did on like Facebook that that series of videos like all leading up to the Super Bowl which presumably was gonna be you know his like fifth or sixth Super Bowl Win Tom versus time right? That's it. and you know it's like this big culmination and then you know he drops the ball and that catch and it just starts slipping away and it's gone and you can't get in a time machine. All you can do is start over next season and they did and they came back and then you know they. so you know for me I this whole challenge of taking a small account turning into a million bucks.

It's one thing to do it by yourself, it's another thing to do it in front of. you know, thousands of people watching every single day. But I think either way, when you set this a goal for yourself, it is easy to become fixated on that. And maybe the goal is I need to make $2,000 this month so I can pay my rent or so I can pay my mortgage or so I can pay my car payment and you know, some student loan payments.

and when you get really fixated on that, you start really applying that pressure to yourself. It can really cloud your judgment. It's one of those things people say when you're doing stuff. Don't rush.

You know, when you rush, you make mistakes and the training, it's kind of like that. You know I'm trying to rush this thing. I'm trying to cross this big line and as a result, you know I've taken some really high risk trades this month and I've had a couple of really big strikeouts, which is super disappointing because we've also had a couple huge homeruns this month, but those didn't happen to be the stocks that I decided to swing for the fences on. So it's just like the luck of a draw there, but it's the way it goes sometimes.

So so as of right now I went from being up 150 grand or 155 grand on the year to up 126 thousand on the year, I went from up about 23,000 on the month to down about seven thousand on the month and I went from being only $6,000 or $7,000 on the million dollar line to about $38,000 away. So this is a step back and you know, like every trader knows, the only thing you can do is get back on the horse. The biggest thing to do after a big red day is to step back a little bit. Definitely doing sessions with Ted is a great idea.

I'm gonna reach out to him and see if he's available today or tomorrow to work with me because that would certainly help me. but you guys who are in her circle students, you're able to work with Ted as well. you know, having that opportunity just you know, kind of bring it together, you know? and I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself for sure to try cross this line. I've been, you know I guess just really eager to do it.
I've been working on this thing for you know two years and three or four months it's been a huge like endeavor. it's been a marathon and I see the finish line and you know it's almost like I'd of to cross the finish line and I I'm just laying on the ground like still ten feet short. I took the dive a little too early so you know I got a step back and kind of re-evaluate I will not make back 30 grand in one day that's not gonna have I mean I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but I am NOT gonna set that as my intention. that is.

setting that as the intention is a quick way to lose another 10 or 15 grams. So I'm not setting that intention at all at this point. Revised goal for the month of March is just to try to be green. This would be my first red month in over a year if I do close red I really don't want a close red and I prefer to have a green month as anyone would set.

So that means I've got to make about seven thousand dollars over the next two, four, six, seven days of trading. So $1,000 a day despite today's red day, I went from averaging 3,000 a day here to averaging 2,500 per day in 2019. So you know my daily average is still good. I Can still, you know I'm still on track for half-million-dollar year.

That's all still fine I just need for the next two days just to focus on being green to trade with a little less sighs and you know one of the things that I really, you know encourage you guys to do. If you're feeling yourself getting a little impulsive and taking some trades without doing, you know your full analysis. which is kind of what I did here today is, you know, potentially popping one of these hot keys off your orders. So the hot key that I've got on here let's see keyboard.

the one button is to buy 3000 shares so I'm gonna unmapped that one that one I'm not using and I'm gonna pop this one off shift 1 and then take it off the keyboard and I'll take off the short 3000. Also I want to take trades tomorrow where I have to take the time to write VX R T and I've got to take the time to write the price and I've got to take time to write the shares and my hope is that by doing all of that it slows me down a little bit. I'm also gonna set a max share size tomorrow of 9,000 shares which is a little big I might want to go to 6000 but I think my rule of thumb for tomorrow is that if I take 9000, it wouldn't be all at once. it would be taking 6000 and then doubling or adding up to 9000.

If I continue A/c momentum this account is getting now kind of close to the PDT level. it's gonna be at 32,000 tomorrow. But ultimately see this point. The only reason I was trading in this account today is because this morning my internet wasn't working and I was so late to the bell that I started trading without even realizing I was in my main account and I wasn't in my IRA account over here.
So you know I just was like so kind of scrambled this morning that I you know, made a bit of a mistake there as well and I wasn't able to see and have the presence of mind to be aware that I was in that kind of higher emotional state. So you know, one of the things that was really important to me when I started this $583 challenge was that I was fully transparent about this journey that there would be ups and there would be downs and I got off to an amazing start in the first 45 days making a hunger grin. But you know through this challenge which has been going on for the last two years, I've definitely had some some difficult days where I certainly didn't feel like doing a mid-day recap where I was, you know, just disappointed and and frustrated myself. I've had a couple of back-to-back read days I think I'd like three red days in a row at one point just a week where I have four red days out of five trading days.

so you know I've had some tough days, but you know through all of it, I've taken $583 and turned it into nine hundred and sixty thousand as of right now and I will cross over the million dollar mark. That's really, it's not a matter of if it's just when it's gonna happen. Thought it was gonna be in February thought it would be in March Now we're looking at April and and that's fine. You know at the end of the day it's just enough.

It's really an imaginary line that doesn't mean much of anything I Mean you know? Yeah, it's a nice nice, you know, achievement. but it's not. It's not so big of a deal that it's worth. You know, making these kind of crazy moves over.

You know it's not like I need to jump for my survivals. It's just a fun challenge that I set out for myself. They get a little too fixated on so you know this is an opportunity for me to step back to focus in terms of positioning. I definitely bought this into a squeeze and this is the hardest thing with the market is that I broke my rules here and of course I got punished for it yesterday I followed the rule of not chasing on VX Arty and I felt like I also got punished for it.

You know sometimes you get punished for following the rules. I didn't chase this and it just went straight up and I was watching it right here and right here and I didn't chase it. you know I ended up finally getting into it, but you know I I followed the rules and I felt like they got punished. and then today I broke the rules and I got punished.

and of course sometimes he'll break the rules and you'll get rewarded and that's one of the things that's you know really tough in you know the market is that you can get positive reinforcement for negative behaviors and then negative reinforcement for positive behaviors. So at the end of the day it's like you just have to be super disciplined and know that over the long haul. You know over the the long period of time of years that following rules pays off. short term.
you can have days like yesterday where you follow the rules and you miss a huge opportunity. or days like today where you break a rule and maybe you make money or you break a rule and you lose money. I mean it's you just gotta have that discipline and you know it's something that for me whenever the emotions start to run higher. that emotional brain is not a logical brain.

That emotional brain is is not very intelligent, it's it's so based on emotion that it throws logic out the window. You know for instance, when I start having like a panic attack you know about being in an airplane that's a very emotional part of me that's coming out, that part of my brain is not using its intelligence, it's not thinking about. listen man like statistically the odds of this plane going down or like extremely low the you have much higher risk driving through rush-hour traffic in New York City to JFK then you have having this plane go out of the sky. but you know the the emotional brain throws all that logic out the window and just spirals and you know? So I'm very aware of how that aspect of myself can get a little out of hand at times and it comes out in different areas.

sometimes in trading, sometimes at 30,000 feet and you know it's it. Can be a little bit of a struggle, but that's an opportunity to exercise mindfulness and discipline and the things that we talk about with meditation and with a daily exercise routine and with eating healthy those things all help you. You know maintain composure during times that are stressful and sometimes trading can be stressful. So this is the best job in the world.

No doubt about it, there's nothing else I'd I'd rather be doing, you know, becoming a multi-millionaire you know, taking this small account $583 turning into a million bucks working with you guys having one-on-one sessions with students this afternoon, you know? I love doing this. But and I think one of the reasons I love it is that it does challenge me It it forces me to continue to try to be better. Last year, you know was a good year at five hundred thousand dollars of profit and I would love for this year to be better in my career. I Haven't had a year where I made less than the year before except for my very first year, my first year, my second year I I lost more than I made.

so the first year was like down and then further down and then then it was back up. But since then so since my second year I've never had a year where I made less which is pretty cool. You know to be doing this for you know, getting close to a decade and to always be doing a little bit better and to know that there's always opportunity to do better and to see that there are people out there you know who do make six figures a day which is pretty impressive and you know, doesn't necessarily mean that they're strategy's a good fit for you. Or you know, sometimes when you see people that are trading with multi-million dollar accounts, it's kind of like it's not even relatable.
you know, like it's even for me, like it's like I would never trade with that size I would never feel okay holding an open position of $750,000 being up or down 20 grand like it's like no big deal. You know, even if even if I could afford it and maybe I can, it's to me emotionally I couldn't do it. So you know with this challenge I usually keep my account pretty small. It's pretty relatable to what you guys are going through, you know? And it's today.

Definitely the biggest red day that we've seen during. you know the time that I've been doing these daily YouTube videos but some good lessons in it for sure and I hope that you guys really get something out of it and you know that it. You guys get at least thirty thousand dollars out of it because that's what it costs to get this lesson. So down ten grand in my main account, down eighteen grand in the IRA Thirty thousand in the red.

but back out tomorrow back and you know, back on the saddle and just try to have a green day. Try to make a little money, try to finish the day, finish the week with a couple green trades, and just try to get myself to Green on the month of March. If I can have a green month, this will be my let's see. Two, Four, Six, Eight, ten, twelve, 13th consecutive green month.

Fourteen? No, No, Well yeah, my last red month was February of last year. so they'll be my 13th consecutive green month. So adjust expectations and we're just gonna go with that new goal green on the month even if it's only buy a thousand bucks. So be back at it first thing tomorrow morning.

We'll do our pre market analysis as long as the internet is running well and we'll try to have a couple green trades and and just you know, get back to it. I'm gonna upload the live trading recap over to the I'm gonna upload the live trade up to live trading archives. Yesterday's $8,500 winner is also on the Live Trading archive so you guys can go watch those and those you guys that are Warrior Pro students. And yeah you know from from these trades there's a lot of opportunity to learn.

So study up and just keep trying to improve your your strategy. Be disciplined. that's the name of the game. Alright everyone so enjoy the rest of the day and I will see you all first thing tomorrow morning.

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24 thoughts on “My worst loss in 5 years red trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephan Holland says:

    Lol love you Ross. You could of got a corvette. That’s exactly how I feel.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ironpancakemoose says:

    LOL, If only Ross knew how 2020 would go for him lmao.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghost Peppered says:

    Ross later refers to this as one of his most memorable bad days.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghost Peppered says:

    "Would you be okay with a net profit of $1M knowing you had to lose $600K along the way? (2:1 Profit-Loss Ratio)"

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SoYou Know says:

    Sounds like a monday to me

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jemes' Memes says:

    My fat thumbs stopped me from ending the day in the green by 100 dollars, instead I’m down 14k. Paper trading rn, still learning but so frustrating nonetheless

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Piotr Korgól says:

    You think $28k is a big loss? Talk to 2021 Ross

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Onur yıldız says:

    The funniest part was that you were loking those cars. I will do the same thing. ahahahaha

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaw Na says:

    Ross, you are the absolute best!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DB24k says:

    u never lose if u learned!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert M. says:

    I really enjoy your videos.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Tompkins says:

    Just plug into that Marshall behind you and forget the day!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OldNewgames101 says:

    Watching this after seeing the back to back 100k days

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BBaccSoon says:

    Looking back it's really just water under the bridge now. Not even a quarter of your best trading day.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bull bearsr says:

    He just made 225k in one month of may 2020

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alberto Sandoval says:

    And…..Just yesterday you hit +$47,018.12 in one day! Biggest in your career! Crazyyyy!! Great work Ross!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Digital Nomad says:

    The most honest trader i have ever seen
    you are my hero

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John F says:

    You trade under LLC ?? Safe assets I feel much better about it I know msft trades under cascade investments LLC

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will says:

    Do you know any day traders who are as proficient as you? If they are a public figure, who are they? Thank you for giving us normies something to strive for!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james billard says:

    Still love watching Ross 2020

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M.H. L. says:

    This is such a soothing and relatable voice of reason when I'm in pain.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars david godin says:

    a sad battle , but it will make you stronger for the war , do you use MACD indicator to help you on your choice to buy/sell , on my side it help me a lot to guess the next wave

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gemini Alpha says:

    This video is so important!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Bolton says:

    Still one of my favorite videos! So many good lessons here.

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