In this video I go through my complete plan on how to scale my passive income to earn almost $100,000 per month 1 year from now.
Before the end of 2021 I want to have a business that returns close to 6 figures just from passive income streams including my blogs and YouTube.
Will I be able to get there? Will I fail hard along the way? Time will tell but if you're interested to find out, make sure you subscribe to my channel and I'll be sure to provide regular updates on how my passive income growth is happening.
The plan does have some flexibility in that there are different components that add up to the $93,000 total so if blogs don't do as well, there is a chance YouTube might do better and vice versa.
Hopefully that balance will help with ensuring growth even if some things don't go to plan.
The 3 tiers of passive income -
How to turn a side hustle into a business -
How to make Passive Income with $0 -
11 Ways to make money online -
5 Online businesses to start in 2020 -
○ My camera -
○ Main lens -
○ Microphone -
○ Tripod -
○ Memory card -
○ Ring light -
Full list of gear here:
DISCLAIMER: Some of these links may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service using one of these links, I will receive a small commission from the seller. There will be no additional charge for you.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor and this is not a financial advice channel. All information is provided strictly for educational purposes. It does not take into account anybody's specific circumstances or situation. If you are making investment or other financial management decisions and require advice, please consult a suitably qualified licensed professional.

What's up you guys, sasha here now today, i want to talk about my plan for how i am planning to make my content marketing business into something that generates some real revenue. Now in september, the month has just passed september 2020. My content marketing business altogether made just over 2 200. That's not very much money.

That's not gon na make anyone rich! That's not gon na break the bank. That's because i haven't been working on it full time. This is very much just a few very early stage projects, a few things that have been side, hustle type things sort of like things i was doing on the side for fun. Now i have decided to take these things seriously.

I decided to make them into a business. I released a video where i talked specifically about that element to do with the blog that i'm currently working on. But i wanted to go and talk about just the overall thing and my plan of exactly how i'm planning to make this thing into a serious money generating business in just 12 months. So what i've done here is i've gone and plugged some of the numbers from various other plans, projections and cheats into an excel spreadsheet.

I'm going to go and show you exactly what these are going to tell you exactly how i have arrived at some of them. I'm going to tell you exactly what i'm going to do to go and achieve them. The objective is to make about 93 000 in 12 months by october 2021, if you're interested to see whether that's possible, if you're interested, to see whether that's in any way feasible to do just by yourself. I am not planning to go and make a huge company.

I will use other people and resources as applicable, and i will mention all of that. I will show you everything as i go along, but i'm planning to do this sort of the old school way build a one-man business which uses the resources of other people over time and stuff like that, but isn't making a big behemoth very expensive company in the Process, let's dive right in first, i'm going to show you on the screen exactly how much i've been making in september, just so that you can understand the situation as to where this is at. So, on lazy trips, i've been making 1 700 uh dollars of revenue in september. The reason i'm talking about everything in dollars is pretty much.

Every online source of revenue is measured in dollars because ad companies are based in the us. Audiences are based in the u.s. Various affiliate schemes are all based in the u.s, so i'm just going to keep it super simple, i'm just going to talk in dollars for the purposes of this. If you're, based in the uk, which a lot of my audience is, do your own math it's about 1.3, if you're based anywhere else, it's us dollars um anyway, so about 1700 for the month of september, in terms of ad revenue on lazy trips, and that's quite A considerable drop from where it was over the summer now several different things happened.

First, there's the overall 2020 effect, and although that has been happening since february or march, depending on which part of the world you're in it has become a lot worse over the last few weeks, certainly over the last month, because well, a people are heading into the Winter and suddenly people are more concerned about the pickup of the pandemic around the world and what that might mean for their businesses are certainly going to impact travel. It certainly impacts the way people feel about spending money. The second half is a lot of countries. Sort of began coming out of the situation and people were beginning to look forward to traveling somewhere in october november, maybe in spring and suddenly there's this whole second wave thing going on.
Countries are locking back down, cities are locking back down, states are locking back down, and suddenly the confidence has just dropped. So this number was 500 or 600 more just two months ago, and this has collapsed quite considerably since then. Now. The second effect is the post.

Labor day effect, which is the moment labor day, happens in the u.s. Suddenly, traffic to travel websites goes and takes a nosedive. It's going to continue dropping every single month, all the way through to december. Typically from looking at previous data for my website, it was much much smaller back then, but generally it bottoms out sort of a week before christmas and then the moment people are sitting around being bored on boxing day.

That's when they go and begin thinking about the new year, that's when they begin making plans for whatever they're going to be doing and that's when they start going and actually planning and visiting websites and booking things. So that's typically when things pick up, so i'm going to be waiting a few months until that happens anyway, the number of sessions dropped as well. The rpm is reasonably high, although at the beginning of october this number has begun dropping quite considerably. I'm not going to go into the depths of that something to do with the way that ad revenue is spent by quarter and we're entering a new quarter and there's issues to do with that.

Uh anyway, i'm gon na go there. So the next thing i'm gon na show you is my youtube revenue for the month of september, and that was 435. Now, that's not very much. My youtube channel is very new.

I've only been doing it for just over six months and i got monetized in month. Five, which was august, i started right at the end of march, and i actually had one video that went really big right at the beginning of august, which helped me earn more money than i probably should have in the month of august. But i still managed to somehow earn more in september than i did in august. So in august i made 404 dollars and in september i made 435.

These are still very low numbers, i'm hoping that they grow relatively quickly from here to make the investment of time into this worthwhile and to allow me to do more youtube, because i actually really enjoy doing these videos. I really enjoy the kind of content i'm producing and the way i can help people with it. So hopefully this will all turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy, where i actually earn enough for it to be a worthwhile way for me to spend my time now. Let's talk about the projections, i've got a little spreadsheet here and i'm going to take you through exactly what's happening in the spreadsheet one by one and what you'll see at the end is that 93, not just under 93 000 figure, and i just want to walk You through how i arrived at it, i didn't just make it up.
I didn't just kind of put it down. I've got a little plan here. So first, let's talk about lazy trips and what i'm doing on that website and exactly what i am planning to do with it going forward. So this is the section at the top over here and i currently have 165 articles on the website.

The vast majority of these articles, almost all of them, are written by me. There's a small number that i outsourced sort of very early on um. I actually they bring almost zero traffic uh. I didn't know what i was doing back then and as of about a week and a half ago, two weeks ago, i started outsourcing again, although most of those articles have not actually been published.

So the vast majority of these are mine and the total number of articles there that are over six months according to this is 142. So the reason that's important is because, when articles are brand new, when they're just a few days old or a few months old, they don't bring any traffic because it takes several months for google to begin actually indexing and ranking your article and showing it in google Search so that number of articles is the number that's important: that's the number of articles that are actually going to be driving traffic that are actually then going to be generating revenue. So here i have the numbers that i was showing you just earlier. I've got the 1717 of ad revenue on lazy trips in the month of september and the reason i'm using september - that's the last month, that's available in full, and here i have the affiliate revenue.

So i also sell some random affiliate stuff, there's a bit of amazon on there and there's a bit of hotels being sold through, there's some other stuff as well, but that's very, very low, mainly because nobody wants to be booking anything. People maybe are browsing but they're, not booking, and i also have very very few articles in the website that actually have affiliate links um a tiny, tiny proportion out of this total - maybe, like i don't know, maybe five or maybe seven or something like that. So it's minuscule! So it's not even really worth talking about. I am planning to increase this, which i'm going to cover in just a second, so 1750 in total, and the numbers up here that you can see are the ad revenue per post and the affiliate revenue per post.
So i'm going to go in this and use the standard metrics that everyone uses and everyone talks about in the industry, because that's just going to make it very difficult to actually go through and follow it's going to be much bigger tables, with lots of things multiplying By each other, i'm trying to keep it as simple as possible, so right now per post on my website and i'm earning about 12 in terms of ad revenue and i'm earning 23 cents in terms of the affiliate revenue now different posts bring in different amounts of Traffic and different posts attract different profiles of people, so some earn a lot more than others. Some earn more money because they bring traffic from the us, others don't and they don't earn as much it doesn't matter. I'm not gon na go into the depths of that. Let's just keep it relatively simple, so what i've planned here is i've planned the process that i described in my previous video, where i am now going really hard at creating content on this.

I have hired some writers already, i'm in the process of bringing a few more writers on board so that i have a steady flow of content and i'm currently in the process, i'm literally in the middle right now of holding some interviews for va positions so that I can have somebody that then takes the stuff that the writers are creating and puts it onto the website, does all the formatting and adding photos and custom maps and tables and anything else that needs doing and metadata and whatever so that. I can then begin producing content at scale so that i don't have to personally be involved in every single step. I'm trying to automate this process as much as possible over the next few weeks. So my plan is that i will be able to produce 50 new articles in october.

I think that's doable. Just over the last few days, i've got about 11 articles that are queued that haven't been published but have been written. So i definitely think by in october, 50 is probably doable and i'm targeting about 100 a month as the going rate after october has finished. Maybe it'll be a bit higher, maybe a bit lower, but with higher quality higher traffic articles, we'll we'll find out we'll see how it goes.

I am just starting on this journey. I just wanted to share my plan with you, but i've baked in 100 articles per month. That sounds like a lot but with say somewhere like five to ten writers. Um, who are constantly writing, i think, is definitely achievable and uh.

The mix of articles will also be there. Some will be really big. Some will be much shorter, so we'll see how it goes. So all i've done is.

I basically just then created what the total number of articles is and a little thing that tells you how many articles are going to be at that six month, maturity mark, at which point then i've gone and looked at my ad revenue per post, and i just Extrapolated it for one simple reason, so most of the content on my website at the moment, except for the more recent stuff that i've been writing, is really not particularly high quality. So a lot of it targets audiences that are not primarily us-based and audiences in the us, earn considerably more in terms of ad revenue than audiences in any other part of the world. Even the uk is like an order of magnitude, less money. So what i'm doing at the moment is creating a lot more content that targets audiences in the us targets, audiences in australia, targets audiences in canada.
Also, the uk i mean these are still much better than most other parts of the world, because i'm trying to not only generate traffic but also want to create content for people who get targeted by ad companies and as a result, they would earn more money. Through the advertising part, the second thing is my content has become smarter, so the content is better structured. The content has much better sections and layout and, as a result, people are really more of it and the more people stay on the page. The more people want to consume this content over time, the better it will be in the sense that people will scroll further down down the page.

People will read more of the stuff that i'm writing and, as a result, they will be able to go and earn more ad revenue in the process. So the combination of these two is why my ad revenue per post is growing. The last thing is, if i go and show it to you over here, you might have noticed my rpm here is 33, and this number is much much lower than that, even though the average post probably brings in one to one and a half thousand people out Of the ones that i'm writing at the moment and again, the reason this number is so low is because so many of my old posts are getting no traffic whatsoever, so they're not earning anything. The newer posts often are earning fifty dollars.

Sometimes eighty dollars per post per month, so i've certainly learned a lot and my recent posts are much higher. So that's why the blend has gone up quite considerably, as you can see over here with the affiliate revenue proposed again. I currently have very very little in the way of affiliate marketing on the website and i'm going to be doing a lot more of that, i'm going to be recommending more hotels, i'm going to be recommending more other products through other sellers and, as a result, the Affiliate revenue will go up as well, so all i'm doing here is basically saying okay, so my ad revenue propose starts at 12 in september, and my projection is that by the time i hit october 20-21, it will be at 29 because the vast majority posts will Be like the new post that i have in the website, which should be generating i'm hoping over 30 dollars per post easily at that point per month. Same goes for affiliate revenue, i'm going to be introducing a lot more affiliate links where appropriate, where there's an appropriate place that i can recommend a product to people that they would value, i'm going to go and do that and that's why the affiliate revenue is going To grow as well, and then i have these two scalar numbers over here now.
These scalar numbers are applicable to all the different things that i'm doing, and i just wanted to tell you exactly why they're there. So i have a seasonal scaler and a seasonal scale is something that applies to the travel industry as a whole. So generally, the travel industry has a peak in the summer. Well at least the kind of travel content that i produce.

It has a massive down in. In december, like i was saying here so this scale is just something that will multiply my revenue numbers up and down, because in december each post is going to earn a lot less money and in the peak of the summer, is going to earn a lot less Money i set it to 100 in september and use data roughly from previous years, based on what i'm seeing to go and set that. I then have a 2020 scaler again september, set at 100, but i'm expecting that with the lockdowns that are impending with people going into various regional lockdowns that the situation may get worse, where people are less interested in travel based things and as a result, i have This going down and then coming back up towards the end of next year, where hopefully, this thing is going to be over at some point and people will begin thinking about going traveling and begin doing all this fun stuff. So that's why i've got this scalar over here.

All i'm doing, then, is just taking all of these and multiplying together over here. I take the number of articles that have matured that are at least six months old, i'm multiplying them by the average ad revenue that they're going to get and by the seasonal and the 2020 scalers. And i'm doing exactly the same thing over here. Just with the affiliate revenue - and i'm just projecting it over here - so that's how i am planning to go from sub 2 000 a month at the moment to a mighty 51 426 in october 2021..

We will see whether that's achievable. We will see how we're tracking against it i'll, probably do something like maybe every month, maybe i'll, put out a video where i go and show this stuff. Maybe i won't release it every single month, because people might get bored, especially people who aren't particularly interested in we'll see. Maybe this will be something separate: we're going to produce these updates somewhere else, but that is the objective you can see that it goes very, very slowly all the way through to march, and the reason for that is the two scalars.

So the seasonality and the expected log down stuff of that are likely to be impacting it over that period as the economy goes through a downturn and all of that and i'm hoping that then come next summer. Things really begin picking up. So the combination of that picking up plus my content maturing, plus the new content coming on board, i'm hoping it's going to make all that difference. Now i also have a separate blog um called just
It's It hardly has anything in it and has 25 articles that i've written i've written about personal finance, about various basics, about knowing some things, there's very very little on there uh at the moment. It's done doing nothing, it's not earning any revenue whatsoever. It just sits there.

Um, just with those 25 posts - and i think last month i had like 400 or 500 visitors to the website or something it's very, very small. It's very very early stages. I haven't been paying any attention to it whatsoever. Now.

What i'm planning to do is begin. Adding to this with new content, i'll, probably not be able to produce the same level as i will with travel, because i need to actually personally pay more attention to this. It's got my name on the website and i also want to just produce slightly higher quality content on there, because it is money related. It is important to get it right.

It is important that there isn't stuff. That is, you know wrong, so it needs a lot more checking and it needs me to be spending my time creating it rather than just outsourcing it to people. So as a result of this, i'm expecting to not really be making any money on it whatsoever. I'm expecting that the traffic will pick up sometime in late spring next year, at which point i'll put some adverts on the website.

Once there is traffic to actually monetize, i'm expecting to be able to earn some affiliate revenue as well. I've made in a very small amount of affiliate revenue. This may be through. You know, recommending different products and earning affiliate revenue that way or something else we'll see um when we get there.

But it's not going to be earning a particularly large amount of money based on this. The seasonal scalar here does actually the opposite of travel. It actually peaks around the winter, because people typically have issues with their finances where they want to do some research. They want to understand how to manage their credit better somewhere in december january time, and the difference is not as great between uh the different months within the year.

So that's why the seasonality scale and the 2020 scale are different because they probably don't impact finance in quite the same way. So here i'm expecting to be making just shy of 1500 a month by that time by october 2021. So, let's jump over to youtube now on youtube. I've made 435 that i showed you earlier in september of ad revenue and i made 61 of affiliate revenue.

Most of this is through the shares so a few of my videos. I talk about shares and investing, and i have a little link which allows the people who click the link to get a free share if they open an account and put some money into it. And i also get a free share in exchange for providing the link and the information there's also a very small amount of amazon sales, i'm talking minuscule, like maybe one dollar or one and a half dollars, or something like that in terms of commission from there. But in total it's pretty small, it's not gon na be a very big component of the overall revenue for my youtube channel.
Maybe it will, i don't know we'll see we'll find out. I guess so. The projections here are based on not as much science, because i don't have the data for every single video because youtube works in fundamentally a very different way. It's a non-linear platform.

You don't go and produce like 100 videos and get 100 times the revenue of having just one video and a thousand videos doesn't produce 10 times 100. There's there's a certain growth in terms of if you reach more people and your channel grows and more people want to watch your videos. So i've based this off several other channels that i went and reviewed, and i went and looked at exactly what their stats look like and i tried to understand. Am i likely to hit different metrics and different trajectories at different points in time? If i continue improving and making better videos and making more interesting videos that people actually want to watch anyway, so this is the projection that i've come up with.

It is super super aggressive. It is super ambitious and i'm hoping that i'll be able to actually get somewhere near it, but i definitely think it's doable because i've seen multiple other people do it. I've seen people go and reach much bigger numbers in shorter time scales. Let's hope we get there.

So all i have here is, i have a projection which grows at just about a third per month in terms of monthly views, and i feel i feel that's probably achievable. That's probably doable i've been growing at a much faster rate. So far at the beginning of my journey, hopefully i'll be able to reach that on average going forward. Now, in the month of september, i made 11.32 over rpm here in 33.

I don't know. I just divided the total revenue by the monthly views, and i i've made a bit of affiliate revenue over here as well, and i've calculated that over here as well. So this is per thousand views. If you like how much money i'm making um from youtube.

Now, what i've done is i've presumed that my ad revenue is actually going to grow because it has been growing recently - and i think, there's two separate reasons for that. First, i'm producing videos that are more targeted to the financial services sector and advertisers are beginning to recognize that and more people want to get in front of the audience that i'm building and as a result, i've got this kind of pull factor of people having more Competition to be in front of my audience and as my channel grows, i'm hoping that will continue and grow. The second is, i'm realizing what videos actually work better for my audience, which videos people are more interested in which videos attract the kind of people who are interested. In my other videos and as a result, i have a more targeted audience that is building over time and that should yield higher revenue going forward.
Because more and more of my audience is actually subscribed to my channel as opposed to not and just randomly clicking. My video more and more of my audience is generally interested in financial services products and, as a result, i can show them more videos about financial services products. It's not a huge amount of growth, i'm predicting that it's going to be just 15. You know higher than it is now, but not something crazy by the end of october 2021 and i've got some affiliate growth in there as well.

I've had 1.59 in september and i'm projecting that i'm going to reach somewhere around the 2.50 mark over the next year. So as a result of those numbers just multiplying together as simple as that, i'm not putting in any scalars here because youtube works in a very different way to how blogs work and i've predicted that i'm going to be able to make over 33 000. By the end of october 2021, this is incredibly ambitious. I think this number is even more ambitious than the blog number because in the blog number, i'm actually using data that i know, data that i think i can replicate and data from actual stuff that is working here um.

I have a lot less confidence around it, but we'll see maybe we'll smash that number. Maybe it's going to be way higher if you're interested, whether i'm going to reach that number go and subscribe to this channel right now, i will tell you exactly how i'm doing or not doing exactly how i am doing against this projection and i'll show you all The numbers in between and exactly what i'm doing so don't subscribe and uh hit the bell to get notifications every time. One of those videos comes out uh. Thank you so much anyway.

What is this thing, this tbc online business that i've got over here. So i mentioned in some of the comments - maybe one or two of you have seen that that i have this ambition in the long run, to produce a second channel where i'm able to teach people how to build an online business. I built lots of online businesses in the past that are very different to this content business that i'm talking about in this video and i'm planning to do something similar here where you i want to utilize the skills and knowledge and the background that i have in Building those other businesses for other people as a consultant or working in companies for myself. And so what i want to do is to basically build a course where i'm able to go and educate people on this in a lot of depth, but also produce a lot of free content.

Lots of free youtube videos and lots of stuff. Where i go and talk about some of the individual concepts, i was thinking whether i can produce a course and put it on youtube, but i think the structure of youtube just doesn't really work. I won't be able to. I know there's playlists, i know there's all of that, but i won't be able to produce the amount of in-depth content that is structured in the right way, so i'll probably have to do that separately but anyway.
So i want to produce a second channel and i'm thinking that if i get all my ducks aligned and i begin producing the content - lazy trips in the semi-automated way - and i get really good at making this video stuff over the next three months. But hopefully, maybe i'll be able to upload the first video sometime in november to that channel. Maybe hypothetically based on my thinking, right now and over the first few months, i've projected roughly the same rate of growth as what i've been having on my current channel um. Maybe it'll be slightly better.

Maybe my current channel will actually send some people over maybe worse, because nobody actually wants to know about this. People just want to know about personal finance. People want to know about bank accounts and credit cards. That's certainly the most popular content on my current channel by far so maybe this won't be of interest to people.

I don't know i'm projecting that i'll be able to monetize it within the same sort of time, time scales like five months or so, and i'm projecting a much lower rate of ad revenue, because i don't know, i don't know if this type of content is paid Better uh, maybe it's paid much less. I don't know i'm being sort of like middle of the road and conservative on it same for affiliate revenue. I don't know what i'm going to be recommending in this, but hopefully there'll be something in there and what i've done is i've gone and multiplied them together, and here i'm saying that, maybe if i do what i'm planning to do with this, maybe say in june Next year, i'll actually be able to launch this course, and maybe a small number of people will be able to buy that course to go and build their own online business to help them out and i'm projecting you know relatively low monthly sales volumes over here. For a grand total of just under seven thousand dollars per month um, it could be that i released this course much earlier if time allows, if i'm able to actually put the right processes in place for me to be able to get there, it depends how my Other things go because the other things need to go well in order for me to have the confidence to be able to spend more money on.

Actually, you know creating the course and hiring editors for it, because there's no way i'll be able to do it. Just by myself, it takes me way too long to edit these videos and do all of that processing. So i need to just see how the other things go, but let's look at the totals, so this is basically just me plugging in from the other tabs uh. What all of this is looking like so over here you can see.
I've got the four lines. I've got my blogs. I've got my youtube channels and i've just added them up. So, as you can see, the projections are relatively low through the winter they begin.

Picking up in march, that's sort of march to may is sort of in my thinking the time when i am going to begin knowing if this stuff is working. If this thing is on the right trajectory, if i'm doing the right thing or if i need to change tack, if i need to do something quite different in order to go and reach these numbers - and you can see that just simply the sum of all the Things that i was just describing and explaining to you bottom up. The sum of these things begins really accelerating through the summer of next year, and my hope is that when i come to october 2021 to the end of october, so one year from now is that i'm hitting 92 900 in revenue. Do you think it's doable? Do you think it's possible you've heard exactly what i've had to say exactly how i planning to get there tell me in the comments below um.

If you think it's completely not doable make sure you go and leave a comment and explain exactly where you think i'm going to fail. If you want to support me, if you want to help me get there, if you want to watch me, get there subscribe to this channel, like i just said, and make sure you like this video, so that i can then go and reach more people with this Video and then i will reference this video going forward and i will tell you exactly how i'm doing against it make sure you go and hit that like button, if you haven't done so already. Thank you. So much for watching and i'll see you guys later.


By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “My plan to make $93,000 per month in passive income in 1 year”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simeon Grigorovich says:

    So, Sasha 😛 How much tax are you paing now?)

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay M says:

    This is the kind of clickbait shit nobody wants. Unsubscribed

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David MacDonald says:

    Did you mean $93k per month or $93k within a 12 month period?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skinfluencer says:

    This was so good Sasha! I haven't really seen anyone produce a video like this before. Please do a follow up video.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hyperstarter says:

    I can't see it (sorry). How can you go from $2k a month to 5 figures in 8 months. Writing popular articles means you'll have an established audience – it doesn't mean they'll continue to click on ads or click on affiliate links. Gambling on YT revenue is a big deal too. I'd like to see you use Patreon, where figures are more stable as you provide a real service with your videos.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr FairyCake says:

    Another great video sasha, well interested in the online business channel/course. waiting and looking forward

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Jones says:

    And here's little old me with a $400 a month target!

    haha 😀

    Good luck!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Atlas says:

    why don't you use the script of your videos and upload them as blog posts to your financial blog? that would require little effort and could attract a bigger audience!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clive says:

    Do you have a full time job as well as doing all this work? Or is this going to be your main source of income? Im curious? Its like you've got fingers in a million 🥧 pies. Good luck, and do give progress updates! 👍🏽

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Golf Guy says:

    Excellent content Sasha, the classic saying aim for the stars and we might hit the moon rings a bell!

    When I hit $1000/month the next logical step is to aim for $10,000 the same year as why not? You cannot achieve big results without having BIG goals.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tortoise Cash Flow says:

    Found you from Emelia Gardner, this is a very ambitious goal. I just want to make a $100 a day lol. I hope you reach your goal, keep us updated!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay says:

    I feel for you, brother. You have the mindset but are missing the bigger picture here imo. Instead of spending a year's time and $30k on a "maybe," take some of that money and buy a "guaranteed". What I mean is travel sites are tanked. People can't even give them away. A buyer would be like Jesus Christ appearing. I suggest doing some outreach and taking advantage of the situation both in price and in terms (monthly payments). You can have your pick of the litter!!!!! And you are welcome 😉

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carl Broadbent says:

    Great goal. Good luck and I hope you smash it in 2021

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tamas says:

    woow , I did not know that you are blogging Sasha.
    You are a mistery.
    It is good to see that you understand systems and processes and you have to work on your business and not in your business. virtual assistants can also help a lot.
    I see here an upcoming Gary Vaynerchuk )))

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Williams says:

    What about costs? It looks like you have 6-8 months of funding the VAs and writers before the revenue is enough to cover their costs?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joy Fullerton says:

    Do you think it is too late to start a profitable blog/ online business?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emilia Gardner says:

    New sub here, looking forward to hearing about your progress

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Joel Roogan Explosion says:

    Look forward to more contents an updates

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Des says:

    Hi Sasha, how do I figure out my side hustle I genuinely dunno where to start

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dcjm says:

    I wonder what it was about that one video that got 50K views which is so much higher than any other? And how come that didn't make your August revenue so much higher? Youtube is weird…

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel says:

    "You show me a pay stub for 93,000 dollars and I'll quit my job and coming work for you right now" lol

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wortho says:

    Firstly, all the best with this endeavour, I am a subscriber and enjoy your videos. Can you share some clarity please for my understanding? Ad $ per post is $12. Is that the revenue generated by clicks on a blog post, where users the leave your website? Is it say Google Adverts revenue (looking at your site I see them there). Then the total is some factor of new post / 6 mth posts multiplied by the 12? Obviously 142×12 is $1704, so maybe there is something else? Thanks in advance.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ajith S B says:

    Please make a video in the next 3 months, so that we can track progress quarterly together. All the very best!
    I must say this video does inspire us to make a similar setup!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paprika says:

    I didn't know that thing with the >6 months articles. I thought it only takes a few weeks, since I was able to see one of my articles in the 2nd page of searches after a few days it was posted. It was very niche-specific though. Thanks for the video!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gigi Gaskaite says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Usman G says:

    Sasha ive just read your website, how in the hell have you travelled 50 countries. That is impressive mate.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leonard Estrella says:

    I believe you can will make your figures by the target you have set yourself in the video. For you can see it already, you just have to grind it out and you're the right person for the job Sasha. I back you all the way sir!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Smith says:

    Interesting video, I'm in a different field but I found it inspiring… I wish you the very best of luck with your plans!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lawat Chemjong Limbu says:

    will you make online course for theTBC chanel on another site?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sasha Yanshin says:

    Gonna be fun whether I get there or not!

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