MITCH MCCONNELL said he believes the country needs one last boost
Jerome Powell said " A full recovery is unlikely until people are confident that it is safe to re-engage in a broad range of activites."
$2000 a month is still a viable amount. I got my fingers crossed on this. AND I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THIS GETTING PASSED.
We have had multiple proposed in the past such as senator Kamala Harris's $2000 a month monthly payment.
BUT if I were to be realistic the $1200 seems to be the target goal at the moment.
So who are the people getting this next payment?
Well we had 160 million Americans get the first round of stimulus checks and deposits. But at the moment it looks like that number may be reduced to people who are making less money than what it was originally capped at.
McConnell said that hopsitality industry workers making $40,000 or less really need this money the most but what about everyone else?
I believe that there will be many simlair characteristcs to the first stimulus check that we saw a few months back.
If this does get passed we are looking at Early August or the celebration of the good news.
The next session starts July 20th and the Senate has a period of 15 days until August 7th to work on the next stimulus package and send it out.
If they do not work it out during that time it will be pushed back to another window and that is September 8-25th and by then it'll really be too late.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Brian Jung does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

So in today's video we're gon na be talking about everything you need to know for this past week. With regards to the second a stimulus check. Now I normally don't start out a video asking for a favor, but my boss has been kind of hard on me. Lately, for the past few weeks know if your YouTube critter, you got a boss and that boss is the freaking Almighty YouTube algorithm.

So sir algorithm has bent me over on his lap and has been just clapping sheets lately on my channel, so we really went from having some very big months. I would say we're getting like 2 3 million views across on a monthly basis for the channel, but for the past few months man we've been it's been going down, it's been going way way down and I normally don't really ask my people for a favor, but Just this one time please drop a like on this video. I send back karma just right through the YouTube screen and you guys are gon na have a great day by doing that. Alright, now you clicked on this video, because you want to hear everything about the second stimulus check and I spent the last few hours compiling as much research as possible in order to give you guys the best in death and most accurate information with regards to when We're gon na see our second stimulus check, who's gon na get it and the actual situation on where it is alright.

So let's go ahead and start this video out with some good news. All of our political leaders are in favor of the second stimulus check and here's what I found Donald Trump has said this past week. I support actual large numbers. Then the Democrats, when it comes to the stimulus package Mitch McConnell said he believes a country needs one.

Last boost Jerome Powell said a full recoveries unlikely until people are confident that it is safe to reengage in a broad range of activities. Usually those activities will require things like a second stimulus check, because people want to go shopping. People want to go golfing. People want to, I don't know, go back to the gym, but if you have no money to pay those fees, those memberships lluvia, if you have no money to eat out, another additional stimulus check, is gon na, be the answer to that.

That's gon na be the incentive in order for people to get on those activities. So definitely a lot of good news this past week with our political leaders in favor for this second stimulus package. So how much are we talking? Because we've we've heard some crazy ridiculous amounts. We've heard $ 4,000 in the air, we've heard $ 2,000 a month retroactively and then, if you have a family and a wife and kids, you max that out.

That was supposed to be $ 10,000, a month plus all the past months that we didn't receive anything. So here's the most viable list that I was able to come out with. We got the 2000 dollar amount. We got the 1200 dollar amount and then we got a even smaller amount than that, and here's where I stand, the 2000 dollar amount was really the most popular one.

I would say a few months back when senator Camilla Harris actually went ahead and announced that $ 2,000 a month monthly package. But if I were to be realistic with you guys, if I were to be upfront cuz, I'm not gon na sugarcoat things and say: oh we're all gon na get that $ 2,000 check when it's not gon na happen. Realistically, we should expect the same amount that we got from the first Kara's Act, which is that $ 1200 amount. Now some little bit bad news from this past week is the fact that they want to reduce that amount, because there have been a little bit more emphasis on hospitality workers that are making less than $ 40,000 a year.
Who really need this money too. So the other argument to the stimulus package is okay, too many people who aren't actually going through some financial issues during this time don't need the full amount. Let's reduce that income cap, which originally was around $ 75,000. They want to bring that down to $ 40,000.

Now that is really the low end of things and, in my opinion, even though they're saying that I find that to be unrealistic, because the people who are getting affected by this are not just the ones that are making less than $ 40,000 per year. You could have an income of 50, 60, 70 $ 80,000 a year that income could have actually been cut. This year you could have been furloughed, you could have lost your job. There could have been so many things that are actually happening with regards to unemployment rates and people not making as much money as they used to where it would just be completely unfair for the rest and majority of Americans, where the median income sits at around $ 50,000, a year for that to be excluded so yeah.

I see the argument in that, but I also do see the reasoning where it should be a little bit more fair and I think the cares Act. They didn't do a good job at distributing those stimulus checks. Originally but let's agree on this: the $ 1,200, although it wasn't the most, I feel like a good majority. People were able to receive it and they're able to put it to good use, and we did see some good, lasting effects from that first stimulus check.

So with proven research and proven data, it only makes sense for them to repeat what they did before, so if this does get passed, we're actually looking at the beginning of August. I've said this a couple months ago, in my video things still haven't changed. Beginning of August, that's when we should hear the good news if it does get passed. The next session starts on July 20th and they have a period of 15 days to work this out, which actually goes to August 7th and during that time, if they're able to figure things out, we should see something passed.

But if they're unable to come to an agreement, it's actually gon na get pushed back a lot farther than that which is pretty unsettling. If that's the case, it's gon na go to September, 8th to September 25th and by then I don't want to say that you know it's too late and America is probably just gon na burn down at that point. But you know with all the things that we've seen within the past few months. I feel like that's not too crazy to say if they were to push back the stimulus check payments if they cannot come to an agreement during the date of the August window.
Before that next recess - and this goes all the way until the end of September - I don't yeah yeah - it would just be stupid. In my opinion - that's just stupid. We have people out here, starving, still not being able to go to work, and we have cases re-emerging and think about. This.

We've had one stimulus payment that is, it. We've had a $ 1200 amount when we've seen other countries handing out their citizens even more on a continued basis, so $ 1200 for the for that amount to last us, four or five months, or maybe until even the end of 2020. Our government needs to do a better job at helping out their citizens think they need to do a better job, taking care of these families. They need to do a better job at coming into agreements, because the days and months that keep going by it's people are just getting pissed.

That's what I'm realizing in like a lot of these stimulus check. Videos too people are just upset right now. Sometimes they lash their anger out at content Raiders, but I know in reality, people are just mad at the situation that we're in. In most cases, people are saying: 2020 is a flop.

This is the worst year I've ever experienced on all 50 years of my life. On this planet I get it. 2020 is not the most ideal year, but I just want to give you guys some encouraging news. Our government leaders, they better be doing something.

The power is in our hands with election year and if they don't do something we vote them out, you know we let our voice get heard and thank goodness, we have communities like this. We have viewers like this and people who are just in support of one another, because at the end of the day, if we have each other, I still feel like that has a lot of strength with it guys I don't want to go to. You know preaching out here that type of style, but those are my thoughts with regards to where we stand with that. Second stimulus check update.

I hope this video was able to help you guys out, and I'm not even say you guys - should drop a like on this video, because if you guys listened to me in the beginning of the video, then you guys would have already done that. So if anything feel free to drop a comment down below and what you guys think about this whole situation and what you guys want to see next on the channel, I go through a lot of the comments. I do read almost every single comment, even though sometimes I cannot get back to all of them. I do read them thank guys again so much for watching this video.

I hope you guys all have a beautiful weekend. You guys are all amazing. Like always see you guys, the next one peace.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “My full analysis on the second stimulus package”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jovan Hayes says:

    Coming to this video 3 months and no stimulus bill has been passed. America needs to take care of struggling. Even more than they already do.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A says:

    Where can I find that clapping cheeks sound effect 👅

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tara Smathers says:

    I still have yet to recieve the first payment…… I'm not going to get my hopes up

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Fagan says:

    Anyone complains that they can't get a job right now… go pick up a shovel. Here in deplorable country we're desperate for more workers. Every shop I know is hiring right now. My advice is move to an affordable area, live close to your place of work, find a place with affordable rent, and learn an essential skill or trade. If you can't find a good job, in the mean time pick up a shovel and find a menial labor job.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Balthasar says:

    I got accepted for the first check but still have not got a delivery date for it yet :/

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JE G says:

    Peanuts is what they give to The American People, Like some have said, It's an insult…!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jmpmaster83 says:

    Not just in depth but In death!? Man you have been working hard! Lol

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesslyn Jordan says:

    No body going to get anything we going to keep struggling .

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Fields says:

    I'm still waiting for the FIRST stimulus check!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My Arayat Girl says:

    Rich company and big corporation should start to donate to the government so the gov can give everyone a right a month of stimulus packagen

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Williams says:

    What did Obama give you? Not a dam thing! A free cellphone! I didn’t hear a dam thing from you people complaining to Obama! because Trump has given more than any president! At least he’s trying!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Expedition Rc says:

    everything you have to say is speculation, Thats why youtube is not showing your vids. Nothing to see here that isnt being said by 50 other people trying to make a dime with Videos that literally say nothing new, every day.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marie Booster says:

    I feel like politicians need to be paid minimum wage so they can really relate to the rest of us. Then maybe things would get better.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SOUTHERN SEARCHER says:

    I'm still waiting for my first check to get here.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Tally says:

    You are a crazy kid with a liberal outlook. You are creating DEFEAT instead of SUCCESS. TRUMP 2020.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shay says:

    Honestly I feel like people should start protesting! They keep playing with us and it’s really messed up! Only time things ever really get changed is when people show their disapproval and anger

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Far Out No Doubt says:

    What about the first stimulus check update lol

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Serge Duka says:

    There's not a word about Democrats in your video. You do understand that the whole cash stimulus thing is their idea and they push hard to make it happen, don't you? The only thing Mitch McConnel wants to put there is the liability clause which basically means that if your employer "starves" you back to work and you catch the virus there, you won't be able to sue your employer.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IW Nunn says:

    "leaders"? You're being generous

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IW Nunn says:

    Sounds like sexual harassment to me. Tell that YouTube algorithm to watch those digits!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yeah it's me. says:

    My wife (on SS. We're old) didn't get one (she qualifies). My son, also qualifies didn't get one and there's no where to go to fix it. IRS? No help. SS? No help. Well, that's life I suppose.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nancy Fahey says:

    Don't believe it until you see it. In your hand.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lydia Castillo says:

    What if you haven't received your first stimulus check ?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pablo M says:

    Instead of reducing the amount they need to just stop giving that to companies for bail out and give it to the doctors, nurses, and us the people.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas J. Ciaccio says:

    the stimulus is to stay home not go out? you are missing Covid-19

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars _AmyLynne_2.0_ Sim says:

    Hey Brian! Love your channel, info and personality! Keep up the good work; you’re an excellent speaker! 🤘🏻💯🤗

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephanie Cain says:

    I believe we need a reaccuring payment. Once is not enough.

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