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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

This is something that people ask us as successful Traders all the time. What was your Aha moment? So I will start with Jess uh my Aha moment. um I'm still waiting for it I I've never had that moment in trading. It's always just been like we were talking about before.

it's always just been uh, sucking less and it sounds funny, but it would be. you know, losing less and you know, maybe making a little bit more and then you know. Basically, just like a stock chart when it curls. It was never like a eye-opening experience.

it was just slowly not doing as bad. That's it. That's it. So um okay so now let's try to put like, kind of like the next part of that uh to get So for someone who's out there getting started and looking and hoping for the Aha moment, it should be really beautiful.

I think I mean I think they should be looking, uh, more at themselves and and what they're doing right. What they're doing wrong. it's not that, just like any. Trader we're not just like oh yeah, keep trading trading trading as you're going red red.

It's finding and fine-tuning what we're doing day in and day out. and with that day in and day out, it it becomes the aha moment that a lot of Traders you know they'll wait for, but they they never actually see it. Yeah okay I have a little sorry, yes please I have a little different Viewpoint um than Jess I Believe Uh, there is an Aha moment but it's not the Aha moment I Feel like I had a lot of small wins. So I have a different way of looking at it as in I had a lot of aha moments.

um and I think here's here's how you should look at it if you're beginning and trying to become profitable. Is that that aha moment isn't like it's not like a zero and one like you either know how to trade or you don't. It's it's it's a it's it's a lot more. You have to go deeper into it.

So a small aha moment would be like okay, do I know how to operate a broker? Do I know what a broker is? Yes, that could be an aha or that could be the difference between you actually making a tread forward you you taking that step forward into being profitable. So I would say a few things. Few aha moments for me were uh you know understanding like how level two applies with the chart? what am I supposed to look at within level two or or anything that would put me towards being profitable? uh but yeah as overall it's not really this one big yes or no question. it's I feel like it's a lot of it.

works on so many different smaller levels. uh like broker being profitable? like finding the right patterns, finding what's working in this market whereas what's working in another market. So I think that's how I look at it I feel like it's a lot of little ahas and it's a bunch of them until you become profitable Chris But yeah, sure. um I Definitely had an Aha moment and it fortunately took a very unfortunately took a very long time if anybody watched my interview.

Uh, my first day trading experience goes back to 2010 and that was also during the great Financial crisis. um and I just didn't have access to the type of education that I had to with Warrior and um, you know all the information that's now available and I remember just back then just trying so many different things and trading small caps and large caps and ETFs long short trading the news, trading earnings I was just all over the place and uh, needless to say I didn't find consistency with that now. Fast forward uh, you know here, 10 years, 10 plus years and uh, one thing that I did very different this time which was my aha moment was focusing in on one strategy and I decided on small caps I decided on having a short bias I decided on one setup, just one setup and once I did that, it was aha. Okay, you know I can focus on this I could see the variables I could see what's working, what's not working.
When I narrowed it down to such a specific focus, it was so much easier for me to optimize and understand and just look for that one pattern. That one setup these same kind of stocks, you know? so when I really you know, kind of just drilled it in. That's when things really turned around for me and optimizing it and and going through the the just the learning Pains of that one strategy were so much easier than just being all over the place and switching my strategy. Gene just trying to do everything just pulling out random tools of the tool bag and you know it seemed like the only tool I had was a hammer and uh, that's not the only tool I have today, you know.

So that was really an aha moment for me and it was exciting when I found that consistency and I had the discipline to really just focus and Trust the process because you know what's different this time is I can have a losing trade or a fairly large losing trade and not throw my whole strategy out the window which was something I used to do going over 10 years ago I'd be like oh, this doesn't work I need a different indicator, right? What's the next best indicator that's going to work, you know? So finding that just it all works, you know, just focusing on one and getting good at it was my big Aha moment. a a hand feedback is up right now. Yeah, you know I just want you to know that which ticker I-n-p-i-c accident you've been waiting all day. Oh yeah, it's a great short sentence.

I don't like the time of day though, but no. I agree. Yeah I'm a tag I'm really careful. um now that tendency to abandon and search for something new abandoned for something new I've seen it in so many Traders there's a few Traders I've met with just like perfectly I meant what name of just every time they're emailing me, they're like hey, I got this new indicator I've got this new person I've learned I've got this new thing like oh, you should check it out if you use this you would kill and it's like I I just you know.

Just like we were saying before, like all those rules, all those I mean Cuba Vid notes are going to have losses. There's nothing that's 100 so you know I don't know if you make it over complicated, you have all the things to follow or you're just jumping I think the thing to think the thing you know. it's always like always in hindsight. Oh, that works really well in hindsight.
and then moving forward it doesn't work as well. So then you switch to something else. So it's in hindsight. and then that somewhere moving forward is us.

you know, dollar short and then a daily or numbers alien dollar shot. Um Okay So let's see. Um what about So heard from Chris I'm on just dead. What about, are you in the middle of trade? Are you no happening? I'm just always looking.

just always. Yeah. the Watcher Yeah sure anyone's seen the new Netflix episode Netflix Netflix series. Oh no yeah.

Watch right here. All right. it's definitely not. Is it is it a superpower or is it bad? It's more like it could be like uh, it sounds just like me I do like this level here.

Um yeah. aha moment. um I wouldn't say that I've had an aha moment. Um what I would say is I noticed My Equity curve going from the first couple months that I was trading negative, negative negative to bottoming out to coming up, to getting back to zero to being profitable and then having my first uh, red couple thousand dollar month um having my first drawback and then getting back above it and then another drawback and then getting back above it.

That was the point where I was kind of like okay maybe I'm past the zero or the negative point at this point. yeah that I was the same as me too it. it wasn't until I realized my account had you know built up that that in the day I took like a big boss I was oh that hurts and I was like whoa like yeah I'm still at like 45 35 Grand even after that huge loss yeah built it back up again then that's like wow Okay I think I know what I'm doing. Yeah yeah so it was just sort of You just start to have the confidence that yeah I never really had an aha moment that that like I'm profitable now or anything like that.

it's just I hit a certain point that I guess I feel like this is what I do now? Yeah, yeah. Max what about you? um I kind of say similarly, um where it's kind of like a small um, the small kind of fixes in it kind of I guess in your style and stuff kind of build into your confidence though too. That in turn essentially kind of build into one big aha moment in a way. Um, so for me for example, I mean when I was starting off I had a lot of letters I had a lot of losers.

The problem with it is that my losers were bigger than my winners. Um, so it was really more so just figuring out how to manage my wrist and that even if it's just a one-to-one or even just a little bit closer to a one-to-one um, that I'd be able to find a way to make that work if I had more winning trades than losing trades. Um, so it was really just a matter of finding how to manage my risk because everyone's going to take wins. Everyone's going to take losses in trading.
That's just part of part of a deal. So it's really just figuring out how to manage my losses and manage my risk. Um, that ended up building my confidence into my bigger ah moment. I'd say hey I Want to thank you for watching this episode I Hope you really enjoyed it.

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By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

20 thoughts on “My aha moment – being this close to turning the corner”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Kinchen says:

    Love the honesty … so powerfull for a teaching channel….

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EE says:

    It's funny how all their replies although genuine can seem confusing even to them. It shows through the struggle of finding the right words to express the AHA moment and the differences in opinion from "no aha moment," to "yes there are actually several aha moments." lol
    Trading is complex and controlled by the market. I like the reply the first person provided. Just lose less and win more. In other words risk management.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matt wilmshurst says:

    You guys should watch Alan Partridge.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lloyd says:

    Right off the bat, I appreciate the first feed back from Jess. He could have come up with some bs. I also "suck less". It's a struggle for sure.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KaiTrader says:

    There is no such thing as a single "A Ha!" moment in trading. "A Ha!" is the gradual realisation – of certain skills, of what works for you and what doesn't, of focus and not being all over the place, of understanding yourself, of discipline, of respecting your responsibility, of not complicating but learning to simplify, and of "time in the game" to develop an intuition and feel for the market you trade that eventually all comes together if you can LAST long enough. This accumulation of experience is the A Ha. The vast majority get buried long before this comes together because they want instant results, and do not want to work through this journey. Took me 6 years and I am not ashamed to admit it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars . says:

    I “feel”Jess, ty 🙏🏽

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike M says:

    My aha moment was , aha that's how you get stuck in a short squeeze and become a bag holder. Ahahaha lol

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars All We Do is Twin! says:

    Thank you

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars commentoria says:

    Why no girls at the roundtable? Seriously though love your info.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 928Dawson says:

    I am glad you explained that second to last comment because I was lost!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tobias Hernandez says:

    Great video ! Thanks for the great content !

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oneyejacks says:

    Understanding the 9EMA,VWAP, Time and sales/Level2 skills and not trading after 11a…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alberto Franco Fernandez Lozano says:

    Excelente video Ross, thanks for sharing. Blessings from Puebla, Mexico.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Unsymetric says:

    The biggest Aha moment was when i realized that even if you are good at predicting the trend of the market, if you don't have good risk manamgnet you gonna get wracked xD It often happened to me that I win 5 trades in a row and then I loss amount on money in 1 trade that I won in the 5… So pretty much using strict stop-loses on all trades now. Leveled up my game 🙂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael westrick says:

    The amount of successful traders in last 8 to 10 year bull market is astounding. I love hearing about traders that are successful over 10 to 20 years. Great insight in the video

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AndreVD says:

    absolutely agree with the third guy speaking. it's exactly what i found out after 1,5 years of being all over the place that this is what works for me.
    focus on one strategy or setup and master it. it's enough to make you a successful trader. and if you really want, at some point, you still can add more to your repertoire, but first master one strategy and ride it to success for quite some time before you try adding.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mrs. Patrice Whyte says:

    Been trading since 2018…former Warrior student also…my aha moment finally came when I started combining vwap with pivot point levels ATR ,rsi and volume and getting in and out very quickly of a trade…

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Bowden says:

    I have had the same experience as Chris and totally agree with his opinion. I think we can all agree that there is no one size fits all type of thinking. It is also incredibly hard to understand and piece together what everyone is saying in this sit down as a beginner. Time in the seat/market is what you need as a beginner hands down.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Roberts says:

    When Ross took them under his wing

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jeffrey byers says:

    Range rover or g wagon ?

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