Feel like you never have enough time to manage your work alongside your home life? Took me awhile to fully understand what it means to have a good work/life balance so figured I'd share my story with you today in the form a little vlog 🙂
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Yo almost forgot about you come on. I got a busy day. Let's go so what's up Johnson name in logging is the game. Today I haven't blogged in years and for those of you don't know, I used to upload weekly vlogs on a different channel of mine for like almost a full year straight.

I really enjoyed it and I just kind of stopped after a little while um. I don't really know why, and lately I've been having an itching to actually do another vlog. So here we are like I've mentioned. I've got a pretty incredibly jam-packed day today, which I'm pretty excited for we're gon na do a lot of fun stuff.

So I figured you know, I want to document the entire day, because I'm doing so many different things, and not only that, but I want to actually talk about my tips for a successful work-life balance, because one so many people get this debate in this argument wrong And because I feel like I've got a really good work-life balance and it actually took me years and years and years to figure out, you don't know me basically by the age of 16, I was essentially cut off financially for my parents, not because my parents were Poor, but because they wanted me to start, you know kind of going out on my own making my own money do my own things at the age of 16. I was probably like the only 16 year old that was like. I really want a job. I want a job so bad, so I can start making some money and that's what I did on my 16th birthday.

I was so stoked that I was able to actually legally get a job. Then I probably sent out a hundred or 200 applications. Two or three interviews out of that and then I ended up actually landing my first ever job at Jimmy John's, which is a sandwich shop. It was, it was rough but didn't matter because you know I had money to go, do things and then I also had YouTube going on at this point, and you know once I graduated high school and went on to college, I pretty much only stuck to entrepreneurship Type jobs almost there, which is really important to my story, because if you don't know much about me, I'm 23 years old right now and when it comes to work I mean I do all sorts of things like I'm an online instructor.

I obviously do YouTube. I'm a full time mortgage lender, I own a real estate brokerage. Let's see, I just became part owner of a furniture company, so I stay extremely busy and I guess you can say I get around oh and I also coach beach volleyball whenever I've got some free time, which is why I want to talk about a work/life balance Because if you're sitting there going, how do you do all those things and still have a life? It's very important to understand the premise of a work-life balance, because so many people argue in the wrong way and what I mean by that is actually understanding the real problem. But before we get into that thought, I'm actually arriving to the first pit.

Stop of the day, so you will have to hold that thought for one second, while we go work out legs and arms, I only did back all right, so we're we're heading to a special. I guess event we'll get there in a little bit, but I want to talk about more of a work-life balance, so most people think it will actually people. What is what is your ideal work-life balance? Okay, so I mean I almost have this now because I quit one pick jobs but eight hours of sleep 12 to 8 and then wake up two to three hours of like getting ready. You know - and so let's say like 45 hours a week, making 75,000 every year after taxes, okay, so Pete's response is probably 90 % of people out there.
They want to work 40 hours, maybe 45 hours max, and you want to be making close to the six-figure range, which seems like a pretty amazing life, but the problem is most jobs. Do not allow for that. Companies are literally designed to create jobs that do not allow for you to work that little and make that much money. And if you are working that little and making that much money, then you've probably been out the job for 10 to 15 to 20 years, where you're tenured and you can do things like that - that's the problem with a work-life balance.

It's not how you manage your time. It's how your job manages your time. Acknowledgments. The first step Tyler was in a terrible job that he hated and he told me every day that he hated it and he got a new job and now his work-life balance is amazing and we're get to do fun.

Things like we're doing today. I acknowledging the fact that your job determines your work-life balance. Not you. Let me say that again, your job is what determines your work-life balance, not you.

So whatever your ideal work-life balance looks like you have to find a job that matches that for me in my job, actually we're pulling up to to our second event of the day, which is the lake. We are test driving brand new boat, speeding, your side yeah. It sucked I didn't have fun at all. That boat was too old.

2020 is brand new, this way too old, ever back in 2020, when we rode that uh that's sucked, but I think that was pretty fun. Well, alright, um, ok, work-life balance and in kind of my life, so I chose an entrepreneurship type route because the revenue making possibilities are endless with that, but also the working hours possibilities are endless with that. So Pete. When we are hanging out who gets priority you or my phone when it rings phone yeah phone phone, 100 percent of the time, my phone rings, I am answering it no matter what we are doing, I'm answering the phone.

Am i okay with that yeah, because I like doing what I do and again I'm in the Entrepreneurship type field, so I like to make as much money as I can so I can, you know, have as much fun and play as hard as I can. I'm in my 20s, I don't have like a kid and family like Pete. I have a kid in family time, but yeah. So that's the thing that kind of sucks is.

You know I work a lot of hours, but again I enjoy it and and it works for me, even though I know it can be frustrating for some of the people. I hang out with because I've literally been at the lake on a boat with, like eight people, listening music having fun phone rings and I'm like alright pause. The music. Everyone be quiet act like we're in an office right now and then I'll be on the phone for like 15 minutes and then hang up and we'll go back to what we're doing my friends they put up with me, which is good, no vehicle beetle yeah anyway.
My goal is not to work. Eight hours play eight hours in sleep eight hours. A lot of people are always saying you know. I want a better work/life balance where I can go, hang out with friends or spend time with girlfriend wife.

Kids, all that stuff, and you can. You just have to pick a job that allows that, because you only get 24 hours in a day, got ta get more hours every day by sleeping less. How do you do that? You sleep faster, Oh anyway, look at Maslow's hierarchy of need, P, R, m'' d. If you've never seen this for the bottom of the pyramid is all about surviving how you can eat.

You need to be able to sleep, you need to be able to drink water. Your body needs these things to actually live and then, above that, you've got your security, and you know your safety and making sure that instead of just surviving you're actually living now and then above that is gon na, be your social relationship, your family, your compassion, your Love all that kind of stuff. So if you go based off the needs of the human body, you have to provide for your family for yourself aka, which means you're working. It starts with your work, not with your life and definitely not with your time management.

Yeah. Anything else I'm hungry - I am such an idiot - forget this literally had an amazing day planned and was like. Oh my gosh, we're gon na vlog. This it's gon na be awesome.

It's gon na be so cool. We're gon na start out doing some. You know a good little workout in the morning. We're gon na go on some brand new boats today and have some fun surfing your wakeboarding, all this fun stuff, and then I was gon na.

Do all that and be back in time for my flight to Vegas. Yes, I was literally going to go to Vegas. Today. Keyword was because I go to check in on my flight and I'm looking at it like yeah.

I think we'll have enough time. Flight leaves at 2:45 we're good, we'll be back, we'll, be able to set up some time to shower. Above all that stuff I get back and go check into my flight. The flight is for three weeks from now.

What was I thinking attention to detail? Are you freaking kidding me, so I have no idea what I'm going to do. I was going to Vegas literally just for the night. I was flying to Vegas just for the night for my buddy's birthday and now I'm going to call him Maile he's already there. How mad would you be if I don't come a new fight? If I flew out today, since it's last-minute, it's only $ 380.
Here we go the weekend. I do have tickets a flight, for I don't know how I miss enough. So bad, oh, but do not ever say the? U word in my presence, all right! Well I'll! Let you guys know what do I do? I've got three options option one. I can drive out to Vegas it's about a four and a half hour drive from where I'm at now.

So I could drive out today. So I got ta get an oil change in my car before I do so, and I Drive out there option number two: I just suck it up and I buy another plane ticket because I actually can't cancel my other flight and then option three. I just don't. Go to Vegas and that kind of sucks cuz I would have been a really cool day and a lot of fun, especially for his birthday, but I don't know what do i do? What do i do? What do i do? I honestly don't know what I'm gon na do right now.

I literally do not know what I'm gon na do, I'm always so strict on like a schedule that I stick to and I totally ruin it, but I don't know what I'm gon na do. I'm gon na figure that out, but first I want to. I want to wrap up this video, so I can focus on what I'm doing and not. You know how fast the vlog and half-ass what I'm doing, I'm so never gon na finish up the story on this whole work-life balance, bottom line.

What I've been trying to say for this entire video is, if you are looking to improve the quality of your life, believe it or not, it starts with your job. You can't put lipstick on a pig if you're in a situation that isn't allowing for you to do what you want to do. You have to change your situation and not only that but understanding the fact that, no matter what situation or job you are in the more you work, the more you're gon na get paid and the less you work. The more time you have at making your ideal work-life balance a reality, yeah yo.

What just happened?.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

7 thoughts on “My #1 tip for a successful work-life balance”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sadboi 123 says:

    I’ll destroy almost anyone in volleyball. I may look like a complete and utter dumbass while doing it, but I do it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ESC Wilde222 says:

    Didn't knew you had a second channel😯

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harshil Patel says:

    Dude! When did all of this happen? I remember back when u graduated college!😂😅🤪

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle says:

    You spend so much time on you me videos and never get much views you should get millions watched you for 4 years and still enjoy your content

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pixelmanialegend YT says:

    Awesome video man

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NIIYO says:

    So what's your job?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NIIYO says:


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